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    226 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Using the Mobile Disaster Exercise Application on the Level of Disaster Response Knowledge Among Nursing Students

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    Background: Disasters can occur anywhere and happen to anyone who can cause loss of life, psychological impacts, material loss and environmental damage. Everyone is expected to know the attitude they should take when a disaster occurs, including the role of nursing students. One way to increase disaster response knowledge is by using the Mobile Disaster Exercise Application. This research aims to describe the effectiveness of using the Mobile Disaster Exercise Application on disaster response knowledge of Among Nursing students.   Methods: This research is a quantitative research with a quasi-experiment type with a pretest-posttest with control group design. The sample for this research was 60 nursing students from the Surakarta Ministry of Health Polytechnic in the experimental group in the form of the Mobile Disaster Exercise Application and 58 people in the control group in the form of online lectures, then the data was processed using a paired sample t-tes.   Results: Health education through the Mobile Disaster Exercise Application media was effective in increasing disaster response knowledge among nursing students, obtained a mean of 19.83 with a value of p=0.000 (p<0.05). Meanwhile, in the control group in the form of online lectures, a mean of 16.59 was obtained with a value of p=0.000 (p<0.05).   Conclusion: The Mobile Disaster Exercise application is effective in increasing disaster response knowledge among Nursing Students

    Functional Vocabulary Measurement

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    Background: Vocabulary is an essential component in child and individual communication performance. This ability is an indicator of language problems or disorders that may be experienced. Measuring receptive and expressive vocabulary areas is necessary to value the children’s abilities comprehensively. The provision of a vocabulary problem-examining instrument is a condition needing immediate investigation. This research aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Functional Vocabulary Ability Measurement instrument.   Methods: This study was quantitative research. Forty (40) respondents were involved in this research with varying language problem backgrounds. The instrument trial involved clinicians with speech therapist and non-therapist backgrounds. The test-retest method was used to analyze the reliability of the instrument.   Results: The result of the validity test shows a rho value for receptive and expressive vocabulary subtests with a total value > 0.800 at a significance level ≤ 0.001. The reliability value of Cronbach’s alpha test result is 0.980 for receptive vocabulary and 0.986 for expressive vocabulary components, for a total value of 0.991. The relation of the test-retest result indicates that the value of relation in the first and second measurements is 0.93 for receptive vocabulary, 0.945 for expressive vocabulary components, and a total value of 0.936.   Conclusion: This research instrument has qualified validity and reliability values. Clinicians can use this instrument as one option in the child's vocabulary ability assessment process. Further research is necessary to see the impact of the instrument more broadly

    The Effect Of Mean Length Utterance On The Complexity Of Syntactic Structure In 4-6 Year Old Children

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    Background: Mean Length Utterance (MLU) results from dividing the total morphemes by the child’s number of utterances. MLU is an indicator of gross language development in children. The more the vocabulary the higher will be the development of language acquisition and so will be the MLU score and the more complex will be the sentence structure so that language development can be known, especially grammatical aspects including syntax and morphology. Syntactic complexity is the range of sentence complexity levels based on its syntactic structural components. This study aims to determine whether or not there is an effect of Mean Length Utterance (MLU) on the complexity of the syntactic structure of children 4-6 years old in Demakan Village.  Methods: This study used a quantitative method, correlational design and cross sectional approach. The populations in this study were children aged 4-6 years in TK Desa Demakan 01 and Klinik Belajar Bahasa Bicara Sukoharjo. Sampling was conducted using purposive sampling with 30 children. 15 children aged 4 years, 9 children 5 years old, and 6 children 6 years old. This study conducted in November 2022 until Februari 2023. The spontaneous language sampling analysis used to measure MLU and syntactic complexity.  Results: The results of the statistical correlation test using Spearman-Rank analysis obtained a p value of 0.001 (p <0.05) meaning that Ha is supported or there is an effect of MLU on the complexity of the syntactic structure of children 4-6 years in Demakan Village. The r value of 0.644 implies that there is a "strong" effect with a positive correlation.  Conclusion: There is an effect of the Mean Length Utterance (MLU) on the Complexity of the Syntactic Structure in 4-6 Year Children in Demakan Village. This correlation usefull to make conclusion of assessment process especially relation between language variables

    The Effect Of Postpartum Yoga On Lochea Discharge And Decreased Fundus Uteri Height

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    Background: An abnormal involution process can cause the uterus to fail to return to normal and result in the uterine reduction process being hampered and post partum bleeding occurring. Postpartum yoga is effective in accelerating uterine involution, so that it can decreased the fundus uteri height. Aim of this study is analyzing the effect of postpartum yoga on lochea expulsion and uterine fundus decline.  Methods: Quantitative quasi-experimental design with a pre and post test approach with control group design. The population in this study were all normal postpartum mothers recorded in March – May 2021. The number of samples in this study was 19 people for each group or 38 people for two groups using a simple random sampling technique. Yoga was given from the first day to the seventh day postpartum. Analysis used Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney  Results: Data showed in the control group on day 1 and a p value of 0.328 on day 3 (p value > 0.005). The intervention group on day 5 and day 7 with a p value of 0.000 on day 5 and a p value of 0.001 on day 7 (p value < 0.005).  Conclusion:Yoga is effective decreased fundus uteri height. Post partum mothers are advised to do yoga regularly from birth until the 6th week

    Effects Of Lower Limb Neurodynamic In Short Hamstring Syndrome

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    Background: Injury to the hamstring muscle is a very common site of injury in general sports or work-related physical activity. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the addition of lower limb neurodynamics to the intervention of ultrasound therapy and stretching in short hamstring syndrome. Methods: This study is a Randomized Controlled Trial with a Pre-Test and Post-Test Group Design. The number of subjects in this study was 30 respondents, who were divided into 2 groups, namely the control group (n = 15) and the treatment group (n = 15). In the control group, subjects received a combination of ultrasound therapy and stretching. In the treatment group, subjects received a combination of ultrasound therapy, stretching, and lower limb neurodynamics. The intervention was carried out three times a week for four weeks (12 sessions). The length of the hamstring muscles is measured by straight leg raise (SLR) range of motion (ROM) and passive knee extension (PKE) ROM using a goniometer. Results: The results of statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups in the difference between the SLR ROM and PKE ROM before and after the intervention measured using a goniometer (p = 0.000). Conclusion: The addition of lower limb neurodynamics in the combination of ultrasound therapy and stretching intervention is proven to increase SLR ROM and PKE ROM in cases of the short hamstring. Lower limb neurodynamics could be used in clinical practice as an alternative to improving short hamstring syndrome

    Determinant Factors of Compliance Antiretroviral Consumption in People Living with HIV AIDS (PLWHA)

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    Background: The Human Immunodeficiency/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV AIDS) is one of the most deadly diseases. Obedience to drink ARV drugs becomes a deciding factor in the quality of life of PLWHA patients. Determinant factors of compliance not taking ARVs yet found in a certain way. Objectives from the study This is to describe determinant factors of compliance with ARV consumption for people living with HIV AIDS (PLWHA) at home in Sick Surakarta Central General.   Methods: Type study This is a descriptive-analytic approach designed to be cross-sectional. The population is all HIV AIDS patients undergoing ARV therapy maintained at Jalan RSUP Surakarta, with as many as 49 patients. Data collection techniques use total sampling. Data collection is done using a questionnaire for ART compliance (Life Windows Information-Motivation-Behaviorak Skill). Data analysis techniques include univariate and bivariate analysis with the Chi-Square test.   Results: Research results show (1) Chi-Square test result information (p = 3.027). (2) Results of the Chi-Square test of motivation (p = 0.776) (3) Chi-Square test results: skills and behavior (p = 2.982). No There is a significant influence between information, motivation, and skills associated with obedience to drug ARVs. (1) Odd Ratio Test Results Information (p = 0.244), Odd Ratio Test Results Motivation (p = 0.420), Nagelkerke's R Square (p = 0.185), or 18.5%.   Conclusion: Support family is very influential in influencing obedience to drug ARVs, so officer health must involve families and always give support to patients who receive ARV therapy

    Implementation Protection Law Safety And Health Work (K3) on Worker Plantation Sector

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    Background: Worker plantation prone to to risk safety And health high work , however  implementation protection law Still become challenge . Limitations regulation , lack awareness And knowledge , capacity weak , as well lack of monitoring And enforcement law become factor main obstacle protection law for worker plantation . Study about implementation protection law safety and health work on worker plantation need done for evaluate challenge And existing problem as well as look for right solution for increase protection worker plantation. Aim of this study is to describe implementation protection law safety and health work (KS) on worker plantation sector.  Methods: A systematic review , with use article And book as source reference . Election source References done through machine Google search with criteria inclusion form article from journal national accredited Sinta And journal international Scopus accredited or non-Scopus issued No more from year 2020. Analysis done in a manner systematic with consider methodology research, findings main, and conclusion from every included research  in study.  Results: Implementation protection K3 law in plantations important For well-being worker . Required awareness , training, supervision, and enforcement firm law. Protection child laborer still minimal, necessary effort intensive . Expansion of the OSH program, increase of human resources, and repair system information required . Evaluation And repair sustainable important. The hope, effective implementation can upgrade condition work on the plantationour articles were found in this research article.  Conclusion: Implementation K3 law in the sector plantation important For guard safety worker. Needed awareness, training, supervision , and enforcement firm law . Protection child laborer Still need improved . Expansion of the OSH program, increase of human resources, and repair system information required . Evaluation And repair sustainable important. Expected condition work in the sector plantation can getting better with effective implementation

    Telenursing-Based Self-Care Management Education Improves The Quality Of Life Of Hypertension Sufferers In The Rural Area Pragaan Health Center

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      Background: A person's view of their life within the framework of their culture and values, which encompass the areas of physical, psychological, social, and environmental activities, is referred to as their quality of life. In order to raise awareness and promote self-care, intervention measures are desperately needed. The purpose of this research is to evaluate how telenursing education affects hypertension patients' quality of life.   Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental methodology. With a simple random sample, the population consisted of sixty hypertensive people. The sixty-person sample was split into two groups: thirty individuals in the treatment group got an educational intervention centered around supportive care, while thirty individuals in the control group were given hypertension pamphlets.   Results: The quality of life score in the treatment group following the intervention was p = 0.000, according to research based on the independent t-test. The study's findings demonstrated the effectiveness of telenursing instruction in raising hypertension patients' quality of life; as such, this intervention may catalyze raising hypertensive patients' levels of self-care.   Conclusion: In conclusion, telenursing education support has an impact on hypertension patients' quality of life

    No Different Acute Effect Of Passive And Active Stretching On Hamstring Flexibility In Elderly Women

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    Background: The flexibility of the hamstring muscle contributes significantly to movement and the risk of injury. Decreased hamstring flexibility increases the risk in older women with age. Stretching is the most common form of intervention to overcome this problem, but the most appropriate form of stretching for older women still requires further research. Methods: The study included 2 groups, where Group I received passive stretching treatment on the hamstring muscles while Group II received active stretching treatment on the same muscles. The subjects of this study were elderly women members of the Posyandu Elders from Tohudan Village, Colomadu District, Karanganyar Regency. Results: The results showed that there was a decrease in hamstring flexibility in older women. Passive stretching treatment has an effect on increasing hamstring muscle flexibility (p = 0.00). There was an effect of active stretching on increasing hamstring muscle flexibility (p = 0.03). There was no difference in the effect between passive stretching and active stretching on increasing hamstring muscle flexibility (p = 0.837). Conclusion: Passive stretching treatment has an effect on increasing hamstring muscle flexibility (p = 0.00). There was an effect of active stretching on increasing hamstring muscle flexibility (p = 0.03). There was no difference in the effect between passive stretching and active stretching on increasing hamstring muscle flexibility (p = 0.837). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that providing passive stretching and active stretching can both increase hamstring muscle flexibility in older women

    Identifying Provinces With RMNCH-IC Disparities Between Urban - Rural Residences In Indonesia

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    Background: Intervention coverage in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH-IC) is still unequal between urban and rural residences. This inequality is considered to also occur in Indonesia. The Composite Coverage Index (CCI) measures RMNCH-IC. However, CCI measurements at provincial levels according to residences are not yet available in Indonesia due to the limited sample size at some CCI indicators. Therefore, provinces with a large RMNCH-IC inequality, or disparity, between residences have not been identified. Thus, this study aims to measure CCI as a whole at provincial levels according to residences in Indonesia through the estimation of CCI indicators using MRP, to be used to identify provinces with CCI disparities between residences. Methods: Small Area Estimation (SAE), especially Multilevel Regression and Poststratification (MRP) models, can be used to estimate parameters for each province according to residences with limited samples. The secondary data used in this study come from the latest survey, the 2017 Indonesian Health Demographic Survey (IDHS). Results: Based on the value of the CCI dimension, urban residences have better dimensions of maternal and newborn health, while rural residences have better dimensions of reproductive and child health. There are 5 provinces with RMNCH-IC disparities between residences in Indonesia. Conclusion: Efforts to reduce CCI inequalities are still needed for each residence in their respective dimension, especially for provinces with RMNCH-IC disparities. Further research is needed to explain the determinants of the large disparities between the five provinces


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    Interest: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan is based in Indonesia
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