97 research outputs found

    Le rapport au savoir scientifique d'enseignantes et d'enseignants du primaire

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    Nous avons procédé à l'examen de problèmes relatifs à l'éducation aux sciences via une approche à caractère épistémologique, contrairement à l'approche plus usuelle qui aborde les difficultés des apprenants à composer avec les connaissances dites scientifiques seulement d'un point de vue cognitif. La question de recherche que nous nous sommes posée a été la suivante: Quel est le rapport au savoir scientifique d'enseignantes et d'enseignants du primaire? Pour répondre à cette question sur le plan méthodologique, nous avons envisagé l'étude du rapport au savoir scientifique d'enseignantes et d'enseignants dans un contexte relié à leur savoir et à leur expertise de tous les jours. Nos modalités de cueillette de données ont été le récit écrit et l'entrevue individuelle semi-structurée. Notre recherche a pris la forme d'une étude de cas multiples conduisant à l'étude des rapports épistémique, pratique et identitaire au savoir scientifique de dix enseignantes et enseignants d'écoles populaires de Caracas, au Vénézuéla. Nos analyses nous ont amenés à affirmer que les sujets ont manifesté un rapport au savoir scientifique dominé par la dépendance et la soumission à l'égard des sciences ainsi que d'autres caractéristiques propres à une approche empirico-réaliste. Cependant, dans un contexte relié à leur savoir-faire et à leur expertise, nous avons repéré des traces de l'émergence d'une vision des sciences qui tient compte, entre autres, du caractère social de la production de ces dernières, ce qui pourrait se qualifier comme faisant partie d'une tendance épistémologique du type socioconstructiviste. En plus, nos analyses nous amènent à suggérer que dans ce contexte les sujets auraient également initié une articulation entre leur savoir-faire et le savoir scientifique, ce qui les aurait amenés à véhiculer un rapport plus émancipatoire vis-à-vis les sciences. Cette articulation des savoirs permet également d'envisager des expériences éducatives plus créatives, plus émancipatoires et plus en lien avec les visions contemporaines émergentes de la science, de son enseignement et de son apprentissage. Bien que de nombreuses recherches dans le domaine de l'éducation soulignent l'importance d'articuler les savoirs disciplinaires avec les savoirs d'expérience, peu illustrent de manière approfondie l'exercice de cette articulation. Notre recherche permet de penser à l'idée d'un rapport au savoir qui donne une véritable place à l'expertise publique des individus et non seulement à l'explication scientifique jugée la seule valable. Ainsi, au-delà des hiérarchisations, chaque savoir aurait sa valeur et sa place, l'articulation des savoirs favorisant chez les sujets apprenants un plus grand intérêt pour l'apprentissage des sciences

    Breast cancer metastases to the thyroid gland - An uncommon sentinel for diffuse metastatic disease: A case report and literature review.

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    Background Metastases to the thyroid are rare. The most common primary cancer to metastasize to the thyroid is renal cell carcinoma, followed by malignancies of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin, with breast cancer metastases to the thyroid being rare. Overall, the outcomes in malignancies that have metastasized to the thyroid are poor. There are no prospective studies addressing the role of surgery in metastatic disease of the thyroid. Isolated thyroidectomy has been proposed as a local disease control option to palliate and prevent the potential morbidity of tumor extension related to the airway. Here, we present a case of a patient with breast cancer metastases to the thyroid gland and discuss the role of thyroidectomy in the context of the current literature. Case presentation A 62-year-old Afro-Caribbean woman was diagnosed as having bilateral breast carcinoma in 2004, for which she underwent bilateral mastectomy. The pathology revealed multifocal disease on the right, T2N0(0/20)M0 grade 1 and 2 invasive ductal carcinoma, and on the left side, T3N1(2/18)M0 grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma. Surgery was followed by adjuvant chemotherapy and regional radiotherapy. The disease was under control on hormonal therapy until 2016, when she developed cervical lymphadenopathy. The fine-needle aspiration cytology of the thyroid was reported as papillary thyroid cancer; and the fine-needle biopsy of the left lateral nodal disease was more suggestive of breast malignancy. She underwent a total thyroidectomy and a clearance of the central compartment lymph nodes and a biopsy of the lateral nodal disease. The histopathological analysis was consistent with metastatic breast cancer in the thyroid and lymph nodes with no evidence of a primary thyroid malignancy. Conclusions A past history of a malignancy elsewhere should raise the index of suspicion of metastatic disease in patients presenting with thyroid lumps with or without cervical lymphadenopathy. Detection of metastases to the thyroid generally indicates poor prognosis, obviating the need of surgery in an already compromised patient. An empirical thyroidectomy should be considered in select patients for local disease control

    Spatially anisotropic S=1 square-lattice antiferromagnet with single-ion anisotropy realized in a Ni(II) pyrazine- n,n′ -dioxide coordination polymer

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    The Ni(NCS)2(pyzdo)2 coordination polymer is found to be an S=1 spatially anisotropic square lattice with easy-axis single-ion anisotropy. This conclusion is based upon considering in concert the experimental probes x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, magnetic-field-dependent heat capacity, muon-spin relaxation, neutron diffraction, neutron spectroscopy, and pulsed-field magnetization. Long-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) order develops at TN=18.5K. Although the samples are polycrystalline, there is an observable spin-flop transition and saturation of the magnetization at ≈80T. Linear spin-wave theory yields spatially anisotropic exchanges within an AFM square lattice, Jx=0.235meV, Jy=2.014meV, and an easy-axis single-ion anisotropy D=-1.622meV (after renormalization). The anisotropy of the exchanges is supported by density functional theory

    Reusando Modelos Conceituais : Linguagem e Compilador

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.Este relatório apresenta uma linguagem textual para modelagem con- ceitual (baseada em classes/associações da UML e em restrições da OCL) e um compilador que pode gerar código em qualquer linguagem ou tecnologia através de templates de texto extensíveis. A linguagem e o compilador permitem a especificação da informação gerenciada por sistemas de software cada vez mais distribuídos e em constante mu- dança. A partir de uma única fonte, a geração de código automática mantém as implementações consistentes com sua especificação atra- vés das diferentes plataformas e tecnologias. Além disso, na medida em que o horizonte tecnológico se expande, os templates textuais po- dem ser modificados para adotar novas tecnologias. Diferentemente de outras abordagens, tais como MDA e MPS, espera-se que o suporte fer- ramental acompanhando esta linguagem, juntamente com sua natureza textual, facilite a integração do desenvolvimento de software dirigido por modelos no fluxo de trabalho dos desenvolvedores de software

    Cost-effectiveness of replacing versus discarding the nail in children with nail bed injury

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    Every year in the UK, around 10 000 children need to have operations to mend injuries to the bed of their fingernails. Currently, most children have their fingernail placed back on the injured nail bed after the operation. The NINJA trial found that children were slightly less likely to have an infection if the nail was thrown away rather than being put back, but the difference between groups was small and could have be due to chance. This study looked at whether replacing the nail is cost-effective compared with throwing it away. Using data from the NINJA trial, we compared costs, healthcare use, and quality of life and assessed the cost-effectiveness of replacing the nail. It was found that throwing the nail away after surgery would save the National Health Service (NHS) £75 (€85) per operation compared with placing the nail back on the nail bed. Changing clinical practice could save the NHS in England £720 000 (€819 000) per year

    Effectiveness of nail bed repair in children with or without replacing the fingernail : NINJA multicentre randomized clinical trial

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    Background Surgery for nail bed injuries in children is common. One of the key surgical decisions is whether to replace the nail plate following nail bed repair. The aim of this RCT was to assess the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of nail bed repair with fingernail replacement/substitution compared with repair without fingernail replacement. Methods A two-arm 1 : 1 parallel-group open multicentre superiority RCT was performed across 20 secondary-care hospitals in the UK. The co-primary outcomes were surgical-site infection at around 7 days after surgery and cosmetic appearance summary score at a minimum of 4 months. Results Some 451 children presenting with a suspected nail bed injury were recruited between July 2018 and July 2019; 224 were allocated to the nail-discarded arm, and 227 to the nail-replaced arm. There was no difference in the number of surgical-site infections at around 7 days between the two interventions or in cosmetic appearance. The mean total healthcare cost over the 4 months after surgery was €84 (95 per cent c.i. 34 to 140) lower for the nail-discarded arm than the nail-replaced arm (P < 0.001). Conclusion After nail bed repair, discarding the fingernail was associated with similar rates of infection and cosmesis ratings as replacement of the finger nail, but was cost saving

    De la teoría a la práctica: un enfoque interdisciplinario para la Formación de Docentes en la Escuela Básica

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    Esta propuesta est&aacute; basada en tres fundamentos te&oacute;ricos: constructivismo, dise&ntilde;o universal para el aprendizaje, conocido en ingl&eacute;s como &ldquo;Universal Design for Learning&rdquo; (UDL), y un enfoque interdisciplinario. Inspirado en esta teor&iacute;a, se presenta un modelo did&aacute;ctico para la formaci&oacute;n de docentes de la escuela b&aacute;sica en la forma de un Estudio o Taller Interdisciplinario donde se integran ciencias, tecnolog&iacute;a, ingenier&iacute;a y matem&aacute;ticas (en ingl&eacute;s STEM Studio). Finalmente se presenta una propuesta alternativa de evaluaci&oacute;n basada en desaf&iacute;os (en ingl&eacute;s assessment probes)

    Información Investigador: Plonczak Ratschiller, Miguel Andrés

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    Doctorado1872I - 200288 - 2005; 65 - 2003; 97 - 2001Manejo de bosques, con énfasis en la planificación silvicultural del bosque natural. Agroforestería.Agosto de 2006Ingeniero Forestal+58 274 2401519;+58 274 2401535Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y [email protected]