110 research outputs found


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    History learning aims to create a young generation who is educated and has a wise and wise attitude. Achieve this goal can be realized through education in schools. Textbooks become a reference in learning a subject, including history. The history textbook contains material relating to the past to its implementation in the present. History textbooks refer to the existing national education system and curriculum in Indonesia. One of the important aspects in history textbooks is the inculcation of character values that build a nation to be strong in unity, namely nationalism, and tolerance. The author aims to analyze the value content of nationalism and tolerance characters in the history textbook of class XI chapter on building Indonesian identity. The results of the research that have been analyzed indicate the inculcation of nationalism and tolerance values and in history textbooks in the material of early movement organizations and also the youth oath.Pembelajaran sejarah bertujuan untuk menciptakan generasi muda yang terdidik dan memiliki sikap yang arif dan bijaksana. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut dapat diwujudkan melalui pendidikan di sekolah. Buku teks menjadi acuan dalam pembelajaran suatu mata pelajaran termasuk sejarah. Dalam buku teks sejarah memuat materi yang berkaitan dengan masa lalu hingga implementasinya pada masa kini. Buku teks sejarah mengacu pada kurikulum dan sistem pendidikan nasional yang ada di Indonesia. Salah satu aspek penting dalam buku teks sejarah adalah adanya penanaman nilai-nilai karakter yang membangun bangsa menjadi kuat dalam persatuan yaitu nasionalisme dan toleransi. Tujuan penulis adalah untuk menganalisis muatan nilai karakter nasionalisme dan toleransi pada buku teks sejarah kelas XI bab membangun jati diri keindonesiaan. Hasil penelitian yang telah dianalisis menunjukkan adanya penanaman nilai nasionalisme dan toleransi dan pada buku teks sejarah dalam materi organisasi pergerakan awal dan juga sumpah pemuda

    Mesin Carnot Kuantum Berbasis Partikel Dua Tingkat di dalam Kotak Potensial Satu Dimensi

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    Telah dihitung efisiensi mesin Carnot kuantum berbasis partikel dua tingkat di dalam kotak potensial takhingga satu dimensi. Hasilnya hanya bergantung pada rasio volume selama proses adiabatik

    PENGARUH TAX AVOIDANCE TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Empiris Terhadap Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di BEI tahun 2011-2014)

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    The Effect of Tax Avoidance towards Firm Value The objectives of this study are to obtain empirical proof and analyze tax avoidance behavior effect which is calculated using the Tobinsā€™ Q proxy, towards firm value. As another main idea, the role of transparency of information becomes another concern of this study which is used to moderates the effect of tax avoidance towards firm value. The population of this study are manufacturing companies listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) from 2011 - 2014. Total sample used in this study are 275 companies based on predetermined criteria (purposive sampling). Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis, classic assumption test, multicoloniarity test, and hypothesis testing with multiple regression analysis. Results of this analytical study indicate that tax avoidance negatively effects firm value and also found that transparency of information moderates the effect of tax avoidance towards firm value. The companies with an outstanding information transparency will be granted with good firm value compares to untransparant companies altough tax avoidance behavior was practically done by the management


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    PURWANTO, Y. 2002. Biodiversity management: Plant relation of the Dani people and vegetation dynamic in the Baliem valley of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 12(1): 1ā€“94. ? The study was conducted in two approaches, ethnobotanical approach and ecological approach. Ethnobotanical approach consists of knowledge analization and plant nature environment uses which consists of spatial organization, botanical indigenous knowledge, traditional system on plant nomenclature, and treats the agriculture activities of the Daniā€“Baliem. Whereas, the later approach we analyse the floristic diversity in different environment existence in the Baliem Valley. In this ecological approach contains of analyse floristic of the primary forest of different altitude, secondary forest (fallow system of different ages), transition zone (zone ecotone), home garden, villages, protection area and sacred sites. The result indicated that the degradation of environment in the Baliem Valley, principally caused by agricultural activity and exploitation of natural resources. The traditional agricultural activities of Daniā€“Baliem society influence on decreasing of genetic resources on wild plant (wild species).On the contrary, these activities in the intraspecific diversity level,increase the number of cultivated plants. Further, Daniā€“Baliem people activities also influence the ecological diversity. This can be seen from different unit of environment existence like secondary forest, agricultural area, protection zone, sacred site, habitation areas etc.), where every unit have a specific use and a specific plant diversity

    Homegarden Ethnobotany of Two Saibatin Villages in Lampung, Indonesia: Species Diversity, Uses, and Values

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    Since homegardens reflect a culture of a particular ethnic group, the study in homegardens provide unique insights into ethnobotany. The Saibatin sub-tribe in Lampung has extensive uses for plants, but an ethnobotanical study of their homegardens are still lacking. This study aimed to describe the structure and composition of the Saibatin community homegarden and to explain the diversity of plants and the usage patterns through an ethnobotany perspective. The study also aimed to elaborate species with social-economic and ecological functions and to describe the overall functions of homegardens. Ethnobotanical data were collected using participant observation methods, which were complemented by questionnaires. We determined the key respondents and common respondents using the purposive sampling and snowball sampling method, while homegarden plant species diversity was identified using vegetation analysis methods. The results showed that 3 size categories of homegardens are present in this area, including narrow, medium, and broad. The homegarden structure consisted of hadap/tangebah (front yard), gelekhan (side yard), and kudan (backyard). Six types of habitus composed the homegarden structure, namely herbaceous, epiphytes, shrubs, trees, succulents, and vines. The homegarden species richness index (DMg) in Way Jambu Village (WJA) (17.34) was higher than Labuhan Mandi Village (LMA) (16.87). Even so, the homegarden plant diversity (Hā€™) and evenness (J ) in LMA was higher than WJA. There were 16 plant usage categories used by the Saibatin community (WJA 15; LMA14). Foodstuffs were the usage category of homegardens with the highest number of species in both villages. The species ICS value ranges between the two villages were relatively similar. The highest ICS species in WJA was Cocos nucifera while in LMA was Cymbopogon citratus. By studying ethnobotany of Saibatin sub-tribe homegarden we conclude that the three main roles of the homegardens are to provide social-economic impacts, ecological services, and representing the cultural value of Saibatin community identit


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    SUSIARTI, S., PURWANTO, Y. & WALUJO, E.B. 2009. Medicinal plant diversity in the Tesso Nilo National Park, Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia. ReinwardtiaĀ Ā 12(5): 383ā€“390- A study of traditional knowledge on plant uses especially medicinal plants of the local community, was conducted in 2003 at the Situgal Village and its surrounding area in the Tesso Nilo National Park at the Logas Tanah Darat District, Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Research methods included open-ended discussion and direct observation. To better assess the extractive activities and the utilization of the plant diversity by the local people, an index of cultural significance (ICS) analysis was employed. Research results showed that local people in Situgal still use a large number of plants for medicinal purposes and rely on ethnobotanical knowledge in their daily life. We recorded 86 species belonging to 78 genera and 46 families of plants having ethnobotanical values. Eighty-two species are used for medicinal purposes and the remaining 4 species for fish poisons. Those species can be used to cure approximately 38 types of illness. The ICS analysis for the potential value of each species showed thatĀ Ā ā€˜patalo bumiā€™Ā  (Eurycoma longifolia) is the most important species and well utilized by local community in the Tesso Nilo NP area

    Seed invigoration using ultrafine bubble water to increase the vigor of true shallot seed (Allium ascalonicum L.)

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    True shallot seeds are preferable to tubers as planting materials because of their advantages in storage longevity, lower management cost, and lower seed-borne disease risk. However, environmentally limited production and seed deterioration in uncontrolled storage have limited its application. Pre-sowing hydration invigoration accelerates and synchronizes the germination of deteriorated seeds. Ultra-fine bubble water (UFBW) contains reactive oxygen species, which can advance the pre-germinative metabolism of the seed. This study examined true shallot seed invigoration using UFBW. The experiment was conducted in a two-factor of randomized complete block design. The first factor was initial seed vigor based on the vigor index with six levels, i.e., 24, 15, 13, 12, 10, and 9%. The second factor was the invigoration treatment of UFBW (8 and 23 ppm dissolved oxygen concentrations) with two durations (24 and 48 h), 50 ppm GA3, and 3% KNO3 (24 h). UFBW with 23 ppm invigoration for 48 h improved seed vigor based on all vigor parameters. The GA3 50 ppm treatment is the most effective in increasing seed vigor. Keywords: dissolved oxygen; pre-sowing hydration; reactive oxygen species; seed viability; seed vigorTrue shallot seeds are preferable to tubers as planting materials because of their advantages in storage longevity, lower management cost, and lower seed-borne disease risk. However, environmentally limited production and seed deterioration in uncontrolled storage have limited its application. Pre-sowing hydration invigoration accelerates and synchronizes the germination of deteriorated seeds. Ultra-fine bubble water (UFBW) contains reactive oxygen species, which can advance the pre-germinative metabolism of the seed. This study examined true shallot seed invigoration using UFBW. The experiment was conducted in a two-factor of randomized complete block design. The first factor was initial seed vigor based on the vigor index with six levels, i.e., 24, 15, 13, 12, 10, and 9%. The second factor was the invigoration treatment of UFBW (8 and 23 ppm dissolved oxygen concentrations) with two durations (24 and 48 h), 50 ppm GA3, and 3% KNO3 (24 h). UFBW with 23 ppm invigoration for 48 h improved seed vigor based on all vigor parameters. The GA3 50 ppm treatment is the most effective in increasing seed vigor. Keywords: dissolved oxygen; pre-sowing hydration; reactive oxygen species; seed viability; seed vigo

    Penggunaan Citra Srtm1 dan Aster Gdem V2 untuk Pemetaan Tinggi Tegakan di Bagian Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan Lawu Utara

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    Hutan merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam ekosistem, sehingga pengelolaannya perlu direncanakan dengan baik. Salah satu hal dalam kegiatan perencanaan tersebut adalah mengestimasi tinggi tegakan hutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan citra SRTM1 dan ASTER GDEM v2 dalam menghasilkan data tinggi tegakan hutan, serta mengetahui sebaran tinggi tegakan hutan di Bagian Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan Lawu Utara. Data Digital Elevation Model dan data Digital Surface Model digunakan sebagai data utama dalam menurunkan informasi tinggi tegakan. Hal ini dapat diturunkan melalui selisih nilai z.Hasil estimasi tinggi tegakan menggunakan SRTM1 menghasilkan RMSE 9,89 m, sedangkan ASTER GDEM v2 menghasilkan RMSE 10,66 m. Estimasi tinggi tegakan hutan menggunakan SRTM1 dan ASTER GDEM v2 cenderung underestimate berdasarkan perbandingan dengan data hasil pengukuran lapangan. Berdasarkan histogram maka modus pada masing-masing data DSM adalah 1,1 m pada SRTM1, dan 12,2 m pada ASTER GDEM v2. Hasil yang demikian menunjukkan bahwa kedua data DSM kurang sesuai untuk pemetaan tinggi tegakan. Namun demikian apabila akan dibuat peta maka skala peta yang sesuai untuk setiap data DSM skala 1:100.000

    Ethnobotany of Sasak traditional beverages as functional foods

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    775-780Sasak is a native tribe of Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Like other tribes in the world, Sasak tribe has a variety of traditional cuisines that can also function as functional foods, including the beverages or drinks. The purpose of this study was to explore the Sasak traditional drinks that function as functional foods, from ethnobotany aspects. This study used the etnosains method, namely purposive sampling method which includes observation, interview, documentation and literature review. There were 8 types of Sasak traditional drinks that are commonly consumed by the public as functional drinks, which can provide positive benefits for the human body. There was also an observation on plants used in the preparation of the drinks. Sasak traditional drinks basically have the potential as functional drinks, and further multidisciplinary studies are needed. This study is one form of preservation efforts on culture, plant resources and traditional botanical knowledge related to its use in human health

    Faktor Risiko Prenatal Perinatal Dan Postnatal Pada Kejadian Cerebral Palsy

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    Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a disability disorder motor motorization is most common in children with a prevalence of 2-3 per 1000 live births. The term CP is explained as a group of movement and posture disorders that are often accompanied by impaired sensation, perception, cognition, communication, behavior, epilepsy, and secondary disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Disorders of CP occur in the immature central nervous system with non-progressive traits occurring in the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal period. Methods:  The purpose of this study is to determine how much prenatal risk factors, perinatal, and postnatal events in CP at the Kitty Center Clinic in Jakarta for 5 year (2013 - 2017). Result: An observational descriptive study, which described prenatal perinatal, and postnatal risk factors for CP events at the Kitty Center Clinic in Jakarta for a period of 5 years (2013-2017) with a total of 523 study subjects. Based on the analysis of data obtained, based on the type of CP 35% quadripelgia spastic, 36% spastic diplegia, 6% spastic hemiplegia, 9% athetosis, and 14% hypotonia. Based on sex 62% are men, and 38% are women with a ratio of 1.6: 1.0. Based on the age of the child 11% <2 years, 34% 3-6 years, 33% 7-12 years, and 22%13-18 years. Conclusion:  Based on risk factors of 62% prenatal, 25% perinatal, and 12% postnatal. Prenatal risk factor is the biggest risk factor as much as 62% which causes Cerebral Palsy at the Kitty Center Clinic in Jakarta
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