49 research outputs found

    Heparan sulfate proteoglycans undergo differential expression alterations in left sided colorectal cancer, depending on their metastatic character

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    Abstract Background Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are complex molecules which play a role in the invasion and growth and metastatic properties of cancerous cells. In this work we analyze changes in the patterns of expression of HSPGs in left sided colorectal cancer (LSCRC), both metastatic and non-metastatic, and the results are also compared with those previously obtained for right sided tumors (RSCRCs). Methods Eighteen LSCRCs were studied using qPCR to analyze the expression of both the proteoglycan core proteins and the enzymes involved in heparan sulfate chain biosynthesis. Certain HSPGs also carry chondroitin sulfate chains and so we also studied the genes involved in its biosynthesis. The expression of certain genes that showed significant expression differences were also analysed using immunohistochemical techniques. Results Changes in proteoglycan core proteins were dependent on their location, and the main differences between metastatic and non-metastatic tumors affected cell-surface glypicans, while other molecules were quite similar. Glypicans were also responsible for the main differences between RS- and LS- malignances. Regarding the biosynthesis of heparan sulfate chains, differential alterations in transcription depending on the presence or not of metastasis affected genes involved in the modification of uronic acid (epimerization and 2-O sulfation), and some isoforms responsible for sulfation of glucosamine (NDST1, HS6ST1). Moreover, in RSCRCs differences were preferentially found in the expression of genes involved in C6 and C3 sulfation of glucosamine, but not in NDSTs or SULFs. Finally, synthesis of chondroitin sulfate showed some alterations, which affected various steps, including polimerization and the modification of chains, but the main variations dependent on the presence of metastases were epimerization and 6C sulfation; however, when compared with RSCRCs, the essential divergences affected polymerization of the chains and the 6C sulfation of the galactosamine residue. Conclusions We evidenced alterations in the expression of HSPGs, including the expression of cell surface core proteins, many glycosiltransferases and some enzymes that modify the GAG chains in LSCRCs, but this was dependent on the metastatic nature of the tumor. Some of these alterations are shared with RSCRCs, while others, focused on specific gene groups, are dependent on tumor localization

    Cycloidal Domains in the Magnetization Reversal Process of Ni80Fe20/Nd16Co84/Gd12Co88 Trilayers

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    The magnetization reversal of each individual layer in magnetic trilayers ( permalloy / Nd Co / Gd Co ) is investigated in detail with x-ray microscopy and micromagnetic calculations. Two sequential inversion mechanisms are identified. First, magnetic vortex-antivortex pairs move along the field direction while inverting the magnetization of magnetic stripes until they are pinned by defects. The vortex-antivortex displacements are reversible within a field interval which allows their controlled motion. Second, as the reversed magnetic field increases, cycloidal domains appear in the permalloy layer as a consequence of the dissociation of vortex-antivortex pairs due to pinning. The field range where magnetic vortices and antivortices are effectively guided by the stripe pattern is of the order of tens of mT for the Ni Fe layer, as estimated from the stability of cycloid domains in the sample

    Neuroendocrine tumors show altered expression of chondroitin sulfate, glypican 1, glypican 5, and syndecan 2 depending on their differentiation grade

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    Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are found throughout the body and are important as they give rise to distinct clinical syndromes. Glycosaminoglycans, in proteoglycan (PG) form or as free chains, play vital roles in every step of tumor progression. Analyzing tumor samples with different degrees of histological differentiation we determined the existence of important alterations in chondroitin sulfate (CS) chains. Analysis of the transcription of the genes responsible for the production of CS showed a decline in the expression of some genes in poorly differentiated compared to well-differentiated tumors. Using anti-CS antibodies, normal stroma was always negative whereas tumoral stroma always showed a positive staining, more intense in the highest grade carcinomas, while tumor cells were negative. Moreover, certain specific cell surface PGs experienced a drastic decrease in expression depending on tumor differentiation. Syndecan 2 levels were very low or undetectable in healthy tissues, increasing significantly in well-differentiated tumors, and decreasing in poorly differentiated NETs, and its expression levels showed a positive correlation with patient survival. Glypican 5 appeared overexpressed in high-grade tumors with epithelial differentiation, and not in those that displayed a neuroendocrine phenotype. In contrast, normal neuroendocrine cells were positive for glypican 1, displaying intense staining in cytoplasm and membrane. Low-grade NETs had increased expression of this PG, but this reduced as tumor grade increased, its expression correlating positively with patient survival. Whilst elevated glypican 1 expression has been documented in different tumors, the downregulation in high-grade tumors observed in this work suggests that this proteoglycan could be involved in cancer development in a more complex and context-dependent manner than previously though

    Cardiotrophin-1 opposes renal fibrosis in mice: Potential prevention of chronic kidney disease

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    [EN]Chronic kidney disease is characterized by tubulointerstitial fibrosis involving inflammation, tubular apoptosis, fibroblast proliferation and extracellular matrix accumulation. Cardiotrophin-1, a member of the interleukin-6 family of cytokines, protects several organs from damage by promoting survival and anti-inflammatory effects. However, whether cardiotrophin-1 participates in the response to chronic kidney injury leading to renal fibrosis is unknown. We hypothesized and assessed the potential role of cardiotrophin-1 in a mice model of tubulointerstitial fibrosis induced by unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO). Three days after UUO, obstructed kidneys from cardiotrophin-1-/- mice show higher expression of inflammatory markers IL-1β, Cd68, ICAM-1, COX-2 and iNOs, higher activation of NF-κB, higher amount of myofibroblasts and higher severity of tubular damage and apoptosis, compared with obstructed kidneys from wild-type littermates. In a later stage, obstructed kidneys from cardiotrophin-1-/- mice show higher fibrosis than obstructed kidneys from wild-type mice. Interestingly, administration of exogenous cardiotrophin-1 prevents the increased fibrosis resulting from the genetic knockout of cardiotrophin-1 upon UUO, and supplementation of wild-type mice with exogenous cardiotrophin-1 further reduces the renal fibrosis induced by UUO. In vitro, renal myofibroblasts from cardiotrophin-1-/- mice have higher collagen I and fibronectin expression and higher NF-κB activation than wild-type cells. Cardiotrophin-1 participates in the endogenous response that opposes renal damage by counteracting the inflammatory, apoptotic and fibrotic processes. And exogenous cardiotrophin-1 is proposed as a candidate for the treatment and prevention of chronic renal fibrosis

    Trends in hip fracture in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the Spanish National Inpatient Registry over a 17-year period (1999–2015). TREND-AR study

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    Purpose T o analyse trends in hip fracture (HF) rates in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) over an extended time period (17 years). Methods T his observational retrospective survey was performed by reviewing data from the National Surveillance System for Hospital Data, which includes more than 98% of Spanish hospitals. All hospitalisations of patients with RA and HF that were reported from 1999 to 2015 were analysed. Codes were selected using the Ninth International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification: ICD-9-CM: RA 714.0 to 714.9 and HF 820.0 to 820.3. The crude and age-adjusted incidence rate of HF was calculated by age and sex strata over the last 17 years. General lineal models were used to analyse trends. Results Between 1999 and 2015, 6656 HFs occurred in patients with RA of all ages (84.25% women, mean age 77.5 and 15.75% men, mean age 76.37). The ageadjusted osteoporotic HF rate was 221.85/100 000 RA persons/ year (women 227.97; men 179.06). The HF incidence rate increased yearly by 3.1% (95% CI 2.1 to 4.0) during the 1999–2015 period (p<0.001) and was more pronounced in men (3.5% (95% CI 2.1 to 4.9)) than in women (3.1% (95% CI 2.3 to 4.1)). The female to male ratio decreased from 1.54 in 1999 to 1.14 in 2015. The average length of hospital stays (ALHS) decreased (p<0.001) from 16.76 days (SD 15.3) in 1999 to 10.78 days (SD 7.72) in 2015. Age at the time of hospitalisation increased (p<0.001) from 75.3 years (SD 9.33) in 1999 to 79.92 years (SD 9.47) in 2015. There was a total of 326 (4.9%) deaths during admission, 247 (4.4%) in women and 79 (7.5%) in men (p<0.001). Conclusion I n Spain, despite the advances that have taken place in controlling disease activity and in treating osteoporosis, the incidence rate of HF increased in both male and female patients with RA.This work has a help for the research provided by the Society of Rheumatology of the Community of Madrid (SORCOM)

    Descripción de los niveles de Burnout en diferentes colectivos profesionales

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    El interés en la investigación del Burnout proviene del hecho de tratarse de un problema social que afecta a muchas personas. Los datos epidemiológicos sobre el síndrome hablan de un pro- blema de tal magnitud, que conlleva consecuencias personales y laborales negativas. Este hecho justifica por sí mismo que el desarrollo investigador haya crecido de manera considerable en es- tos últimos años. Si bien es cierto que existen diversos colectivos profesionales de riesgo de pa- decimiento del síndrome de Burnout, también lo es, que los niveles del mismo en sus diferentes dimensiones, suelen cambiar, e incluso la secuenciación en las mismas en la aparición del pro- blema, se puede ver alterada. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir comparativamente los nive- les de Burnout en cuatro muestras, una de población general y tres de profesionales, docentes, sanitarios y miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas

    Novedades corológicas y nomenclaturales para la flora vascular de la Sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central), III

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    In the present paper we present the floristic novelties for the flora of the Sierra de Gredos resulting from the explorations of these mountains and that, mostly, are the result of the field trips of the year 2021. We present 31 chorological novelties, among which we highlight the finding in the Community of Madrid of the restricted endemic Iberodes brassicifolia (Lag.) M. Serrano, R. Carbajal & S. Ortiz. Also relevant are Herniaria hirsuta L., Rosa glauca Pourr. (new for the Spanish Central System) and Rosa coriifolia Fr. (new for Extremadura and the whole of the Sierra de Gredos), as well as Soliva sessilisRuiz & Pav., Trifolium vesiculosumSavi (new for Castilla y León) and Lepidium villarsii Gren. & Godr. subsp. villarsii (new for the Sierra de Gredos). Finally, two new nomenclatural combinations are made in the genus Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb.: Tephroseris balbisiana (DC.) Holub subsp. coincy (Rouy) P. Vargas & Luceño, endemic to Gredos range, and Tephroseris balbisiana subsp. elodes (Boiss. ex DC.) P. Vargas & Luceño, endemic to Sierra Nevada

    Novel genes and sex differences in COVID-19 severity

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    [EN] Here, we describe the results of a genome-wide study conducted in 11 939 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) positive cases with an extensive clinical information that were recruited from 34 hospitals across Spain (SCOURGE consortium). In sex-disaggregated genome-wide association studies for COVID-19 hospitalization, genome-wide significance (P < 5 × 10−8) was crossed for variants in 3p21.31 and 21q22.11 loci only among males (P = 1.3 × 10−22 and P = 8.1 × 10−12, respectively), and for variants in 9q21.32 near TLE1 only among females (P = 4.4 × 10−8). In a second phase, results were combined with an independent Spanish cohort (1598 COVID-19 cases and 1068 population controls), revealing in the overall analysis two novel risk loci in 9p13.3 and 19q13.12, with fine-mapping prioritized variants functionally associated with AQP3 (P = 2.7 × 10−8) and ARHGAP33 (P = 1.3 × 10−8), respectively. The meta-analysis of both phases with four European studies stratified by sex from the Host Genetics Initiative (HGI) confirmed the association of the 3p21.31 and 21q22.11 loci predominantly in males and replicated a recently reported variant in 11p13 (ELF5, P = 4.1 × 10−8). Six of the COVID-19 HGI discovered loci were replicated and an HGI-based genetic risk score predicted the severity strata in SCOURGE. We also found more SNP-heritability and larger heritability differences by age (<60 or ≥60 years) among males than among females. Parallel genome-wide screening of inbreeding depression in SCOURGE also showed an effect of homozygosity in COVID-19 hospitalization and severity and this effect was stronger among older males. In summary, new candidate genes for COVID-19 severity and evidence supporting genetic disparities among sexes are provided.S