68 research outputs found

    Five former Texas Public School Board Members' Perceptions Concerning the Hiring of Latina Superintendents

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    This qualitative study examined the perceptions of five former pubic school board members in Texas regarding the hiring of Latinas aspiring to the superintendency. The intent of this case study was to discover the characteristics of effective leadership that former public school board members desire in a Latina seeking the superintendency. This agenda is relevant because of the low numbers of minoritized women, in particular Latinas, holding a superintendent position in the United States and in Texas. Interviewing five former public school board members from Texas utilizing a semistructured interview protocol allowed the researcher to gather data about their perceptions of a Latina and the leadership skills needed or that could be used to her advantage to obtain the superintendency. Chemers’s model on leading diversity groups was used to contextualize this study. This model provides insight regarding skills that are needed to lead diverse groups. Findings were classified into three themes according to Chemers’s integrative leadership model. The image management theme examined the superintendents’ legitimacy, credibility, trust, and loyalty. The theme of relationship development probed the superintendents’ motivation efforts, effective relationships, and building among groups. The resource deployment theme investigated the aspiring Latinas’ empowerment, ability to work in teams, and ability to reduce stress in the organization. There are more than 55 million Latinas/os in the United States and Texas ranks second in the nation with more than eight million Latinas/os. However, Latinas still comprise an unsatisfactory 1% of the school superintendents in the country. This study identified effective leadership characteristics that five former Texas public school board members considered necessary for a Latina to enter what has been called the most male-dominated executive position in any profession in the United States

    Ambiente familiar y el aprendizaje en estudiantes de básica de la unidad educativa 7 de Noviembre, Cantón Naranjal, Ecuador, 2018

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    La presente investigación se desarrolló partiendo del objetivo de determinar la relación entre el ambiente familiar y el aprendizaje en estudiantes de básica de la Unidad Educativa 7 de noviembre, cantón naranjal, Ecuador, 2018; trabajándose metodológicamente de forma cuantitativa, cuyo diseño utilizado fue no experimental, de tipo transaccional descriptivo correlacional; su población estuvo conformada por 51 estudiantes de noveno año, 27 mujeres y 24 varones y su muestra representativa fue de 41 estudiantes de noveno año 18 mujeres y 23 varones (9 años de edad); Las técnicas aplicadas en la presente investigación fueron: encuesta y la observación; cuyos instrumentos aplicados fueron el cuestionario para la variable ambiente familiar y una guía de observación para la variable aprendizaje. Asimismo, la información recabada de la muestra investigada, se sistematizó con la ayuda de las aplicaciones informáticas SPSS y la hoja de cálculo Excel, los cuales permitieron reflejar tablas y gráficos estadísticos los que sirvieron para realizar el análisis e interpretación respectiva; además se utilizó el coeficiente de Pearson para hallar la correlación de las variables en estudio. Sistematizados los resultados se abordó a las conclusiones que existe una correlación alta entre el ambiente familiar y el aprendizaje; evidenciándose que los estudiantes presentan un ambiente familiar malo y otro grupo presentan un ambiente familiar regular; asimismo, que los estudiantes presentan un aprendizaje regular; un grupo presentan un aprendizaje bueno y otro grupo presentan un aprendizaje malo y además que existe una correlación baja entre el ambiente familiar y el desarrollo de la comunicación democrática, observándose que los estudiantes también presentan un desarrollo de la comunicación democrática bueno; un desarrollo de la comunicación democrática mala y un grupo regular

    Control interno y su relación con el impuesto predial en la municipalidad distrital de José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, Arequipa 2021

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    El tema de estudio se denomina “Control Interno y su relación con el Impuesto Predial en la Municipalidad Distrital de José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, Arequipa 2021” tiene como objetivo: Demostrar la relación que existe entre el control interno y el impuesto predial en la Municipalidad distrital de José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, Arequipa 2021. La metodología que se empleó, es de tipo aplicada, el diseño que se consideró fue no experimental, de carácter transversal, descriptivo y correlacional. Los resultados descriptivos presentan que el 36% de trabajadores menciona que el control interno y el impuesto predial es inadecuada, el otro 36% indican que se realiza de manera regular y el 28% señala que es realizada de manera adecuada, además en el análisis inferencial se menciona según la tabla de Rho de Spearman que existe una fuerte correlación de la variable control interno sobre la variable Impuesto predial de 0.801, además en el resultado sig. es de 0.000 procediendo a aceptar la hipótesis general del estudio. Como conclusión se menciona que el Control interno se relaciona directamente sobre el impuesto predial, por lo que es importante implementar las políticas y controles que permitan salvaguardar los intereses institucionales de la Municipalida

    DNA damage and molecular level effects induced by polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (NPs) after Chironomus riparius (Diptera) larvae

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    In this work, we analyzed the early molecular effects of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (NPs) on an aquatic primary consumer (larvae of Chironomus riparius, Diptera) to evaluate their potential DNA damage and the transcriptional response of different genes related to cellular and oxidative stress, endocrine response, developmental, oxygen transport, and immune response. After 24-h exposures of larvae to doses of PS NPs close to those currently found in the environment, the results revealed a large genotoxic effect. This end was evidenced after significant increases in DNA strand breaks of C. riparius larvae quantified by the comet assay, together with results obtained when analyzing the expression of four genes involved in DNA repair (xrrc1, ATM, DECAY and NLK) and which were reduced in the presence of these nanomaterials. Consequently, this reduction trend is likely to prevent the repair of DNA damage caused by PS NPs. In addition, the same tendency to reduce the expression of genes involved in cellular stress, oxidative stress, ecdysone pathway, development, and oxygen transport was observed. Taken together, these results suggest that PS NPs reduce the expression of hormonal target genes and a developmental gene. We show, for the first time, effects of PS NPs on the endocrine system of C. riparius and suggest a possible mechanism of blocking ecdysteroid hormones in insects. Moreover, the NPs were able to inhibit the expression of hemoglobin (Hb C), a protein involved in oxygen transport, and activate a gene of the humoral immune system. These data reveal for the first time the genomic effects of PS NPs in the aquatic invertebrate C. riparius, at the base of the food chain.This article has been funded by the project of IMIENS. We would like to thank Laura Flores and Sonia de la Mata for their technical support. This work is part of Celia Sabroso’s final project (student of the Universidad Europea de Madrid).S

    Molecular effects of polystyrene nanoplastics on human neural stem cells

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    All Results NPs cells files are available from the Dryad repository (doi:10.5061/dryad.zpc866tf9).Nanoplastics (NPs) have been found in many ecological environments (aquatic, terrestrial, air). Currently, there is great concern about the exposition and impact on animal health, including humans, because of the effects of ingestion and accumulation of these nanomaterials (NMs) in aquatic organisms and their incorporation into the food chain. NPs´ mechanisms of action on humans are currently unknown. In this study, we evaluated the altered molecular mechanisms on human neural stem cell line (hNS1) after 4 days of exposure to 30 nm polystyrene (PS) NPs (0.5, 2.5 and 10 μg/mL). Our results showed that NPs can induce oxidative stress, cellular stress, DNA damage, alterations in inflammatory response, and apoptosis, which could lead to tissue damage and neurodevelopmental diseases.S

    Neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption caused by polystyrene nanoparticles in zebrafish embryo

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    Nanoplastics (NP) are present in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Humans can be exposed to them through contaminated water, food, air, or personal care products. Mechanisms of NP toxicity are largely unknown and the Zebrafish embryo poses an ideal model to investigate them due to its high homology with humans. Our objective in the present study was to combine a battery of behavioral assays with the study of endocrine related gene expression, to further explore potential NP neurotoxic effects on animal behavior. Polystyrene nanoplastics (PSNP) were used to evaluate NP toxicity. Our neurobehavioral profiles include a tail coiling assay, a light/dark activity assay, two thigmotaxis anxiety assays (auditory and visual stimuli), and a startle response - habituation assay in response to auditory stimuli. Results show PSNP accumulated in eyes, neuromasts, brain, and digestive system organs. PSNP inhibited acetylcholinesterase and altered endocrine-related gene expression profiles both in the thyroid and glucocorticoid axes. At the whole organism level, we observed altered behaviors such as increased activity and anxiety at lower doses and lethargy at a higher dose, which could be due to a variety of complex mechanisms ranging from sensory organ and central nervous system effects to others such as hormonal imbalances. In addition, we present a hypothetical adverse outcome pathway related to these effects. In conclusion, this study provides new understanding into NP toxic effects on zebrafish embryo, emphasizing a critical role of endocrine disruption in observed neurotoxic behavioral effects, and improving our understanding of their potential health risks to human populations.This work was supported by the Joint Research Institute IMIENS (Grant Number: IMIENS-2020-001-PIC), and the Spanish Government (Grant Number: PID2021-125948OB-I00 from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE to ADV).S

    Deposition of lignin in four species of Saccharum

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    We used primers designed on conserved gene regions of several species to isolate the most expressed genes of the lignin pathway in four Saccharum species. S. officinarum and S. barberi have more sucrose in the culms than S. spontaneum and S. robustum, but less polysaccharides and lignin in the cell wall. S. spontaneum, and S. robustum had the lowest S/G ratio and a lower rate of saccharification in mature internodes. Surprisingly, except for CAD, 4CL, and CCoAOMT for which we found three, two, and two genes, respectively, only one gene was found for the other enzymes and their sequences were highly similar among the species. S. spontaneum had the highest expression for most genes. CCR and CCoAOMT B presented the highest expression; 4CL and F5H showed increased expression in mature tissues; C3H and CCR had higher expression in S. spontaneum, and one of the CADs isolated (CAD B) had higher expression in S. officinarum. The similarity among the most expressed genes isolated from these species was unexpected and indicated that lignin biosynthesis is conserved in Saccharum including commercial varieties Thus the lignin biosynthesis control in sugarcane may be only fully understood with the knowledge of the promotor region of each gene9CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informaçãosem informação2014/25994-1; 2008/58035-

    Melioidosis, un souvenir caro e inolvidable

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    Melioidosis is an endemic disease in Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. It was introduced to Western countries as a result of tourism and commercial traffic. It is more frequent in patients with diabetes and alcoholism. It can produce cutaneous abscesses, pneumonia, bacteremia without focus and osteomyelitis, among other affectations. The delay in diagnosis in non-endemic regions increases mortality. The treatment is based on the use of antibiotics combined with surgical drainage when appropriate. Mortality is high, although early treatment with adequate duration reduces the risk of relapse and death. We present the case of a 26-year-old woman with tibial osteomyelitis caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei after a trip to Thailand.La melioidosis es una enfermedad endémica en el Sudeste Asiático y norte de Australia, e importada a países occidentales como consecuencia del turismo y del tráfico comercial. Es más frecuente en pacientes con diabetes y alcoholismo. Puede producir abscesos cutáneos, neumonía, bacteriemia sin foco y osteomielitis, entre otras afectaciones. El diagnóstico en regiones no endémicas suele retrasarse, lo que aumenta la mortalidad. El tratamiento se basa en el uso de antibióticos combinado con drenaje quirúrgico cuando procede. La mortalidad es elevada, aunque un tratamiento precoz con duración adecuada disminuye el riesgo de recaídas y de muerte. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 26 años con una osteomielitis tibial por Burkholderia pseudomallei tras un viaje a Tailandia

    El IBV apuesta por Europa. Resultados de participación en programas europeos 2014-2020

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    [ES] El presente artículo revisa la trayectoria y logros del Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) y de sus empresas colaboradoras en la participación en programas europeos de apoyo y fomento de la I+D+i y formación en el período 2014-2020.Para la consecución de estos resultados, el IBV ha contado con apoyo de la convocatoria Europa Centros Tecnológicos del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación, cuyo objetivo es favorecer la participación de los centros tecnológicos españoles en Horizonte 2020 y fortalecer la capacidad de los mismos para impulsar la participación de empresas en dicho programa (ECT-2014-0082 y ECT-2016-0241). Por otra parte, tras los buenos resultados del IBV en el 7º Programa Marco, el IBV fue contratado por el Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial, CDTI, para apoyar y facilitar la participación de empresas españolas en el programa Horizonte 2020 en el periodo 2014-2017. Igualmente, el Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial IVACE apoya al IBV en la ejecución de actividades para potenciar la capacidad para desarrollar excelencia en materia de I+D y contribuir a mejorar la competitividad empresarial (proyectos IMAMCJ/2014/1, IMAMCJ/2015/1, IMAMCJ/2016/1, IMACID/2017/5, IMAMCJ/2018/1, IMAMCJ/2019/1 y IMAMCJ/2020/1, alguno de ellos con cofinanciación FEDER). A todas las entidades que colaboran en los proyectos y a los agentes institucionales implicados: Comisión Europea y sus agencias colaboradoras, EU-OSHA, CEN, EIT Health, Autoridad de Gestión de Interreg Europe, SEPIE, MINECO, CDTI e IVACE. ¿ Estos proyectos han recibido financiación del Programa Marco de Investigación e Innovación de la UE (Horizonte 2020) a través de los siguientes contratos: my-AHA (689592), InKreate (731885), Back-UP (777090), BodyPass (779780) BIONIC (826304), SUaaVE (814999), USER-CHI (875187), DIAMOND (824326), RUNSAFER (672605), CAREMiBRAIN (651145 y 711323), SolDent (650946), VisuaLook (662847), DuoTrainer (710568), i-LiveRest (696939), LiveRest (830134) y MAGIC (687228). ¿ Los estudios sobre datos antropométricos de niños y niñas en Europa han recibido financiación a través del Comité Europeo de Normalización, CEN. ¿ El proyecto OiRA tools (EUOSHA/2017/0023/1) ha recibido financiación de la Agencia Europea de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (EU-OSHA). ¿ Estos proyectos han recibido financiación del programa Erasmus+ de la UE a través de los siguientes contratos: Train4Orthomis (2014-1-ES01-KA202-004533), AREYOUFINE? (2015-1- ES01-KA202-016294), idICT (2015-1ES01-KA204-016179), OVOMAX (2015-1-PL01-KA202- 016969), 3DSPEC (2016-1-PL01-KA202-026335), AD-GAMING (2016-1-ES01-KA204-025313), Podiatrain (2016-1-ES01-KA203-024997), Teleturf (2016-1-ES01-KA202-025236), Brain4Train (2017-1-PL01-KA202-038370), TEACH (2018-1-PL01-KA203-051084), Fall-In-Age (2018-1- PTO-1-KA203-047343), TRAIN4HCWORK (2018-1-ES01-KA203-050887), FitWork (579903) y EMoCS (590471). ¿ El proyecto BIOsenSHOES (699678) ha recibido financiación a través del programa COSME de la UE. El proyecto Inno4Sports (PGI05481) ha recibido financiación a través del programa Interreg Europe de la UE. ¿ Los proyectos AGEFRIENDLY-DESIGN (17149), CARE (18256), INFINITy (19342) y VALUE (20328) están financiados por el European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Esta entidad de la UE recibe apoyo del Programa Marco europeo de Investigación e Innovación, Horizonte 2020. ¿ El proyecto SOMNOADAS ha sido financiado por CDTI (IDI-20150255) y certificado por IBEROEKA (IDI-20150255). ¿ El proyecto PRYSTINE (783190) ha recibido financiación a través del programa ECSEL. ¿ El proyecto EXO-RESCUE (E!115182) del programa EUROSTARS recibe financiación a través de las Agencias Nacionales de los países participantes: CDTI e Innosuisse.Blanco Bahamonde, M.; Sorolla Ballesta, C.; Portilla Parrilla, R.; Garcia Molina, C.; Ferris Oñate, JM. (2021). El IBV apuesta por Europa. Resultados de participación en programas europeos 2014-2020. Revista de Biomecánica (Online). (68):1-6. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/187385166

    Convalescent plasma treatment for patients of 80 years and older with COVID-19 pneumonia

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    Background: Older patients, frequently with multiple comorbidities, have a high mortality from COVID-19 infection. Convalescent plasma (CP) is a therapeutic option for these patients. Our objective is to retrospectively evaluate the efficacy and adverse events of CP treatment in this population group. Methods: Forty one patients over 80 years old with COVID-19 pneumonia received CP added to standard treatment, 51.2% with high anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG titers and 48.8% with low titers. Median time between the onset of symptoms and the infusion of plasma was 7 days (IQR 4-10). A similar group of 82 patients who received only standard treatment, during a period in which CP was not available, were selected as a control group. Results: In-hospital mortality was 26.8% for controls and 14.6% for CP patients (P = 0.131) and ICU admission was 8.5% for controls and 4.9% for CP patients (P = 0.467). Mortality tended to be lower in the high-titer group (9.5%) than in the low-titer group (20%), and in patients transfused within the first 7 days of symptom onset (10%) than in patients transfused later (19.1%), although the differences were not statistically significant (P = 0.307 and P = 0.355 respectively). There was no difference in the length of hospitalization. No significant adverse events were associated with CP treatment. Conclusions: Convalescent plasma treatment in patients over 80 years old with COVID-19 pneumonia was well tolerated but did not present a statistically significant difference in hospital mortality, ICU admission, or length of hospitalization. The results should be interpreted with caution as only half the patients received high-titer CP and the small number of patients included in the study limits the statistical power to detect significant differences