168 research outputs found

    Relationship between Czech and European developed stock markets: DCC MVGARCH analysis

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    The study concentrates on an analysis of the Czech stock market performed by an application of DCC MV GARCH model of Engle (2002). Data sample including years from 1994 to 2009 is represented by daily returns of Prague Stock Exchange index and other 11 major stock indices. There is found an existence of increasing trend in conditional correlations among a whole European region. The trend reveals breakpoints splitting a data series into three phases of development. The analysis includes a composition of returns adjusted by exchange rates capturing a point of view of global investors. The Czech Koruna exchange rate effects in a conjunction with equity returns are identified as a possible risk aversion instrument. Granger causality concept is added in order to find a development of data flow directions in a perspective of the Czech market. Results show that unidirectional influence of foreign markets affecting Czech market occurs in data series.stock market integration, multivariate analysis, dynamic modelling, conditional correlation

    Review of \u3cem\u3eThe Color of Opportunity: Pathways to Family Welfare and Work.\u3c/em\u3e Haya Stier and Marta Tienda. Review by Eric Swank.

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    Book review of Haya Steir and Marta Tienda. The Color of Opportunity: Pathways to Family, Welfare, and Work. University of Chicago Press, 2001. $32.50 hardcover

    Local Government Tasks in Managing Migrations in the Czech Republic and Poland

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    Difficult problems that cannot be easily solved, the so-called wicked problems, remain one of the biggest challenges for both Poland and the Czech Republic. They concern both the state authorities and the local self-government. The analysis shows that in both countries, the tasks of local government units, in particular communes, do not focus on foreigners’ issues as a separate matter. Despite similar experiences, migration situations, and legal regulations, there are slight differences in both countries with respect to the understanding of who is a member of a local government community, and thus for whom public tasks can be performed. The challenge for both countries is to adjust their legal regulations to focus more on foreigners, primarily in areas such as integration, culture, health care, and education. It is also postulated to create the possibility of participation by foreigners in decisions taken by governmental authorities (e.g., in the scope of granting international protection). Undoubtedly, the thesis that solving the “wicked problems” category can only be advanced with the participation and joint responsibility of the local self-government is still very relevant, which was pointed out in the article in several areas. The research results lead to the proposal to recognise a foreigner as a member of the local government immediately after obtaining residence, regardless of the length of stay. The clue is to clearly identify the concentration of life interests and genuine connection, which is determined in this respect

    Volatilita akciového trhu v České republice : vzestupy a pády

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    The thesis concentrate on a volatility analysis os a stock market in the Czech Republic in years 1994-2009 including a comparison with a data available from world developed stock markets - namely European region, USA and Japan, econometric tools include GARCH model and its most popular derivates and generalisations I.E. IGARCH, EGARCH AND APARCH PROCESSES. The thesis is split into two main parts. The first part is devoted to a PSE volatility analysis based only on domestic data series involving GARCH class model estimations, forecasting abilities comparison and also a structural-break analysis based on the ICSS algorithm including the Inclan-Tiao test and its successors. Next part involves a dynamic analysis based on DCC MVGARCH model, which describes a change in a volatility spillover effect during the time. Data source used during the model estimation includes a development of stock indices and also net profits from point of view of Czech investor investing on global markets. It is furthermore supported by Granger causality estimation, which reveals a long-lasting unidirectional dependence of PSE on other developed markets. The complex results, which arise from a synergistic compound of particular econometric models, show that the stock market in the Czech Republic came through three main phases.Tato práce se zabývá analýzou volatility českého akciového trhu v letech 1994 až 2009 včetně srovnání s vyspělými světovými akciovými trhy - konkrétně se jedná o evropský region, USA a Japonsko. Nástroji ekonometrické analýzy jsou často užívané modely odvozené od původního procesu GARCH tzn. IGARCH, EGARCH a APARCH procesy. Práce je rozdělena do dvou hlavních částí. První část je věnována analýze volatility Burzy cenných papírů Praha založené pouze na domácích informacích. Analýza obsahuje odhady modelů GARCH, srovnání jejich schopností předpovídání a rovněž část věnovanou strukturálním zlomům založené na ICSS algoritmu, Inclan-Tiao testu a jeho upravených verzích. Další část se zabývá dynamickou analýzou založenou na DCC MVGARCH modelu, který popisuje vývoj volatility spillover efektů během pozorovaného období. Datový zdroj využitý při odhadu modelu obsahuje vývoj hodnot akciových indexů i čistých výnosů z pohledu českého investora investujícím na globálních trzích. Analýza je dále podpořena výpočty Grangerovy kausality, která odhaluje dlouhodobou jednosměrnou závislost BCPP na ostatních vyspělých trzích. KOMPLEXNÍ VÝSLEDKY, KTERÉ VYCHÁZÍ ZE SYNERGICKÉHO SPOJENÍ KONKRÉTNÍCH EKONOMETRICKÝCH MODELŮ UKAZUJÍ, ŽE ČESKÝ AKCIOVÝ TRH PROŠEL TŘEMI FÁZEMI VÝVOJE.Institut ekonomických studiíInstitute of Economic StudiesFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Strategy and philosophy of district heating systems control

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    The District Heating Systems (OHS) are being developed in large cities in accordance with their growth. The OHS are formed by enlarging networks of heat distribution to consumers and at the same time they interconnect the heat sources gradually built. OHS is used in larger cities of some European countries e.g. in Germany, France, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland and others. Production technology of heat by means of combined production of power and heat (CHP) is an important way to increasing of thermal efficiency of closed thermal loop. The paper shows the system access to the control of extensive OHS-controlled plant. It concerns automatic control of technological string "production, transport + distribution, consumption" of extensive district heating and that is the contribution of this paper. Control by means of advanced control algorithms is a tool (up to now neglect) for decreasing cost of energy and increasing the level of environment protection. © 2003 IFAC

    Measurement and analysis of single-phase transformer

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je simulace transformátoru malého výkonu za pomoci jeho náhradního schématu. Jako prostředek k matematickému popisu modelu a simulaci různých provozních stavů, při různých velikostech a typech zátěže, poslouží program Labview. Ten je zároveň využit k měření reálného transformátoru a k porovnání výsledků z hodnotami vypočtenými. Z připraveného programu je vytvořena i měřící úloha pro studenty. Práce popisuje měřený transformátor i za pomoci konečně prvkové metody v programu FEMM a je nastíněn postup jeho návrhu.The aim of that diploma thesis is low power transformer simulation via its substitutitional circuitry.As Instrument for matematical description of model and simulation of various operating situations with different amplitude and types of load was used Labview software. The software was simultaneously used for real transformer measurement and to compare these results with calculated values. The created program is also applied for measuring excercise for students. In The thesis is described measured transformer in terms of final elements method in FEMM software and there is showed the procedure of its design.

    Standardy dobrej administracji w prawie administracyjnym

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    Poszukiwanie wzorców dla funkcjonowania administracji publicznej oraz ich rozpoznawanie jest podstawowym zadaniem administratywistów. Od początku powstania nowożytnego państwa badacze zastanawiali się nad tym, jak skuteczniej i najlepiej administrować, na jakich założeniach powinno opierać czy jak właściwie ukształtować potrzebne dla funkcjonowania państwa instytucje. Przed kilkoma laty dyskusja nad tematem dobrej administracji rozpoczęła się niemal jednocześnie w związku z powstaniem Karty praw podstawowych UE oraz pracami nad Europejskim Kodeksem Dobrej Administracji. Zgodnie z redakcją art. 41 Karty: Każdy ma prawo do tego, aby jego sprawy były rozpatrywane przez instytucje i organy Unii Europejskiej bezstronnie, rzetelnie i w rozsądnym terminie. Trzeba nadmienić jednak, że pojęcie standardów dobrej administracji posiada szerszy zakres niż ten zawarty w Karcie praw podstawowych UE. Zagadnienie dobrej administracji posiada fundamentalne znaczenie dla określenia relacji administracja publiczna - jednostka (podmioty administrowane). Głównym celem badawczym postawionym przez autora monografii jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy postanowienia materialnego prawa administracyjnego odpowiadają podstawowym standardom dobrej administracji

    Risk factors for knee injuries in alpine skiers

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    Uvod: Alpsko smučanje velja za slovenski nacionalni šport. Gre za visoko intenzivno vadbo z relativno kratkim trajanjem. Za usvajanje smučarskega znanja so potrebne primarne gibalne sposobnosti: moč, hitrost, koordinacija, gibljivost, ravnotežje in preciznost. Pri smučanju so zelo pogoste poškodbe, skoraj polovico le-teh predstavljajo poškodbe kolena. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi pregleda strokovne literature opredeliti dejavnike tveganja za poškodbe kolena pri alpskih smučarjih tekmovalcih. Metode dela: Uporabili smo opisno metodo dela s pregledom strokovne literature. Članke smo iskali v podatkovni bazi PubMed s ključnimi besedami skiing AND knee injury AND risk factors. Vključili smo članke, ki so bili objavljeni med leti 2000 in 2019 v angleškem jeziku, ter so proučevali dejavnike tveganja za poškodbe kolenskega sklepa pri alpskih smučarjih tekmovalcih. Rezultati: V analizo smo vključili 7 strokovnih člankov, od tega 3 retrospektivne študije, 2 kohortni študiji, 1 študijo primerov in kontrol ter 1 sistematično video analizo. Pri antropometričnih podatkih ni razlik med poškodovanimi in nepoškodovanimi. V splošni telesni pripravljenosti se poškodovani in nepoškodovani ne razlikujejo statistično pomembno. Pri bolj uspešnih tekmovalcih ima poškodba sprednje križne vezi večjo incidenco. Med spoloma ni razlik v incidenci. Športniki s poškodbo sprednje križne vezi imajo večji delež staršev, ki so imeli enako poškodbo. V nekaterih študijah več poškodb utrpijo tekmovalci v tehničnih disciplinah, v drugih pa v hitrih disciplinah. Na poškodbe vplivajo smučarjeva tehnika in strategija, sneg in razmere na progi ter agresivna oprema. Razprava in sklep: Na področju poškodb v svetovnem pokalu v alpskem smučanju je malo raziskav. Za preprečevanje poškodb je najprej potrebno ugotoviti vzroke in dejavnike tveganja zanje. Na podlagi rezultatov smo ugotovili naslednje dejavnike tveganja za poškodbe kolena pri tekmovalnih alpskih smučarjih: razlika v eksplozivni moči med spodnjima udoma, jakost mišic trupa in njihovo neravnovesje, starost, družinska obremenjenost, tehnika in strategija smučarja, manjša izkušenost, večja uspešnost na tekmovanjih, smučarska disciplina, grbine, različen sneg skozi progo, zahtevna proga in skoki ter agresivna smučarska oprema. Potrebnih je več raziskav, da bi lahko uvedli konkretne preventivne ukrepe.Introduction: Alpine skiing is a Slovenian national sport. It is a high intensity workout with a relatively short duration. To assimilate knowledge of skiing, primary motor skills are necessary: power, speed, coordination, flexibility, balance and precision. In skiing, injuries are very frequent, among them, nearly half are knee injuries. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis in to define risk factors for knee injuries among alpine ski racers based on the literature review. Methods: We used a descriptive method with a literature review. The articles were obtained from the online database PubMed, using the key words skiing AND knee injury AND risk factors. We included articles that were published in English between the years 2000 and 2019, and those who studied risk factors for knee injuries in alpine ski racers. Results: We analyzed 7 articles, of which 3 were retrospective studies, 2 cohort studies, 1 case-control study and 1 systematic video analysis. There were no differences between injured and non-injured athletes in anthropometric data. The difference in general physical fitness between injured and non-injured was not statistically significant. More successful skiers have a higher incidence of anterior cruciate ligament injury. There is no difference in the incidence between male and female skiers. Athletes with anterior cruciate ligament injury have a higher share of parents with the same injury. In some studies racers in technical disciplines suffer more injuries, in others, racers in speed disciplines have more injuries. Skier’s technique and strategy, snow, competition conditions and aggressive equipment have an impact on injuries. Discussion and conclusion: There are only a few studies in the field of alpine skiing world cup injuries. To prevent these injuries, we first need to define the causes and risk factors for them. Based on our literature review, the following risk factors for knee injuries in alpine ski racers have been defined: side-to-side leg difference in explosive muscle power, core muscles strength and their imbalance, less years of experience, more successful athletes, ski discipline, bumps on course, inconsistent snow conditions, challenging course setting and jumps and aggressive ski equipment. More research is needed in order to introduce definite preventive measures

    DESERT SHIELD AND DESERT STORM 1990 - 1991 Memories of Participant Gulf War

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    In the article the author in his memoirs ponders the military-political aspects of the presence of toxic substances in the Gulf War in 1990-1991, measured by chemists from the 1st Czechoslovak independent chemical protection battalion. The thesis provides a comprehensive look at the history of its origin, its own deployment of in the war, and access to public administrations to its members after returning from the war

    Processing of electrocardiograms

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou detekce QT intervalu v signálu EKG. Začátek práce je věnován elektrofyziologii srdce a jeho elektrickým projevům. K samotné detekci byly nastudovány dva algoritmy, které byly následně modifikovány a naprogramovány v programovém prostředí MATLAB. Součástí práce jsou navržené uživatelské aplikace pro měření a vyhodnocení délky QT intervalu. Výsledné délky QT intervalů získané pomocí obou metod byly porovnány s referenční délkou.This work concerns with problems of the QT sequences detection in ECG signal. The first part introduces electrophysiology of heart and his electrical manifestation. For main detection were used two algorithms, which were afterwards modified and programmed in Matlab. The work includes developed custom applications for measurement and evaluation of the length of QT interval. The final lengths of the QT interval, which we got from this two methods, were compared with reference length.