304 research outputs found

    Pericardial Effusion Worm-Like Strands on Transthoracic Echocardiogram

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    Background: Fibrinous Pericardial Effusion is the accumulation of excess fluid in the pericardial fibroelastic sac. It can be a symptom of any pathological process that affects the pericardium from acute pericarditis to systemic disorders. This broad differential poses a diagnostic challenge in the setting of acute fluid accumulation. Case Presentation: A 50-year-old male with a past medical history of extensive intravenous drug use complicated by bacteremia and left ankle abscess formation presented to the Emergency Department complaining of mild-moderate chest pain for four days. Within the last month, he presented to the Emergency Department three times for similar symptoms; however, he eloped each time before receiving proper medical treatment. Chest x-ray revealed an enlarged cardiac silhouette, and follow-up computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrated a large transudative pericardial effusion, bilateral lower lobe consolidation, and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Prior to pericardiocentesis, a transthoracic echocardiogram was performed that revealed intrapericardial adhesions with a larva-like appearance. His clinical course was complicated by a concurrent left ankle abscess managed by podiatry. He received a pericardial window procedure one week later. Blood cultures from both procedures were negative, and the etiology was determined to be idiopathic. Subsequently, the cardiothoracic surgery team signed the patient off to the primary medical team for further medical management. Discussion/Conclusions: This case illustrates that imaging results can create a disproportionately severe clinical picture. Additionally, even in the case of explained systemic disease, the idiopathic nature of this patient presentation complicates the post-pericardiocentesis management of this patient. The extent of intrapericardial adhesion density and clinically severe appearance is not indicative of a pericardial effusion’s etiology. Transthoracic echocardiogram alone does not have a significant role in the formulation of a differential diagnosis for the treatment of fibrinous pericardial effusion

    Measuring the Surface Thermal Structure of the Sea off Brittany by Ship and Aircraft

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    During the months of September and October 1975 the “Laboratoire d ’Océanographie Physique de l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale” (LOP) and the “Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du C.N.R.S.” (LMD) made a joint study of surface temperatures and their variability over the continental plateau off the westernmost point of Brittany. Between 18 September and 28 October scientists from the LOP made several trips aboard the oceanographic vessel Capricorne operating a sonde for in-situ T.S.D. measurements. The LMD utilized an Aries radiometer which they themselves had designed and perfected. This was installed aboard a DC-3 aircraft that also carried pressure, humidity and temperature sensors. Our two objectives were as follows : 1. To compare the results obtained by two different techniques; 2. To obtain details of certain aspects of the microstructure of the sea surface, in particular over a frontal region. This paper thus proposes : a) To compare the results of the bathysonde measurements carried out by the LOP on Capricorne with those of a team from the “ Centre Océanologique de Bretagne" (COB) embarked in the oceanographic vessel Cry os from 16 to 29 September 1975. b) To present charts derived from radiometric measurements and to compare these charts with previous ones. c) To present aspects of the fine thermal structure at the surface from a certain number of radial passes with the DC-3

    Reducing the debt : is it optimal to outsource an investment?

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    International audienceWe deal with the problem of outsourcing the debt for a big investment, according two situations: either the firm outsources both the investment (and the associated debt) and the exploitation to a private consortium, or the firm supports the debt and the investment but outsources the exploitation. We prove the existence of Stackelberg and Nash equilibria between the firm and the private consortium, in both situations. We compare the benefits of these contracts. We conclude with a study of what happens in case of incomplete information, in the sense that the risk aversion coefficient of each partner may be unknown by the other partner

    Disease epidemic and a marine heat wave are associated with the continental-scale collapse of a pivotal predator (Pycnopodia helianthoides)

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    Multihost infectious disease outbreaks have endangered wildlife, causing extinction of frogs and endemic birds, and widespread declines of bats, corals, and abalone. Since 2013, a sea star wasting disease has affected > 20 sea star species from Mexico to Alaska. The common, predatory sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides), shown to be highly susceptible to sea star wasting disease, has been extirpated across most of its range. Diver surveys conducted in shallow nearshore waters (n = 10,956; 2006-2017) from California to Alaska and deep offshore (55 to 1280 m) trawl surveys from California to Washington (n = 8968; 2004-2016) reveal 80 to 100% declines across a similar to 3000-km range. Furthermore, timing of peak declines in nearshore waters coincided with anomalously warm sea surface temperatures. The rapid, widespread decline of this pivotal subtidal predator threatens its persistence and may have large ecosystem-level consequences

    Puumala hantavirus Infection in Humans and in the Reservoir Host, Ardennes Region, France

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    We compared the occurrence of nephropathia epidemica cases, over a multi-annual population cycle, in northeastern France with the hantavirus serology for bank voles captured in the same area. We discuss hypotheses to explain the pattern of infection in both humans and rodents and their synchrony

    A Plant-Specific Transcription Factor IIB-Related Protein, pBRP2, Is Involved in Endosperm Growth Control

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    General transcription factor IIB (TFIIB) and TFIIB-related factor (BRF), are conserved RNA polymerase II/III (RNAPII/III) selectivity factors that are involved in polymerase recruitment and transcription initiation in eukaryotes. Recent findings have shown that plants have evolved a third type of B-factor, plant-specific TFIIB-related protein 1 (pBRP1), which seems to be involved in RNAPI transcription. Here, we extend the repertoire of B-factors in plants by reporting the characterization of a novel TFIIB-related protein, plant-specific TFIIB-related protein 2 (pBRP2), which is found to date only in the Brassicacea family. Unlike other B-factors that are ubiquitously expressed, PBRP2 expression is restricted to reproductive organs and seeds as shown by RT-PCR, immunofluorescence labelling and GUS staining experiments. Interestingly, pbrp2 loss-of-function specifically affects the development of the syncytial endosperm, with both parental contributions required for wild-type development. pBRP2, is the first B-factor to exhibit cell-specific expression and regulation in eukaryotes, and might play a role in enforcing bi-parental reproduction in angiosperms

    Using Dynamic Stochastic Modelling to Estimate Population Risk Factors in Infectious Disease: The Example of FIV in 15 Cat Populations

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    BACKGROUND:In natural cat populations, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is transmitted through bites between individuals. Factors such as the density of cats within the population or the sex-ratio can have potentially strong effects on the frequency of fight between individuals and hence appear as important population risk factors for FIV. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:To study such population risk factors, we present data on FIV prevalence in 15 cat populations in northeastern France. We investigate five key social factors of cat populations; the density of cats, the sex-ratio, the number of males and the mean age of males and females within the population. We overcome the problem of dependence in the infective status data using sexually-structured dynamic stochastic models. Only the age of males and females had an effect (p = 0.043 and p = 0.02, respectively) on the male-to-female transmission rate. Due to multiple tests, it is even likely that these effects are, in reality, not significant. Finally we show that, in our study area, the data can be explained by a very simple model that does not invoke any risk factor. CONCLUSION:Our conclusion is that, in host-parasite systems in general, fluctuations due to stochasticity in the transmission process are naturally very large and may alone explain a larger part of the variability in observed disease prevalence between populations than previously expected. Finally, we determined confidence intervals for the simple model parameters that can be used to further aid in management of the disease

    Pathocenosis: A Holistic Approach to Disease Ecology

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    The History of medicine describes the emergence and recognition of infectious diseases, and human attempts to stem them. It also throws light on the role of changing environmental conditions on disease emergence/re-emergence, establishment and, sometimes, disappearance. However, the dynamics of infectious diseases is also influenced by the relationships between the community of interacting infectious agents present at a given time in a given territory, a concept that Mirko Grmek, an historian of medicine, conceptualized with the word “pathocenosis”. The spatial and temporal evolution of diseases, when observed at the appropriate scales, illustrates how a change in the pathocenosis, whether of “natural” or anthropic origin, can lead to the emergence and spread of diseases

    siRNAs compete with miRNAs for methylation by HEN1 in Arabidopsis

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    Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) bear a 2′-O-methyl group on the 3′-terminal nucleotide. This methyl group is post-synthetically added by the methyltransferase protein HEN1 and protects small RNAs from enzymatic activities that target the 3′-OH. A mutagenesis screen for suppressors of the partial loss-of-function hen1-2 allele in Arabidopsis identified second-site mutations that restore miRNA methylation. These mutations affect two subunits of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV), which is essential for the biogenesis of 24 nt endogenous siRNAs. A mutation in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 2, another essential gene for the biogenesis of endogenous 24-nt siRNAs, also rescued the defects in miRNA methylation of hen1-2, revealing a previously unsuspected, negative influence of siRNAs on HEN1-mediated miRNA methylation. In addition, our findings imply the existence of a negative modifier of HEN1 activity in the Columbia genetic background