72 research outputs found

    Sclérochronologie à Saint-Pierre et Miquelon : de l'échelle sub-horaire aux reconstructions multi-décennales

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    Coastal ecosystems are exposed to global climate change leading to modifications of their structure and functioning. However, little is known about their environmental variability before 1950. The hard parts of long-lived marine biota hold the potential to extend instrumentally derived observations, at different temporal and spatial resolutions, in order to enhance our understanding of past environmental processes. This PhD dissertation takes place on Saint-Pierre & Miquelon (SPM), a small archipelago at the confluence of major oceanic currents marking the boundary between the North Atlantic Ocean subtropical and subpolar gyres. In addition to its global key position, a local phenomenon, leads, during the stratified period, to the largest (up to 12°C amplitude) daily (25.8 h) temperature oscillations ever observed-at any frequency-on a stratified mid latitude continental shelf. This work is based on calcified structures of local marine organism analyses, to gain insights about past environmental variability at these two scales. The relationships observed between the sclerochronological records from these different marine biota and several environmental dataset, allowed us to highlight the relevant position of SPM for studying multiple scale oceanographic variability, biological responses of different benthic species and the dynamics of coastal ecosystems, at different time scales (from the tide to the last 165 years) and space scales (from SPM archipelago to North Atlantic Ocean).Les Ă©cosystĂšmes cĂŽtiers sont exposĂ©s aux changements climatiques entraĂźnant des modifications de leur structure et de leur fonctionnement. Cependant, nous disposons de peu d’information sur la variabilitĂ© de leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s environnementales avant 1950. Les parties dures des organismes marins ont le potentiel d'Ă©tendre les observations instrumentales, Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles spatiales et temporelles, afin d'amĂ©liorer notre comprĂ©hension des processus environnementaux passĂ©s. Cette thĂšse de doctorat a pour cadre Saint-Pierre & Miquelon (SPM), un petit archipel situĂ© Ă  la confluence de grands courants ocĂ©aniques marquant la frontiĂšre entre les gyres subtropicaux et subpolaires de l'Atlantique Nord. Outre sa position clĂ© Ă  l’échelle mondiale comme indicateur de l'Ă©volution du climat, des spĂ©cificitĂ©s locales induisent une dynamique trĂšs particuliĂšre conduisant, lors de la pĂ©riode stratifiĂ©e, Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ration des plus importantes oscillations thermiques quotidiennes jamais observĂ©es. Ce travail est basĂ© sur l’analyse des structures calcifiĂ©es d’organismes marins locaux, afin de mieux comprendre la variabilitĂ© environnementale passĂ©e Ă  ces deux Ă©chelles. Les relations observĂ©es entre les enregistrements sclĂ©rochronologiques issus des diffĂ©rents modĂšles biologiques Ă©tudiĂ©s dans cette thĂšse et plusieurs types de donnĂ©es environnementales, nous ont permis de mettre en avant la position privilĂ©giĂ©e de SPM pour Ă©tudier la variabilitĂ© ocĂ©anographique, les rĂ©ponses biologiques de diffĂ©rentes espĂšces benthiques et la dynamique des Ă©cosystĂšmes cĂŽtiers, Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles de temps (de la marĂ©e aux 165 derniĂšres annĂ©es) et d'espace (de celle de l'archipel Ă  celle de l’Atlantique Nord)

    Sclerochronological approaches in Saint-Pierre & Miquelon : from sub-hourly to multidecadal environmental reconstructions

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    Les Ă©cosystĂšmes cĂŽtiers sont exposĂ©s aux changements climatiques entraĂźnant des modifications de leur structure et de leur fonctionnement. Cependant, nous disposons de peu d’information sur la variabilitĂ© de leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s environnementales avant 1950. Les parties dures des organismes marins ont le potentiel d'Ă©tendre les observations instrumentales, Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles spatiales et temporelles, afin d'amĂ©liorer notre comprĂ©hension des processus environnementaux passĂ©s. Cette thĂšse de doctorat a pour cadre Saint-Pierre & Miquelon (SPM), un petit archipel situĂ© Ă  la confluence de grands courants ocĂ©aniques marquant la frontiĂšre entre les gyres subtropicaux et subpolaires de l'Atlantique Nord. Outre sa position clĂ© Ă  l’échelle mondiale comme indicateur de l'Ă©volution du climat, des spĂ©cificitĂ©s locales induisent une dynamique trĂšs particuliĂšre conduisant, lors de la pĂ©riode stratifiĂ©e, Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ration des plus importantes oscillations thermiques quotidiennes jamais observĂ©es. Ce travail est basĂ© sur l’analyse des structures calcifiĂ©es d’organismes marins locaux, afin de mieux comprendre la variabilitĂ© environnementale passĂ©e Ă  ces deux Ă©chelles. Les relations observĂ©es entre les enregistrements sclĂ©rochronologiques issus des diffĂ©rents modĂšles biologiques Ă©tudiĂ©s dans cette thĂšse et plusieurs types de donnĂ©es environnementales, nous ont permis de mettre en avant la position privilĂ©giĂ©e de SPM pour Ă©tudier la variabilitĂ© ocĂ©anographique, les rĂ©ponses biologiques de diffĂ©rentes espĂšces benthiques et la dynamique des Ă©cosystĂšmes cĂŽtiers, Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles de temps (de la marĂ©e aux 165 derniĂšres annĂ©es) et d'espace (de celle de l'archipel Ă  celle de l’Atlantique Nord).Coastal ecosystems are exposed to global climate change leading to modifications of their structure and functioning. However, little is known about their environmental variability before 1950. The hard parts of long-lived marine biota hold the potential to extend instrumentally derived observations, at different temporal and spatial resolutions, in order to enhance our understanding of past environmental processes. This PhD dissertation takes place on Saint-Pierre & Miquelon (SPM), a small archipelago at the confluence of major oceanic currents marking the boundary between the North Atlantic Ocean subtropical and subpolar gyres. In addition to its global key position, a local phenomenon, leads, during the stratified period, to the largest (up to 12°C amplitude) daily (25.8 h) temperature oscillations ever observed-at any frequency-on a stratified mid latitude continental shelf. This work is based on calcified structures of local marine organism analyses, to gain insights about past environmental variability at these two scales. The relationships observed between the sclerochronological records from these different marine biota and several environmental dataset, allowed us to highlight the relevant position of SPM for studying multiple scale oceanographic variability, biological responses of different benthic species and the dynamics of coastal ecosystems, at different time scales (from the tide to the last 165 years) and space scales (from SPM archipelago to North Atlantic Ocean)

    Un PACTE dans la région du Centre

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    Ledoux Liliane, Duclos André, Poitevin Pierre. Un PACTE dans la région du Centre. In: Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie, n°8, Avril-juin 1982. pp. 11-14

    L’origine des viandes et des produits carnĂ©s : le terroir reconstruit

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    National audienceSi les vins ou les fromages Ă©voquent assez spontanĂ©ment le terroir et ses singularitĂ©s locales, les viandes et, dans une moindre mesure les produits carnĂ©s, ne sont pas associĂ©s Ă  de telles Ă©vocations. N’y aurait-il pas de terroir dans le monde des viandes ? Ou l’évolution du secteur et de l’organisation des filiĂšres aurait-elle lissĂ© toute diffĂ©renciation dans ce domaine ? Il est assez clair que le lien des viandes et des produits carnĂ©s aux lieux oĂč ils sont produits demeure plus dĂ©licat Ă  Ă©tablir que dans le cas des autres aliments. Il y a, nous le montrerons, des constructions locales qui attestent que ce lien peut ĂȘtre mis en Ă©vidence. Les cas Ă©voquĂ©s, dans leur grande majoritĂ©, concernent des spĂ©cialitĂ©s trĂšs localisĂ©es et qui occupent peu de place sur les marchĂ©s. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, ce sont des produits de «niche» pour lesquels le terroir s’est construit Ă  partir de ressources et de modes de conduite Ă©loignĂ©s des standards de production. De telles constructions n’en demeurent pas moins d’intĂ©rĂȘt quand on cherche Ă  approcher le terroir sous toutes ses formes. Les viandes et les produits carnĂ©s apportent une contribution originale au monde des terroirs par les constructions qu’elle suppose et les dynamiques d’acteurs qu’elle nourrit. Tout d’abord, dans une premiĂšre partie, aprĂšs un cadrage de la question, nous Ă©tablissons un inventaire des viandes et produits carnĂ©s protĂ©gĂ©s au niveau national par un signe d’origine. Puis, dans une deuxiĂšme partie, nous choisissons un petit nombre de cas d’étude que nous prĂ©sentons en dĂ©tail, afin de faire ressortir les Ă©lĂ©ments du terroir sur lesquels ils sont construits. Ensuite, nous discutons des grandes questions qui nourrissent les dĂ©bats autour des viandes et produits carnĂ©s d’origine. En conclusion, nous revenons sur les diffĂ©rences entre produits carnĂ©s et produits laitiers, les obstacles dont l’origine des viandes est l’objet, et sur les orientations Ă  privilĂ©gier pour les travaux futurs

    Spatiotemporal variations of Chlamys islandica larval shell morphometry between 2000 and 2018 in a depleted coastal scallop fishing area

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    International audienceBivalves larval shell morphometry can provide valuable information on their planktonic (PI-Prodissoconch I) and early benthic life (PII). We examined spatial (at two scales: fishing sub-areas and exploited beds) and temporal variability (between 2000 and 2018) of PI and PII sizes among 424 Icelandic scallop juveniles (<10 mm total length) from the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. PI and PII mean sizes were not different from juveniles collected inside or outside of exploited beds. For PI sizes, there were no temporal changes, but there was a difference between the two scallop fishing sub-areas, suggesting a disparity in egg size, origin or in broodstock physiological state. Regarding PII sizes, there was no difference between sub-areas, but PII sizes in 2003 and 2004 were significantly higher, likely related to differential larval growth or delayed metamorphosis associated to synergistic effects of environmental factors. Finally, this study demonstrates the possibility to accurately follow larval morphometry variations from small juvenile bivalve shells to track potential changes of recruitment success in order to sustainably manage stocks of commercial bivalve species

    Structure and Pharmacology of Pentameric Receptor Channels: From Bacteria to Brain

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    International audienceOrthologs of the pentameric receptor channels that mediate fast synaptic transmission in the central and peripheral nervous systems have been found in several bacterial species and in a single archaea genus. Recent X-ray structures of bacterial and invertebrate pentameric receptors point to a striking conservation of the structural features within the whole family, even between distant prokaryotic and eukaryotic members. These structural data reveal general principles of molecular organization that allow allosteric membrane proteins to mediate chemoelectric transduction. Notably, several conformations have been solved, including open and closed channels with distinct global tertiary and quaternary structure. The data reveal features of the ion channel architecture and of diverse categories of binding sites, such as those that bind orthosteric ligands, including neurotransmitters, and those that bind allosteric modulators, such as general anesthetics, ivermectin, or lipids. In this review, we summarize the most recent data, discuss insights into the mechanism of action in these systems, and elaborate on newly opened avenues for drug design

    The 18.6-year lunar nodal cycle may affect ecosystems on the Northwest Atlantic continental shelves

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    International audienceAs one of the foremost global forcings, tidal circulation exerts a pervasive influence on biological and physical processes occurring in the world's oceans on hourly to decadal time scales. This research identified the 18.6-year periodic variation in the lunar orbital plane within an annually resolved 140-year (1875 to 2015) shell growth master chronology measured from 21 live collected Arctica islandica, a bivalve known to be one of the longest lived non-colonial animals. The potential ecological implications of this result warranted detailed inventory of underlying physical processes. The absence of long-term in situ hydrological data for the bivalve's habitat was circumvented by the use of satellite data and numerical modeling which show that coastal regions of the Northwest Atlantic shelf clearly record diurnal tidal currents influenced by the 18.6-year nodal lunar cycle. The approach described here demonstrates that combining physical and biological data can help to identify subtle ecological processes over long time-scales for accurately disentangling the latter from variation introduced by anthropogenic climate change
