28 research outputs found

    La camera della morte

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    Il progetto donato da Luigi Presicce (Porto Cesareo, 1976) consiste in una performance mai realizzata. L’azione, dal carattere utopico e teatrale, Ăš ispirata alla ricorrenza annuale in cui i tonni migrano verso l’isola di Favignana per riprodursi, compiendo secondo l’artista un viaggio d’amore. In questa occasione i pesci attraversano un labirinto composto da reti da pesca per finire inesorabilmente nella “camera della morte”, dove vengono arpionati e uccisi. L’azione progettata dall’artista consiste in un gioco di rovesciamento di ruoli, in cui gli uomini prendono il posto dei tonni e inconsapevoli sono pronti a partecipare all’ultimo loro momento di vita, aspettando appunto di essere massacrati da altri uomini. Trasposizione dell’uomo dal cacciatore alla preda, da carnefice a vittima, inversione che crea straniamento e trauma violento. Tutti questi elementi conducono il possibile spettatore verso una sorta di visionaria allucinazione, dove il ruolo di Presicce non Ăš piĂč quello del protagonista delle sue stesse performance ma Ăš quello dell’esperto direttore attento alla costruzione di una nuova apparizione. Questa performance trae inoltre spunto da un breve aforisma di Carmelo Bene in cui l’attore afferma che il pubblico dovrebbe pagare con la stessa vita il costo del suo spettacolo.The project donated by Luigi Presicce (Porto Cesareo, 1976) consists in an unrealized performance. The action, with an utopian and theatrical nature, is inspired by the annual event in which the tuna migrate to the island of Favignana, in the south of Italy, to reproduce themselves, and according to the artist to make a journey of love. On this occasion the fish goes through a maze made up of fishing nets to end up inexorably in the death chamber, where they are harpooned and killed. The action has been designed by the artist as a game of reversing roles, in which the men take the place of the tuna and unaware they are ready to participate to the last moment of their life, just waiting to be slaughtered by other men. It is a transposition of the man from hunter to prey, from victim to victimizer, an inversion that creates alienation and a violent trauma. All these elements lead the viewer to a possible kind of visionary hallucination, where the role of Presicce is no longer that of the protagonist of his own performance but of an expert Director of expert careful towards the construction of a new appearance. This performance also draws inspiration from a short aphorism by Carmelo Bene in which the actor claims that the public should pay the cost of the show with his own life

    Pregnancies following Protocols for Repetitive Synchronization of Ovulation in Primiparous Buffaloes in Different Seasons

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    Primiparous buffaloes were tested in two periods of the year characterized, by either low or high reproductive efficiency. They were subjected to two protocols for synchronization of ovulation: (i) Ovsynch (OV) and (ii) progesterone based (P4) treatment. After calving, the animals underwent a series of four cycles of re-synchronization protocols. The season did not affect pregnancy rates when the results of the two treatments were pooled together with regard to the first synchronization protocol, followed by AI. Pregnancy rates were similar during the low breeding season (50.3% vs. 57.4% in OV and P4, respectively), but different during the high breeding season (50.4% vs. 67.7% in OV and P4, respectively; p = 0.000). Logistic regression confirmed a significant effect of treatment and season interaction on pregnancy (p = 0.003). Following re-synchronization, a treatment by season interaction was detected during the low breeding season (odds ratio = 2.233), in favor of P4. Finally, a survival analysis showed a better response of animals subjected to P4 treatment from the second AI onward. In conclusion, the pooled data of pregnancy rates from both treatments between seasons are not different following AIs. Better results, though, were obtained from the implementation of P4 treatment, and are recorded in a season-fashioned mode when the comparison is made following first or cumulative AIs

    Happy birthday MoRE!

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    Per festeggiare il compleanno di MoRE abbiamo chiesto agli artisti che hanno donato unÊŒopera in questo primo anno di attivitĂ  di mandarci un “regalo” in formato digitaleTo celebrate the first birthday of MoRE we asked the artists, that already donated their unrealised projects in the first year of activity of the museum, to send us a “gift” in digital format

    Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein-mediated actin dynamics control type-I interferon production in plasmacytoid dendritic cells

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    Mutations in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) protein (WASp), a regulator of actin dynamics in hematopoietic cells, cause WAS, an X-linked primary immunodeficiency characterized by recurrent infections and a marked predisposition to develop autoimmune disorders. The mechanisms that link actin alterations to the autoimmune phenotype are still poorly understood. We show that chronic activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) and elevated type-I interferon (IFN) levels play a role in WAS autoimmunity. WAS patients display increased expression of type-I IFN genes and their inducible targets, alteration in pD

    Decidability of Safety in Graph-based Models for Access Control

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    Models of Access Control Policies specified with graphs and graph transformation rules combine an intuitive visual representation with solid semantical foundations. While the expressive power of graph transformations leads in general to undecidable models, we prove that it is possible, with reasonable restrictions on the form of the rules, to obtain access control models where safety is decidable. The restrictions introduced are minimal in that no deletion and addition of a graph structure are allowed in the same modification step. We then illustrate our result with two examples: a graph based DAC model and a simplified decentralized RBAC model

    Graph-based specification of access control policies

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    Graph-based specification formalisms for access control (AC) policies combine the advantages of an intuitive visual framework with a rigorous semantical foundation that allows the detailed comparison of different policy models. A security policy framework specifies a set of (constructive) rules to build the system states and sets of positive and negative (declarative) constraints to specify wanted and unwanted substates. Several models for AC (e.g. role-based, lattice-based or an access control list) can be specified in this framework. The framework is used for an accurate analysis of the interaction between policies and of the behavior of their integration with respect to the problem of inconsistent policies. Using formal properties of graph transformations, it is possible to systematically detect inconsistencies between constraints, between rules and between a rule and a constraint and lay the foundation for their resolutions. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    On the Specification and Evolution of Access Control Policies

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    A uniform and precise framework for the specification of access control policies is proposed. The uniform framework allows the detailed comparison of different policy models, the precise description of the evolution of a policy, and an accurate analysis of the interaction between policies and of the behavior of their integration. The evolution and integration of policies are illustrated using a Discretionary Access Control policy and a Lattice Based Access Control policy. The framework is based on the theory of graph transformations

    A Graph-Based Formalism for RBAC

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    ... This article presents a formalization of RBAC using graph transformations that is a graphical specification technique based on a generalization of classical string grammars to nonlinear structures. The proposed formalization provides an intuitive description for the manipulation of graph structures as they occur in information systems access control and a precise specification of static and dynamic consistency conditions on graphs and graph transformations. The formalism captures the RBAC models published in the literature, and also allows a uniform treatment of user roles and administrative roles, and a detailed analysis of the decentralization of administrative role