141 research outputs found

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    La Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA), es pérdida paulatina de las funciones cognitivas que generan un deterioro significativo en las actividades de la vida diaria, el diagnóstico temprano determina el curso y evolución. La presente investigación pretende realizar una validación de la batería neuropsicológica Uniform Data set (UDS-3) en población colombiana con demencia tipo Alzheimer. La batería UDS, desarrollada por un grupo de NACC, está batería evalúa el cambio de las personas con deterioro cognitivo y los normales, el cual tiene como propósito detectar de manera temprano el deterioro cognitivo y unificar datos a nivel mundial, para contribuir con los datos internacionales de Alzheimer. Es un instrumento reconocido y comúnmente usado en investigaciones de biomarcadores, la versión 3 se inició a usar en el 2015, está incorpora los criterios NIA-AA para la demencia de Alzheimer, un diagnóstico de lesión cerebral vascular, así como una forma más detallada de historia familiar y una batería neuropsicológica actualizada. En este estudio con diseño instrumental participaran 384 personas, divididos en dos grupos 192 grupo control (sanos) y192 grupo de estudio (pacientes con Alzheimer, la proporción será 1:1 hombres-mujeres, con edades entre <60 y 90+,de 1 a más 19 años de formación académica. Se pretende establecer la validez, confiabilidad, especificad y sensibilidad de la prueba para población colombiana, así como la creación de un algoritmo clínico que determine el curso del Alzheimer en población colombiana, para evidenciar el curso presintomático de la enfermedad

    Early development of Moniliophthora perniciosa basidiomata and developmentally regulated genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The hemibiotrophic fungus <it>Moniliophthora perniciosa </it>is the causal agent of Witches' broom, a disease of <it>Theobroma cacao</it>. The pathogen life cycle ends with the production of basidiocarps in dead tissues of the infected host. This structure generates millions of basidiospores that reinfect young tissues of the same or other plants. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying the sexual phase of this fungus may help develop chemical, biological or genetic strategies to control the disease.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mycelium was morphologically analyzed prior to emergence of basidiomata by stereomicroscopy, light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The morphological changes in the mycelium before fructification show a pattern similar to other members of the order <it>Agaricales</it>. Changes and appearance of hyphae forming a surface layer by fusion were correlated with primordia emergence. The stages of hyphal nodules, aggregation, initial primordium and differentiated primordium were detected. The morphological analysis also allowed conclusions on morphogenetic aspects. To analyze the genes involved in basidiomata development, the expression of some selected EST genes from a non-normalized cDNA library, representative of the fruiting stage <it>of M. perniciosa</it>, was evaluated. A macroarray analysis was performed with 192 selected clones and hybridized with two distinct RNA pools extracted from mycelium in different phases of basidiomata formation. This analysis showed two groups of up and down-regulated genes in primordial phases of mycelia. Hydrophobin coding, glucose transporter, Rho-GEF, Rheb, extensin precursor and cytochrome p450 monooxygenase genes were grouped among the up-regulated. In the down-regulated group relevant genes clustered coding calmodulin, lanosterol 14 alpha demethylase and PIM1. In addition, 12 genes with more detailed expression profiles were analyzed by RT-qPCR. One aegerolysin gene had a peak of expression in mycelium with primordia and a second in basidiomata, confirming their distinctiveness. The number of transcripts of the gene for plerototolysin B increased in reddish-pink mycelium and indicated an activation of the initial basidiomata production even at this culturing stage. Expression of the glucose transporter gene increased in mycelium after the stress, coinciding with a decrease of adenylate cyclase gene transcription. This indicated that nutrient uptake can be an important signal to trigger fruiting in this fungus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The identification of genes with increased expression in this phase of the life cycle of <it>M. perniciosa </it>opens up new possibilities of controlling fungus spread as well as of genetic studies of biological processes that lead to basidiomycete fruiting. This is the first comparative morphologic study of the early development both <it>in vivo </it>and <it>in vitro </it>of <it>M. perniciosa </it>basidiomata and the first description of genes expressed at this stage of the fungal life cycle.</p

    Very Low-Mass Stellar and Substellar Companions to Solar-Like Stars from MARVELS I: A Low Mass Ratio Stellar Companion to TYC 4110-01037-1 in a 79-day Orbit

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    TYC 4110-01037-1 has a low-mass stellar companion, whose small mass ratio and short orbital period are atypical amongst solar-like (Teff ~< 6000 K) binary systems. Our analysis of TYC 4110-01037-1 reveals it to be a moderately aged (~<5 Gyr) solar-like star having a mass of 1.07 +/- 0.08 MSun and radius of 0.99 +/- 0.18 RSun. We analyze 32 radial velocity measurements from the SDSS-III MARVELS survey as well as 6 supporting radial velocity measurements from the SARG spectrograph on the 3.6m TNG telescope obtained over a period of ~2 years. The best Keplerian orbital fit parameters were found to have a period of 78.994 +/- 0.012 days, an eccentricity of 0.1095 +/- 0.0023, and a semi-amplitude of 4199 +/- 11 m/s. We determine the minimum companion mass (if sin i = 1) to be 97.7 +/- 5.8 MJup. The system's companion to host star mass ratio, >0.087 +/- 0.003, places it at the lowest end of observed values for short period stellar companions to solar-like (Teff ~< 6000 K) stars. One possible way to create such a system would be if a triple-component stellar multiple broke up into a short period, low q binary during the cluster dispersal phase of its lifetime. A candidate tertiary body has been identified in the system via single-epoch, high contrast imagery. If this object is confirmed to be co-moving, we estimate it would be a dM4 star. We present these results in the context of our larger-scale effort to constrain the statistics of low mass stellar and brown dwarf companions to FGK-type stars via the MARVELS survey.Comment: 22 pages; accepted in A

    Desempenho de uma população brasileira no teste de alfabetização funcional para adultos na área de saúde

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the scoring obtained by an instrument, which evaluates the ability to read and understand items in the health care setting, according to education and age. METHODS: The short version of the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults was administered to 312 healthy participants of different ages and years of schooling. The study was conducted between 2006 and 2007, in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. The test includes actual materials such as pill bottles and appointment slips and measures reading comprehension, assessing the ability to read and correctly pronounce a list of words and understand both prose passages and numerical information. Pearson partial correlations and a multiple regression model were used to verify the association between its scores and education and age. RESULTS: The mean age of the sample was 47.3 years(sd=16.8) and the mean education was 9.7 years(sd=5; range: 1 - 17). A total of 32.4% of the sample showed literacy/numeracy deficits, scoring in the inadequate and marginal functional health literacy ranges. Among the elderly (65 years or older) this rate increased to 51.6%. There was a positive correlation between schooling and scores (r=0.74; pOBJETIVO: Analizar los escores de instrumento que evalúa habilidad de lectura y comprensión de materiales del área de salud según escolaridad y edad. MÉTODOS: Fueron evaluados 312 participantes saludables de diferentes edades por medio de la versión reducida del instrumento Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults. El estudio fue realizado entre 2006 y 2007 en la ciudad de Sao Paulo (Sureste de Brasil). El instrumento incluye materiales como frascos de medicamentos y cartones de para marcar consultas, evaluando la comprensión de lectura y de conceptos numéricos. Las pruebas de correlación parcial y de Pearson y un modelo de regresión múltiple fueron usados para verificar la asociación entre los escores en el instrumento, escolaridad y edad. RESULTADOS: Los promedios de edad y de escolaridad de la muestra fueron respectivamente 47,3 (dp=16,8) y 9,7 (dp=5; de uno a 17 años de estudio). El total de 32,4% de la muestra mostraron déficit de alfabetización funcional/uso de conceptos numéricos en el área de salud, con desempeño inadecuado o limítrofe en el instrumento. Entre ancianos (65 años o más) esta tasa afectó 51,6%. Se encontró correlación positiva entre años de estudio y escores en el instrumento (r=0,740; p< 0,01) y correlación negativa entre edad y escores en el instrumento (r=-0,259; p< 0,01).La correlación entre escores en el instrumento y edad no fue significativa cuando los efectos de la escolaridad fueron controlados (r=-0,031, p=0,584). Una asociación significativa (B=3,877, Beta=0,733; p< 0,001) fue encontrada entre años de estudio y escores en el instrumento. La edad no fue una variable predictiva en el modelo (B=-0,035, Beta=-0,22; p=0,584). CONCLUSIONES: El instrumento es adecuado para evaluar la alfabetización funcional en salud en la población brasilera. El elevado número de individuos clasificados como analfabetos funcionales indica la importancia de adopción de medidas especiales para ayudar estos individuos a comprender correctamente las orientaciones para cuidados de salud.OBJETIVO: Analisar os escores de instrumento que avalia habilidade de leitura e compreensão de materiais da área da saúde segundo escolaridade e idade. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 312 participantes saudáveis de diferentes idades por meio da versão reduzida do instrumento Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults. O estudo foi realizado entre 2006 e 2007 na cidade de São Paulo (SP). O instrumento envolve materiais como frascos de medicamentos e cartões de agendamento de consultas, avaliando a compreensão de leitura e de conceitos numéricos. Os testes de correlação parcial e de Pearson e um modelo de regressão múltipla foram usados para verificar a associação entre os escores no instrumento, escolaridade e idade. RESULTADOS: As médias de idade e de escolaridade da amostra foram respectivamente 47,3 (dp=16,8 ) e 9,7 (dp=5; de um a 17 anos de estudo). O total de 32,4% da amostra mostraram déficits de alfabetização funcional/ uso de conceitos numéricos na área de saúde, com desempenho inadequado ou limítrofe no instrumento. Entre idosos (65 anos ou mais) esta taxa atingiu 51,6%. Encontrou-se correlação positiva entre anos de estudo e escores no instrumento (r=0,740;

    MARVELS-1: A face-on double-lined binary star masquerading as a resonant planetary system; and consideration of rare false positives in radial velocity planet searches

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    We have analyzed new and previously published radial velocity observations of MARVELS-1, known to have an ostensibly substellar companion in a ~6- day orbit. We find significant (~100 m/s) residuals to the best-fit model for the companion, and these residuals are naively consistent with an interior giant planet with a P = 1.965d in a nearly perfect 3:1 period commensuribility (|Pb/Pc - 3| < 10^{-4}). We have performed several tests for the reality of such a companion, including a dynamical analysis, a search for photometric variability, and a hunt for contaminating stellar spectra. We find many reasons to be critical of a planetary interpretation, including the fact that most of the three-body dynamical solutions are unstable. We find no evidence for transits, and no evidence of stellar photometric variability. We have discovered two apparent companions to MARVELS-1 with adaptive optics imaging at Keck; both are M dwarfs, one is likely bound, and the other is likely a foreground object. We explore false-alarm scenarios inspired by various curiosities in the data. Ultimately, a line profile and bisector analysis lead us to conclude that the ~100 m/s residuals are an artifact of spectral contamination from a stellar companion contributing ~15-30% of the optical light in the system. We conclude that origin of this contamination is the previously detected radial velocity companion to MARVELS-1, which is not, as previously reported, a brown dwarf, but in fact a G dwarf in a face-on orbit.Comment: ApJ 770, 119. 24 pp emulate ApJ style, 12 figures (One is very large). v2: corrects two (important!) errors: A priori chance of this alignment or worse is 0.1% (not 0.01%) and the primary has THREE total companions (not four

    Brain metabolism and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers profile of non-amnestic mild cognitive impairment in comparison to amnestic mild cognitive impairment and normal older subjects

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    Abstract\ud \ud Introduction\ud Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is classically considered a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia. Non-amnestic MCI (naMCI) patients, however, typically demonstrate cognitive deficits other than memory decline. Furthermore, as a group, naMCI have a lower rate of an eventual dementia diagnosis as compared to amnestic subtypes of MCI (aMCI). Unfortunately, studies investigating biomarker profiles of naMCI are scarce. The study objective was to investigate the regional brain glucose metabolism (rBGM) with [18F]FDG-PET and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers in subjects with naMCI as compared to a control group (CG) and aMCI subjects.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud Ninety-five patients were included in three different groups: naMCI (N = 32), aMCI (N = 33) and CG (N = 30). Patients underwent brain MRI and [18F]FDG-PET. A subsample (naMCI = 26, aMCI = 28) also had an assessment of amyloid-β, tau, and phosphorylated tau levels in the CSF.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Both MCI groups had lower rBGM in relation to the CG in the precuneus. Subjects with naMCI showed decreased right prefrontal metabolism as well as higher levels of CSF amyloid-β relative to aMCI subjects.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud While amnestic MCI subjects showed a biomarker profile classically related to MCI due to Alzheimer’s disease, naMCI patients illustrated a decrease in both prefrontal hypometabolism and higher CSF amyloid-β levels relative to the aMCI group. These biomarker findings indicate that naMCI is probably a heterogeneous group with similar precuneus hypometabolism compared to aMCI, but additional frontal hypometabolism and less amyloid-β deposition in the brain. Clinical follow-up and reappraisal of biomarkers of the naMCI group is needed to determine the outcome and probable etiological diagnosis.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) numbers 2011/18245-4 and 2009/17398-1 in BrazilCoordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)/Brazi