86 research outputs found

    Shape and period of limit cycles bifurcating from a class of Hamiltonian period annulus

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    In this work we are concerned with the problem of shape and period of isolated periodic solutions of perturbed analytic radial Hamiltonian vector fields in the plane. Fran¸coise develop a method to obtain the first non vanishing Poincaré-Pontryagin-Melnikov function. We generalize this technique and we apply it to know, up to any order, the shape of the limit cycles bifurcating from the period annulus of the class of radial Hamiltonians. We write any solution, in polar coordinates, as a power series expansion in terms of the small parameter. This expansion is also used to give the period of the bifurcated periodic solutions. We present the concrete expression of the solutions up to third order of perturbation of Hamiltonians of the form H = H(r). Necessary and sufficient conditions that show if a solution is simple or double are also presented

    Periodic orbits from second order perturbation via rational trigonometric integrals

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    The second order Poincaré-Pontryagin-Melnikov perturbation theory is used in this paper to study the number of bifurcated periodic orbits from certain centers. This approach also allows us to give the shape and the period up to first order. We address these problems for some classes of Abel differential equations and quadratic isochronous vector fields in the plane. We prove that two is the maximum number of hyperbolic periodic orbits bifurcating from the isochronous quadratic centers with a birational linearization under quadratic perturbations of second order. In particular the configurations (2, 0) and (1, 1) are realizable when two centers are perturbed simultaneously. The required computations show that all the considered families share the same iterated rational trigonometric integrals

    Corrigendum to "Shape and period of limit cycles bifurcating from a class of Hamiltonian period annulus" (Nonlinear Anal. 81 (2013) 130--148)

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    In our paper [1] we are concerned with the problem of shape and period of isolated periodic solutions of perturbed analytic radial Hamiltonian vector fields in the plane. Actually, there is a mistake in the formula of the first order approximation of the period given in Corollary 4. Here we give its proper drafting

    New lower bounds for the Hilbert numbers using reversible centers

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    Altres ajuts: UNAB13-4E-1604 (FEDER)In this paper we provide the best lower bounds, that are known up to now, for the Hilbert numbers of polynomial vector fields of degree N,, for small values of N. These limit cycles appear bifurcating from symmetric Darboux reversible centers with very high simultaneous cyclicity. The considered systems have, at least, three centers, one on the reversibility straight line and two symmetric outside it. More concretely, the limit cycles are in a three nests configuration and the total number of limit cycles is at least 2n + m, for some values of n and m. The new lower bounds are obtained using simultaneous degenerate Hopf bifurcations. In particular, H(4) ≥ 28, H(5) ≥ 37, H(6) ≥ 53, H(7) ≥ 74, H(8) ≥ 96, H(9) ≥ 120 and H(10) ≥ 142

    Uniqueness of the limit cycles for complex differential equations with two monomials

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    We prove that any complex differential equation with two monomials of the form z˙ = azk ¯zl + bzm¯zn, with k, l, m, n non-negative integers and a, b ∈ C, has one limit cycle at most. Moreover, we characterise when such a limit exists and prove that then it is hyperbolic. For an arbitrary equation of the above form, we also solve the centrefocus problem and examine the number, position, and type of its critical points. In particular, we prove a Berlinski˘ı-type result regarding the geometrical distribution of the critical points stabilities

    Asymptotic dynamics of a difference equation with a parabolic equilibrium

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    The aim of this work is the study of the asymptotic dynamical behaviour, of solutions that approach parabolic fixed points in difference equations. In one dimensional difference equations, we present the asymptotic development for positive solutions tending to the fixed point. For higher dimensions, through the study of two families of difference equations in the two and three dimensional case, we take a look at the asymptotic dynamic behaviour. To show the existence of solutions we rely on the parametrization method

    Global behaviour of the period function for some degenerate centers

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    We study the global behaviour of the period function on the period annulus of degenerate centers for two families of planar polynomial vector fields. These families are the quasi-homogeneous vector fields and the vector fields given by the sum of two quasi-homogeneous Hamiltonian ones. In the first case we prove that the period function is globally decreasing, extending previous results that deal either with the Hamiltonian quasi-homogeneous case or with the general homogeneous situation. In the second family, and after adding some more additional hypotheses, we show that the period function of the origin is either decreasing or has at most one critical period and that both possibilities may happen. This result also extends some previous results that deal with the situation where both vector fields are homogenous and the origin is a non-degenerate center

    Canard Trajectories in 3D piecewise linear systems

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    We present some results on singularly perturbed piecewise linear systems, similar to those obtained by the Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory. Unlike the differentiable case, in the piecewise linear case we obtain the global expression of the slow manifold Sε. As a result, we characterize the existence of canard orbits in such systems. Finally, we apply the above theory to a specific case where we show numerical evidences of the existence of a canard cycle

    Computational screens can speed up the discovery of pharmaceutical cocrystals

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    The calculation of Surface Site Interaction Points for cocrystal computational screens in combination with efficient experimental cocrystallization techniques has been applied successfully to several drug compounds. The basics of this combined approach are briefly reviewed in this communication

    Limit cycles bifurcating from a perturbed quartic center

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    Agraïments: The first and third authors are partially supported by the grant TIN2008-04752/TI