102 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Latihan Kegel terhadap Kesulitan Orgasme pada Perempuan Pasca Terapi Kanker Serviks

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    Radiotherapy for cervical cancer has side effects which cause the vagina become smaller and drier so that it could reduce the flexibility and lubrication of the vagina. These side effects could change the sexual functions, which is orgasm difficulty. This study proves the effectiveness of Kegel exercises to overcome orgasm difficulty for the women after a cervical cancer therapy. Method The Quasi-experimental ‘nonequivalent control group posttest-only design' was conducted to 26 intervention group and 26 control group. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling method. FSFI were obtained in order to measure orgasm difficulties to women after a servical cancer therapy. A t-test was used to examine differences between two groups. Result findings The Kegel exercises gave a significant changing of orgasm level with p value= 0.002 lower than 0.05. There was significance difference of orgasm level between intervention and control groups. Kegel exercises provided opportunies to reduce orgasm difficulties as much as 3.897 times (OR=3.897). Conclusion The Kegel exercises are proved to reduce effectively solve the disturbant of orgasm for women after a cervical cancer therapy. Nursing role are to promote, prevent and rehabilitate the complaint of women after cervical cancer therapy as an effort to improve health status of women with cervical cancer

    Pengaruh Disiplin dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Azo Florist Cianjur

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    The phenomenon that occurs the company is faced with the problem of employees how to make employees, to be able to work by showing good performance. One of the factors that affect employee performance is work discipline, besides that, another factor that can affect employee performance is organizational commitment. The purpose of this study was to determine the respondents' responses and the effect of discipline, organizational commitment on employee performance at Azo Florist Cianjur either simultaneously or partially. This research method is quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis. The number of samples is 50 employees and using a saturated sample. The results showed that employees' responses to discipline were not good, organizational commitment was not good and responses to performance were not good, then simultaneously discipline and organizational commitment contributed or influenced employee performance by 65.5% and the remaining 34.5% was contributions from other variables not included in the model proposed in this study. While the influence of the coefficient of determination partially, it is known that the effect of discipline on employee performance is 12.0%. Meanwhile, organizational commitment has a more dominant influence on employee performance by 53.5%


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    Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS)/ Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) are acute, self-limited, potentially life-threatening mucocutaneous disease. Oral mucosal involvement manifest as extensive erosions and haemorrhagic crusting, which can interfere oral functions causing odynophagia, inability to tolerate solid foods, and increased aspiration risk. A 40-year-old female patient was referred from Dermatology and Venereology department with diagnosis SJS/TEN overlap. The patient complained mouth opening difficulty due to mouth and lip sores. Drug history revealed positive intake of carbamazepine. Extraoral examination revealed multiple diffuse discrete facial lesions, conjunctival hyperemia, erosions and hemorrhagic crusting lips. Intraoral examination revealed white yellowish plaque, and erosions on buccal mucosa, palate, floor of the mouth, dorsal, ventral, and lateral tongue. Laboratory investigation revealed decrease of haemoglobin, hematocrite, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), thrombocyte, eosinophil, band of eosinophil, lymphocyte, natrium, potassium, and calcium. Oral lesions associated with SJS/TEN overlap diagnosis was made. Chlorhexidine gluconate 0,1%, nystatin oral suspension, vitamin B12, folic acid, and corticosteroid unguent compounding were given, which showed improvement of oral lesions in 3 weeks. SJS/TEN are the same disease spectrum of delayed hypersensitivity reaction leading to keratinocyte apoptosis through cytotoxic T-cell mediated Fas-Fas ligand, perforin/ granzyme B, and granulysin, which distinguished primarily by severity and percentage of total body surface area involved.Currently, an optimal treatment standard for SJS/TEN patients remains unavailable. Oral lesions management play significant role in enhancing patients’ quality of life and achieving better prognosis in SJS/TEN overlap patients through multidisciplinary approach

    Personal Learning Services and Immersive Learning in Art Design to Enhance Indonesian Education

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    Indonesia was one of the countries that successfully survived the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has provided good lessons, especially in the education sector, and ithas provided new ways of overcoming problems in education, especially in art and design. In this paper, I will share experiences related to Personal Learning Services based on gamification and the implementation of immersive learning based on Augmented Reality, which was developed at the Department of Art and Design at theState University of Malang in Indonesia. This research was developed for primary education students in Indonesia, especially in Malang City, East Java. The contribution forthis article was as follows: 1) developed some research to solve the learning problem impact of COVID-19; 2) with the software, media, and game specialization group in the art design department conducted several studies in the form of Personal Learning Services and immersive learning. In the discussion of Personal Learning Services based on gamification, the study aims to improve the quality of children’s characters by displaying background designs in several main locations in Malang. This research includes several minigames that attempt to increase children’s discipline, routine, and consistency. Related to implementing immersive learning based on Augmented Reality, is research to introduce characters in wayang panji to children. This study develops Augmented Reality technology without markers to make it easier for users to learn without fear of losing the marker, which has been a problem in AR. This research, acccording to the survey with the statistical tests result shows that it is a feasible solution to apply to the learning process. Keywords: learning media, personal learning services, gamification, immersive learning, augmented realit

    Pendeteksian Awal Penyakit Jantung dengan Metode Hidden Markov Model(HMM)

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    ABSTRAKSI: Sistem pengenalan gelombang ECG telah banyak dikembangkan. Ada beberapa pendekatan yan digunakan yaitu waveform detection (algoritma Pan Tompskin dan metode threshold), template matching, pendekatan neural network, dan pendekatan model probabilitas. Hidden Markov Model yang menggunakan pendekatan model probabilitas terbukti menghasilkan performansi yang bagus dalam speech recognition. Oleh karena itu, dalam tugas akhir ini akan diujikan metode HMM dalam kasus biomedis Electrocardiogram. Prinsip kerja sistem pendeteksian penyakit jantung ini adalah dengan mengasumsikan ECG seperti speech recognition, terutama untuk kasus isolated word. Dalam sistem pendeteksian penyakit jantung terdapat 2 proses yaitu proses pemodelan dan pengenalan. Pada proses pemodelan akan dibuat suatu model labelisasi sinyal ECG dengan menghitung parameter-paramter HMM, yaitu probabilitas inisial state, probabilitas transisi antar state, dan probabilitas observasi pada suatu state. Setelah diperoleh ketiga nilai tersebut yang optimal, maka terbentuklah suatu model HMM untuk masing-masing penyakit jantung. Sedangkan Proses pengenalan penyakit jantung dilakukan pada tiap data ECG dengan menghitung likelihood dari data testing yang akan dikenali terhadap semua model data ECG yang telah di-training sebelumnya. Dengan labelisasi yang teliti dan penentuan nilai probabilitas observasi yang optimal, HMM dapat digunakan untuk mengenali penyakit jantung. Hasil dari pengujian menunjukkan, nilai probabilitas observasinya didapat dari random uniform distribution menghasilkan akurasi yg selalu berubah/dinamis seiring dengan perubahan nilai random. Sedangkan jika nilai observasinya disamaratakan dengan jumlah state dan jumlah pengamatan, akurasinya 33,33%. Kata Kunci : Hidden Markov Model, Electrocardiogram, probabilitas inisial state, probabilitas transisi antar state, distribusi probabilitas obsevasi.ABSTRACT: ECG signal recognition system has been developed. Several approach which used are waveform detection (Pan Tompskin algorithm and threshold method), template matching, neural network approach, and probability model approach. Hidden Markov Model which used probability model apptoach has been proved can generate a good performance in speech recognition. So, This final project will tested HMM method in Electrocardiogram biomedic. The priciple of heart disease detection system is by assuming ECG as a speech recognition, mainly on isolated word case. In the heart disease detection system, there are 2 process which are modeling and recognition process. In the modeling process, ECG signal labelling will be made by measuring HMM parameters, which are initial state probability, inter-state transition probability, and on-a-state observation probability. After the optimum outcome of the parameters are achieved, then a HMM model for each heart disease is formed. Meanwhile, the heart disease recognition is done in every ECG data by measuring the likelihood of tested data which will be recognized by all previously-trained ECGdata. By accurate labelling and optimum observation probability value, HMM can be used for heart disease recognition. The analysis of the outcome shows that the observation probability which is obtained from random uniform distribution will have a dynamic value of accuracy along the alteration of random value.In the other hand, The accuracy, if the observation value is equally divided with the number of state and observation, is 33,33% Keyword: Hidden Markov Model, electrocardiogram, intial state probability, state transition probability, observation probability distributio


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    Agresivitas remaja laki-laki adalah persoalan menyangkut perilaku baik fisik maupun lisan yang menyakiti, merusak baik secara fisik, psikis dan bendabenda yang ada di sekitarnya yang berkaitan dengan 4 aspek yakni aspek agresi fisik, agresi verbal, kemarahan, dan permusuhan yang dialami oleh remaja dengan rentang usia 15 – 18 tahun yang sedang menempuh pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai agresivitas pada remaja laki-laki di SMA Negeri DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan populasi penelitian diambil 20% dari kecamatan di lima wilayah DKI Jakarta dengan teknik sampel adalah Gugus Bertahap Ganda (Multistages Random Sampling) dan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 523 remaja laki-laki. Kuesioner yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan instrumen adaptasi The Aggression Questionare yang terdiri dari 29 butir yang didapat dari 4 aspek yang merujuk pada teori yang dikembangkan oleh Buss&Perry (1992). Skala yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah skala likert dengan pilihan jawaban dari sangat tidak sesuai sampai sangat sesuai. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa remaja laki-laki memiliki tingkat agresivitas yang tinggi pada kategori sedang, aspek yang dominan dalam gambaran agresivitas remaja ini adalah aspek permusuhan dengan persentase 77.3%. Aggressiveness of teenage boys is a matter concerning the behavior of both physical and verbal hurt, damaging both physically, psychic and objects in the surrounding areas related to four aspects those are the aspects of physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility that is experienced by teenager aged 15-18 years who are studying in public high school. The purpose of this research to obtain a snapshot of the aggressiveness on teenage boys high schools in DKI Jakarta. This study used survey method with the study population was taken 20% of districts in five areas of Jakarta with engineering samples are Phased Double Cluster (Multistages Random Sampling) and samples that used as many as 523 teenage boys. The questionnaire that is used in this study is an adaptation of The Aggression Questionare instrument consisting of 29 items were obtained from four aspects referring to the theory developed by Buss and Perry (1992). The scale used in this researchis the likert scale with a choice of answers from not very appropriate to suit. From these results it can be concluded that the boys have a high level of aggressiveness in the medium category, the dominant aspect in this teenage description of aggressiveness is the aspect of hostility with a percentage of 77.3%

    Penerapan Pengakuan Iman GMIM di Jemaat GMIM Imanuel Maumbi menurut perspektif Teologi Identitas

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerapan Pengakuan Iman GMIM di Jemaat GMIM Imanuel Maumbi menurut perspektif Teologi Identitas. Penelitian ini dimotivasi oleh kerangka berpikir jemaat yang pro dan kontra terhadap penerapan Pengakuan Iman GMIM dalam lokus gereja-gereja dibawah naungan sinode GMIM. Penelitian ini memakai metode kualitatif deskriptif. Wawancara dan observasi yang dilakukan guna pengumpulan data kualitatif. Penulis melakukan wawancara kepada anggota jemaat GMIM Imanuel Maumbi, mantan pelayan khusus, pelayan khusus serta pendeta jemaat GMIM Imanuel Maumbi, sedangkan observasi lapangan dilakukan untuk melihat penerapan pengakuan Iman GMIM diberlakukan dalam peribadatan. Penelitian ini memberikan hasil sebagai bentuk Teologi Identitas untuk menjawab pertanyaan jemaat perihal ‘’mengapa harus ada Pengakuan Iman GMIM, apakah masih kurang Pengakuan Iman yang lain?’’, khususnya dalam lokus Jemaat GMIM Imanuel Maumbi yang mengikarkan dalam setiap peribadatan khususnya minggu keempat bulan berjalan. Pengakuan Iman yang lahir dari setiap keresahan dan kebutuhan warga GMIM yang diwujudkan dalam Pengakuan Iman, sebagai wujud dari Identitas GMIM. Pengakuan Iman GMIM disahkan sejak tahun 2016, tanpa mengabaikan Allah Trinitas, Alkitab perjanjian lama dan perjanjian baru sebagai pedoman hidup untuk lebih mengokohkan statement of faith – bentuk identitas kekristenan. Memberikan pembeda bahwa ini adalah wujud kesadaran kolektif yang berusaha agar di hidupi penuh oleh GMIM secara sadar, sebagai bentuk kepentingan bersama bukan menjatuhkan atau bahkan meninggalkan ke-khasannya. Penelitian ini lebih lanjut juga direkomendasikan bagi para peneliti dibidang ini untuk mengembangkan dan memperlengkapi teori ini. Kata Kunci: Pengakuan Iman GMIM, GMIM Imanuel Maumbi, Teologi Identita


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang tepat berdasarkan fakta atau data yang valid, besar dan dapat dipercaya mengenai hubungan antara motivasi berkoperasi dengan partisipasi anggota pada Koperasi Pegawai PT.Telkom di Jakarta Barat. Penelitian dilakukan di Koperasi Pegawai PT.Telkom Jakarta Barat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota Koperasi Pegawai PT.Telkom Jakarta Barat yakni berjumlah 578 anggota, dengan populasi terjangkau Koperasi Pegawai PT.Telkom pada STO (Saluran Telepon Otomatis) Tomang yakni berjumlah 95 anggota. Dengan sampel merujuk pada tabel Issac & Michael yakni mengambil tingkat kesalahan 5% sehingga terdapat 75 responden. Teknik analisa data dilakukan dengan uji korelasi dan regresi dengan langkah pertama mencari persamaan regresi. Persamaan regresi dalam penelitian ini adalah Y = 31,08 + 0,670X. untuk uji persyaratan anlalisis diperoleh hasil uji normalitas data terhadap galat taksiran Y atas X adalah Lhitung (0,091) < Ltabel (0,102). Dari hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa galat taksiran regresi Y atas X berdistribusi Normal. Berdasarkan uji keberartian regresi diperoleh Fhitung (50,36) > Ftabel (3,98), maka Ho ditolak. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa koefisien regresi tersebut berarti atau dengan kata lain pengaruh motivasi berkoperasi terhadap partisipasi anggota adalah berarti atau signifikan. Perhitungan koefisien korelasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus Product Moment diperoleh rxy = 0,639. Berdasarkan pengujian keberartian koefisien korelasi diperoleh thitung (7,10) > ttabel (1,67) yang artinya terdapat hubungan yang berarti antara motovasi berkoperasi dengan partisipasi anggota. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh nilai Koefisien Determinasi (KD) sebesar 0,4082. Hal ini berarti bahwa 40,82% partisipasi anggota ditentukan oleh motivasi berkoperasi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang positif antara motivasi berkoperasi dengan partisipasi anggota pada Koperasi Pegawai PT.Telkom di Jakarta Barat. Maka semakin baik motivasi berkoperasi yang dimiliki anggota koperasi maka semakin baik partisipasinya. Untuk itu motivasi berkoperasi sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi anggota dilihat dari data penelitian secara empiris oleh peneliti. This study aims to get the right information based on facts or data are valid, a large and reliable information about the relationship between motivation cooperatives with the participation of members at Telkom Employees Cooperative in West Jakarta. The study was conducted in West Jakarta PT Telkom Employees Cooperative. The population in this study are members of Cooperative Employees PT.Telkom West Jakarta which numbered 578 members, with a population of Employees Cooperative affordable PT.Telkom on STO (Automated Phone Line) Tomang which numbered 95 members. With the sample refer to the table Issac & Michael namely taking a 5% error rate so that there are 75 respondents. Technique of data analysis done by using correlation and regression with the first step to find the regression equation. Regression equation in this study is Y = 31.08 + 0.670 X. to test the requirements anlalisis normality test result data against the estimated error of Y on X is Lhitung (0.091) < Ltabel (0.102). From the results it was found that the estimated error of regression of Y on X Normal distribution. Based on the significance test of regression obtained Fhitung (50.36)> Ftabel (3.98), then Ho is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that the regression coefficient means or in other words the influence of motivation cooperatives of members' participation is meaningful or significant. Correlation coefficient calculation is done by using the formula derived Product Moment rxy = 0.639. Based on the significance test of correlation coefficient obtained thitung (7.10) > ttabel (1.67), which means there is a meaningful relationship between motovasi cooperatives with the participation of members. Based on the calculation results obtained value of coefficient of determination (KD) equal to 0.4082. This means that 40.82% participation of members is determined by motivation cooperatives. The conclusion of this study is that there is a positive relationship between motivation cooperatives with the participation of members at Telkom Employees Cooperative in West Jakarta. So the better the motivation cooperatives owned by members of the cooperative participation the better. For that motivation cooperatives is necessary to increase the participation of members seen from the empirical research data by researchers

    Efek Kombinasi Ekstrak Rimpang Bangle (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.) dengan Ekstrak Rimpang Dringo (Acorus calamus L.) terhadap Aktivitas Motorik Mencit Putih Jantan dengan Alat Mice Helplessness Chamber

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    Depresi merupakan bentuk gangguan suasana hati yang ditandai dengan adanya karakteristik suasana hati berlebih dengan gangguan fisiokognitif dan psikomotorik. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk membandingkan efektivitas Imipramin HCl dengan kombinasi ekstrak air Rimpang Bangle (Zingiberis cassumunar .Roxb) dengan ekstrak air rimpang dringo (Acorus calamus .L) menggunakan alat Mice Helplssness Chamber. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 36 ekor mencit jantan putih yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok dimana kelompok 1 diberikan Aqua bidestilata 0,4 ml/ 20g BB sebagai kontrol, kelompok 2 diberikan Imipramin sebagai pembanding 20 mg/kg BB dengan volume pemberian 0,4 ml/ 20 g BB serta kelompok 3 diberikan kombinasi ekstrak air rimpang bangle dosis 1250 mg/kg BB dengan volume pemberian 0,25 ml/20gBB dan ekstrak Dringo (Acorus calamus) dosis 1000 mg/kgBB dengan volume pemberian 0,5 ml/ 20gBB. Mencit diinduksi dengan listrik, dilihat aktivitas motorik mellui jumlah putaran rotarot alat yang dapat diinterpretasi sebagai aktivitas antidepresi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok pembanding dan uji dan dapat diketahui bahwa ekstrak air Bangle (Zingiberis cassumunar .Roxb) dengan ekstrak air rimpang dringo (Acorus calamus .L) memiliki aktivitas sebagai antidepresa
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