745 research outputs found

    Estudio del Grado de utilización de recursos didácticos en la segunda etapa de la Educación Infantil

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    Los recursos didácticos han sufrido una variada evolución a lo largo de la historia y continúan progresando cada vez a mayor velocidad. La escuela y nosotros como docentes debemos ser capaces de adaptarnos a estos cambios para que el alumno sea cada vez más autónomo y disfrute más de la enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este trabajo pretendo poner de manifiesto cómo los recursos didácticos y en especial el juego que es el recurso en el que me he centrado puede enriquecer nuestra enseñanza para fomentar el aprendizaje significativoGrado en Educación Infanti

    La por a escriure, la por a exposar-se

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    Màster en Estudis de la Diferència Sexual, Universitat de Barcelona. DUODA, Centre de recerca de dones, curs: 2012-2013, Tutora: María-Milagros Rivera GarretasAquest treball neix de la inquietud pròpia de trobar-me en la dificultat de deixar llegir els textos literaris que he anat escrivint al llarg dels anys. Plantejo aquesta incapacitat des de diversos aspectes personals, com escriure a partir de l'experiència pròpia i, sobretot, de l'experiència de l'escriptura femenina. És a partir de l'estudi de la por a escriure que em vaig sentir plenament identificada amb els diversos problemes que les dones s'han trobat a l'hora de publicar la seva obra i, per això vaig començar a fer aquest estudi per tal de superar aquesta problemàtica. La investigació va començar amb l'estudi de la genealogia femenina pròpia, la de les dones de la meva família i descobrir que jo sóc hereva d'aquesta creativitat femenina, per a mi desconeguda fins al moment de fer el treball, en què he descobert com aquesta dificultat d'exposar l'experiència pròpia ve de lluny, de la manca d'acceptació d'aquesta experiència i en la manca d'educació de les dones que m'han precedit. He descobert que en només cent anys les dones de la meva genealogia van partir de l'analfabetisme total a la universitat com és el meu cas. Diferents generacions de dones exemplificades en la meva família que es poden extrapolar a la de totes les dones del segle XX i XXI. Vaig concloure que aquesta creativitat que posseïm es troba en elles però igual que elles encara ara no ens sentim valorades i sobretot encara no ens sentim animades a desenvolupar-la d'una manera natural. Analitzo la meva vida, els somnis que tenia de jove i la mena de menyspreu per la meva obra personal que jo mateixa m'imposava. D'aquesta manera faig un repàs de tota la meva obra escrita, la majoria inèdita perquè creia que no tenia interès, tenia por de la crítica, però sobretot tenia por de mi mateixa. Em faltava l'autoritat femenina que les nostres mares no ens han transmès perquè sempre se'ls havia negat. Ens faltaven referents d'altres dones, d'altres escriptores i ens faltava l'ordre simbòlic de la mare que ens esperonés a ser creatives. Així mateix en el treball faig un repàs de gairebé vint-i-cinc anys d'escrits dispersos que comprenen diaris personals, poemes, contes i una novel•la inacabada. També faig un repàs de la meva biblioteca personal, plena d'autores, de novel•listes i escriptores que em van guiar i m'estan guiant encara i que van ser els referents que m'han impedit de plegar d'escriure en molts moments que em creia que no tenia res a dir

    Deep learning for an improved diagnostic pathway of prostate cancer in a small multi-parametric magnetic resonance data regime

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    Prostate Cancer (PCa) is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among men, with an estimated incidence of 1.3 million new cases worldwide in 2018. The current diagnostic pathway of PCa relies on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in serum. Nevertheless, PSA testing comes at the cost of under-detection of malignant lesions and a substantial over-diagnosis of indolent ones, leading to unnecessary invasive testing such biopsies and treatment in indolent PCa lesions. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive technique that has emerged as a valuable tool for PCa detection, staging, early screening, treatment planning and intervention. However, analysis of MRI relies on expertise, can be time-consuming, requires specialized training and in its absence suffers from inter and intra-reader variability and sub-optimal interpretations. Deep Learning (DL) techniques have the ability to recognize complex patterns in imaging data and are able to automatize certain assessments or tasks while offering a lesser degree of subjectiveness, providing a tool that can help clinicians in their daily tasks. In spite of it, DL success has traditionally relied on the availability of large amounts of labelled data, which are rarely available in the medical field and are costly and hard to obtain due to privacy regulations of patients’ data and required specialized training, among others. This work investigates DL algorithms specially tailored to work in a limited data regime with the final objective of improving the current prostate cancer diagnostic pathway by improving the performance of DL algorithms for PCa MRI applications in a limited data regime scenario. In particular, this thesis starts by exploring Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to generate synthetic samples and their effect on tasks such as prostate capsule segmentation and PCa lesion significance classification (triage). Following, we explore the use of Auto-encoders (AEs) to exploit the data imbalance that is usually present in medical imaging datasets. Specifically, we propose a framework based on AEs to detect the presence of prostate lesions (tumours) by uniquely learning from control (healthy) data in an outlier detection-like fashion. This thesis also explores more recent DL paradigms that have shown promising results in natural images: generative and contrastive self-supervised learning (SSL). In both cases, we propose specific prostate MRI image manipulations for a PCa lesion classification downstream task and show the improvements offered by the techniques when compared with other initialization methods such as ImageNet pre-training. Finally, we explore data fusion techniques in order to leverage different data sources in the form of MRI sequences (orthogonal views) acquired by default during patient examinations and that are commonly ignored in DL systems. We show improvements in a PCa lesion significance classification when compared to a single input system (axial view)

    Functional and antioxidant bio-based polymer composites with potential applications in food packaging

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    The inadequate management of plastic wastes, along with the low biodegradability of conventional petroleum-based polymers, has led to a global climatic crisis. A potential solution is the substitution of these ordinary polymers by bioplastics, which production or management present a low impact on the environment. Moreover, revalue agro-food wastes to create new biocomposites is a good strategy to improve waste disposal with economic benefits. Adding agro-food wastes into a polymer matrix can also provide several enhancements to the final biocomposite, such as the reduction of the percentage of oil derivatives and higher biodegradation rate. In addition, the final biocomposites can develop additional and innovative features such as antioxidant activity, better barrier properties against gases, or UV-light protection. These properties can be useful to prevent the damaging biochemical reactions occurring during food storage, like oxidation, loss of firmness, browning, off-odors, etc, increasing the shelf life of foods. In this PhD-thesis, the development of eco-friendly materials with promising properties for food-packaging applications has been performed using a low-environmental impact approach. All projects were based on the use of food by-products or naturally derived molecules, and different processing techniques, like casting, extrusion, and hot-pressing, were employed. In the first part of the thesis, caffeic acid, as a natural derivative, was used to provide antioxidant and UV-blocking responses to a transparent polymer blend form by poly(ethyl-cyanoacrylate) (PECA) and polypropylene carbonate (PPC). The morphological and barrier properties have been characterized and discussed. Secondly, two food by-products, tealeaves extract and discarded balsamic vinegar, were used to modify the physicochemical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) films using one-pot method. Films showed tunable antioxidant and mechanical behaviors, varying respect to the concentration and the type of natural additive. The chemical composition of tea and tea waste extracts was analyzed, resulting in a wide variety of active polyphenols. Besides, films exhibited excellent oxygen barrier properties. 2 In the third project, versatile biocomposites (40 wt.% of cellulose and 60 wt.% of petroleum-based bioplastic) were fabricated using free-solvent and industry-scalable methods, like extrusion and hot-press. The content of the petroleum-based polymer, polycaprolactone (PCL), was reduced by incorporating an inorganic filler at high concentrations (10 and 25 wt.%). In addition, biocomposites were functionalized with two different natural derivatives: aqueous extract of pomegranate peel and curcumin, separately. Pomegranate peel extract provided a strong antioxidant response, while curcumin-composites displayed colorimetric-changes with pH. Finally, the pH-sensing properties of the curcumin biocomposites were tested during the storage of commercial shrimps. The last part of the thesis describes the development of edible and bio-based materials using the orange peel and orange essential oil. The gelation conditions of the orange peel pectin were modified to create bioactive and edible materials with different functional characteristics. The properties of three sets of samples were evaluated in the view of acting as a suitable edible packaging as coating/film, such as the transparency, solubility, and water barrier properties. In the end, the revalorization of edible vegetable waste through the fabrication of valuable and bioactive packaging using a facile sustainable water-based process was performed with success

    Multivariate regression smoothing through the 'fallling net'.

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    We consider multivariate regression smoothing through a conditional mean shift procedure. By computing local conditional means iteratively over a set or grid of target points, at each iteration a `net' is formed which gently drifts towards the data cloud, until it settles at the conditional modes of the response distribution. The method is edge-preserving and allows for multi-valued response

    Flavor constraints on electroweak ALP couplings

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    We explore the signals of axion-like particles (ALPs) in flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) processes. The most general effective linear Lagrangian for ALP couplings to the electroweak bosonic sector is considered, and its contribution to FCNC decays is computed up to one-loop order. The interplay between the different couplings opens new territory for experimental exploration, as analyzed here in the ALP mass range 0<ma≲50<m_a \lesssim 5 GeV. When kinematically allowed, K→πννˉK\to \pi \nu \bar{\nu} decays provide the most stringent constraints for channels with invisible final states, while BB-meson decays are more constraining for visible decay channels, such as displaced vertices in B→K(∗)μ+μ−B\to K^{(\ast)} \mu^+ \mu^- data. The complementarity with collider constraints is discussed as well.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Biomechanical evaluation of tibial bone adaptation after revision total knee arthroplasty: A comparison of different implant systems

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    The best methods to manage tibial bone defects following total knee arthroplasty remain under debate. Different fixation systems exist to help surgeons reconstruct knee osseous bone loss (such as tantalum cones, cement, modular metal augments, autografts, allografts and porous metaphyseal sleeves) However, the effects of the various solutions on the long-term outcome remain unknown. In the present work, a bone remodeling mathematical model was used to predict bone remodeling after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) revision. Five different types of prostheses were analyzed: one with a straight stem; two with offset stems, with and without supplements; and two with sleeves, with and without stems. Alterations in tibia bone density distribution and implant Von Mises stresses were quantified. In all cases, the bone density decreased in the proximal epiphysis and medullary channels, and an increase in bone density was predicted in the diaphysis and around stem tips. The highest bone resorption was predicted for the offset prosthesis without the supplement, and the highest bone formation was computed for the straight stem. The highest Von Mises stress was obtained for the straight tibial stem, and the lowest was observed for the stemless metaphyseal sleeves prosthesis. The computational model predicted different behaviors among the five systems. We were able to demonstrate the importance of choosing an adequate revision system and that in silico models may help surgeons choose patient-specific treatments

    Quando a enfermagem advém da teologia

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    Introducir a los alumnos de Grado en Enfermería en el aprendizaje de la asignatura de Bases históricas epistemológicas y éticas de la Disciplina Enfermera y sobre todo si es en los primeros cursos de la carrera es un reto para el profesor y los alumnos. Crear un aula experiencial donde se comparta, conocimiento, experiencias, es uno de los objetivos a alcanzar en el desarrollo de la asignatura. Sin duda la práctica reflexiva y el aprendizaje significativo, se constituye como herramientas fundamentales para el logro de las competencias que los alumnos tienen que alcanzar. Presentamos un trabajo de práctica reflexiva, realizado al final de la asignatura por un alumno, que partiendo de su formación previa como Doctor en Teología, logro de una forma poética y uniendo los dos saberes, mostrar a las enfermeras una visión del cuidado desde otra óptica.This work deals with one challenge for teacher and students in the first years of Degree in Nursing: getting in touch with Ethical, Historical and Epistemological Bases of Nursing. Create a workshop where sharing knowledge and experience, is one of the goals to be achieved in the development of the subject. Reflective practice and meaningful learning are definitely established as fundamental tools for students in order to achieve required skills. We present a work of reflective practice, held by a student at the end of the course, starting from his previous training as a Doctor of Theology. He combines both knowledges in a poetic style, and puts another care perspective forward nurses.Introduzir os alunos de Licenciatura em Enfermagem na aprendizagem da unidade curricular de Bases históricas epistemológicas e éticas da Disciplina de Enfermagem e sobretudo se é nos primeiros anos da carreira, é um desafio para o professor e os alunos. Criar uma aula experiencial onde se partilhe conhecimento, experiências é um dos objectivos a alcançar no desenvolvimento da unidade curricular. Sem dúvida a prática reflexiva e a aprendizagem significativa constituem ferramentas fundamentais para conseguir adquirir as competências que os alunos têm que alcançar. Apresentamos um trabalho de prática reflexiva realizado ao fim da unidade curricular por um aluno que partindo da sua formação prévia como Doutor em Teologia conseguiu de uma forma poética, e unindo os dois saberes, mostrar aos enfermeiros uma visão do cuidado desde outra óptica

    An artificial intelligence planning approach to manufacturing feature recognition

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    Within manufacturing, features have been widely accepted as useful concepts, and in particular they are used as an interface between CAD and CAPP systems. Previous research on feature recognition focus on the issues of intersecting features and multiple interpretations, but do not address the problem of custom features representation. Representation of features is an important aspect for making feature recognition more applicable in practice. In this paper a hybrid procedural and knowledge-based approach based on artificial intelligence planning is presented, which addresses both classic feature interpretation and also feature representation problems. STEP designs are presented as case studies in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model.Fil: Marchetta Fernandez, Martin Gonzalo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Forradellas, Raymundo Quilez. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin
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