11,772 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui tingkat motivasi kerja guru dan karyawan di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman; (2) mengetahui tingkat prestasi kerja guru dan karyawan di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman; (3) mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan motivasi kerja dengan prestasi kerja guru dan karwan di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman; dan (4) mengetahui besarnya sumbangan (kontribusi) motivasi kerja terhadap prestasi kerja guru dan karyawan di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian ex-post facto. Penelitian ini juga termasuk penelitian populasi, dimana jumlah responden adalah seluruh guru dan karyawan yang berjumlah 45 orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa angket untuk motivasi kerja sedangkan prestasi kerja adalah dengan instrumen pemantauan yang diisi oleh Kepala Sekolah. Validitas instrumen di uji menggunakan Expert Judgment dan uji empiris menggunakan korelasi Product Moment. Reabilitas instrumen di uji menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif, uji persyaratan analisis dan analisis korelasi dengan bantuan komputer program Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) tingkat motivasi kerja guru dan karyawan di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman dalam kategori tinggi dengan rata-rata 78,04; (2) tingkat prestasi kerja guru dan karyawan di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman dalam kategori tinggi dengan rata-rata 77,73; (3) ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan motivasi kerja dengan prestasi kerja guru dan karyawan di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,510 yang termasuk dalam kategori cukup kuat; dan (4) sumbangan (kontribusi) variabel motivasi kerja terhadap prestasi kerja sebesar 26,01%, dan sisanya 73,99% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini

    English Removal for Elementary School in 2013 Curriculum; a Careless or Careful Step?

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    The idea of removing English for elementary school in 2013 curriculum has shocked the Indonesian education practitioners. So far, English has been considered as a favorite and prestigious subject for some modern elementary schools. English lessons is claimed to be important and is still needed by the young learn-ers. Given the context of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teaching English in Indonesia, of course, may not equate with the teaching of English in Singapore where English is in the context of ESL (English as a Second Language). As the right method and strategy may be given to the learners, the development of lan-guage skills for children aged 6-12 years-old will not be disturbed. Then if the mother tongue, that is Bahasa Indonesia, would not be a mess if at the same time the students need to learn a foreign language. In the end, learning English will not lose identity or sense of nationalism of the students. Keywords: Young learners, English, 2013 Curriculu

    Predicting Switching intention Among Generation Z (Study on Shopee App)

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    Studies that focus on the interaction of variables related to system quality, information quality, and service quality, as well as their effect on user satisfaction and subsequent intentions to switch to alternative e-commerce platforms can provide a better understanding of Generation Z's Customer behavior in using e-commerce applications. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach. This study is to test the variables that affect switching intention with analysis tools using PLS software. This pathway analysis technique will be used in testing the magnitude of the contribution indicated by the path coefficients on each path diagram of causal relationships between IQ, SQ, SyQ, SI variables, on ST. The population is 188,951 people with sample of this study was Gen Z totaling 125 respondents. The results showed that Information Quality does not affect Customer satisfaction and the switching intention at shopee, but system quality affect the satisfaction and switching intention. The service quality has no effect on switching intention but affects customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction affects the desire to change applications. Customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between service quality, system quality and the switching intention from shopee. However, it does not mediate the relationship between Information Quality and the switching intentio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran langsung berbantuan modul dalam pencapaian kompetensi pembuatan pola busana anak siswa kelas 2 Busana 1 di SMK N 3 Pacitan; 2) Mengetahui peningkatan pencapaian kompetensi pembuatan pola busana anak melalui model pembelajaran langsung berbantuan modul pada siswa kelas 2 Busana 1 di SMK N 3 Pacitan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang menggunakan model penelitian dari Kemmis dan Taggart. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK N 3 Pacitan pada bulan Mei 2012, terdiri dari dua siklus, dengan tahapan (1) Perencanaan, (2) Tindakan, (3) Pengamatan, (4) Refleksi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 22 siswa kelas 2 Busana 1. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar penilaian kemandirian, lembar penilaian unjuk kerja dan uji kelayakan modul. Uji validitas berdasarkan judgment expert dengan ahli model pembelajaran, ahli media, ahli materi, dan guru mata pelajaran busana anak. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa media yang dipakai sudah layak untuk digunakan dan instrumen penilaian yang berupa lembar unjuk kerja. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa antusias mengikuti pembelajaran dan mandiri dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung berbantuan modul serta adanya pencapaian kompetensi belajar siswa berdasarkan KKM, nilai rata-rata kelas setelah diberi tindakan siklus I sebesar 12.49% dari 68.87 (ketuntasan KKM : 54.8%) menjadi 77.29 (ketuntasan KKM : 83.9%), setelah tindakan siklus II meningkat 15.07% dari 77.29 menjadi 88.94 (ketuntasan KKM : 100%). Uraian di atas menunjukan bahwa model pembelajaran langsung berbantuan modul dapat diterapkan pada materi pembuatan pola busana anak dan dapat meningkatkan pencapaian hasil kompetensi belajar siswa

    Tongue Image Analysis for Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis Based on SOM Kohonen

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    Tongue diagnosis is an important diagnostic method for evaluating the condition of internal organ by looking at the image of tongue . However, due to its qualitative, subjective and experience-based nature, traditional tongue diagnosis has a very limited application in clinical medicine. Moreover, traditional tongue diagnosis is always concerned with the identification of syndromes rather than with the connection between tongue abnormal appearances and diseases. This is not well understood in Western medicine, thus greatly obstruct its wider use in the world. In this paper, we present a novel computerized tongue inspection method aiming to address these problems. First, two kinds of quantitative features, chromatic and textural measures, are extracted from tongue images by using popular digital image processing techniques. Then, SOM Kohonen are employed to model the relationship between these quantitative features and diseases. The effectiveness of the method is tested on 35 patients affected by Diabetes Mellitus as well as other 30 healthy volunteers, and the diagnostic results predicted by the previously trained SOM Kohonen classifiers are compared with the HOMA-B

    Micromagnetic simulation of thermally assisted magnetization reversal in magnetic nanodots with perpendicular anisotropy

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    Temporal evolution of magnetization in a ļ¬eld cooling process from magnetic ordering temperature has been numerically investigated for magnetic nanodots with perpendicular anisotropy by solving the stochastic Landauā€“Lifshitzā€“Gilbert equation. The magnetic ļ¬eld required to align the magnetization, i.e. the switching ļ¬eld for thermally assisted writing of magnetic dot, depends on not only the intrinsic anisotropy ļ¬eld but also the magnetization reversal mechanism. To minimize the switching ļ¬eld with ensuring a practical thermal stability of the dot for nonvolatile memory applications, the lateral dimension of the dot should be smaller than its critical size for single domain conļ¬guration to avoid a formation of ļ¬‚ux closure conļ¬guration inside the dot. Keywords: Numerical simulation; Nanodot magnetic; Perpendicular anisotropy; Thermally assisted; Magnetization reversa

    Stock Price and Covid-19 Vaccine: Comparison Study on PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk. (KAEF) Stock Prices

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    The Covid-19 pandemic also affected price movements in the pharmaceutical sector, after the fresh wind of the covid-19 vaccine that had been found, stock prices in the pharmaceutical sector experienced a significant increase, especially when the vaccine first arrived in Indonesia, and also when the number one person in Indonesia was vaccinated. In this study the author focuses on the shares of PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk. This research was conducted to obtain the results of whether there is a difference between the stock prices of PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk. Before the pandemic, and after the announcement of the first case in Indonesia, was there any difference between the stock prices of PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk. after the announcement of the first case in Indonesia and after the arrival of the first covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia, is there a difference between the stock price of PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk. after the arrival of the first COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia and after the President of the Republic of Indonesia was injected with the first dose of vaccine. The test carried out is the normality test of the data using Kolgomorof Smirnov. After conducting the normality test, the researchers then conducted a paired sample T-test to determine whether there was a difference in prices before and after the conditions specified in this study, namely whether there was a difference in the stock price of PT Kimia Farma, Tbk. at the time before the pandemic occurred with the announcement of the first case in Indonesia, when the vaccine first arrived in Indonesia, and when the President of the Republic of Indonesia received the first dose of vaccine. From this study it was concluded that there was a difference in stock prices before and after the announcement of the first case of covid in Indonesia. There was a difference between the stock prices of PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk. after the delivery of vaccines to Indonesia from China and after the arrival of the first Covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia. There is a difference between the share price of PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk. after the announcement that President Jokowi would be vaccinated for the first time and after the President of the Republic of Indonesia was injected with the first dose of vaccine

    The Influence of Earning Per Share, Turnover of Total Asset, Return on Equity and Debt Asset Ratio on LQ45 Index Share Price Period 2017 ā€“ 2021 listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    Due to the inflation factor, for that we need to invest in an investment asset, the current value of money will decrease. The investment instrument studied in this study were shares, using financial ratios to establish whether financial ratios are correlated with stock prices so that we can search for companies that can provide benefits in the form of capital gains, the object of this research uses ratios, among others: earnings per share, total asset turnover, return on equity, and debt/asset ratio. This research, using the help of the Eviews version 10 program as an application to process the data used, was carried out on companies listed on the lq45 index. In this study, the purposive sampling method was used as the sampling method. The number of samples used were 23 companies with research data carried out from 2017 to 2021, so 115 observation data were obtained. From the results of this study it is known that: (1) Earnings per share has a significant positive effect on share prices, this is evidenced with a significance of 0.0000 and a t value of 11.35574, so H1 is accepted; (2) The Turnover of Total Assets has a significant positive effect on stock prices, this is evidenced by the significance of 0.0156 and the value of the arithmetic t (2.456378) for which H2 is accepted; (3) Return on Equity has a significant positive effect on share prices, this is evidenced by a significance of 0.0010 and a t-count value of 3.368250, so H3 is accepted; (4) The debt to asset ratio has a significant negative effect on share prices, this is evidenced by a significant value of 0.1872 and a t-count value of (1.327267) so H4 is rejected; (5) Obtained Simultaneous Test Results Arithmetic results F of 33.50263 with probability 0.000000 can be concluded if simultaneously all variables have a significant influence on stock prices. The results of the regression analysis show the adjusted value (r^2) of 0.532807, which means that variations in Earnings per Share, Total Asset Turnover, Return on Equity, and Debt to Assets Ratio can explain the 53.28 % of changes in stock price. While the remaining 46.72% is explained by other variables not examined in this study
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