14 research outputs found


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    Pada saat mempelajari bahasa asing, pada umumnya kita tentu akan mempelajariya huruf dari bahasa tersebut. Setiap bahasa memiliki fonem yang berbeda-beda. Pembelajaran huruf dan bagaimana cara melafalkannya merupakan pembelajaran dasar dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. Fonem adalah bunyi terkecil yang dapat membedakan makna, sedangkan huruf adalah lambang bunyi atau lambang fonem. Misalnya, dalam bahasa Indonesia yang membedakan kata “kelas” dan “keras” adalah fonem /l/ dan /r/. Contoh lainnya yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Jepang. Pada penulisan bahasa Jepang, sering kita temukan kata dari bahasa asing yang ditulis dengan fonem yang sama. Misalnya, kata “light” (cahaya) dan “right” (kanan) yang memiliki makna yang berbeda, namun sama-sama ditulis dengan huruf atau lambang fonem yang sama yaitu ă€Œăƒ©ă‚€ăƒˆă€/raito/. Dengan kesalahan seperti ini akan mudah sekali terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam berkomunikasi. Terutama, komunikasi verbal.Setelah membandingkan fonem yang dimiliki oleh bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Indonesia, salah satu fonem bahasa Jepang yang tidak terdapat dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah fonem [ts]. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kampus Showa, Gunma University kepada 15 orang mahasiswa Indonesia, yang terbagi 2 suku bangsa dengan 2 bahasa daerah yang berbeda (Sunda dan Jawa). Pada penelitian kali ini, pertama-tama, penulis memperdengarkan sebuah rekaman yang berisikan kalimat yang sama dengan teks yang telah dibaca oleh responden, lalu meminta responden untuk mengulanginya dan kemudian merekamnya. Selanjutnya, penulis meminta responden untuk mebaca sebuah teks, kemudian merekamnya kembali. Setelah data terkumpul dan di periksa oleh penutur asli bahasa Jepang, penulis menganalisisnya berdasarkan teori yang ada. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bahasa ibu (bahasa daerah) tidak berpengaruh dalam kealahan pelafalan bahasa dikarenakan responden melakukan kesalahan ditempat yang sama dan persentase jumlah responden yang mampu melafalkan dengan baik dan benar, dengan yang tidak, dapat dikatakan seimbang (50:50). Kemudian, huruf “tsu” yang berada diawal kataatau tidak didahului oleh bunyi apapun lebih rentan terjadi kesalahan. Dengan kata lain, bunyi yang keluar sebelum huruf “tsu” berpengaruh dalam membantu melafalkan fonem [ts] dalam huruf konsonan “tsu”. Kata kunci : Fonetik, Huruf Konsonan Tsu, kesalahan pelafalan, linguistik At the timen of learning a foreign languange, in general, we would learn the letters of the language. Each language has different phonemes. Learning letters and how to prounounce it is the basis of learning a foreign language learning. Phoneme is the smallest sound that can distinguish the meaning, while the letter is the epitome of sound or phoneme emblem. For example, in the Indonesian language, phoneme /l/ and /r/ differentiates the word “kelas”(class) and “keras” (hard). In relatiom to Japanese languange learning, particulary in writing Japanese loan word, we often find the word of the foreign language written with the same phoneme. For example, the word “light” (cahaya) and “right” (kanan) which have different meanings, but written in the same letters or phoneme symbols /raito/. Such an error will lead to misunderstandings to take place in communication, especially in terms of verbal communication. After comparing of characteristic of phoneme of both Japanese and Indonesia language, it was found out that the phoneme [ts] in the Japanese phonemes does not exitst in the Indonesian language. The research was conducted at the Showa campus of Gunma University involving 15 Indonesian students who were divided into two different ethnicities with two different local languages (Sundanese and Javanese). In her study, the researcher firstly the author played recording of the same sentences as the next text will read later by the respondents. Furthermore, the author asked the respondents to recite it and then record it. Then, the author asked respondents to read a text, and then to record it. again. Once the data were collected and checked by native Japanese speaker, the author analyzed them. The results showed that the local language does not affect the pronouncation errors because the respondents made the misktake at the same place and the percentage of respondents who were able to recite properly, compared to those who were unable to, was equal (50:50). Then, the letters “tsu” located at the beginning of words or not preceded by any sound is more susceptible to errors. In other words, the sound that comes out before the letter “tsu” is influential in helping to pronounce phonemes [ts] in letters “tsu”. Keyword : phonetic, Consonant Tsu of Japanese languange, pronounce errors, linguisti

    Identifikasi Opinion Leader di Kalangan Mahasiswa untuk Produk Laptop

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dewasa ini semakin meningkat, hal ini ditandai oleh bertambahnya permintaan konsumen terhadap laptop. Pada umumnya, konsumen (terutama mahasiswa) melibatkan orang lain (Opinion Leader) dalam pembelian produk laptop. Maka dari itu perlu adanya identifikasi lebih lanjut mengenai Opinion Leader di kalangan mahasiswa untuk produk laptop. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi mahasiswa mempercayai Opinion Leader. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain riset eksploratori dengan metode kualitatif. Strategi penelitian ini menggunakan strategi survei dengan cara wawancara kepada responden yang sudah memenuhi kategori. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam pembelian laptop mahasiswa melibatkan Opinion Leader. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi mahasiswa mempercayai Opinion Leader adalah memahami masalah teknologi dan teman dari satu bidang


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    The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the “Kultum” activities carried out at SDN Serang 03. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method which emphasizes on describing what is in accordance with the reality of integrated learning in elementary schools. Qualitative data collection is done by means of interviews, documentation, field observations, and discussions. This research was conducted at SD Negeri Serang 03. The results of this study include 3 things, namely in the preparation process, one of the student representatives is given direction in the form of responsibility to give a lecture on religious values in “Kultum” activities. “Kultum” activities at SDN Serang 03 are carried out once a week on Friday morning before starting the learning process of habituation of cultum activities aims to form a religious character in students at SD Negeri Serang 03. Students are not only taught about religion, but also about the importance of helping, empathy, and their role as individuals who can have a positive impact in society. “Kultum” activities provide a strong moral foundation and religious values to students, which will be embedded in the lives of students


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    The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the “Kultum” activities carried out at SDN Serang 03. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method which emphasizes on describing what is in accordance with the reality of integrated learning in elementary schools. Qualitative data collection is done by means of interviews, documentation, field observations, and discussions. This research was conducted at SD Negeri Serang 03. The results of this study include 3 things, namely in the preparation process, one of the student representatives is given direction in the form of responsibility to give a lecture on religious values in “Kultum” activities. “Kultum” activities at SDN Serang 03 are carried out once a week on Friday morning before starting the learning process of habituation of cultum activities aims to form a religious character in students at SD Negeri Serang 03. Students are not only taught about religion, but also about the importance of helping, empathy, and their role as individuals who can have a positive impact in society. “Kultum” activities provide a strong moral foundation and religious values to students, which will be embedded in the lives of students

    Determinants of Stunting Children (0-59 Months) in Some Countries in Southeast Asia

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    Stunting is one of the main nutritional problems caused by malnutrition in children under 5 years old. Risk factors of stunting influenced by socio-economic, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), child illnesses, Water Sanitaon and Hygiene (WASH). These factors vary considerably accros the nation in southeast asia. The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting in stunting of children (0-59 months) in Southeast Asia. It is needed to identified the right intervention. This systematic review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Articles were searched by using pubMed database. The literature search outline in the methods indentified 14.790 arcles discuss stunting. We identified 60 articles potentially met all criteria using PubMed advanced search strategy. A total of 60 articles were retrieved from one database (PubMed), 11 articles met the inclusion criteria for stunting in Southeast Asia countries. In our review socio-economic status was reported as one of consistent factors associated with stunting in Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, and Malaysia. Low household income and lack education of mother influenced inappropriate IYCF practice, poor hygiene and sanitation, and care of child illnesses. Improving like income and maternal exposure to nutrition and health information especially for the topics of growth and development, appropriated IYCF, hygiene, sanitation, and child illnesses are required for continuous improvement in a specific strategy that involves many factors.&nbsp

    Determinants of Stunting Children (0-59 Months) in Some Countries in Southeast Asia

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    Background: Stunting is one of the main nutritional problems caused by malnutrition in children under 5 years old. Risk factors of stunting influenced by socio-economic, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), child ilnesses, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). These factors vary considerably accros the nation in southeast asia. Defines determinant is needed to identified the right intervention. Methodology: This systematic review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidenlines. Articles were searched by using pubMed database. The literature search outline in the methods indentified 14.790 articles discuss stunting. We identified 60 articles potentially met all criteria using PubMed advanced search strategy. A total of 60 articles were retrieved from one database (PubMed), 11 articles met the inclusion criteria for stunting in Southeast Asia countries. Result: In our review socio-economic status was reported as one of consistent factors associated with stunting in Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia. Low household income and lack education of mother influenced unappropriated IYCF practice, poor hygiene and sanitation and care of child illnesses. Conclusions: Improving socio-economic like income and maternal exposure to nutrition and health information especially for the topics of growth and development, appropriated IYCF, hygiene, sanitation, and child illnesses are requires continuous improvement in a specific strategy that involves many factors

    Analisis Pengaruh Cost Management Terhadap Efisiensi pada Proyek Konstruksi Studi pada Perusahaan PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk.

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    Research on cost management on the efficiency that has been done by Ali and Kamaruzzaman (2010), Memon, Rahman, Aziz (2012), Olawale and Sun (2010), Ceylan (2008), Kasem and Alhaffar (2011), Marshall (2007), in which there are significant variables that showed different results, giving rise to a research gap. Therefore it is necessary to study more about the influence of these variables on the efficiency in cost management in construction projects. Research problem to be studied is to analyze the variables of cost management here is the estimated cost, experience project manager, contract management, cost of machinery or equipment, material price fluctuations, and owner funds, which affects the efficiency (cost performance index), which variables the largest and most significant influence. The study sample was taken from one of the construction projects of the state-owned company in Indonesia, PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. between the years 2010-2013, so the number of samples (n) = 60. The sampling method using purposive sampling. Data using multiple regression analysis and hypotheses were tested by t test and F test with a significant level of 5%. This research seeks to examine the effect of the estimated cost (EB), experience of project manager (PPM), contract management (MK), the cost of the machine (BM), fluctuations in the price of materials (FHB), and fund owner (DO) on the efficiency of the project (cost performance index / CPI). The analysis showed that the data used in this study meets the classical assumptions, which include: distributed normal, multicollinearity does not happen, and not happen heterocedastity. From the results of the regression analysis also obtained partial results that the estimated cost, experience project manager, contract management, cost of machinery, material price fluctuations, and the owner fund a significant effect on the efficiency (cost performance index)

    Sus Kering Rumput Laut Coklat (Sargassum Sp.) Inovasi Makanan Pendamping dalam Mencegah Stunting

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    ABSTRACT Stunting is a term in which a child experiences a delay in growth and development, both physically and funcionally. Brown seaweed has a fairly high nutritional content, good for macro and micro substances to help complement the nutritional intake needed by the body. Choux pastry is one type of pastries with light characteristic and large volumes that are loved by all ages. This study aims to determine the physical characteristics of dried sargum choux pastry based brown seaweed (Sargassum sp.) and to test the nutritional content of the sargum choux pastry. This study used an experimental method by making sargum choux pastry in three formulations using 5%, 7.5%, and 10% brown seaweed flour. Product testing carried out is a proximate test, a mineral test in the form of zinc, calcium, iron, sodium, and phosphorus. The results showed that there best nutritional content in the 10% formulation of brown seaweed flour was with a protein content of 12.62%; fat 31,49%; carbohydrates 41.18%; water 6,48%; ash 10,26%; Zn 4.04 mg; Ca 742.18 mg; Fe 34.01 mg; Na 1469.60 mg and P 4291.78 mg. The product has met the requirements of SNI, namely the content of water, protein, and fat. Keywords: Seaweed, Choux Pastry, Sargassum Sp., Papua, Stunting  ABSTRAK Stunting adalah istilah dimana seorang anak mengalami keterlambatan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, baik secara fisik maupun fungsional. Rumput laut coklat memiliki kandungan gizi yang cukup tinggi, baik zat makro maupun mikro untuk membantu melengkapi asupan gizi yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Choux pastry merupakan salah satu jenis kue kering dengan karakteristik ringan dan volume besar yang disukai oleh segala usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik kue sargum choux kering berbahan dasar rumput laut coklat (Sargassum sp.) dan menguji kandungan gizi kue sargum choux tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan membuat sargum choux pastry dalam tiga formulasi menggunakan tepung rumput laut coklat 5%, 7,5%, dan 10%. Pengujian produk yang dilakukan adalah uji proksimat, yaitu uji mineral berupa seng, kalsium, besi, natrium, dan fosfor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan gizi terbaik pada formulasi 10% tepung rumput laut coklat adalah dengan kandungan protein 12,62%; gemuk 31,49%; karbohidrat 41,18%; air 6,48%; abu 10,26%; Zn 4,04 mg; Ca 742,18 mg; Fe 34,01 mg; Na 1469,60 mg dan P 4291,78 mg. Produk tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan SNI yaitu kandungan air, protein, dan lemak. Kata Kunci: Rumput Laut, Kue Choux, Sargassum Sp., Papua, Pengerdila

    Laporan praktik kerja profesi apoteker Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 118, Surabaya 15 Juni 2022 - 17 Juni 2022

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    Laporan praktik kerja profesi apoteker di Bidang Pemerintahan Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Surabaya di Jl. Karang Menjangan No. 20 Surabaya 27 - 29 Juni 2022

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