53 research outputs found

    Evolutionary ecomorphology of the Falkland Islands wolf Dusicyon australis

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    The Falkland Islands wolf Dusicyon australis is an extinct canid that was once the only endemic terrestrial mammal to inhabit the Falkland Islands. There is still a puzzling picture of the morphological adaptations of this wolf that quickly evolved from its mainland fossil ancestor: Dusicyon avus. We employ a geometric morphometric approach to identify patterns of skull shape variation in extant canids and Dusicyon spp. The Falkland Islands wolf and its fossil ancestor show a more carnivorous feeding morphology than other South American foxes, and they cluster morphologically with jackals. This supports convergence in skull shape between Dusicyon and Old World canids, although the convergence is not as strong as that exhibited by their sister hyper- and hypocarnivorous taxa

    Pulmón del soldador asociado a sobrecarga sistémica de hierro: a propósito de una caso

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    La hemosiderosis pulmonar o pulmón del soldador es una enfermedad ocupacional, provocada por la exposición crónica al polvo de hierro, en la que se produce un depósito anormal de este material en el pulmón en forma de hemosiderina

    Regulation of MMP2 and MMP9 metalloproteinases by FSH and growth factors in bovine granulosa cells

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are key enzymes involved in tissue remodeling. Within the ovary, they are believed to play a major role in ovulation, and have been linked to follicle atresia. To gain insight into the regulation of MMPs, we measured the effect of hormones and growth factors on MMP2 and MMP9 mRNA levels in non-luteinizing granulosa cells in serum-free culture. FSH and IGF1 both stimulated estradiol secretion and inhibited MMP2 and MMP9 mRNA abundance. In contrast, EGF and FGF2 both inhibited estradiol secretion but had no effect on MMP expression. At physiological doses, none of these hormones altered the proportion of dead cells. Although we cannot link MMP expression with apoptosis, the specific down regulation by the gonadotropic hormones FSH and IGF1 in vitro suggests that excess MMP2 and MMP9 expression is neither required nor desired for follicle development

    Natural and human-induced Holocene paleoenvironmental changes on the Guadiana shelf (northern Gulf of Cadiz)

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    Three contrasting sedimentary environments on the continental shelf off the Guadiana River (northern Gulf of Cadiz) were integrated in a chronological framework and analysed in terms of sedimentology and benthic foraminiferal assemblages to understand the Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution. The analysed environments differ in terms of their depositional regimes and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. However, a dominant fluvial origin of the sand fraction was observed in all three environments. Holocene sedimentary processes were mainly controlled by natural (sea level changes and climate variations) and human-induced processes (e.g. deforestation, agriculture) along four evolutionary stages. The three older stages were mainly influenced by natural processes, such as sea level variations and fluvial inputs, whereas the most recent stage reflects a combination of climatic- and human-induced processes. A deepening of sedimentary environments related to a period of rapid sea level rise, strongly influenced by river discharges occurred from c. 11,500 to c. 10,000 cal. yr BP. A reduction in sediment export to the shelf, as a result of the continuous and rapid sea level rise and enhanced estuary infilling reflects the second stage, from c. 10,000 to c. 5000 cal. yr BP. The beginning of the third stage, from c. 5000 to c. 1500–1000 cal. yr BP, is marked by a sea-level slowdown and the relatively stable climate and environmental conditions. The fourth stage, from c. 1500–1000 cal. yr BP to Recent times, reflects the intensification of human-induced processes and climatic variability in the Guadiana River basin. This stage also reflects modern depositional conditions, with the formation of a proximal prodeltaic wedge and a distal muddy body

    WSES guidelines for management of Clostridium difficile infection in surgical patients

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    In the last two decades there have been dramatic changes in the epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), with increases in incidence and severity of disease in many countries worldwide. The incidence of CDI has also increased in surgical patients. Optimization of management of C difficile, has therefore become increasingly urgent. An international multidisciplinary panel of experts prepared evidenced-based World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) guidelines for management of CDI in surgical patients.Peer reviewe

    WSES guidelines for management of Clostridium difficile infection in surgical patients

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    Structural framework and Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of Ponta Grossa Arch, Parana Basin, southern Brazil

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    The integration of structural analyses of outcrops, aerial photographs, satellite images, aeromagnetometric data, and digital terrain models can establish the structural framework and paleostress trends related to the evolution of Ponta Grossa Arch, one of the most important structures of the Paraná Basin in southern Brazil. In the study area, the central-northern region of Paraná State, Brazil, the arch crosses outcropping areas of the Pirambóia, Botucatu, and Serra Geral Formations (São Bento Group, Mesozoic). The Pirambóia and Botucatu Formations are composed of quartz sandstones and subordinated siltstones. The Serra Geral Formation comprises tholeiitic basalt lava flows and associated intrusive rocks. Descriptive and kinematic structural analyses reveal the imprint of two brittle deformation phases: D1, controlled by the activation of an extensional system of regional faults that represent a progressive deformation that generated discontinuous brittle structures and dike swarm emplacement along a NW–SE trend, and D2, which was controlled by a strike-slip (transtensional) deformation system, probably of Late Cretaceous–Tertiary age, responsible for important fault reactivation along dykes and deformation bands in sandstones