1,478 research outputs found

    Health maximisation versus equality of treatment: what is the optimal trade-off from the general public’s perspective?

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    Resumo da comunicação apresentada à 10.ª Conferência Nacional de Economia da Saúd

    Planeamento, intervenção, reflexão numa equipa de futebol: estágio académico S. C. Braga Sub-15

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    O presente estágio foi realizado no Sporting Clube de Braga, com funções de treinador adjunto da equipa A de iniciados (Sub 15) e tarefas de observação e análise de jogo, foram ainda realizadas tarefas ao nível da prospeção de jogadores para equipas de formação e seniores. De referir que este estágio teve a duração de uma época desportiva. Os nossos principais objetivos competitivos foram o de apuramento para a 3ª do campeonato nacional, acabamos até por nos sagrámos vice- campeões de Portugal superando largamente o perspetivado . O estudo efetuado pretende confrontar planeamento de treino versus situação real (operacionalização) e a operacionalização de treino versus situação percecionada, relativamente a tempos de prática efetiva , número de exerc ícios, duração total de treino, metodologia de treino, e noção de perceção relativa do esforço . Participaram neste estudo 3 treinadores de equipas de futebol de 11, uma equipa de S ub- 15, uma equipa de Sub - 17 e uma equipa de Sub - 19. F oram gravadas 4 Unidades de Treino de cada equipa (um microciclo) , perfazendo um total de 12 unidades de treino. Foram efetuadas, duas entrevistas por treino, totalizando 24 entrevistas . Como principais resu ltados, verificámos que não se verificam diferenças nas categorias de número de exercícios e duração total de treino. Já nas categorias de tempo de prática e noção de perceção relativa de esforço foram encontradas diferenças significativas.The present internship was realized in Sporting Clube de Braga, we had functions as assistant coach in U15 team, and tasks in the observation and analyses of match department, we also realized tasks in the prospection department for the senior teams. The present internship had the duration of a sportive season. Our main competitive objective was to reach the 3 rd fase of national championship, we did the objective, we have been Portugal vice -champions The study goals is the comparison of the coach’s train planning versus real situation (train operationalization) and operationalization versus perceived situation, about practice time, exer cise number, total duration, train methodology and relative perception of effort. Was about 3 football teams (11), 1 U15 team, 1 U17 team and 1 U19 team – totalizing 3 football coaches. For the purpose of t his study, there’s was record in audio - visual form at 4 training units of each team, totalizing 12 sessions. We did 2 interviews per train totalizing 24 interviews . The m ain results of this study, we did not find differenc es in categories exercise numbers, and total durations, but we found significant diff erences in relative perception of effort and practice time categories.N/

    Confiance en la créativité de l’être. Entretien avec Pierre Drapeau

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    La formule coopérative est-elle un obstacle ou un atout à la capitalisation de l'organisation ?

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    Le financement des entreprises est au coeur, non seulement de la croissance des entreprises capitalistes classiques, mais aussi des entreprises coopératives. La création d'une entreprise nécessite des avoirs ou des fonds propres qui représentent les capitaux permanents donnant l'existence à l'entreprise. L'entreprise a aussi besoin de fonds propres pour sa croissance et son développement, car sa vigueur et sa force en dépendent. Généralement, plus la base des avoirs de l'entreprise est solide, meilleure sera sa santé financière et moins celle-ci est susceptible d'être affectée par les fluctuations économiques et les variations des taux de rendements. L'entreprise avec peu de capitaux propres peut alors vivre plus difficilement des difficultés causées par des erreurs de gestion ou de conditions économiques défavorables. Contrairement aux entreprises capitalistes classiques, les avoirs des coopératives (généralement les parts sociales ou de qualification) ne sont pas rémunérées. Pourtant, pour la formule d'entreprise coopérative, le phénomène de sous-capitalisation est souvent considéré comme le maillon faible, car les membres ont généralement tendance à investir peu dans la capitalisation et ce pour différentes raisons : peu de retour sur investissement à cause du principe d'intérêt limité sur le capital investi; parts sociales peu cher alors que l'utilisation de la coopérative est illimitée..

    Quel est l'écart salarial entre le secteur privé et public pour les femmes au Canada?

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    Rapport de recherche présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention de la Maîtrise en sciences économiques

    Island Madeira’s irrigation channels. Of the epic water to the niche eco-tourism

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    [Resumo] As íngremes escadarias de poios (socalcos) e as levadas são as mais belas peças do património cultural da Ilha da Madeira e a expressão viva de como foi possível a intervenção humana sem criar rupturas significativas no funcionamento dos ecossistemas. Com a construção dos pequenos tabuleiros de solos aráveis e a irrigação das terras mais secas e quentes do sul, sucessivas gerações conseguiram edificar espectaculares paisagens humanizadas, dignas de provocar admiração e impor respeito aos visitantes. As levadas desvendam uma Madeira majestosa que escapa ao turista apressado e ao residente acomodado ao automóvel. Através delas é possível descobrir recantos de beleza indescritível e estudar uma flora rica em espécies únicas no mundo. A Ilha da Madeira tem enormes potencialidades no Turismo de Pedestrianismo. A criação de novos percursos recomendados e a beneficiação contínua dos já disponíveis são essenciais para atrair visitantes, que nas férias associam o lazer ao saber e estão disponíveis para gastar dinheiro em programas de descoberta da Natureza. O investimento na criação de novos percursos deve ser complementado com a monitorização da capacidade de carga, com o objectivo de garantir a conservação dos valores prioritários do património natural e cultural, essenciais para a perenidade deste nicho de turismo.[Abstract] The agricultural terraces and irrigation channels are the most valuable items of Madeira’s cultural heritage and the living expression of how human intervention was possible without causing significant damage to the functioning of the local ecosystems. Through the construction of small terraces of arable soil, and the irrigation of the island, past generations created spectacular humanised landscapes worthy of the admiration and respect of the visitor. The irrigation channels (levadas) reveal a majestic Madeira which remains hidden from the eye of the hurried tourist or the resident over-dependent on the motor car. Walking along the irrigation channels it is possible to discover spots of indescribable beauty, to tread the most idyllic landscapes and to admire the rich flora of Madeira, with plants which are unique in the world. Madeira Island has a huge in pedestrian tourism. The creation of new recommended routes and continuous improvement of those already available are essential to attract visitors who associate the holiday’s leisure to learn and are available for spending money on programs to discover nature. The investment in the maintenance and signaling pathways should be complemented with the monitoring of load capacity, with the aim of ensuring the conservation values of natural and cultural heritage, essential to the sustainability of this tourism niche

    Fair to Middlin’: How the Mediocre White Male Trope as the Exemplar of Human Experience and Universal Truth Fails to Adequately Prepare the Diverse Field of Contemporary Actors and Audiences in Film, Television and Theatre Today

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    Non-traditional casting has been a controversial practice in film, television and theatre that was implemented to offer people of color and women opportunities which had previously been available to white or male performers. The following is a case study documenting the process by which I have discovered that non-traditional casting as a practice contributes to the oppression of people of color as well as supports the status quo of the white patriarchy. This case study is analyzed from the historical, sociological, psychological and philosophical theories and ideologies relevant to the unsuccessful attempt of a female actor of African-American descent at portraying a white, Evangelical, male minister. It concludes with an invitation and an approach to making better people

    Fair to Middlin’: How the Mediocre White Male Trope as the Exemplar of Human Experience and Universal Truth Fails to Adequately Prepare the Diverse Field of Contemporary Actors and Audiences in Film, Television and Theatre Today

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    Non-traditional casting has been a controversial practice in film, television and theatre that was implemented to offer people of color and women opportunities which had previously been available to white or male performers. The following is a case study documenting the process by which I have discovered that non-traditional casting as a practice contributes to the oppression of people of color as well as supports the status quo of the white patriarchy. This case study is analyzed from the historical, sociological, psychological and philosophical theories and ideologies relevant to the unsuccessful attempt of a female actor of African-American descent at portraying a white, Evangelical, male minister. It concludes with an invitation and an approach to making better people

    Alien Registration- Quintal, Victor (Windsor, Kennebec County)

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