94 research outputs found

    Discriminación por razón de género y negociación colectiva tras la ley 3/2012

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    Este artículo describe y analiza la configuración jurídica del convenio colectivo como fuente reguladora y ga-rantista del derecho de igualdad y no dis-criminación por razón de género, tanto con carácter general como en el ámbito específico del acceso al empleo, formación y promoción en el trabajo y en las más relevantes condiciones en las relaciones laborales. A tal fin, y a partir de la doctrina establecida por la jurisprudencia constitucional, se estudian las causas de la desigualdad y las categorías que permiten una fundamentación razonable y objetiva para lograr la igualdad material. También se aportan datos cuantitativos acerca de la influencia de la Ley Orgánica 3/2007 en el régimen de los convenios convenios colectivos en esta materia.This paper work de-scribes and analyses the collective agree-ments legal configuration as regulating and guarantor source of the equality's right and no discrimination because of the sex, as much in general terms as in the specific field of accessing to a job, training and advance-ment in the job and in the main conditions in the labour relationships. According the established doctrine by the constitutional sentences, we study the inequality causes and the categories which give a reasonable and factual basis to reach a material equality. In addition, this work also provides quanti-tative facts about the influence of Organic Law 3/2007 in the collective agreements regime in this matte

    Biofilm formation of Flavobacterium psychrophilum on various substrates

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    The ability of Flavobacterium psychrophilum to adhere to and form biofilms on different types of materials used on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farms was evaluated in this study. F. psychrophilum NCIMB 1947T, was inoculated onto a variety of different surfaces, including stainless steel, plastic, glass, wood, and zinc pyrithione encapsulated antibacterial plastic. The samples were then cultured in a humidified chamber or transferred into fish tanks containing either (1) freshwater or (2) filtered lake water. The formation of biofilms was quantified by fluorescent microscopy. F. psychrophilum formed biofilms on all of the surfaces tested; however, the adherence of the bacterium to the antibacterial plastic was much lower than the attachment observed on the other surfaces, illustrating the bacteriostatic properties of this material for F. psychrophilum. Moreover, bacterial numbers were greater on the surfaces maintained in lake water compared with those maintained in freshwater. The mineral composition of the lake water may have been responsible for the increased bacterial adherence observed between the two types of water. Treatment of the water, regular cleaning of equipment and the use of antimicrobial material to house the fish may help reduce biofilm formation by F. psychrophilum in fish farming systems

    Health hygienic profile of places of food expense in the Department of Caaguazú 2018

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    Los manipuladores de alimentos desempeñan un papel primordial en la alimentación, se debe garantizar que las comidas servidas sean higiénicas para el consumo. La contaminación de dichos alimentos pone a los consumidores en riesgo de sufrir enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Los mapas conceptuales en la enseñanza : Viejas técnicas con recursos nuevos

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    Se presenta una investigación acerca del uso y la efectividad de los mapas conceptuales en la enseñanza. La experiencia se realizó en tres universidades cubanas y las materias en las que se emplearon los medios de enseñanza son tan disímiles como: Botánica, Programación Lógica y Estructuras de Datos. Los mapas fueron confeccionados por profesores de vasta experiencia en cada una de las materias y su aplicación en el aula se ha sometido a validaciones estadísticas con resultados satisfactorios. Como parte de la investigación se asocian nuevos recursos a los mapas, entre los que se destacan los agentes inteligentes, que guían el proceso de enseñanza, así como herramientas para la visualización de programas que permiten apreciar el funcionamiento de los algoritmos que se implementen.The present research is about the use and effectiveness of concept maps in teaching. The experiment was conducted in three Cuban universities and educational facilities created were used in subjects as diverse as: Botany, Logic Programming and Data Structures. The systems were developed by teachers with extensive experience and its application in the classroom has undergone successful statistical validations. As part of the research, new resources are associated with the maps, especially the intelligent agents that guide the teaching process, also highlights program visualization tools that allow us to appreciate the performance of the algorithms are implemented.Facultad de Informátic

    La crianza de animales domésticos de traspatio en las comunidades del lago de Atitlán, Guatemala The raising of backyard animals in communities of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

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    El presente reporte de caso expone las prácticas de un grupo de mujeres de orígenes tz’utujil, kaqchikel y k’iche’, respecto a la crianza de animales de traspatio en la cuenca del Lago de Atitlán, Sololá, Guatemala. Lo anterior, es el resultado de observaciones de campo, realizadas por estudiantes de medicina veterinaria y zootecnia. Además, se presenta brevemente la experiencia de organizar, capacitar y asistir de manera técnica a un grupo 35 mujeres. Se reconoce que la crianza de animales de traspatio en los alrededores del Lago de Atitlán involucra pequeñas cantidades de gallinas (Gallus gallus) y cerdos (Sus scrofa), a los que se alimenta principalmente de maíz y de excedentes de comida del hogar. Los animales son albergados en refugios que se construyen con materiales locales de bajo costo y el tratamiento de las enfermedades se basa en la utilización de plantas. La medicina farmacológica y las vacunas son la segunda opción para atender las enfermedades. Se discuten las oportunidades que presenta la crianza de traspatio para mujeres de pueblos originarios en esta región y se propone a las epizootias como la principal amenaza de este medio de vida

    Interferon-stimulated gene 15 pathway is a novel mediator of endothelial dysfunction and aneurysms development in angiotensin II infused mice through increased oxidative stress

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    AIMS: Interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) encodes a ubiquitin-like protein that induces a reversible post-translational modification (ISGylation) and can also be secreted as a free form. ISG15 plays an essential role as host-defence response to microbial infection; however, its contribution to vascular damage associated with hypertension is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bioinformatics identified ISG15 as a mediator of hypertension-associated vascular damage. ISG15 expression positively correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure and carotid intima-media thickness in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Consistently, Isg15 expression was enhanced in aorta from hypertension models and in angiotensin II (AngII)-treated vascular cells and macrophages. Proteomics revealed differential expression of proteins implicated in cardiovascular function, extracellular matrix and remodelling, and vascular redox state in aorta from AngII-infused ISG15-/- mice. Moreover, ISG15-/- mice were protected against AngII-induced hypertension, vascular stiffness, elastin remodelling, endothelial dysfunction, and expression of inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. Conversely, mice with excessive ISGylation (USP18C61A) show enhanced AngII-induced hypertension, vascular fibrosis, inflammation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation along with elastin breaks, aortic dilation, and rupture. Accordingly, human and murine abdominal aortic aneurysms showed augmented ISG15 expression. Mechanistically, ISG15 induces vascular ROS production, while antioxidant treatment prevented ISG15-induced endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodelling. CONCLUSION: ISG15 is a novel mediator of vascular damage in hypertension through oxidative stress and inflammation.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)/FSE (SAF2016-80305P; SAF2017-88089-R; SAF2016-79151-R; RTI2018-099246-B-I00), Ministerio de Innovación, Cultura y Deportes (PGC2018-097019-B-I00), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; FIS PI18/0919); Comunidad de Madrid (CM) (AORTASANA B2017/BMD-3676) FEDER-a way to build Europe, Bayer AG (2019-09-2433), CM-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (SI1-PJI-2019-00321), and British Heart Foundation (CH/12/4/29762; RE//18/6/34217). M.G.-A. was supported by an FPI-UAM fellowship, R.R.-D. by a Juan de la Cierva contract (IJCI-2017-31399), and A.C.M. by a Walton Fellowship, University of Glasgow. The CNIC is supported by ISCIII, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505)

    Air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Atlantic as measured during the FICARAM cruises

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    A total of fourteen hydrographic cruises spanning from 2000 to 2008 were conducted during the spring and autumn seasons between Spain and the Southern Ocean, under the framework of the Spanish research project FICARAM. The performed underway measurements are processed and analysed to describe the meridional air-sea CO2 fluxes (F CO2) along the Atlantic Ocean. The data was organised into different biogeochemical oceanographic provinces, according mainly to the thermohaline characteristics. The obtained spatial and temporal distributions of F CO2 follow the generally expected patterns and annual trends. The Subtropical regions in both hemispheres alternated the CO2 source and sink nature from autumn to spring, respectively. On the other hand, Tropical waters and the Patagonian Sea clearly behaved as sinks of atmospheric CO2 like the waters of the Drake Passage during autumn. The obtained results during the cruises also revealed significant long-term trends, such as the warming of equatorial waters (0.11±0.03 Cyr−1) and the decrease of surface salinity (−0.16±0.01 yr−1) in tropical waters caused by the influence of the Amazon River plume. This reduction in surface salinity appears to have a direct influence over the CO2 storage rates, fostering the uptake capacity of atmospheric CO2 (−0.09±0.03 molm−2 yr−1). An analysis of the biogeochemical forcing on the CO2 fugacity (fCO2) variability performed from an empirical algorithm highlighted the major role of the Amazon River input in the tropical North Atlantic fluxes. In addition, it has provided a quantitative measure of the importance of the thermodynamic control of F CO2 at temperate latitudes

    Risk factors for graft loss and mortality after renal transplantation according to recipient age: a prospective multicentre study

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    Producción CientíficaBackground. To describe the causes of graft loss, patient death and survival figures in kidney transplant patients in Spain based on the recipient’s age. Methods. The results at 5 years of post-transplant cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients, taken from a database on CVD, were prospectively analysed, i.e. a total of 2600 transplanted patients during 2000–2002 in 14 Spanish renal transplant units, most of them receiving their organ from cadaver donors. Patients were grouped according to the recipient’s age: Group A: 60 years. The most frequent immunosuppressive regimen included tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and steroids. Results. Patients were distributed as follows: 25.85% in Group A (>40 years), 50.9% in Group B (40–60 years) and 23.19% in Group C (>60). The 5-year survival for the different age groups was 97.4, 90.8 and 77.7%, respectively. Death-censored graft survival was 88, 84.2 and 79.1%, respectively, and non death-censored graft survival was 82.1, 80.3 and 64.7%, respectively. Across all age groups, CVD and infections were the most frequent cause of death. The main causes of graft loss were chronic allograft dysfunction in patients 1 g at 6 months post-transplantation were statistically significant in the three age groups. The patient survival multivariate analysis did not achieve a statistically significant common factor in the three age groups. Conclusions. Five-year results show an excellent recipient survival and graft survival, especially in the youngest age group. Death with functioning graft is the leading cause of graft loss in patients >40 years. Early improvement of renal function and proteinuria together with strict control of cardiovascular risk factors are mandatory

    Prognostic Value of Serum Paraprotein Response Kinetics in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma

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    Response kinetics is not well-established as a prognostic marker in multiple myeloma (MM). We developed a mathematical model to assess the prognostic value of serum monoclonal component (MC) response kinetics during 6 induction cycles in 373 newly diagnosed MM patients. The model calculated a resistance parameter that reflects the stagnation in the response after an initial descent, dividing the patients into two kinetics categories with significantly different progression-free survival (PFS). Introduction: Response kinetics is a well-established prognostic marker in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The situation is not clear in multiple myeloma (MM) despite having a biomarker for response monitoring (monoclonal component [MC]). Materials and Methods: We developed a mathematical model to assess the prognostic value of serum MC response kinetics during 6 induction cycles, in 373 NDMM transplanted patients treated in the GEM2012Menos65 clinical trial. The model calculated a resistance parameter that reflects the stagnation in the response after an initial descent. Results: Two patient subgroups were defined based on low and high resistance, that respectively captured sensitive and refractory kinetics, with progression-free survival (PFS) at 5 years of 72% and 59% (HR 0.64, 95% CI 0.44-0.93; P =.02). Resistance significantly correlated with depth of response measured after consolidation (80.9% CR and 68.4% minimal residual disease negativity in patients with sensitive vs. 31% and 20% in those with refractory kinetics). Furthermore, it modulated the impact of reaching CR after consolidation; thus, within CR patients those with refractory kinetics had significantly shorter PFS than those with sensitive kinetics (median 54 months vs. NR; P =.02). Minimal residual disease negativity abrogated this effect. Our study also questions the benefit of rapid responders compared to late responders (5-year PFS 59.7% vs. 76.5%, respectively [P <.002]). Of note, 85% of patients considered as late responders were classified as having sensitive kinetics. Conclusion: This semi-mechanistic modeling of M-component kinetics could be of great value to identify patients at risk of early treatment failure, who may benefit from early rescue intervention strategies. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Neutrophils play a key role in the initiation of glomerular hematuria in a postinfectious igan experimental model

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    2 p.BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hematuria is a common finding in patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN), occurring mainly after upper respiratory tract infections.Hematuria can lead to acute kidney injury and chronic loss of renal function in IgAN.However, the mechanisms involved in egression of erythrocytes from the glomerular capillaries into the urinary space are unknown. To answer this question, we developed an infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) in a humanized experimental IgAN model (a1KICD89tg mice) that resembles the pathological and clinical findings of disease (IgA1 and soluble CD89 mesangial deposits, complement activation,proteinuria and hematuria).METHOD: a1KICD89tg mice (12 weeks old) received an intranasal instillation of SP(107 bacteria). Blood, urine and renal samples were obtained during 1 month after induction of respiratory infection. The presence of SP in lungs from these mice was confirmed by microbiological analysis. Hematuria was quantified in the urinary sediment and renal function was determined by biochemical analysis. Renal histological characteristics were evaluated by hematoxylin/eosin, masson’s trichrome and PAS staining. IgA glomerular deposits, activation of complement system and infiltration of proinflammatory cells was examined by immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence. Circulating leukocyte populations were studied on a hemocytometer. Renal inflammatory cytokines, metalloproteases, as well as markers of tubular and glomerular damage were determined in kidneys by RT-PCR and western-blot. To further validate the role of neutrophils in this pathological setting, we selective depleted these cells through a single injection of anti-Ly6G mAb (200 mg/kg i.p).RESULTS: SP-intranasal instillation in a1KICD89tg mice increased hematuria,microalbuminuria and proteinuria, peaking at 48h after induction of the respiratory infection. SP instillation caused disruption of the glomerular basement membrane,with decreased expression of the slit diaphragm proteins nephrin and synaptopodin, as well as higher glomerular accumulation of IgA and proteins of complement system (C3, MBL). Hematuria intensity was positively correlated with the presence of interstitial F4/80þ macrophages, matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a, CCL-2, CCL5 and CX3CL1/CX3CR1) as well as p65 NF-jB activation. Hematuria was negatively correlated with anti inflammatory IL-10 mRNA expression, Factor H levels and collagen IV content. Notably, SP infection induced expression of the tubular injury markers N-GAL andKIM-1. Increased peripheral neutrophils levels were observed in the SP-infected a1KICD89tg mice. Mechanistically, anti-Ly6G-mediated neutrophil depletion reduced SP-mediated hematuria, proteinuria and albuminuria, prevented loss of synaptopodin and nephrin, decreased renal inflammation and MMP-9 expression in a1KICD89tg mice.CONCLUSION: In a humanized mouse model of IgAN, hematuria bouts following respiratory tract infections are caused by a neutrophil-mediated alteration of the glomerular filtration barrier (podocyte damage, complement deposits and loss of Collagen IV). These findings may help to unveil novel potential therapeutic approaches to combat one of the key elements in the progression of IgAN and related conditions.Peer reviewe