10 research outputs found

    CRI-MAP (Crime Mapping): Spatial and Temporal Analysis Of Crime Data Using Kernel Density Estimation

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    This presentation was given as part of the GIS Day@KU symposium on November 14, 2018. For more information about GIS Day@KU activities, please see http://gis.ku.edu/gisday/2018/PLATINUM SPONSORS: KU Department of Geography and Atmospheric Science KU Institute for Policy & Social Research GOLD SPONSORS: KU Libraries State of Kansas Data Access & Support Center (DASC) SILVER SPONSORS: Bartlett & West Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program KU Center for Global and International Studies BRONZE SPONSORS: Boundles

    Richness and diversity of odonates of the agricultural college and research institute, Vazhavachanur, Tamilnadu, India

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    Investigations on the diversity of Odonata in and around the Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vazhavachanur, Tamil Nadu, India were studied. Eight locations were selected, of which sixteen Odonata species were recorded. In total, eleven dragonfly and five damselfly species were identified from Thiruvannamalai district, Tamil Nadu, India. Pantala flavescens, Diplacodes trivialis, Brachythemis contaminata and Ischnura aurora were recorded from all eight locations. Trithemis pallidinervis and Agriocnemis pygmaea were recorded from seven locations except from the farm pond and the open stretch area. Rhyothemis variegata was recorded only at the open stretch area. The results clearly show that, Odonates have specific habitat preferences for their growth and development. Four families Libellulidae, Gomphidae, Aeshnidae and Coenagrionidae were observed and collected during the study. Libellulidae were the most abundant family (56.25%) and comprised of 9 species, followed by Coenagrionidae (31.25%) with 5 species. Low species abundance was recorded within the Gomphidae and Aeshnidae families with 6.25% each. Simpson and Shannon Index showed maximum diversity in the open stretch area (0.8743 and 2.186, respectively) and minimum in location 8 (crop production area) and location 4 (Sathakuppam), respectively. Open stretch area showed maximum Richness Index (Margalef) (2.275) followed by farm pond (2.196) where recorded minimum in sathakuppam (1.276) location. Equitability J index, maximum species evenness (0.788) was recorded Location 6 i.e. farm pond (0.6727) followed by open stretch area 0.686.Zbadano różnorodność Odonata w Kolegium Rolniczym i Instytucie Badawczym odnotowano 16 gatunków Odonata. Łącznie w okręgu Thiruvannamalai w stanie Tamil Nadu w Indiach zidentyfikowano 11 gatunków ważek różnoskrzydłe i 5 gatunków ważek równoskrzydłych. Pantala flavescens, Diplacodes tryialis, Brachythemis contaminata i Ischnura aurora odnotowano we wszystkich ośmiu lokalizacjach. Trithemis pallidinervis i Agriocnemis pygmaea odnotowano w siedmiu miejscach, z wyjątkiem stawu hodowlanego i otwartego obszaru. Rhyothemis variegata odnotowano tylko na otwartym terenie. Wyniki wyraźnie pokazują, że ważki mają określone preferencje siedliskowe dotyczące ich wzrostu i rozwoju. Podczas badań zaobserwowano i zebrano cztery rodziny: Libellulidae, Gomphidae, Aeshnidae i Coenagrionidae. Najliczniejszą rodziną były Libellulidae (56,25%), składające się z 9 gatunków, następnie Coenagrionidae (31,25%) z 5 gatunkami. Niską liczebność gatunków odnotowano w rodzinach Gomphidae i Aeshnidae po 6,25%. Indeks Simpsona i Shannona wykazał maksymalne zróżnicowanie na otwartym obszarze (odpowiednio 0,8743 i 2,186) i minimalne w lokalizacji 8 (obszar upraw) i lokalizacji 4 (Sathakuppam). Otwarty obszar wykazywał maksymalny wskaźnik bogactwa (Margalef) (2,275), następnie był staw hodow-lany (2,196), minimalny wskaźnik bogactwa odnotowano w lokalizacji Sathakuppam (1,276). Wskaźnik równości J, maksymalna równość gatunkowa (0,788) odnotowano w lokalizacji 6, tj. Staw hodowlany (0,6727), a następnie na otwarty obszarze (0,686)

    Cytological Method of Barr Body Expression in Dental Pulp Tissue at Varying Temperature

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    Introduction: Natural disasters in large population need major attention in person identification. It can be performed by means of simple techniques that are easier to use. Aim: To identify the Barr body in female dental pulp by cytological method, after exposing at varying temperature. Objective: The expression of Barr bodies was compared among different age groups, various temperature, and two types of stain. Materials and Methods: Teeth obtained from 60 female individuals were divided into two groups based on their age. In each group, 30 teeth were exposed at three different temperatures (200°C, 300°C, and 400°C), 10 teeth in each temperature. The pulp tissue obtained from teeth was centrifuged and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and Papanicolaou stain (PAP). Presence of visible sex chromatin in the nuclear periphery was considered positive for Barr chromatin test. The results obtained were analyzed by both descriptive analysis and independent t-test. Result: The peripherally condensed Barr body in hyperchromatic nuclear outline was clearly visible in younger individuals at 200°C and is more accurately expressed in H&E stain. Conclusion: In our study, based on the results obtained from the smear of pulp tissue, expression of Barr bodies’ decreases as age and temperature increases. Further study with increase in sample size is mandatory to confirm the above conclusion

    Antioxidants in prevention of cataracts in South India: methodology and baseline data*.

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    PURPOSE: To describe the methodology and baseline data for the Antioxidants in Prevention of Cataracts (APC) study in South India. METHODS: The APC study is a prospective, 5-year, randomized, triple-masked, placebo-controlled, field-based clinical trial to examine the effect of antioxidants (combination tablet of vitamins A, C, and E) on progression of cataract. The primary outcome variable is cataract progression (nuclear opalescence), evaluated with the slit-lamp biomicroscope by the Lens Opacification Classification System III method. Secondary outcome variables are progression in cortical and posterior subcapsular opacity and nuclear color, change in best corrected visual acuity, myopic shift, and treatment failure (progression to cataract surgery or best corrected vision worse than 20/400 in an eye). Inclusion criteria are age between 35 and 50 years and best-corrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better. Exclusion criteria are a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus or nonfasting blood glucose level>7.8 mmol/L, history or presence of various ocular conditions or treatment forms, or current use of vitamin supplements. Baseline ophthalmic, demographic, and potential cataract risk factor data (such as smoking, sunlight, or alcohol exposure) were compared between groups on an intent-to-treat basis. RESULTS: Of 954 people screened, 798 were enrolled, a sample size which exceeded the required estimate. More than 80% of subjects had 20/20 or better vision in at least one eye, and baseline prevalence of significant cataract according to the LOCS III grading scale was high. The two treatment groups were comparable for all baseline measures except alcohol intake. CONCLUSION: The sample size and group baseline characteristics will provide sufficient power to detect a change in cataract progression within 5 years

    Plant-mediated biosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles: A review of literature, factors affecting synthesis, characterization techniques and applications

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