47 research outputs found

    Dónde y entre quién viven las personas mayores

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    Presentación del índice de diversidad etaria o heterogeneidad generacional en España: probabilidad de una persona de encontrarse con otra de un grupo de edad distinto al suyo en el municipio donde viven. Mapa municipal de España con los valores del índice.Proyecto Intramural CSIC 201310E044 "Mantenimiento de la plataforma Envejecimiento en Red"Peer reviewe

    La diversificación y consolidación de los servicios sociales para las personas mayores en España y en Suecia

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    La información sobre los servicios públicos para las personas mayores a menudo se limita a la atención residencial y a la ayuda a domicilio. Sin embargo, estos servicios básicos son en muchos países complementados o sustituidos por otros servicios de menor envergadura, como el transporte, comidas a domicilio, teleasistencia y centros de día. Esta diversificación partió de un racionamiento de los servicios para lograr una asignación más racional de los recursos y, si se podía, un menor gasto. En este trabajo se utilizan diversos datos sobre estos servicios en España y Suecia. Cuando se consideran todos los cuidados, la cobertura de atención es mucho mayor que si sólo se contemplan los servicios básicos. Esto indica una mayor consolidación de los mismos. Los datos sugieren mayor focalización en Suecia, y prestaciones fragmentadas en España, donde parece que los usuarios alcanzan lo disponible, con poca diferenciación entre sus necesidades. Cuando las tasas de cobertura son superiores, como en Suecia, hay mayor solapa-miento entre el cuidado familiar y los servicios públicos. Con tasas más bajas, como en España, los cuidados familiares y los servicios públicos son sustitutos unos de otros. Se sugiere que una mayor diversidad de servicios, básicos y secundarios, puede adaptarse mejor y de manera más eficiente a las diversas necesidades de las personas mayores que la elección entre ningún servicio, ayuda domiciliaria o atención residencial. Aunque estos servicios secundarios también puedan ser utilizados como un sustituto de bajo coste, e inferior calidad, en la atención

    Biogeochemistry of surface sediments in mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cádiz

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    The shallowest sediment of three mud volcanoes (MVs) located in the middle slope of the Gulf of Cádiz, Anastasya, Pipoca and St. Petersburg, have been seasonally studied during June and December 2016. These structures are locally important contributors of many biogeochemical active substances to the water column, with a special attention in the emission of methane (CH4). Along this study, the role of organic matter diagenesis and its contribution to the difusive fuxes estimated in the sediment–water interface from the three MVs have been investigated mainly. For this, the frst combined analyses of sediment properties (granulometry, porosity, density, organic carbon) and pore water chemistry (major elements, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), nutrients, CH4 and nitrous oxide) have been carried out. Anastasya and St. Petersburg MVs presented similar behaviours, with a slight concentration variation for the chemical variables in the top layers of the sedimentary record followed by a more intense vertical variation in deeper layers. Anastasya MV showed some typical processes of these structures, such as the clay dehydration, the dissolution of halite and the precipitation of authigenic carbonates, which was also observed in St. Petersburg MV. Organic matter diagenesis clearly altered the biogeochemical profles, except for Pipoca MV. Moreover, mud breccia with a mousse-like texture has been identifed in the deepest levels of Anastasya and St. Petersburg MVs. Here, anaerobic oxidation of methane is linked to the decrease of SO2−4 and the increases of CH4 and DIC with the core depth. Changes across the sediment–water interface presented low difusive fuxes in the three MVs due to the presence of other processes as the irrigation by benthic macrofauna, the action of bottom currents and/or the upward fuid migration. From the obtained results, we can conclude that Anastasya MV presents a certain venting activity at present

    Las huellas de la crisis son visibles en muchos procesos demográficos

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    Todas las crisis económicas dejan sus huellas –a veces profundas, a veces transitorias– en los procesos demográficos. La iniciada en 2008 también está teniendo una repercusión importante en los comportamientos familiares, reproductivos, migratorios y relacionados con la salud.Proyecto Intramural CSIC 201310E044 "Mantenimiento de la plataforma Envejecimiento en Red"Peer reviewe

    Digital Humanities

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    Digital relations are deeply transforming our lives : from the nature of political participation to the relationship between digital and non-digital environments ; from the reorganization of the public sphere to the ethics of responsibility, transparency or inclusiveness. We are witnessing fundamental changes in the infrastructures of democracy and the emergence of new forms of digital citizenship.Peer reviewe

    Population-based multicase-control study in common tumors in Spain (MCC-Spain): rationale and study design

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    Introduction: We present the protocol of a large population-based case-control study of 5 common tumors in Spain (MCC-Spain) that evaluates environmental exposures and genetic factors. Methods: Between 2008-2013, 10,183 persons aged 20-85 years were enrolled in 23 hospitals and primary care centres in 12 Spanish provinces including 1,115 cases of a new diagnosis of prostate cancer, 1,750 of breast cancer, 2,171 of colorectal cancer, 492 of gastro-oesophageal cancer, 554 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and 4,101 population-based controls matched by frequency to cases by age, sex and region of residence. Participation rates ranged from 57% (stomach cancer) to 87% (CLL cases) and from 30% to 77% in controls. Participants completed a face-to-face computerized interview on sociodemographic factors, environmental exposures, occupation, medication, lifestyle, and personal and family medical history. In addition, participants completed a self-administered food-frequency questionnaire and telephone interviews. Blood samples were collected from 76% of participants while saliva samples were collected in CLL cases and participants refusing blood extractions. Clinical information was recorded for cases and paraffin blocks and/or fresh tumor samples are available in most collaborating hospitals. Genotyping was done through an exome array enriched with genetic markers in specific pathways. Multiple analyses are planned to assess the association of environmental, personal and genetic risk factors for each tumor and to identify pleiotropic effects. Discussion: This study, conducted within the Spanish Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology & Public Health (CIBERESP), is a unique initiative to evaluate etiological factors for common cancers and will promote cancer research and prevention in Spain.The study was partially funded by the “Accion Transversal del Cancer”, approved on the Spanish Ministry Council on the 11th October 2007, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (PI08/1770, PI08/0533, PI08/1359, PS09/00773, PS09/01286, PS09/01903, PS09/02078, PS09/01662, PI11/01403, PI11/01889, PI11/00226, PI11/01810, PI11/02213, PI12/00488, PI12/00265, PI12/01270, PI12/00715, PI12/00150), by the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla (API 10/09), by the ICGC International Cancer Genome Consortium CLL, by the Junta de Castilla y León (LE22A10-2), by the Consejería de Salud of the Junta de Andalucía (PI-0571), by the Conselleria de Sanitat of the Generalitat Valenciana (AP 061/10), by the Recercaixa (2010ACUP 00310), by the Regional Government of the Basque Country by European Commission grants FOOD-CT- 2006-036224-HIWATE, by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation, by the The Catalan Government DURSI grant 2009SGR1489

    Handbook of Active Ageing and Quality of Life: From Concepts to Applications

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    La edición de este libro estuvo a cargo de Fermina Rojo-Pérez y Gloria Fernández-Mayoralas.El documento adjunto contiene la cubierta, portada e índice del libro.This handbook presents an overview of studies on the relationship of active ageing and quality of life. It addresses the new challenges of ageing from the paradigm of positive ageing (active, healthy and successful) for a better quality of life. It provides theoretical perspectives and empirical studies, including scientific knowledge as well as practical experiences about the good ageing and the quality of later life around the world, in order to respond to the challenges of an aged population. The handbook is structured in 4 sections covering theoretical and conceptual perspectives, social policy issues and research agenda, methods, measurement instrument-scales and evaluations, and lastly application studies including domains and geographical contexts.Peer reviewe

    Pautas migratorias de los mayores en España

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    En una sociedad envejecida como la española, los comportamientos de las personas de edad cobran una creciente importancia. Este articulo ceiitra su interés en los movimientos migratorios de las personas mayores, y en concleto, en la intensidad y calendario de los mismos. Tras los 55 años una sexta parte de los mayores realiza al menos un moviento migratorio;y lo hace, o bien en el mismo sitio en que se jubila (o se jubila su conyuge), o bien con, posterioridad a los 75 años como estrategia para afrontar nuevas necesidades.Peer reviewe

    El Envejecimiento, un triunfo de la sociedad cuestionado por la falta de vínculos

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    Aspectos demográficos y sociológicos. La sociedad que tenemos y que tendremos

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    Esta obra está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)Peer reviewe