10 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of AFV3-109, a highly conserved protein from crenarchaeal viruses

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    The extraordinary morphologies of viruses infecting hyperthermophilic archaea clearly distinguish them from bacterial and eukaryotic viruses. Moreover, their genomes code for proteins that to a large extend have no related sequences in the extent databases. However, a small pool of genes is shared by overlapping subsets of these viruses, and the most conserved gene, exemplified by the ORF109 of the Acidianus Filamentous Virus 3, AFV3, is present on genomes of members of three viral familes, the Lipothrixviridae, Rudiviridae, and "Bicaudaviridae", as well as of the unclassified Sulfolobus Turreted Icosahedral Virus, STIV. We present here the crystal structure of the protein (Mr = 13.1 kD, 109 residues) encoded by the AFV3 ORF 109 in two different crystal forms at 1.5 and 1.3 Å resolution. The structure of AFV3-109 is a five stranded β-sheet with loops on one side and three helices on the other. It forms a dimer adopting the shape of a cradle that encompasses the best conserved regions of the sequence. No protein with a related fold could be identified except for the ortholog from STIV1, whose structure was deposited at the Protein Data Bank. We could clearly identify a well bound glycerol inside the cradle, contacting exclusively totally conserved residues. This interaction was confirmed in solution by fluorescence titration. Although the function of AFV3-109 cannot be deduced directly from its structure, structural homology with the STIV1 protein, and the size and charge distribution of the cavity suggested it could interact with nucleic acids. Fluorescence quenching titrations also showed that AFV3-109 interacts with dsDNA. Genomic sequence analysis revealed bacterial homologs of AFV3-109 as a part of a putative previously unidentified prophage sequences in some Firmicutes

    The Structural Basis of Gas-Responsive Transcription by the Human Nuclear Hormone Receptor REV-ERBβ

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    Heme is a ligand for the human nuclear receptors (NR) REV-ERBα and REV-ERBβ, which are transcriptional repressors that play important roles in circadian rhythm, lipid and glucose metabolism, and diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, inflammation, and cancer. Here we show that transcription repression mediated by heme-bound REV-ERBs is reversed by the addition of nitric oxide (NO), and that the heme and NO effects are mediated by the C-terminal ligand-binding domain (LBD). A 1.9 Å crystal structure of the REV-ERBβ LBD, in complex with the oxidized Fe(III) form of heme, shows that heme binds in a prototypical NR ligand-binding pocket, where the heme iron is coordinately bound by histidine 568 and cysteine 384. Under reducing conditions, spectroscopic studies of the heme-REV-ERBβ complex reveal that the Fe(II) form of the LBD transitions between penta-coordinated and hexa-coordinated structural states, neither of which possess the Cys384 bond observed in the oxidized state. In addition, the Fe(II) LBD is also able to bind either NO or CO, revealing a total of at least six structural states of the protein. The binding of known co-repressors is shown to be highly dependent upon these various liganded states. REV-ERBs are thus highly dynamic receptors that are responsive not only to heme, but also to redox and gas. Taken together, these findings suggest new mechanisms for the systemic coordination of molecular clocks and metabolism. They also raise the possibility for gas-based therapies for the many disorders associated with REV-ERB biological functions

    Structural analysis of xylanase inhibitor protein I (XIP-I), a proteinaceous xylanase inhibitor from wheat (Triticum aestivum, var. Soisson).

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    A novel class of proteinaceous inhibitors exhibiting specificity towards microbial xylanases has recently been discovered in cereals. The three-dimensional structure of xylanase inhibitor protein I (XIP-I) from wheat (Triticum aestivum, var. Soisson) was determined by X-ray crystallography at 1.8 A (1 A=0.1 nm) resolution. The inhibitor possesses a (beta/alpha)(8) barrel fold and has structural features typical of glycoside hydrolase family 18, namely two consensus regions, approximately corresponding to the third and fourth barrel strands, and two non-proline cis -peptide bonds, Ser(36)-Phe and Trp(256)-Asp (in XIP-I numbering). However, detailed structural analysis of XIP-I revealed several differences in the region homologous with the active site of chitinases. The catalytic glutamic acid residue of family 18 chitinases [Glu(127) in hevamine, a chitinase/lysozyme from the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis)] is conserved in the structure of the inhibitor (Glu(128)), but its side chain is fully engaged in salt bridges with two neighbouring arginine residues. Gly(81), located in subsite -1 of hevamine, where the reaction intermediate is formed, is replaced by Tyr(80) in XIP-I. The tyrosine side chain fills the subsite area and makes a strong hydrogen bond with the side chain of Glu(190) located at the opposite side of the cleft, preventing access of the substrate to the catalytic glutamic acid. The structural differences in the inhibitor cleft structure probably account for the lack of activity of XIP-I towards chitin

    Digues du Rhône du Symadrem : retour d’expérience de quatre chantiers réalisés entre 1998 et 2018 et évolution de la conception et du cahier des charges des terrassements

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    Le Symadrem est responsable d’un parc de 210 km de digues fluviales et 25 km de digues maritimes dans le delta du Rhône. Créé après les inondations de 1993 et 1994 en lieu et place d’associations syndicales de riverains, il s’efforce, depuis sa création, de remettre à niveau vis-à-vis de l’état de l’art ses ouvrages de protection. Le présent article présente le retour d’expérience de quatre chantiers réalisés entre 1998 et 2018. Il dresse un bilan de l’évolution de la conception des ouvrages et du cahier des charges au prisme des prescriptions de mise en œuvre des remblais étanches, des objectifs de compacité et de teneur en eau des matériaux avant compactage. Il évoque également la fréquence des contrôles prescrits et effectivement réalisés et conclut sur l’évolution dans les cahiers de charges de l’atteinte d’un objectif de résultats à l’atteinte désormais d’objectifs de résultats et de moyens matériels à employer

    The Dual Nature of the Wheat Xylanase Protein Inhibitor XIP-I

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    International audienceThe xylanase inhibitor protein I (XIP-I) from wheat Triticum aestivum is the prototype of a novel class of cereal protein inhibitors that inhibit fungal xylanases belonging to glycoside hydrolase families 10 (GH10) and 11 (GH11). The crystal structures of XIP-I in complex with Aspergillus nidulans (GH10) and Penicillium funiculosum (GH11) xylanases have been solved at 1.7 and 2.5 Angstrom resolution, respectively. The inhibition strategy is novel because XIP-I possesses two independent enzyme-binding sites, allowing binding to two glycoside hydrolases that display a different fold. Inhibition of the GH11 xylanase is mediated by the insertion of an XIP-I Pi-shaped loop (Lalpha(4)beta(5)) into the enzyme active site, whereas residues in the helix alpha7 of XIP-I, pointing into the four central active site subsites, are mainly responsible for the reversible inactivation of GH10 xylanases. The XIP-I strategy for inhibition of xylanases involves substrate-mimetic contacts and interactions occluding the active site. The structural determinants of XIP-I specificity demonstrate that the inhibitor is able to interact with GH10 and GH11 xylanases of both fungal and bacterial origin. The biological role of the xylanase inhibitors is discussed in light of the present structural data

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of protein 14 from Sulfolobus islandicus filamentous virus (SIFV)

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    Crystals of S. islandicus filamentous virus (SIFV) protein 14 have been grown at 293 K. Crystals belong to space group P6222 or P6422 and diffract to a resolution of 2.95 Å