199 research outputs found

    Content of Adenosine Phosphate Compounds in Pea Roots Grown in Saline Media

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    Some rootstocks improve pepper tolerance to mild salinity through ionic regulation

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    [EN] Grafting has been proposed as an interesting strategy that improves the responses of crops under salinity. In pepper, we reported increased fruit yield of the commercial 'Adige' cultivar under salinity when grafted onto accessions Capsicum chinense Jacq. 'ECU-973' (12) and Capsicum baccatum L. var. pendulum 'BOL-58' (14), whereas no,effect was observed when grafted onto accession Capsicum annuum L var. 'Serrano' (5). We also analysed the physiological and biochemical mechanisms related to the tolerance conferred by these rootstocks. Responses to salinity (40 mM NaCl) were studied in the different plant combinations for 30 days by determining water relations, mineral content, proline accumulation, photosynthetic parameters, nitrate reductase activity and antioxidant capacity. Higher salt tolerance was achieved when the 'Adige' cultivar was grafted onto the 12 genotype, which allowed not only lower Na+ and Cl- accumulation in the scion, but also ion selectivity maintenance, particularly Na+/K+ discrimination. These traits led to a minor negative impact on photosynthesis, nitrate reductase activity and lipid peroxidation in grafted scion leaves. This work suggests that using tolerant pepper rootstocks that maintain the scion's ion homeostasis is a promising strategy to provide salinity tolerance and can consequently improve crop yield.This work has been financed by INIA (Spain) through Project RTA2010-00038-C03-01 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). C.P. is beneficiary of a doctoral fellowship (FPI-INIA) associate with this project.Penella, C.; González Nebauer, S.; Quinones, A.; San Bautista Primo, A.; López Galarza, SV.; Calatayud, A. (2015). Some rootstocks improve pepper tolerance to mild salinity through ionic regulation. Plant Science. 230:12-22. doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2014.10.007S122223

    Chapter 6 Site investigation

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    In this chapter we discuss the various phases in site investigation. Phase I investigations are preliminary in nature and are designed to furnish a comprehensive overview of available site information. Phase II investigations consist of site characterization and groundwater monitoring of well installation. Direct methods such as boreholes, piezometers, and geotechnical analysis of soil samples are discussed. While, for indirect methods, we discuss aerial photography, ground penetrating radar, and earth conductivity and resistivity geophysical studies. Furthermore, we discuss issues related to hydrogeochemical investigations. Then, we conclude this chapter with two case studies. The first is related to geoenvironmental investigation at a waste dump site in the United Arab Emirates, while the second is related to the assessment of land salinization in arid lands

    Beiträge zur mikroskopischen Anatomie und Physiologie des lockern Bindegewebes

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    Sabbatai Zewi : Roman

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    S. Poljakoff [Salomom L'vovič Poljakov]. Aus d. Russ. von Z. HolmTitelbl.: hs. Sign. aus Freimann-Kat.: Auct. Slav. Poljakof

    Ueber einen Fall von Nierenblutung angioneurotischen Ursprungs

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