689 research outputs found

    The impact of image and performance enhancing drugs on atrial structure and function in resistance trained individuals

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    Background: Image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs) are commonly used in resistance trained (RT) individuals and negatively impact left ventricular (LV) structure and function. Few studies have investigated the impact of IPEDs on atrial structure and function with no previous studies investigating bi-atrial strain. Additionally, the impact of current use vs. past use of IPEDs is unclear. Methods: Utilising a cross-sectional design, male (n = 81) and female (n = 15) RT individuals were grouped based on IPED user status: current (n = 57), past (n = 19) and non-users (n = 20). Participants completed IPED questionnaires, anthropometrical measurements, electrocardiography, and transthoracic echocardiography with strain imaging. Structural cardiac data was allometrically scaled to body surface area (BSA) according to laws of geometric similarity. Results: Body mass and BSA were greater in current users than past and non-users of IPEDs (p 0.05). Left atrial reservoir (p = 0.008, p < 0.001) and conduit (p < 0.001, p < 0.001) strain were lower in current users than past and non-users (conduit: current = 22 ± 6, past = 29 ± 9 and non-users = 31 ± 7 and reservoir: current = 33 ± 8, past = 39 ± 8, non-users = 42 ± 8). Right atrial reservoir (p = 0.015) and conduit (p = 0.007) strain were lower in current than non-users (conduit: current = 25 ± 8, non-users = 33 ± 10 and reservoir: current = 36 ± 10, non-users = 44 ± 13). Current users showed reduced LV diastolic function (A wave: p = 0.022, p = 0.049 and E/A ratio: p = 0.039, p < 0.001) and higher LA stiffness (p = 0.001, p < 0.001) than past and non-users (A wave: current = 0.54 ± 0.1, past = 0.46 ± 0.1, non-users = 0.47 ± 0.09 and E/A ratio: current = 1.5 ± 0.5, past = 1.8 ± 0.4, non-users = 1.9 ± 0.4, LA stiffness: current = 0.21 ± 0.7, past = 0.15 ± 0.04, non-users = 0.15 ± 0.07). Conclusion: Resistance trained individuals using IPEDs have bi-atrial enlargement that normalises with allometric scaling, suggesting that increased size is, in part, associated with increased body size. The lower LA and RA reservoir and conduit strain and greater absolute bi-atrial structural parameters in current than non-users of IPEDs suggests pathological adaptation with IPED use, although the similarity in these parameters between past and non-users suggests reversibility of pathological changes with withdrawal

    Using ice core measurements from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, to calibrate in situ cosmogenic 14 C production rates by muons

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    Cosmic rays entering the Earth’s atmosphere produce showers of secondary particles such as protons, neutrons, and muons. The interaction of these particles with oxygen-16 (16O) in minerals such as ice and quartz can produce carbon-14 (14C). In glacial ice, 14C is also incorporated through trapping of 14C-containing atmospheric gases (14CO2, 14CO, and 14CH4). Understanding the production rates of in situ cosmogenic 14C is important to deconvolve the in situ cosmogenic and atmospheric 14C signals in ice, both of which contain valuable paleoenvironmental information. Unfortunately, the in situ 14C production rates by muons (which are the dominant production mechanism at depths of > 6m solid ice equivalent) are uncertain. In this study, we use measurements of in situ 14C in ancient ice (> 50 ka) from the Taylor Glacier, an ablation site in Antarctica, in combination with a 2D ice flow model to better constrain the compound-specific rates of 14C production by muons and the partitioning of in situ 14C between CO2, CO, and CH4. Our measurements show that 33.7% (11.4%; 95% confidence interval) of the produced cosmogenic 14C forms 14CO and 66.1% (11.5%; 95% confidence interval) of the produced cosmogenic 14C forms 14CO2. 14CH4 represents a very small fraction (< 0.3%) of the total. Assuming that the majority of in situ muogenic 14C in ice forms 14CO2, 14CO, and 14CH4, we also calculated muogenic 14C production rates that are lower by factors of 5.7 (3.6–13.9; 95% confidence interval) and 3.7 (2.0–11.9; 95% confidence interval) for negative muon capture and fast muon interactions, respectively, when compared to values determined in quartz from laboratory studies (Heisinger et al., 2002a, b) and in a natural setting (Lupker et al., 2015). This apparent discrepancy in muogenic 14C production rates in ice and quartz currently lacks a good explanation and requires further investigation

    Socio-Emotional Competencies and School Performance in Adolescence: What Role for School Adjustment?

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    There is growing evidence in the literature of positive relationships between socio-emotional competencies and school performance. Several hypotheses have been used to explain how these variables may be related to school performance. In this paper, we explored the role of various school adjustment variables in the relationship between interpersonal socio-emotional competencies and school grades, using a weighted network approach. This network approach allowed us to analyze the structure of interrelations between each variable, pointing to both central and mediatory school and socio-emotional variables within the network. Self-reported data from around 3,400 French vocational high school students were examined. This data included a set of interpersonal socio-emotional competencies (cognitive and affective empathy, socio-emotional behaviors and collective orientation), school adjustment measures (adaptation to the institution, school anxiety, self-regulation at school, and self-perceived competence at school) as well as grades in mathematics and French language. The results showed that self-regulation at school weighted the most strongly on the whole network, and was the most important mediatory pathway. More specifically, self-regulation mediated the relationships between interpersonal socio-emotional competencies and school grades

    Regulation of Epithelial Cell Morphology and Functions Approaching To More In Vivo-Like by Modifying Polyethylene Glycol on Polysulfone Membranes

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    Cytocompatibility is critically important in design of biomaterials for application in tissue engineering. However, the currently well-accepted “cytocompatible" biomaterials are those which promote cells to sustain good attachment/spreading. The cells on such materials usually lack the self-assembled cell morphology and high cell functions as in vivo. In our view, biomaterials that can promote the ability of cells to self-assemble and demonstrate cell-specific functions would be cytocompatible. This paper examined the interaction of polyethylene glycol (PEG) modified polysulfone (PSf) membranes with four epithelial cell types (primary liver cells, a liver tumor cell line, and two renal tubular cell lines). Our results show that PSf membranes modified with proper PEG promoted the aggregation of both liver and renal cells, but the liver cells more easily formed aggregates than the renal tubular cells. The culture on PEG-modified PSf membranes also enhanced cell-specific functions. In particular, the cells cultured on F127 membranes with the proper PEG content mimicked the in vivo ultrastructure of liver cells or renal tubules cells and displayed the highest cell functions. Gene expression data for adhesion proteins suggest that the PEG modification impaired cell-membrane interactions and increased cell-cell interactions, thus facilitating cell self-assembly. In conclusion, PEG-modified membrane could be a cytocompatible material which regulates the morphology and functions of epithelial cells in mimicking cell performance in vivo

    Gene Expression Rhythms in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lam.) across an Annual Cycle

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    Seasonal environmental changes may affect the physiology of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lam.), an intertidal filter-feeder bivalve occurring commonly in Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal areas. We investigated seasonal variations in relative transcript abundance of the digestive gland and the mantle (gonads) of males and females. To identify gene expression trends – in terms of relative mRNA abundance- we used a medium-density cDNA microarray (1.7 K probes) in dual-color competitive hybridization analyses. Hierarchical clustering of digestive gland microarray data showed two main branches, distinguishing profiles associated with the “hot” months (May–August) from the other months. Genes involved in chitin metabolism, associated with mussel nutrition and digestion showed higher mRNA levels during summer. Moreover, we found different gene transcriptomic patterns in the digestive glands of males when compared to females, during the four stages of mussel gonadal development. Microarray data from gonadal transcripts also displayed clear patterns during the different developmental phases respect to the resting period (stage I) with peak relative mRNA abundance at the ripe phase (stage III) for both sexes. These data showed a clear temporal pattern in transcriptomic profiles of mussels sampled over an annual cycle. Physiological response to thermal variation, food availability, and reproductive status across months may contribute to variation in relative mRNA abundance

    In vitro studies and preliminary in vivo evaluation of silicified concentrated collagen hydrogels

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    Hybrid and nanocomposite silicacollagen materials derived from concentrated collagen hydrogels were evaluated in vitro and in vivo to establish their potentialities for biological dressings. Silicification significantly improved the mechanical and thermal stability of the collagen network within the hybrid systems. Nanocomposites were found to favor the metabolic activity of immobilized human dermal fibroblastswhile decreasing the hydrogel contraction. Cell adhesion experiments suggested that in vitro cell behavior was dictated by mechanical properties and surface structure of the scaffold. First-to-date in vivo implantation of bulk hydrogels in subcutaneous sites of rats was performed over the vascular inflammatory period. These materials were colonized and vascularized without inducing strong inflammatory response. These data raise reasonable hope for the future application of silicacollagen biomaterials as biological dressings.Fil: Desimone, Martín Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco; ArgentinaFil: Hélary, Christophe. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Quignard, Sandrine. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Rietveld, Ivo B. Universite de Paris; FranciaFil: Bataille, Clement. Université de Versailles Saint-quentin-en-yvelines.; FranciaFil: Copello, Guillermo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco; ArgentinaFil: Mosser, Gervaise. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Giraud Guille, Marie-Madeleine. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Livage, Jacques. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Meddahi Pellé, Anne. Université de Versailles Saint-quentin-en-yvelines.; FranciaFil: Coradin, Thibaud. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; Franci

    RNA activation of haploinsufficient Foxg1 gene in murine neocortex

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    More than one hundred distinct gene hemizygosities are specifically linked to epilepsy, mental retardation, autism, schizophrenia and neuro-degeneration. Radical repair of these gene deficits via genome engineering is hardly feasible. The same applies to therapeutic stimulation of the spared allele by artificial transactivators. Small activating RNAs (saRNAs) offer an alternative, appealing approach. As a proof-of-principle, here we tested this approach on the Rett syndrome-linked, haploinsufficient, Foxg1 brain patterning gene. We selected a set of artificial small activating RNAs (saRNAs) upregulating it in neocortical precursors and their derivatives. Expression of these effectors achieved a robust biological outcome. saRNA-driven activation (RNAa) was limited to neural cells which normally express Foxg1 and did not hide endogenous gene tuning. saRNAs recognized target chromatin through a ncRNA stemming from it. Gene upregulation required Ago1 and was associated to RNApolII enrichment throughout the Foxg1 locus. Finally, saRNA delivery to murine neonatal brain replicated Foxg1-RNAa in vivo

    Seawater Acidification and Elevated Temperature Affect Gene Expression Patterns of the Pearl Oyster Pinctada fucata

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    Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide results in decrease in seawater pH and increase in temperature. In this study, we demonstrated the synergistic effects of elevated seawater temperature and declined seawater pH on gene expression patterns of aspein, calmodulin, nacrein, she-7-F10 and hsp70 in the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. Under ‘business-as-usual’ scenarios, four treatments were examined: (1) ambient pH (8.10) and ambient temperature (27°C) (control condition), (2) ambient pH and elevated temperature (+3°C), (3) declined pH (7.70) and ambient temperature, (4) declined pH and elevated temperature. The results showed that under warming and acidic seawater conditions, expression of aspein and calmodulin showed no significant differences among different time point in condition 8.10 T. But the levels of aspein and calmodulin in conditions 8.10 T+3, 7.70 T and 7.70 T+3, and levels of nacrein, she-7-F10 in all the four treatments changed significantly. Low pH and pH×temperature interaction influenced the expression of aspein and calmodulin significantly after hours 48 and 96. Significant effects of low pH and pH×temperature interaction on the expression of nacrein were observed at hour 96. The expression level of she-7-F10 was affected significantly by pH after hours 48 and 96. The expression of hsp70 was significantly affected by temperature, pH, temperature×pH interaction at hour 6, and by temperature×pH interaction at hour 24. This study suggested that declined pH and pH×temperature interaction induced down regulation of calcification related genes, and the interaction between declined seawater pH and elevated temperature caused up regulation of hsp70 in P. facata. These results demonstrate that the declined seawater pH and elevated temperature will impact the physiological process, and potentially the adaptability of P. fucata to future warming and acidified ocean

    Correlations between psychometric schizotypy, scan path length, fixations on the eyes and face recognition.

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    Psychometric schizotypy in the general population correlates negatively with face recognition accuracy, potentially due to deficits in inhibition, social withdrawal, or eye-movement abnormalities. We report an eye-tracking face recognition study in which participants were required to match one of two faces (target and distractor) to a cue face presented immediately before. All faces could be presented with or without paraphernalia (e.g., hats, glasses, facial hair). Results showed that paraphernalia distracted participants, and that the most distracting condition was when the cue and the distractor face had paraphernalia but the target face did not, while there was no correlation between distractibility and participants' scores on the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ). Schizotypy was negatively correlated with proportion of time fixating on the eyes and positively correlated with not fixating on a feature. It was negatively correlated with scan path length and this variable correlated with face recognition accuracy. These results are interpreted as schizotypal traits being associated with a restricted scan path leading to face recognition deficits