486 research outputs found

    Stabilization of Polymeric Nanofibers Layers for Use as Real-Time and In-Flow Photonic Sensors

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    In order to increase the sensitivity of a sensor, the relationship between its volume and the surface available to be functionalized is of great importance. Accordingly, porous materials are becoming very relevant, because they have a notable surface-to-volume ratio. Moreover, they offer the possibility to infiltrate the target substances on them. Among other porous structures, polymeric nanofibers (NFs) layers fabricated by electrospinning have emerged as a very promising alternative to low-cost and easy-to-produce high-performance photonic sensors. However, experimental results show a spectrum drift when performing sensing measurements in real-time. That drift is responsible for a significant error when trying to determine the refractive index variation for a target solution, and, because of that, for the detection of the presence of certain analytes. In order to avoid that problem, different chemical and thermal treatments were studied. The best results were obtained for thermal steps at 190 °C during times between 3 and 5 h. As a result, spectrum drifts lower than 5 pm/min and sensitivities of 518 nm/refractive index unit (RIU) in the visible range of the spectrum were achieved in different electrospun NFs sensors.This work was supported by the Spanish government through the project TEC2015-63838-C3-1-ROPTONANOSENS and from the Basque government through the project KK-2019/00101 -µ4INDUSTR

    Reestructuración de ministerios (examen al Cuerpo Superior de Administradores Civiles del Estado 2004): Caso práctico

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    La Presidencia del Gobierno tiene la intención de proceder a una reestructuración Departamental que afectará a los Ministerios de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales y de Sanidad y Consumo. Nota: Se adjuntan las estructuras actuales de los Ministerios de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales y Sanidad y Consumo. Cuestiones planteadas: Usted como miembro del equipo de asesores de la Presidencia, debe elaborar un informe sobre los siguientes aspectos: 1. Justificación de la necesidad de la creación de un nuevo Ministerio u otras opciones organizativas. 2. Especial referencia a las competencias de Seguridad Social. 3. Estructura orgánica y líneas maestras de actuación

    El FROB en la reestructuración del sistema bancario español. Evolución tras una década de actividad (2009-2019) y consideraciones para la Unión Bancaria

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    Artículo de revistaEste artículo ofrece un relato cronológico de los diez años de actividad del FROB, con el objetivo de describir el contexto en el que se ha ido desarrollando el organismo, así como las acciones llevadas a cabo en favor del proceso de reestructuración bancaria español. Junto con la presentación de la evolución del FROB, su mandato, sus funciones y las herramientas de las que ha podido hacer uso en estos años, se acompañan algunas consideraciones básicas sobre el ámbito de la resolución bancaria, que, a la luz de la experiencia del FROB, pueden ser de utilidad para reforzar tanto la Unión Bancaria como el marco de resolución actual

    Dual refractive index and viscosity sensing using polymeric nanofibers optical structures

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    Porous materials have demonstrated to be ideal candidates for the creation of optical sensors with very high sensitivities. This is due both to the possibility of infiltrating the target substances into them and to their notable surface-to-volume ratio that provides a larger biosensing area. Among porous structures, polymeric nanofibers (NFs) layers fabricated by electrospinning have emerged as a very promising alternative for the creation of low-cost and easy-to-produce high performance optical sensors, for example, based on Fabry-Perot (FP) interferometers. However, the sensing performance of these polymeric NFs sensors is limited by the low refractive index contrast between the NFs porous structure and the target medium when performing in-liquid sensing experiments, which determines a very low amplitude of the FP interference fringes appearing in the spectrum. This problem has been solved with the deposition of a thin metal layer (∼ 3 nm) over the NFs sensing layer. We have successfully used these metal-coated FP NFs sensors to perform several real-time and in-flow refractive index sensing experiments. From these sensing experiments, we have also determined that the sponge-like structure of the NFs layer suffers an expansion/compression process that is dependent of the viscosity of the analyzed sample, what thus gives the possibility to perform a simultaneous dual sensing of refractive index and viscosity of a fluid

    Sensitivity comparison of a self-standing porous silicon membrane under flow-through and flow-over conditionshttps://aplicat.upv.es/senia-app/edicion/mantArticuloBib.faces?p_idioma=v

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] An optical sensor based on a self-standing porous silicon (PS) membrane is presented. The sensor was created by electrochemically etching a heavily doped p-type silicon wafer with an organic electrolyte that contained dimethylformamide. After fabrication, a high-current density close to electropolishing was applied in order to allow the detachment from the substrate using a lift-off method. The PS membrane was integrated ina microfluidic cell for sensing purposes, and reflectance spectra were continuously obtained while the target substance was flowed. A comparison of the bulk sensitivity is achieved when flowing through and over the pores is reported. During the experiments,a maximum sensitivity of 770 nm/RIU measured at 1700 nm was achieved. Experimental sensitivity values are in good agreement with the theoretical calculations performed when flowing through the PS membrane, it means that the highest possible sensitivity of that sensor was achieved. In contrast, a drop in the sensi-tivity of around 25% was observed when flowing over the PS membrane.This work was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was Prof. Aime Lay-Ekuakille.Martín-Sánchez, D.; Ponce-Alcántara, S.; García-Rupérez, J. (2019). Sensitivity comparison of a self-standing porous silicon membrane under flow-through and flow-over conditionshttps://aplicat.upv.es/senia-app/edicion/mantArticuloBib.faces?p_idioma=v. IEEE Sensors Journal. 19(9):3279-3281. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2019.2893885S3279328119

    Análisis psicométrico del Inventario de Autoeficacia para las Inteligencias Múltiples-Revisado (IAMI-R) en estudiantes peruanos de nivel secundario

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    The objective of this instrumental study (Ato, López & Benavente, 2013) or psychometric-type (Alarcón, 2008) was to estimate the validity and reliability of the Self-Efficacy Inventory for Multiple Intelligences-Revised (IAMI-R, Pérez & Cupani, 2008) in Peruvian students of fifth year of high school. We worked with a sample of 1304 adolescents, with an average age of 16.81, divided into two groups of 652. Reliability was calculated with the Ordinal Alpha (Contreras & Novoa-Muñoz, 2018) and with the McDonald’s Omega coefficient, obtaining appropriate values. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (AFE) confirms the eight factors of the original version that explain 70% of the variability of the scores. With the confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA), adjustment indices were obtained confirming this factorial structure: SSc2 = 1857.73, gl = 1047, SSc2 / gl = 1.77, RMSEA = .035, SRMR = .049, CFI = .915, and TLI = .908. The results confirm that the IAMI-R is adequate to evaluate self-efficacy associated with multiple intelligences in Peruvian students who complete high school.El presente estudio instrumental (Ato, López y Benavente, 2013) o de tipo psicométrico (Alarcón, 2008) planteó como objetivo estimar la validez y fiabilidad del Inventario de Autoeficacia para las Inteligencias Múltiples-Revisado (IAMI-R, Pérez y Cupani, 2008) en estudiantes peruanos de quinto de secundaria. Se trabajó con una muestra de 1304 adolescentes, edad promedio 16.81, dividida en dos grupos de 652. La confiabilidad se calculó con el Alfa ordinal (Contreras & Novoa-Muñoz, 2018) y con el coeficiente Omega de McDonald, obteniéndose valores apropiados. El Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) confirma los ocho factores de la versión original que explican el 70% de la variabilidad de las puntuaciones. Con el análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) se obtuvieron índices de ajuste que confirman  esta estructura factorial: SSc2 = 1857.73, gl = 1047, SSc2 / gl = 1.77, RMSEA = .035, SRMR = .049, CFI = .915  y TLI = .908. Los resultados confirman que el IAMI-R es adecuado para evaluar autoeficacia asociada a inteligencias múltiples en estudiantes peruanos que culminan la secundaria

    Análisis psicométrico del Inventario de Autoeficacia para las Inteligencias Múltiples-Revisado (IAMI-R) en estudiantes peruanos de nivel secundario

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    The objective of this instrumental study (Ato, López & Benavente, 2013) or psychometric-type (Alarcón, 2008) was to estimate the validity and reliability of the Self-Efficacy Inventory for Multiple Intelligences-Revised (IAMI-R, Pérez & Cupani, 2008) in Peruvian students of fifth year of high school. We worked with a sample of 1304 adolescents, with an average age of 16.81, divided into two groups of 652. Reliability was calculated with the Ordinal Alpha (Contreras & Novoa-Muñoz, 2018) and with the McDonald’s Omega coefficient, obtaining appropriate values. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (AFE) confirms the eight factors of the original version that explain 70% of the variability of the scores. With the confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA), adjustment indices were obtained confirming this factorial structure: SSc2 = 1857.73, gl = 1047, SSc2 / gl = 1.77, RMSEA = .035, SRMR = .049, CFI = .915, and TLI = .908. The results confirm that the IAMI-R is adequate to evaluate self-efficacy associated with multiple intelligences in Peruvian students who complete high school.El presente estudio instrumental (Ato, López y Benavente, 2013) o de tipo psicométrico (Alarcón, 2008) planteó como objetivo estimar la validez y fiabilidad del Inventario de Autoeficacia para las Inteligencias Múltiples-Revisado (IAMI-R, Pérez y Cupani, 2008) en estudiantes peruanos de quinto de secundaria. Se trabajó con una muestra de 1304 adolescentes, edad promedio 16.81, dividida en dos grupos de 652. La confiabilidad se calculó con el Alfa ordinal (Contreras & Novoa-Muñoz, 2018) y con el coeficiente Omega de McDonald, obteniéndose valores apropiados. El Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) confirma los ocho factores de la versión original que explican el 70% de la variabilidad de las puntuaciones. Con el análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) se obtuvieron índices de ajuste que confirman  esta estructura factorial: SSc2 = 1857.73, gl = 1047, SSc2 / gl = 1.77, RMSEA = .035, SRMR = .049, CFI = .915  y TLI = .908. Los resultados confirman que el IAMI-R es adecuado para evaluar autoeficacia asociada a inteligencias múltiples en estudiantes peruanos que culminan la secundaria

    Reestructuración organizacional en la gestión administrativa de la Minera Huayday de Lucma – Gran Chimú, 2022

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    La presente investigación titulada “Reestructuración organizacional en la gestión administrativa de la Minera Huayday de Lucma – Gran Chimú, 2022” la cual fue presentada para obtener el título profesional de licenciados en Administración de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego de Trujillo, tuvo como objetivo general determinar la influencia de la reestructuración organizacional en la gestión administrativa de la Minera Huayday de Lucma – Gran Chimú en el año 2022. El tipo de investigación fue aplicada,de nivel explicativa, con diseño experimental con grado pre-experimental y cualitativo, el instrumento para recolectar los datos fue el cuestionario, aplicado a 25 clientes de la empresa, los cuales fueron registrados en una base de datos en Microsoft Excel. Para la posterior validación se usó la técnica V de Aiken politómica y el alfa de Cronbach que a su vez posibilitó medir el grado de confiabilidad. Los resultados se presentaron mediante tablas y gráficos, en donde se observó los porcentajes y promedios que permitieron evidenciar la hipótesis, también constan de variaciones en referencia al antes y después de la implementación en donde las cuatro dimensiones de la gestión administrativa: planificación, organización, dirección y control, representaron los siguientes cambios, el 4% de los clientes encuestados afirmaron que el nivel de gestión era malo mientras que el 96% lo consideró regular, al establecer las estrategias de gestión permitió mejorar el nivel de clientes que consideró regular la gestión administrativa en un 36% y a un 64% los clientes que lo consideraron excelente. Por último, esta investigación al admitir la hipótesis alterna y rechazar la hipótesis nula, demostró que la aplicación de las estrategias sí influyó y permitió mejorar el nivel de la gestión administrativa al reforzar los cuatro pilares fundamentales para una buena gestión. Asimismo, su implementación benefició la funcionalidad de los procesos administrativos al optimizar sus actividades gerenciales y regirse bajo nuevos lineamentos impuestos por la empresa que permite cumplir de manera más eficiente sus tareas y requerimientos.The present investigation entitled ""Organizational restructuring in the administrative management of the Minera Huayday de Lucma - Gran Chimu, 2022"" which was presented to obtain the professional title of graduates in Administration from the Private University Antenor Orrego de Trujillo, had as general objective to determine the influence of organizational restructuring in the administrative management of the Minera Huayday de Lucma - Gran Chimu in the year 2022. The type of research was applied, explanatory level, with experimental design with pre-experimental and qualitative degree, the instrument to collect the data was the questionnaire, applied to 25 clients of the company, which were registered in a database in Microsoft Excel. For the subsequent validation, the polytomic Aiken V technique and Cronbach's alpha were used, which in turn made it possible to measure the degree of reliability. The results were presented through tables and graphs, where the percentages and averages that allowed the hypothesis to be evidenced were observed, they also consist of variations in reference to before and after the implementation where the four dimensions of administrative management: planning, organization, direction and control, represented the following changes, 4% of the clients surveyed affirmed that the level of management was bad while 96% considered it to be regular, by establishing the management strategies it allowed to improve the level of clients that considered regular management administrative by 36% and 64% by customers who considered it excellent. Finally, this research, by admitting the alternate hypothesis and rejecting the null hypothesis, showed that the application of the strategies did influence and improve the level of administrative management by reinforcing the four fundamental pillars for good management. Likewise, its implementation benefited the functionality of the administrative processes by optimizing its managerial activities and being governed by new guidelines imposed by the company that allows it to more efficiently fulfill its tasks and requirements.Tesi

    Convivir con el COVID-19 Impacto en el sector agroalimentario

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    La pandemia por COVID-19 ha afectado el sistema agroalimentario como consecuencia de las restricciones de movilización y comercio y del impacto directo de la enfermedad en la fuerza laboral. El contexto de salud pública y de seguridad alimentaria, alude a la necesidad de fomentar y garantizar las medidas de control sanitario que permitan la producción y distribución de alimentos seguro