337 research outputs found

    The Energy Spectrum of TeV Gamma-Rays from the Crab Nebula as measured by the HEGRA system of imaging air Cherenkov telescopes

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    The Crab Nebula has been observed by the HEGRA (High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy) stereoscopic system of imaging air Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) for a total of about 200 hrs during two observational campaigns: from September 1997 to March 1998 and from August 1998 to April 1999. The recent detailed studies of system performance give an energy threshold and an energy resolution for gamma-rays of 500 GeV and ~ 18%, respectively. The Crab energy spectrum was measured with the HEGRA IACT system in a very broad energy range up to 20 TeV, using observations at zenith angles up to 65 degrees. The Crab data can be fitted in the energy range from 1 to 20 TeV by a simple power-law, which yields dJg/dE = (2.79+/-0.02 +/- 0.5) 10^{-7} E^{-2.59 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.05}, ph m^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1} The Crab Nebula energy spectrum, as measured with the HEGRA IACT system, agrees within 15% in the absolute scale and within 0.1 units in the power law index with the latest measurements by the Whipple, CANGAROO and CAT groups, consistent within the statistical and systematic errors quoted by the experiments. The pure power-law spectrum of TeV gamma-rays from the Crab Nebula constrains the physics parameters of the nebula environment as well as the models of photon emission.Comment: to appear in ApJ, 29 pages, 6 figure

    Rejection of the hypothesis that Markarian 501 TeV photons are pure Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The energy spectrum of the Blazar type galaxy Markarian 501 (Mrk 501) as measured by the High-Energy-Gamma-Ray Astronomy (HEGRA) air Cerenkov telescopes extends beyond 16 TeV and constitutes the most energetic photons observed from an extragalactic object. A fraction of the emitted spectrum is possibly absorbed in interactions with low energy photons of the diffuse extragalactic infrared radiation, which in turn offers the unique possibility to measure the diffuse infrared radiation density by TeV spectroscopy. The upper limit on the density of the extragalactic infrared radiation derived from the TeV observations imposes constraints on models of galaxy formation and stellar evolution. One of the recently published ideas to overcome severe absorption of TeV photons is based upon the assumption that sources like Mrk 501 could produce Bose-Einstein condensates of coherent photons. The condensates would have a higher survival probability during the transport in the diffuse radiation field and could mimic TeV air shower events. The powerful stereoscopic technique of the HEGRA air Cerenkov telescopes allows to test this hypothesis by reconstructing the penetration depths of TeV air shower events: Air showers initiated by Bose-Einstein condensates are expected to reach the maximum of the shower development in the atmosphere earlier than single photon events. By comparing the energy-dependent penetration depths of TeV photons from Mrk 501 with those from the TeV standard-candle Crab Nebula and simulated air shower events, we can reject the hypothesis that TeV photons from Mrk 501 are pure Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, published by ApJ Letters, revised version (simulation results added

    Correlated intense X-ray and TeV activity of Mrk~501 in 1998 June

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    We present exactly simultaneous X-ray and TeV monitoring with {\it RXTE} and HEGRA of the TeV blazar Mrk 501 during 15 days in 1998 June. After an initial period of very low flux at both wavelengths, the source underwent a remarkable flare in the TeV and X-ray energy bands, lasting for about six days and with a larger amplitude at TeV energies than in the X-ray band. At the peak of the TeV flare, rapid TeV flux variability on sub-hour timescales is found. Large spectral variations are observed at X-rays, with the 3--20 keV photon index of a pure power law continuum flattening from Γ=2.3\Gamma=2.3 to Γ=1.8\Gamma=1.8 on a timescale of 2--3 days. This implies that during the maximum of the TeV activity, the synchrotron peak shifted to energies ≳50\gtrsim 50 keV, a behavior similar to that observed during the longer-lasting, more intense flare in 1997 April. The TeV spectrum during the flare is described by a power law with photon index Γ=1.9\Gamma=1.9 and an exponential cutoff at ∌\sim 4 TeV; an indication for spectral softening during the flare decay is observed in the TeV hardness ratios. Our results generally support a scenario where the TeV photons are emitted via inverse Compton scattering of ambient seed photons by the same electron population responsible for the synchrotron X-rays. The simultaneous spectral energy distributions (SEDs) can be fit with a one-zone synchrotron-self Compton model assuming a substantial increase of the magnetic field and the electron energy by a factor of 3 and 10, respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, Part

    The TeV Energy Spectrum of Mkn 501 Measured with the Stereoscopic Telescope System of HEGRA during 1998 and 1999

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    During 1997, the BL Lac object Mkn 501 went into an extraordinary state of high X-ray and TeV gamma-ray activity, lasting more than 6 months. In this paper we report on the TeV emission characteristics of the source in the subsequent years of 1998 and 1999 as measured with the Stereoscopic Cherenkov Telescope System of HEGRA (La Palma, Canary Islands). Our observations reveal a 1998-1999 mean emission level at 1 TeV of 1/3 of the flux of the Crab Nebula, a factor of 10 lower than during the year of 1997. A dataset of 122 observations hours with the HEGRA telescope system makes it possible to assess for the first time the Mkn 501 TeV energy spectrum for a mean flux level substantially below that of the Crab Nebula with reasonable statistical accuracy. Excluding the data of a strong flare, we find evidence that the 1998--1999 low-flux spectrum is substantially softer (by 0.44+-0.1(stat) in spectral index) than the 1997 time averaged spectrum. The 500 GeV to 10 TeV energy spectrum can well be described by a power law model with exponential cutoff: dN/dE ~ E^(-alpha) exp(-E/E0) with alpha=2.31+-0.22(stat), and E0=5.1 (-2.3+7.8)(stat) TeV. Within statistical accuracy, also a pure power law model gives an acceptable fit to the data: dN/dE ~ E^(-Gamma) with Gamma=2.76+-0.08(stat). After presenting the 1998-1999 TeV characteristics of the source we discuss the implications of the results.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, on August 4th, 200

    Selective preservation of organic matter in marine environments; processes and impact on the sedimentary record

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    © The Authors, 2010. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 7 (2010): 483-511, doi: 10.5194/bg-7-483-2010The present paper is the result of a workshop sponsored by the DFG Research Center/Cluster of Excellence MARUM "The Ocean in the Earth System", the International Graduate College EUROPROX, and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. The workshop brought together specialists on organic matter degradation and on proxy-based environmental reconstruction. The paper deals with the main theme of the workshop, understanding the impact of selective degradation/preservation of organic matter (OM) in marine sediments on the interpretation of the fossil record. Special attention is paid to (A) the influence of the molecular composition of OM in relation to the biological and physical depositional environment, including new methods for determining complex organic biomolecules, (B) the impact of selective OM preservation on the interpretation of proxies for marine palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic reconstruction, and (C) past marine productivity and selective preservation in sediments. It appears that most of the factors influencing OM preservation have been identified, but many of the mechanisms by which they operate are partly, or even fragmentarily, understood. Some factors have not even been taken carefully into consideration. This incomplete understanding of OM breakdown hampers proper assessment of the present and past carbon cycle as well as the interpretation of OM based proxies and proxies affected by OM breakdown. To arrive at better proxy-based reconstructions "deformation functions" are needed, taking into account the transport and diagenesis-related molecular and atomic modifications following proxy formation. Some emerging proxies for OM degradation may shed light on such deformation functions. The use of palynomorph concentrations and selective changes in assemblage composition as models for production and preservation of OM may correct for bias due to selective degradation. Such quantitative assessment of OM degradation may lead to more accurate reconstruction of past productivity and bottom water oxygenation. Given the cost and effort associated with programs to recover sediment cores for paleoclimatological studies, as well as with generating proxy records, it would seem wise to develop a detailed sedimentological and diagenetic context for interpretation of these records. With respect to the latter, parallel acquisition of data that inform on the fidelity of the proxy signatures and reveal potential diagenetic biases would be of clear value.We acknowledge generous financial support by the DFG Research Center/Cluster of Excellence MARUM “The Ocean in the Earth System”, the International Graduate College EUROPROX and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research enabling the realisation of the “Workshop on Selective Preservation of Organic Matter: Processes and Impact on the Fossil Record” which formed the basis of this paper. GJMV acknowledges support by the German Science Foundation (DFG grant VE486/2)

    Precision of the current methods to measure the alkenone proxy UK'37 and absolute alkenone abundance in sediments : results of an interlaboratory comparison study

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    Measurements of the UK'37 index and the absolute abundance of alkenones in marine sediments are increasingly used in paleoceanographic research as proxies of past sea surface temperature and haptophyte (mainly coccolith-bearing species) primary productivity, respectively. An important aspect of these studies is to be able to compare reliably data obtained by different laboratories from a wide variety of locations. Hence the intercomparability of data produced by the research community is essential. Here we report results from an anonymous interlaboratory comparison study involving 24 of the leading laboratories that carry out alkenone measurements worldwide. The majority of laboratories produce data that are intercomparable within the considered confidence limits. For the measurement of alkenone concentrations, however, there are systematic biases between laboratories, which might be related to the techniques employed to quantify the components. The maximum difference between any two laboratories for any two single measurements of UK'37 in sediments is estimated, with a probability of 95%, to be <2.18C. In addition, the overall within-laboratory precision for the UK'37 temperature estimates is estimated to be <1.68C (95% probability). Similarly, from the analyses of alkenone concentrations the interlaboratory reproducibility is estimated at 32%, and the repeatability is estimated at 24%. The former is compared to a theoretical estimate of reproducibility and found to be excessively high. Hence there is certainly scope and a demonstrable need to improve reproducibility and repeatability of UK'37 and especially alkenone quantification data across the community of scientists involved in alkenone research

    Evidence for TeV gamma ray emission from Cassiopeia A

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    232 hours of data were accumulated from 1997 to 1999, using the HEGRA Stereoscopic Cherenkov Telescope System to observe the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. TeV gamma ray emission was detected at the 5 sigma level, and a flux of (5.8 +- 1.2(stat) +- 1.2(syst)) 10^(-9) ph m^(-2) s^(-1) above 1 TeV was derived. The spectral distribution is consistent with a power law with a differential spectral index of -2.5 +- 0.4(stat) +- 0.1(syst) between 1 and 10 TeV. As this is the first report of the detection of a TeV gamma ray source on the "centi-Crab" scale, we present the analysis in some detail. Implications for the acceleration of cosmic rays depend on the details of the source modeling. We discuss some important aspects in this paper.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
