262 research outputs found

    The modernist palace of Teófilo Álvarez Cid: the building in time

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    El Palacete Modernista Teófilo Álvarez Cid, declarado Bien de Interés Cultural en 1985, posee un gran valor patrimonial para la ciudad de Córdoba, pues representa los cambios arquitectónicos y estéticos que se introdujeron en la Córdoba de principios de la centuria. Este peculiar edificio, proyectado por el arquitecto Adolfo Castiñeyra y Boloix en 1907, es actualmente la sede del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Córdoba, y aunque ha sido objeto de interés por parte de algunos investigadores, hasta ahora no se había desarrollado un estudio monográfico sobre el edificio aunando todas las intervenciones realizadas, como las llevadas a cabo por el arquitecto Juan Serrano Muñoz, o la propuesta realizada para el concurso de ampliación de la sede colegial, a cargo de los arquitectos Sara de Giles Dubois y José Morales Sánchez.The Modernist Palace Teófilo Álvarez Cid, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1985, is of great heritage value for the city of Córdoba since it represents the architectural and aesthetic changes that were being introduced in Cordoba at the beginning of the century. This peculiar building designed by Architect Adolfo Castiñeyra y Boloix in 1907, is currently the headquarters of Córdoba’s Official College of Architects. Although it has been the subject of interest by some researchers, it is at this time that a monographic study on the building has been carried out. This study integrates all the interventions made by Architect Juan Serrano Muñoz, and the proposal for the extension of the collegiate seat by Architects Sara de Giles Dubois and José Morales Sánchez

    Arquitecture and power: the visual discourse of NO-DO and the arquitecture of francoism (1943- 1975)

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    Hoy podemos considerar el NO-DO como una fuente de inestimable valor para la inves-tigación histórica en todos sus ámbitos. Este noticiario que se desarrolló paralelamente al franquismo se instrumentalizó al servicio del régimen, una cuestión ésta que pierde sus con¬notaciones negativas cuando - como es el caso de este artículo - lo tratamos como fuente de información. En concreto la representación que hizo el Noticiario NO-DO de la producción arquitectónica supone un testimonio de gran relevancia para la Historia del Arte. “Interrogar” las diferentes imágenes arquitectónicas nos permite profundizar cómo se construye la huella de la arquitectura española del momento, desde una perspectiva cuando menos singular.Today we can consider NO-DO as a source of inestimable value for historical research in all its areas. This news program that developed parallel to the Franco regime was instrumented in the service of the regime, an issue that loses its negative connotations when - as is the case of this article - we treat it as a source of information. In particular the representation made by the NO-DO News of the architectural production is a testimony of great relevance for the History of Art. “Interrogar” the different architectural images allow us to deepen how the footprint of Spanish architecture of the moment is constructed, from a perspective when less singular

    La arquitectura en el NO-DO: realidad de realidades

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    Premio extraordinario de Trabajo Fin de Máster curso 2015-2016. CinematografíaEl NO-DO, como noticiario, se constituye como una fuente inestimable para la investigación histórica en todos sus ámbitos, pues se desarrolló casi paralelamente al franquismo. A pesar de su indudable instrumentalización al servicio del régimen, cuestión que no tiene por qué ser siempre negativa, lo que se obtiene es un gran volumen de información generada en este periodo que nos interesa. El presente estudio investiga la representación que hizo el noticiario NO-DO de la producción arquitectónica española durante el franquismo, consideramos pues que la arquitectura es más que un mero figurante de la historia, es decir la arquitectura juega un papel protagonista en la historia del franquismo. Es nuestro propósito rastrear el testimonio que dejó la arquitectura española en el NO-DO, y de este modo interrogar a las imágenes de este noticiario franquista para profundizar en cómo se construye la huella de la arquitectura española del momento. En ocasiones pudiera parecer que en el NO-DO lo cotidiano pasa desapercibido, pero sin embargo consideramos que en este aspecto radica la singularidad del mismo, es en lo más insignificante de la historia donde podemos encontrar el lugar más fecundo para encontrar una nueva lectura que nos haga comprender mejor nuestro pasado.NO-DO, as newsreel, is established as an invaluable source for historical research in all areas, as it was developed almost parallel to Franco. Despite his undoubted instrumentalization in the service of the regime, which did not have to be always negative, what you get is a large volume of information generated in this period that interests us. The present study investigates the representation made by the newsreel NO-DO of the Spanish architectural production during the Franco regime because we believe that architecture is more than a helper mere history, ie architecture plays a leading role in the history of Franco. It is our purpose to trace the testimony that left the Spanish architecture in the NO-DO, and thus interrogate the images of this Franco newscast to delve into how the footprint of the Spanish architecture of the moment is constructed. Sometimes it may seem that the NO-DO every day goes unnoticed, but nevertheless consider that this aspect is the uniqueness of it, is in the most insignificant of history where we can find the most fruitful place to find a new reading make us better understand our past

    Lateral downflows in sunspot penumbral filaments and their temporal evolution

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    © 2015. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.. We study the temporal evolution of downflows observed at the lateral edges of penumbral filaments in a sunspot located very close to the disk center. Our analysis is based on a sequence of nearly diffraction-limited scans of the Fe i 617.3nm line taken with the CRisp Imaging Spectro-Polarimeter instrument at the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope. We compute Dopplergrams from the observed intensity profiles using line bisectors and filter the resulting velocity maps for subsonic oscillations. Lateral downflows appear everywhere in the center-side penumbra as small, weak patches of redshifts next to or along the edges of blueshifted flow channels. These patches have an intermittent life and undergo mergings and fragmentations quite frequently. The lateral downflows move together with the hosting filaments and react to their shape variations, very much resembling the evolution of granular convection in the quiet Sun. There is a good relation between brightness and velocity in the center-side penumbra, with downflows being darker than upflows on average, which is again reminiscent of quiet Sun convection. These results point to the existence of overturning convection in sunspot penumbrae, with elongated cells forming filaments where the flow is upward but very inclined, and weak lateral downward flows. In general, the circular polarization profiles emerging from the lateral downflows do not show sign reversals, although sometimes we detect three-lobed profiles that are suggestive of opposite magnetic polarities in the pixel.Financial support by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through grants AYA2009-14105-C06-06, AYA2012-39636-C06-05, and ESP2013-47349-C6-1 R, including a percentage from European FEDER funds, is gratefully acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Ramón Gómez de la Serna y el costumbrismo

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    Hemos demostrado cómo Ramón Gómez de la Serna ha aportado al género costumbrista el modernismo de su estilo vanguardista. Hemos analizado los artículos que publicó en los múltiples diarios o revistas con los que colaboró; sus libros misceláneos «Entrando en fuego», «Libro nuevo», «Variaciones», «Ramonismo» y «Gollerías»; sus libros «El Rastro», «Pombo», «La Sagrada Cripta de Pombo» y «Elucidario de Madrid»; sus novelas «La Viuda blanca y negra», «El novelista», «El torero Caracho», «La Nardo», «Las tres Gracias» y «Piso bajo»; las biografías que escribió sobre «Azorín», «Don Ramón del Valle-Inclán» y «José Guteérrez-Solana» finalizando con sus obras autobiográficas «Automoribundia» y «Nostalgias de Madrid». Se manifiesta en toda esta obra que el costumbrismo no es un género del pasado y que Ramón Gómez de la Serna no sólo es el pionero del vanguardismo en España y creador de las greguerías, sino el creador también de un costumbrismo «ramoniano»

    Emergence of internetwork magnetic fields through the solar atmosphere

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    Internetwork (IN) magnetic fields are highly dynamic, short-lived magnetic structures that populate the interior of supergranular cells. Since they emerge all over the Sun, these small-scale fields bring a substantial amount of flux, and therefore energy, to the solar surface. Because of this, IN fields are crucial for understanding the quiet Sun (QS) magnetism. However, they are weak and produce very small polarization signals, which is the reason why their properties and impact on the energetics and dynamics of the solar atmosphere are poorly known. Here we use coordinated, high-resolution, multiwavelength observations obtained with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) and the \textit{Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph} (IRIS) to follow the evolution of IN magnetic loops as they emerge into the photosphere and reach the chromosphere and transition region. We studied in this paper three flux emergence events having total unsigned magnetic fluxes of 1.9×10181.9\times10^{18}, 2.5×10182.5\times10^{18}, and 5.3×10185.3\times10^{18}~Mx. The footpoints of the emerging IN bipoles are clearly seen to appear in the photosphere and to rise up through the solar atmosphere, as observed in \ion{Fe}{1} 6173 \AA\/ and \ion{Mg}{1} b2_2 5173 \AA\/ magnetograms, respectively. For the first time, our polarimetric measurements taken in the chromospheric \ion{Ca}{2} 8542 \AA\/ line provide direct observational evidence that IN fields are capable of reaching the chromosphere. Moreover, using IRIS data, we study the effects of these weak fields on the heating of the chromosphere and transition region.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Animations are available at https://www.lmsal.com/~mgosic/download/animations_apj_2021.ta

    El enfoque de género en la intervención socioeducativa con mujeres: un estudio en el medio penitenciario Español

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    This article deals with gender socio-educational intervention programs developed with women deprived of liberty in the Spanish prison environment (in the ordinary and open regime). Thus, through a questionnaire addressed to women (N = 310), it is denoted that 49% (152 cases) have had a gender socio-educational program during their sentence. Specifically, highlight the “Ser Mujer.es” program (53% participate in prison and 4% in semi-freedom) and a group of educational courses and workshops to promote “equal opportunities between men and women” (48% participated in prison and 6% in semi-freedom). From the analysis of the data, a description of these programs is offered, analyzing their sessions, contents and usefulness through the testimonies received in the interviews with women (N = 75). On the other hand, a questionnaire addressed to the professionals who implement these programs is analyzed (N = 66), to know the usefulness, need for a gender perspective in the intervention, and the methodological and evaluative aspects. In short, the objective is to analyze the utility of gender socio-educational programs in the prison environment, according to the process of reintegration of women in semi-freedom. Thus, the “Being a woman.es” program is found to be useful for 87% of cases, highlighting social, communicative and therapeutic learning and implemented by 12.1% of professionals. These programs are configured as a vital tool for the female reintegration process

    Chromospheric heating due to cancellation of quiet Sun internetwork fields

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    The heating of the solar chromosphere remains one of the most important questions in solar physics. Our current understanding is that small-scale internetwork (IN) magnetic fields play an important role as a heating agent. Indeed, cancellations of IN magnetic elements in the photosphere can produce transient brightenings in the chromosphere and transition region. These bright structures might be the signature of energy release and plasma heating, probably driven by magnetic reconnection of IN field lines. Although single events are not expected to release large amounts of energy, their global contribution to the chromosphere may be significant due to their ubiquitous presence in quiet Sun regions. In this paper we study cancellations of IN elements and analyze their impact on the energetics and dynamics of the quiet Sun atmosphere. We use high resolution, multiwavelength, coordinated observations obtained with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) to identify cancellations of IN magnetic flux patches and follow their evolution. We find that, on average, these events live for ~3 minutes in the photosphere and ~12 minutes in the chromosphere and/or transition region. Employing multi-line inversions of the Mg II h & k lines we show that cancellations produce clear signatures of heating in the upper atmospheric layers. However, at the resolution and sensitivity accessible to the SST, their number density still seems to be one order of magnitude too low to explain the global chromospheric heating.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Animations of Figures 5, 9 and 11 are available at http://www.lmsal.com/~mgosic/download/animations_fig_5_9_11.ta

    Identification of the phosphorylation sites on the E3 ubiquitin ligase Pellino that are critical for activation by IRAK1 and IRAK4

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    The E3 ubiquitin ligase Pellino can be activated by phosphorylation in vitro, catalyzed by IL-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 (IRAK1) or IRAK4. Here, we show that phosphorylation enhances the E3 ligase activity of Pellino 1 similarly with any of several E2-conjugating enzymes (Ubc13-Uev1a, UbcH4, or UbcH5a/5b) and identify 7 amino acid residues in Pellino 1 whose phosphorylation is critical for activation. Five of these sites are clustered between residues 76 and 86 (Ser-76, Ser-78, Thr-80, Ser-82, and Thr-86) and decorate a region of antiparallel β-sheet, termed the “wing,” which is an appendage of the forkhead-associated domain that is thought to interact with IRAK1. The other 2 sites are located at Thr-288 and Ser-293, just N-terminal to the RING-like domain that carries the E3 ligase activity. Unusually, the full activation of Pellino 1 can be achieved by phosphorylating any one of several different sites (Ser-76, Thr-86, Thr-288, or Ser-293) or a combination of other sites (Ser-78, Thr-80, and Ser-82). These observations imply that dephosphorylation of multiple sites is required to inactivate Pellino 1, which could be a device for prolonging Pellino's E3 ubiquitin ligase activity in vivo