19 research outputs found

    New Insights into the Geochemical Processes Occurring on the Surface of Stuccoes Made of Slaked Lime Putty

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    The fresco technique performed with slaked lime putty as binding material has been well known since Antiquity. However, the geochemical processes that occur on the surface have been generally described as part of the carbonation process of the intonaco itself. When approaching this technique from experimental archaeology, it has been observed for the first time that during the execution period (from 0 to 20 h, approximately) the processes occurring on the surface of the stucco are different from those occurring inside. Furthermore, these processes lead to the formation of an epigenetic film of specific texture, stiffness and compactness. This study investigates the formation and evolution of this surface film using a series of slaked lime putty stucco test tubes. Samples were extracted at different intervals and subsequently analyzed by polarized optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Results indicate that the development of the film, composed of an amorphous gel-like stratum and a micro-crystalline stratum, occurs in parallel to the carbonation occurring inside the stucco. Moreover, this process does not respond to the classical geological processes of calcium carbonate formation. It was also observed that its presence slows down the carbonation in the underlying strata (intonaco, intonachino, arriccio, etc.) and that the surface becomes more crystalline over time. The identification of this film has implications for the field of the conservation-restoration of fresco paintings and lime-based wall paintings

    Prion Protein Gene Variability in Spanish Goats. Inference through Susceptibility to Classical Scrapie Strains and Pathogenic Distribution of Peripheral PrPsc

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    Classical scrapie is a neurological disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by the accumulation of an abnormal, partially protease resistant prion protein (PrPsc) in the CNS and in some peripheral tissues in domestic small ruminants. Whereas the pathological changes and genetic susceptibility of ovine scrapie are well known, caprine scrapie has been less well studied. We report here a pathological study of 13 scrapie-affected goats diagnosed in Spain during the last 9 years. We used immunohistochemical and biochemical techniques to discriminate between classical and atypical scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). All the animals displayed PrPsc distribution patterns and western blot characteristics compatible with classical scrapie. In addition, we determined the complete open reading frame sequence of the PRNP in these scrapie-affected animals. The polymorphisms observed were compared with those of the herd mates (n¿=¿665) and with the frequencies of healthy herds (n¿=¿581) of native Spanish goats (Retinta, Pirenaica and Moncaina) and other worldwide breeds reared in Spain (Saanen, Alpine and crossbreed). In total, sixteen polymorphic sites were identified, including the known amino acid substitutions at codons G37V, G127S, M137I, I142M, H143R, R151H, R154H, R211Q, Q222K, G232W, and P240S, and new polymorphisms at codons G74D, M112T, R139S, L141F and Q215R. In addition, the known 42, 138 and 179 silent mutations were detected, and one new one is reported at codon 122. The genetic differences observed in the population studied have been attributed to breed and most of the novel polymorphic codons show frequencies lower than 5%. This work provides the first basis of polymorphic distribution of PRNP in native and worldwide goat breeds reared in Spain

    Multicriteria fuzzy-polynomial observer design for a 3DoF nonlinear electromechanical platform

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    This paper proposes local fuzzy-polynomial observer discrete-time designs for state estimation of a nonlinear 3DoF electromechanical platform (fixed quadrotor). A trade-off between H∞ norm bounds and speed of convergence performance is taken into account in the design process. Actual experimental data are used to compare performance of the fuzzy polynomial design with classical ones based on the Takagi–Sugeno and linearized models, both using the same optimization criteria and design parameters.The authors are grateful to the financial support of the Spanish government under research project DPI2011-27845-C02-01 and FPI Grant BES-2009-013882, as well as to Generalitat Valenciana grant PROMETEOII/2013/004. The authors are also grateful to Ph.D. students A. Berna, J. Guzman and associate professor P.J. Garcia for their laboratory data acquisition work.Pitarch Pérez, JL.; Sala Piqueras, A. (2014). Multicriteria fuzzy-polynomial observer design for a 3DoF nonlinear electromechanical platform. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 30:96-106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2013.11.006S961063

    Transmission of sheep-bovine spongiform encephalopathy to pigs

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    Experimental transmission of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent has been successfully reported in pigs inoculated via three simultaneous distinct routes (intracerebral, intraperitoneal and intravenous). Sheep derived BSE (Sh-BSE) is transmitted more efficiently than the original cattle-BSE isolate in a transgenic mouse model expressing porcine prion protein. However, the neuropathology and distribution of Sh-BSE in pigs as natural hosts, and susceptibility to this agent, is unknown. In the present study, seven pigs were intracerebrally inoculated with Sh-BSE prions. One pig was euthanized for analysis in the preclinical disease stage. The remaining six pigs developed neurological signs and histopathology revealed severe spongiform changes accompanied by astrogliosis and microgliosis throughout the central nervous system. Intracellular and neuropil-associated pathological prion protein (PrPSc) deposition was consistently observed in different brain sections and corroborated by Western blot. PrPSc was detected by immunohistochemistry and enzyme immunoassay in the following tissues in at least one animal: lymphoid tissues, peripheral nerves, gastrointestinal tract, skeletal muscle, adrenal gland and pancreas. PrPSc deposition was revealed by immunohistochemistry alone in the retina, optic nerve and kidney. These results demonstrate the efficient transmission of Sh-BSE in pigs and show for the first time that in this species propagation of bovine PrPSc in a wide range of peripheral tissues is possible. These results provide important insight into the distribution and detection of prions in non-ruminant animals

    XLIII Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas: 7, 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2022, Logroño (La Rioja)

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    [Resumen] Las Jornadas de Automática (JA) son el evento más importante del Comité Español de Automática (CEA), entidad científico-técnica con más de cincuenta años de vida y destinada a la difusión e implantación de la Automática en la sociedad. Este año se celebra la cuadragésima tercera edición de las JA, que constituyen el punto de encuentro de la comunidad de Automática de nuestro país. La presente edición permitirá dar visibilidad a los nuevos retos y resultados del ámbito, y su uso en un gran número de aplicaciones, entre otras, las energías renovables, la bioingeniería o la robótica asistencial. Además de la componente científica, que se ve reflejada en este libro de actas, las JA son un punto de encuentro de las diferentes generaciones de profesores, investigadores y profesionales, incluyendo la componente social que es de vital importancia. Esta edición 2022 de las JA se celebra en Logroño, capital de La Rioja, región mundialmente conocida por la calidad de sus vinos de Denominación de Origen y que ha asumido el desafío de poder ganar competitividad a través de la transformación verde y digital. Pero también por ser la cuna del castellano e impulsar el Valle de la Lengua con la ayuda de las nuevas tecnologías, entre ellas la Automática Inteligente. Los organizadores de estas JA, pertenecientes al Área de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad de La Rioja (UR), constituyen un pilar fundamental en el apoyo a la región para el estudio, implementación y difusión de estos retos. Esta edición, la primera en formato íntegramente presencial después de la pandemia de la covid-19, cuenta con más de 200 asistentes y se celebra a caballo entre el Edificio Politécnico de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial y el Monasterio de Yuso situado en San Millán de la Cogolla, dos marcos excepcionales para la realización de las JA. Como parte del programa científico, dos sesiones plenarias harán hincapié, respectivamente, sobre soluciones de control para afrontar los nuevos retos energéticos, y sobre la calidad de los datos para una inteligencia artificial (IA) imparcial y confiable. También, dos mesas redondas debatirán aplicaciones de la IA y la implantación de la tecnología digital en la actividad profesional. Adicionalmente, destacaremos dos clases magistrales alineadas con tecnología de última generación que serán impartidas por profesionales de la empresa. Las JA también van a albergar dos competiciones: CEABOT, con robots humanoides, y el Concurso de Ingeniería de Control, enfocado a UAVs. A todas estas actividades hay que añadir las reuniones de los grupos temáticos de CEA, las exhibiciones de pósteres con las comunicaciones presentadas a las JA y los expositores de las empresas. Por último, durante el evento se va a proceder a la entrega del “Premio Nacional de Automática” (edición 2022) y del “Premio CEA al Talento Femenino en Automática”, patrocinado por el Gobierno de La Rioja (en su primera edición), además de diversos galardones enmarcados dentro de las actividades de los grupos temáticos de CEA. Las actas de las XLIII Jornadas de Automática están formadas por un total de 143 comunicaciones, organizadas en torno a los nueve Grupos Temáticos y a las dos Líneas Estratégicas de CEA. Los trabajos seleccionados han sido sometidos a un proceso de revisión por pares

    Domain of attraction estimation for nonlinear systems with fuzzy polynomial models

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    [EN] Many approaches in fuzzy systems literature express LMI conditions for a Takagi-Sugeno model and finish the problem once those conditions are feasible. However, studying the obtained region of attraction and its relationship with the original nonlinear problem is forgotten. This paper proposes to obtain a predefined-shape zone, as large as possible, belonging to the local domain of attraction of the origin of a nonlinear system. In order to do this, local fuzzy polynomial models are used whose analysis can be carried out by convex optimization (sum of squares). Moreover membership information is used in order to do iterations with the fuzzy modeling region, maximizing the size of the proven domain of attraction, which reduces conservatism over existing results.[ES] La mayor parte de referencias de la literatura en control borroso plantean condiciones LMI para un modelo Takagi-Sugeno y dan por terminado el problema una vez se obtienen resultados factibles. No obstante, dejan sin estudiar la región de atracción obtenida. Este tra-baajo propone probar que una zona, de forma prefijada, lo más grande posible, peertenece al dominio de atracción del origen de un sistema no lineal. Para ello, se usan modelos borrosos polinomiales cuyo análisis puede ser llevado a cabo mediante optimización convexa (su-mas de cuadrados). Asimismo, se utiliza información de la forma de las funciones de pertenencia para realizar iteraciones con la región de modelado borroso, maximizando la región de atracción probada, lo cual reduce el conservadurismo sobre otras propuestas.Este trabajo ha sido realizado parcialmente gracias al apoyo del Gobierno de España (DPI2008-06731-C02-01). El primer autor en particular agradece al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) por la beca FPI BES-2009-013882.Pitarch, J.; Sala, A.; Ariño, C.; Bedate, F. (2012). Estimación del dominio de atracción de sistemas no lineales mediante modelos borrosos polinomiales. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 9(2):152-161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.riai.2012.02.007OJS15216192Amato, F., Calabrese, F., Cosentino, C., & Merola, A. (2011). Stability analysis of nonlinear quadratic systems via polyhedral Lyapunov functions. Automatica, 47(3), 614-617. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2010.12.005Chesi and Graziano., Chesi, Graziano., 2007.«On the Gap Between Positive Polynomials, SOS of Polynomials». IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 52 (6) (Junio): 1066-1072. doi: 10.1109/T2007.Guerra, T. 2004. «LMI-based relaxed nonquadratic stabilization conditions for nonlinear systems in the Takagi-Sugeno's form». Automatica 40 (5) (Mayo): 823-829. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2003.12.014.Ichihara, Hiroyuki. 2008. State feedback synthesis for polynomial systems with bounded disturbances. En 2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2520-2525. Cancun, Mexico. doi: 10.1109/CDC. 2008.4738610. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4738610.Jarvis-Wloszek, Z., R. Feeley, W. Tan, K. Sun, y A. Packard. 2005. «Control applications of sum of squares programming». Positive Polynomials in Control. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer Berlin /Heidelberg.Lofberg, J. 2009. «Pre- and Post-Processing Sum-of-Squares Programs in Practice». IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (Mayo): 1007-1011.doi:10.1109/TAC.2009.2017144.Luenberger, David. 2008. Linear and nonlinear programming. New York: SpringerNeerhoff, F.L., y P. van der Kloet. 2001. The characteristic equation for time-varying models of nonlinear dynamic systems. EnProc. ECCTD, 28-31.Papachristodoulou, A., y S. Prajna. 2002. On the construction of Lyapunov functions using the sum of squares decomposition. En Decision and Con-trol, 2002, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on, 3:3482-3487.Pitarch, J.L., C.V. Ariño, F. Bedate, y A. Sala. 2010. Local fuzzy modeling: Maximising the basin of attraction. En International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1-7. Barcelona, Spain. doi:10.1109/FUZZY. 2010.5584617. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=5584617.Pitarch, Jose Luis, Carlos Ariño, y Antonio Sala. 2011. Estimating domains of attraction of fuzzy polynomial systems. En, 680-685. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Aix-les-Bains: Atlantis Press. doi:10.2991/eusflat.2011.35. http://www.atlantis-press.com/php/paper-details.php?id=2220.Prajna, S., A. Papachristodoulou, P. Seiler, y P. A Parrilo. 2004a. SOSTOOLS: Control applications and new developments. En Computer Aided Control Systems Design, 2004 IEEE International Symposium on, 315-320.Prajna, S., A. Papachristodoulou, P. Seiler, y P. A Parrilo. 2004b. Sum of Squares Optimization Toolbox for MATLAB User's guide. Citeseer.Prajna, S., A. Papachristodoulou, y P.A. Parrilo. 2002. 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    Robust integrated production-maintenance scheduling for an evaporation network

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    This work aims to reduce the global resource consumption in an industrial evaporation network by better tasks management and coordination. The network works in continuous, processing some products in several evaporation plants, so optimal load allocation and product-plant assignment problems appear. The plants have different features (capacity, equipment, etc.) and their performance is affected by fouling inside the heat exchangers and external factors. Hereby, the optimizer has to decide when maintenance operations have to be triggered. Therefore, a mixed production/maintenance scheduling problem arises. The plant behavior is approximated by surrogate linear models obtained experimentally, allowing thus the use of mixed-integer linear optimization routines to obtain solutions in acceptable time. Furthermore, uncertainty in the weather forecast and in the production plan is also considered via a two-stage stochastic programming approach. Finally, a trade-off analysis between other objectives of interest is given to support the decision maker.Fil: Palacín, C.G.. Universidad de Valladolid; EspañaFil: Pitarch, J.L.. Universidad de Valladolid; EspañaFil: Jasch, C.. Lenzing Ag; AustriaFil: Mendez, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química; ArgentinaFil: de Prada, C.. Universidad de Valladolid; Españ

    A Time-to-Event Model for Acute Kidney Injury after Reduced-Intensity Conditioning Stem Cell Transplantation Using a Tacrolimus- and Sirolimus-based Graft-versus-Host Disease Prophylaxis

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    There is a paucity of data evaluating acute kidney injury (AKI) incidence and its relationship with the tacrolimus-sirolimus (Tac-Sir) concentrations in the setting of reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). This multicenter retrospective study evaluated risk factors of AKI defined by 2 classification systems, Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO) score and "Grade 0-3 staging," in 186 consecutive RIC allo-HSCT recipients with Tac-Sir as graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis. Conditioning regimens consisted of fludarabine and busulfan (n = 53); melphalan (n = 83); or a combination of thiotepa, fludarabine, and busulfan (n = 50). A parametric model, with detailed Tac-Sir consecutive blood levels, describing time to AKI was developed using the NONMEM software version 7.4. Overall, 81 of 186 (44%) RIC allo-HSCT recipients developed AKI with a cumulative incidence of 42% at a median follow-up of 25 months. Time to AKI was best described using a piecewise function. AKI-predicting factors were melphalan-based conditioning regimen (HR, 1.96; P <.01), unrelated donor (HR, 1.79; P =.04), and tacrolimus concentration: The risk of AKI increased 2.3% per each 1-ng/mL increase in tacrolimus whole blood concentration (P <.01). In multivariate analysis, AKI grades 2 and 3 according to KDIGO staging were independent risk factors for 2-year nonrelapse mortality (HR, 2.8; P =.05; and HR, 6.6; P <.0001, respectively). According to the KDIGO score, overall survival decreased with the increase in severity of AKI: 78% for patients without AKI versus 68%, 50%, and 30% for grades 1, 2, and 3, respectively (P <.0001). In conclusion, AKI is frequent after Tac-Sir-based RIC allo-HSCT and has a negative impact on outcome. This study presents the first predictive model describing time to AKI as a function of tacrolimus drug concentration

    Archaeomagnetic study of a limekiln in the Les Ferreres Roman aqueduct, World Heritage Site of Tarraco

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    The aqueduct of Les Ferreres is a major element of the Archaeological Ensemble of Tarraco. Although the ashlars of the aqueduct are stacked without mortar, lime was used in some parts and lime was certainly used in later repairs. Worthy of note is a coating mortar used in a well-documented restoration (1854–1856). In this study, a limekiln found near the Roman aqueduct has been archaeomagnetically dated to determine if it was used for the construction of the aqueduct or in later repairs. The mean values for the measured archaeomagnetic direction from the limekiln were compared with two different archaeomagnetic models (SCHA.DIF.3k and GUMF1), and both indicate that the limekiln is modern with ages only slightly older than the well-documented restoration. The extensive use of the coating mortar in that restoration is consistent with the need of onsite lime production. Additional archaeomagnetic intensity has not contributed to constrain further the obtained archaeomagnetic age but the intensity datum can be added to archaeomagnetic intensity datasets to enhance geomagnetic intensity field models. The paper illustrates how archaeomagnetic dating can be useful to characterize secondary structures of major cultural heritage monuments