9 research outputs found

    Representações sociais sobre práticas investigativas. Condições na universidade

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    The aim is to identify the Social Representations on research practices of students and teachers of a University Institution. This study relies on descriptive and explanatory principles. The observation units were the six teachers and nine students of the last semester of the academic program of Spanish Language and Literature. The applied research techniques were the semi-structured interview, focus group, hierarchical tris, and content analysis. In the results, the core of representations were the terms research development and reflective process. The most significant peripheral elements were the relationship between theory and practice, community and experience. Differences were evident; students considered the practices as strategies, methodology, and projects. Teachers associated these practices with a reflective process, but not transformative. Results expressed content, another element of the representations, as institutional, curricular, teaching and learning, and personal conditions. The evaluative aspect considered practices as a challenge with ethical exigency. This study concluded that higher education has social pressure to focus its action on research to educate competent professionals in the solution of context problems. Hence, the importance of providing an enabling scenario for performing and analyzing research practices.El objetivo es identificar las Representaciones Sociales sobre prácticas investigativas de los estudiantes y profesores de una Institución Universitaria. Es un estudio descriptivo y explicativo. Las unidades de observación fueron los seis profesores y nueve estudiantes del último semestre del programa académico de Lengua Castellana y Literatura. Las técnicas de investigación aplicadas fueron: entrevista-semiestructurada, grupo focal, tris jerárquico y análisis de contenido. En los resultados, el núcleo central de las representaciones fueron los términos: desarrollo de la investigación y proceso reflexivo. Los elementos periféricos portadores de mayor significado fueron: la relación entre teoría y práctica, la comunidad y experiencia. Se evidenciaron diferencias, para los estudiantes, las prácticas se comprenden como: estrategias, metodología y proyectos; para los maestros, están asociadas a un proceso reflexivo, pero no transformativo. El contenido, otro elemento de las representaciones, está expresado como condiciones institucionales, curriculares, de enseñanza y aprendizaje, y personales. En el aspecto valorativo se consideran como un reto con exigencia ética. Se concluyó que, la educación universitaria tiene la presión social de centrar su accionar en la investigación para formar profesionales competentes en la solución de problemas del contexto. De ahí, la importancia de facilitar un escenario propicio para realizar y analizar sus prácticas. O objetivo é identificar as Representações Sociais nas práticas investigativas dos alunos e professores de uma Instituição Universitária. É um estudo descritivo e explicativo. As unidades de observação foram os seis professores e nove alunos do último semestre do programa acadêmico de Língua e Literatura Espanhola. As técnicas de pesquisa aplicadas foram: entrevista semiestruturada, grupo focal, tris hierárquico e análise de conteúdo. Nos resultados, o núcleo central das representações foram os termos: desenvolvimento de pesquisa e processo reflexivo. Os elementos periféricos com maior significado foram: a relação entre teoria e prática, comunidade e experiência. Diferenças foram evidenciadas, para os alunos, as práticas são entendidas como: estratégias, metodologia e projetos; para os professores, eles estão associados a um processo reflexivo, mas não transformadores. O conteúdo, outro elemento das representações, é expresso como condições institucionais, curriculares, de ensino e aprendizagem e pessoais. No aspecto de valor, eles são considerados um desafio com demandas éticas. Concluiu-se que a formação universitária tem a pressão social de focar suas ações na pesquisa para formar profissionais competentes na resolução de problemas no contexto. Daí a importância de fornecer um cenário adequado para realizar e analisar suas práticas


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    It is well known that osteopenia and osteoporosis are frequently found celiac disease patients presenting classical symptoms of malabsorption1. Osteomalacia cases have also been diagnosed in celiac patients who do not present clinical signs of malabsorption , in patients with latent celiac disease, as well as in first degree relatives of patients with celiac disease who do not suffer from celiac disease themselves. This suggests the presence of different pathogenic mechanisms2. The analysis of genetic polymorphism represents an effective approach for an in-depth screening of genes potentially implicated in the development of osteoporosis. Because of the central role that estrogen plays in bone metabolism, ER genes play an important role in the determination of bone mineral density and the risk of osteoporosis. The fact that osteoporotic phenotypes are observed in patients with a destructive mutation of the α receptor gene for estrogen together with the signs of reduced bone mineral density that are found in mice presenting a functional insufficiency of ER α, but not in mice showing reduced ER β function, demonstrates that ER α is one of the principal genes involved in the genesis of osteoporosis3. Previously , two intronic polymorphisms of the α ER gene, identified by restriction endonucleases PvuII and TA Xba and repetitive polymorphism sequences, have been linked to bone mass density in the Japanese population and in menopausal Italian women4


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    Osteoporosis is as a very complex multi-factorial pathogenesis; thereby any doctor facing a case of osteoporosis must be very careful. Diagnostic procedures are complex and include careful monitoring of the history of patient, physical examination and some laboratory analysis. In this study, 201 patients aged between 50 and 95 years were selected from 4872 patients consulting orthopedic clinics. This group (201 patients: 168 women, 33 men) showed evidence of osteoporosis: BMD DXA with reduced bone mineral density,T-score: greater than -2.5 SD, or X-ray signs of non traumatic fractures. Patients also underwent biochemical and instrumental investigations for an assessment of bone metabolism. Age, gender, medical history as well as tests of rheumatic metabolism, calcium-phosphorus and some indices of bone turnover were determined for each patient. Interestingly, our data showed that 104 patients had a vertebral fracture without trauma, 22 hypothyroid patients were undergoing treatment with levothyroxine, 3 patients were suffering from autoimmune thyroiditis, 3 patients were suffering from secondary hyperparathyroidism with vitamin D deficiency, 2 patients were suffering from adenoma with primary hyperparathyroidism, 20 were diabetic patients, 7 patients had monoclonal gammopathy, 7 women had hystero- ovario salpingectomy, 7 patients were HCV positive, 4 patients with rheumatoid arthritis had been treated with corticosteroids, 2 patients were suffering from multiple myeloma, and 1 patient had Crohn's disease. There was also 1 suspected case of ulcerative colitis, 5 patients were suffering from celiac disease and other cases described in the paper. As a result of this diverse association, the approach to treating osteoporotic patients should be then accurate and multidisciplinary. It is then important to perform laboratory tests and investigations for correct diagnosis and adequate treatment


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    Osteoporosis is as a very complex multi-factorial pathogenesis; thereby any doctor facing a case of osteoporosis must be very careful. Diagnostic procedures are complex and include careful monitoring of the history of patient, physical examination and some laboratory analysis. In this study, 201 patients aged between 50 and 95 years were selected from 4872 patients consulting orthopedic clinics. This group (201 patients: 168 women, 33 men) showed evidence of osteoporosis: BMD DXA with reduced bone mineral density,T-score: greater than -2.5 SD, or X-ray signs of non traumatic fractures. Patients also underwent biochemical and instrumental investigations for an assessment of bone metabolism. Age, gender, medical history as well as tests of rheumatic metabolism, calcium-phosphorus and some indices of bone turnover were determined for each patient. Interestingly, our data showed that 104 patients had a vertebral fracture without trauma, 22 hypothyroid patients were undergoing treatment with levothyroxine, 3 patients were suffering from autoimmune thyroiditis, 3 patients were suffering from secondary hyperparathyroidism with vitamin D deficiency, 2 patients were suffering from adenoma with primary hyperparathyroidism, 20 were diabetic patients, 7 patients had monoclonal gammopathy, 7 women had hystero- ovario salpingectomy, 7 patients were HCV positive, 4 patients with rheumatoid arthritis had been treated with corticosteroids, 2 patients were suffering from multiple myeloma, and 1 patient had Crohn's disease. There was also 1 suspected case of ulcerative colitis, 5 patients were suffering from celiac disease and other cases described in the paper. As a result of this diverse association, the approach to treating osteoporotic patients should be then accurate and multidisciplinary. It is then important to perform laboratory tests and investigations for correct diagnosis and adequate treatment


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    Background: The influence of body weight on serum lipids and uric acid is often overlooked in clinical practice. Objective: To study the magnitude of metabolic disorders (dyslipidemia and hyper-urecaemia) in asymptomatic obese men and its relation to body mass index (BMI). Methods: The study was conducted between September 2013 and July of 2014 at the medical analyses center in the Faculty of Public Health, Lebanese University. The weight, height, BMI, waist circumference (WC) uric acid, and lipid profile of 148 obese males, apparently healthy, compared with 80 males in a control group (BMI < 25 kg / m²), were investigated. Subjects were grouped by BMI and WC in accordance with the National Institutes of Health cutoff points. Within the normal-weight (18.5-24.9), overweight (25.0-29.9), and obese (≥ 30.0) BMI categories, we distributed the results of all the blood tests and we computed the prevalence of dyslipidemia and hyperurecaemia. Results: The present work revealed that with increasing body weight, the mean total cholesterol, LDL-C, triglycerides(TG), and uric acid increased; while the mean HDL-C decreased. These changes were as follows: the means difference between the first and second group and between the second and the third group were 29 and 31 mg/dl respectively regarding total cholesterol; for TG, these were 47.5 and 53.4 mg/dl; for LDL-C, these were 12 and 29 mg/dl; for HDL-C, these were 3.6 and 3.5 mg/dl; for uric acid, these were 0.3 mg/dl as a common difference, P=0.0245). Conclusion: Excess body weight is associated with deleterious changes in the lipoprotein profile and uric acid

    Personal, non-commercial use only

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    ABSTRACT. Objective. To investigate by high frequency grey-scale ultrasonography (US) and power Doppler sonography (PDS) the modality and frequency of involvement of the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia in chondrocalcinosis (CC), and to correlate these findings with clinical complaints and radiographic evidence. Methods. The heels of 57 consecutive patients with CC were evaluated by US, PDS, and radiography. One control group of 50 consecutive patients with osteoarthritis (OA) without signs of CC was studied in the same way. A second control group of 50 healthy subjects underwent only US/PDS examination. All subjects also underwent clinical assessment. Results. US revealed Achilles tendon calcifications in 57.9% of those with CC, but none in the control groups. Plantar fascia calcifications were observed in 15.8% of CC and in 2% of OA cases, but not in healthy controls. US showed no significant difference in postero-inferior and inferior calcaneal enthesophytosis between subjects with CC (59.6% and 61.4%, respectively) and those with OA (46% and 44%, respectively). Such alterations were also present, in lower percentages, in the healthy controls. Posterior and inferior calcaneal erosions were absent in all groups. Achilles enthesopathy was found in 22.8% of patients with CC (14.9% of heels, with vascular signals in 11.4% of heels on PDS). Deep retrocalcaneal bursitis was found in 10.5% of patients with CC (7% of heels, with vascular signals in 5.2% of heels on PDS). Plantar fasciitis was found in 40.3% of patients with CC (36% of heels, with vascular signals in 2.6% of heels on PDS) and in 14% of OA patients, but not in healthy controls. No significant correlation was found between talalgia or sex of patients and presence of calcifications. A significant correlation was observed between talalgia and Achilles enthesopathy (r = 0.78, p < 0.0001), deep retrocalcaneal bursitis (r = 0.7, p < 0.0001), and plantar fasciitis (r = 0.31, p < 0.001). A significant correlation between talalgia and vascular signals on PDS was observed in Achilles enthesopathy (r = 0.91, p < 0.0001) and deep retrocalcaneal bursitis (r = 0.65, p < 0.0001). The presence of vascular signals on PDS was significantly associated with the presence of tendinous and bursal grey-scale US alterations. Achilles tendon calcifications were 39% sensitive, 100% specific, and 77% accurate for the presence of CC, whereas plantar fascia calcifications were 15% sensitive, 98% specific, and 54% accurate. Excellent agreement was found between US and radiography in detecting Achilles tendon calcifications (k = 0.86), plantar fascia calcifications (k = 0.77), postero-inferior enthesophytosis (k = 0.90), and inferior enthesophytosis (k = 0.83). Chondrocalcinosis (CC) is an arthropathy generally caused by deposit of calcium pyrophosphate-dihydrate (CPPD) microcrystals in the joints and in the tendons 1,2 . In CPPD crystal deposition disease typical linear calcifications can be found in fibrocartilage, especially in the knee menisci, carpus triangular ligament, symphysis pubis, and in hyaline articular cartilage, especially in the knee 1,2 . Calcifications in tendons have been described in previous radiological reports 3-9 : Achilles tendon, gastrocnemius tendon, hip adductors, and quadriceps tendon were the sites primarily involved. Conclusio

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Polyostotic form of fibrous dysplasia in a 13 years old Colombian girl showing clinical and biochemical response to neridronate intravenous therapy

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    Fibrous dysplasia affects principally the bone, it might also comprise extra skeletal anomalies; whereby the bone is replaced by a dysplastic fibrous tissue. It is classified according to the number of affected bones, and its association to endocrine alterations in: monostotic, polyostotic forms and Albright’s disease. A congenital etiology is suggested. Pathologic fractures are the most frequently associated complications. We present a case with a polyostotic form of fibrous dysplasia in a 13 years old Colombian girl, wherein a differential diagnosis and treatment decision was made

    Representaciones sociales sobre prácticas investigativas. Condiciones en la universidad

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    Abstract The aim is to identify the Social Representations on research practices of students and teachers of a University Institution. This study relies on descriptive and explanatory principles. The observation units were the six teachers and nine students of the last semester of the academic program of Spanish Language and Literature. The applied research techniques were the semi-structured interview, focus group, hierarchical tris, and content analysis. In the results, the core of representations were the terms research development and reflective process. The most significant peripheral elements were the relationship between theory and practice, community and experience. Differences were evident; students considered the practices as strategies, methodology, and projects. Teachers associated these practices with a reflective process, but not transformative. Results expressed content, another element of the representations, as institutional, curricular teaching and learning, and personal conditions. The evaluative aspect considered practices as a challenge with ethical exigency. This study concluded that higher education has social pressure to focus its action on research to educate competent professionals in the solution of context problems. Hence, the importance of providing an enabling scenario for performing and analyzing research practices.Resumo O objetivo é identificar as Representações Sociais nas práticas investigativas dos alunos e professores de uma Instituição Universitária. É um estudo descritivo e explicativo. As unidades de observação foram os seis professores e nove alunos do último semestre do programa acadêmico de Língua e Literatura Espanhola. As técnicas de pesquisa aplicadas foram: entrevista semiestruturada, grupo focal, tris hierárquico e análise de conteúdo. Nos resultados, o núcleo central das representações foram os termos: desenvolvimento de pesquisa e processo reflexivo. Os elementos periféricos com maior significado foram: a relação entre teoria e prática, comunidade e experiência. Diferenças foram evidenciadas, para os alunos, as práticas são entendidas como: estratégias, metodologia e projetos; para os professores, eles estão associados a um processo reflexivo, mas não transformadores. O conteúdo, outro elemento das representações, é expresso como condições institucionais, curriculares, de ensino e aprendizagem e pessoais. No aspecto de valor eles são considerados um desafio com demandas éticas. Concluiu-se que a formação universitária tem a pressão social de focar suas ações na pesquisa para formar profissionais competentes na resolução de problemas no contexto. Daí a importância de fornecer um cenário adequado para realizar e analisar suas práticas.Resumen El objetivo es identificar las Representaciones Sociales sobre prácticas investigativas de los estudiantes y profesores de una Institución Universitaria. Es un estudio descriptivo y explicativo. Las unidades de observación fueron los seis profesores y nueve estudiantes del último semestre del programa académico de Lengua Castellana y Literatura. Las técnicas de investigación aplicadas fueron: entrevista-semiestructurada, grupo focal, tris jerárquico y análisis de contenido. En los resultados, el núcleo central de las representaciones fueron los términos: desarrollo de la investigación y proceso reflexivo. Los elementos periféricos portadores de mayor significado fueron: la relación entre teoría y práctica, la comunidad y experiencia. Se evidenciaron diferencias, para los estudiantes, las prácticas se comprenden como: estrategias, metodología y proyectos; para los maestros, están asociadas a un proceso reflexivo, pero no transformativo. El contenido, otro elemento de las representaciones, está expresado como condiciones institucionales, curriculares, de enseñanza y aprendizaje, y personales. En el aspecto valorativo se consideran como un reto con exigencia ética. Se concluyó que, la educación universitaria tiene la presión social de centrar su accionar en la investigación para formar profesionales competentes en la solución de problemas del contexto. De ahí la importancia de facilitar un escenario propicio para realizar y analizar sus prácticas