563 research outputs found

    Utilização de melancia na alimentação de ovelhas em produção

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a possibilidade de utilização da melancia (Citrullus lanatus) na alimentação de ruminantes caracterizou-se o fruto do ponto de vista nutricional e formulou-se um regime alimentar para ovelhas em lactação. A melancia apresenta elevados teores em PB (14,47%MS ±4,54) e NFC (53,80%MS ±8,89) e baixos teores em MS (3,80% ±1,62), NDF (20,63%MS ±2,80) e ADF (18,39%MS ±2,93). Utilizando a técnica do Quadrado de Pearson, acertámos uma mistura para 45,01%MS constituída por 54,3% melancia + 45,7% feno de aveia. As necessidades diárias de uma ovelha com 70kg de peso vivo a produzir 1,3 kg de leite por dia com 7% de gordura são as seguintes: EM 19,07MJ/dia; PB 183,6g/dia; RDP 148,6g/dia; UDP 35,0g/dia; EE≤98,0g/dia; NDF≥784,0g/dia; NFC≤705,6g/dia; CIMS 1,96kg/dia. Utilizando a mistura como alimento base mais 100g de alimento composto distribuído na ordenha, elaborou-se um regime alimentar (1,8694kgMS/dia de mistura e 0,0906kgMS/dia de alimento composto) que satisfaz as necessidades em EM 19,48MJ/dia, PB 229,47g/dia, RDP 150,62g/dia, UDP 78,85g/dia, EE 46,99g/dia, NDF 791,04g/dia e NFC 752,03g/dia sem ultrapassar a CIMS. Conclui-se que a melancia pode ser utilizada na alimentação de ovelhas quando misturada com feno de aveia. É uma solução alimentar interessante em setembro/outubro quando há carência de pastagem.ABSTRACT In order to evaluate the possibility of using watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in ruminant diets, this fruit was characterized from the nutritional point of view, and some diets for lactating ewes were designed. Watermelon has a high concentration in CP (14.47%DM ±4.54) and NFC (53.80%DM ±8.89) and low levels in DM (3.80% ±1.62), NDF (20.63%MS ± 2.80) and ADF (18.39%DM ±2.93). Using the Pearson Square ration formulation procedure, a 45.01%DM mixture was aimed, being made of 54.3% watermelon and 45.7% of oats hay. The daily needs of a 70kg bodyweight ewe producing 1.3kg of milk per day with 7% fat are: ME 19.07MJ/day; CP 183.6g/day; RDP 148.6g/day; UDP 35.0g/day; EE≤98.0g/day; NDF≥784.0g/day; NFC≤705.6g/day; DMI 1.96kg/day. Using the mixture as a base-feed complemented with 100g of sheep concentrate distributed during milking operation, a diet was established (1.8694kgDM/day of the mixture and 0.0906kgDM/day of concentrated feed), which meets the requirements in ME 19.48MJ/day, CP 229.47g/day, RDP 150.62g/day, UDP 78.85g/day, EE 46.99g/day, NDF 791.04g/day and NFC 752.03g/day, without exceeding DMI. It is concluded that watermelon can be fed to sheep when mixed with oats hay. This is an interesting feed solution in September/October, a period when there is lack of grass.Empresa Hortas D’Idanha SA; Câmara Municipal de Idanha-a-Nova

    Creatine supplementation on cognitive performance following exercise in female Muay Thai athletes

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    BACKGROUND: Creatine supplementation has some beneficial effects on cognitive processing in healthy adults, including athletes; however the effects on cognitive function following exhaustive exercise in athletes is unknown. Therefore, the purpose was to determine the effects of 28 days of creatine supplementation on tasks of cognitive performance immediately following exhaustive exercise in Muay Thai female athletes compared to placebo. METHODS: Using a repeated measures, double-blind, placebo controlled design, 26 female Muay Thai athletes (age: 26 ± 5 years; body mass: 65.1 ± 6.6 kg; height: 162 ± 5 cm; training experience: 2.6 ± 0.6 years) were randomized to supplement with creatine monohydrate (3 g/day) or placebo (maltodextrin) for 28 days. Prior to and following supplementation, measures of cognitive performance were assessed (visual and auditory reaction time, corsi block test, visual forward digit span, and Erikson Flanker Task) immediately after exercise. RESULTS: There was a time main effect for auditory reaction time (p = 0.035), with no differences between groups. There was a trend for an interaction effect for visual reaction time (p = 0.067), visual go-no-go reaction time (p = 0.087), and Erikson Flanker task (p = 0.06), with exploratory post hoc tests revealing improvements over time in the creatine group (p \u3c 0.05) with no changes in the PLA group (p \u3e 0.05). CONCLUSION: Twenty-eight days of creatine supplementation appeared to have a small but positive effect on cognitive performance following exhaustive exercise in female Muay Thai athletes. Future research using a larger dose over a longer duration is warranted

    Electron Spin Resonance G Shift In Gd5 Si4, Gd5 Ge4, And Gd5.09 Ge2.03 Si1.88

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    Gd5 Si4, Gd5 Ge4, and Gd5.09 Ge2.03 Si1.88 compounds were studied by electron spin resonance. The arc-melted samples were initially characterized by optical metallography, x-ray diffraction, and static magnetization measurements. The electron spin resonance results show a negative paramagnetic g shift for Gd5 Si4 and Gd5.09 Ge2.03 Si1.88, and a smaller positive one for Gd5 Ge4. The values of the exchange parameter (j) between the localized Gd-4f spins and the conduction electrons are obtained from the g shifts. These values are positive and of the same order of magnitude for Gd5 Si4 and Gd5.09 Ge2.03 Si1.88, and negative one order of magnitude smaller for Gd5 Ge4. The electron spin resonance data were interpreted considering the strongly bottlenecked solution of the coupled Bloch-Hasegawa equations. © 2006 The American Physical Society.7314Pecharsky, V.K., Gschneidner Jr., K.A., (1997) Phys. Rev. Lett., 78, p. 4494. , PRLTAO 0031-9007 10.1103/PhysRevLett.78.4494Pecharsky, V.K., Gschneidner Jr., K.A., (1997) J. Alloys Compd., 260, p. 98. , JALCEU 0925-8388 10.1016/S0925-8388(97)00143-6Choe, W., Pecharsky, V.K., Pecharsky, A.O., Gschneidner Jr., K.A., Young Jr., V.G., Miller, G.J., (2000) Phys. Rev. Lett., 84, p. 4617. , PRLTAO 0031-9007 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.4617Levin, E.M., Pecharsky, V.K., Gschneidner Jr., K.A., (2000) Phys. Rev. B, 62, p. 14625. , PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB.62.R14625Szade, J., Skorek, G., (1999) J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 196-197, p. 699. , JMMMDC 0304-8853Levin, E.M., Pecharsky, V.K., Gschneidner Jr., K.A., (1999) Phys. Rev. B, 60, p. 7993. , PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.7993Harmon, B.N., Antonov, V.N., (2002) J. Appl. Phys., 91, p. 9815. , JAPIAU 0021-8979 10.1063/1.1461896Levin, E.M., Pecharsky, V.K., Gschneidner Jr., K.A., Miller, G.J., (2001) Phys. Rev. B, 64, p. 235103. , PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB.64.235103Skorek, G., Deniszczyk, J., Szade, J., (2002) J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 14, p. 7273. , JCOMEL 0953-8984 10.1088/0953-8984/14/30/316Samolyuk, G.D., Antropov, V.P., (2002) J. Appl. Phys., 91, p. 8540. , JAPIAU 0021-8979 10.1063/1.1455614Pecharsky, V.K., Samolyuk, G.D., Antropov, V.P., Pecharsky, A.O., Gschneidner Jr., K.A., (2003) Solid State Chem., 171, p. 57. , 29CBA6Pires, M.J.M., Magnus Carvalho G, A., Gama, S., Da Silva, E.C., Coelho, A.A., Mansanares, A.M., (2005) Phys. Rev. B, 72, p. 224435. , PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.224435Gama, S., Alves, C.S., Coelho, A.A., Ribeiro, C.A., Persiano, A.I.C., Silva, D., (2004) J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 272-276, p. 848. , JMMMDC 0304-8853Usenko, N.I., Ivanov, M.I., Berezutski, V.V., Polotska, R.I., (1998) J. Alloys Compd., 266, p. 186. , JALCEU 0925-8388Zipper, E., (1982) J. Phys. F: Met. Phys., 12, p. 3123. , JPFMAT 0305-4608Glaunsinger, W.S., (1976) J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 37, p. 51. , JPCSAW 0022-3697 10.1016/0022-3697(76)90179-7Kaczmarska, K., (1996) J. Alloys Compd., 240, p. 88. , JALCEU 0925-8388Barnes, S.E., (1981) Adv. Phys., 30, p. 801. , ADPHAH 0001-8732 10.1080/00018738100101447Taylor, R.H., Coles, B.R., (1975) J. Phys. F: Met. Phys., 5, p. 121. , JPFMAT 0305-4608 10.1088/0305-4608/5/1/017Kaczmarska, K., Kwapulińska, E., Lebarski, A., Zipper, E., Chelkowski, A., (1985) J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 50, p. 101. , JMMMDC 0304-8853Schütz, G., Knülle, M., Wienke, R., Wilhelm, W., Wagner, W., Kienle, P., Frahm, R., (1988) Z. Phys. B: Condens. Matter, 73, p. 67. , ZPCMDN. 0722-3277. 10.1007/BF01312156Kim, J.W., Lee, Y., Wermeille, D., Sieve, B., Tan, L., Bud'Ko, S.L., Law, S., Goldman, A.I., (2005) Phys. Rev. B, 72, p. 064403. , PRBMDO 0163-1829 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.064403Lee, Y., Kim, J.W., Goldman, A.I., Harmon, B.N., (2005) J. Appl. Phys., 97, pp. 10A311. , JAPIAU 0021-8979 10.1063/1.185221

    Feeding behaviour of Barbus Bocagei assessed under a spatio-temporal approach

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    The feeding behaviour of Barbus bocagei was assessed in a lowland system by a two years survey Of two contrasting sites also talking into account, for the first time diurnal changes of fish diet and benthos availability

    Soil organic matter humification under different tillage managements evaluated by Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and C/N ratio

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    AbstractIn this work is presented the use of the C/N ratio and the Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy for determining the humification of soil organic matter (SOM) in an Oxisol under three different long-term tillage managements (no-tillage (NT), reduced tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT)). Humification of SOM was evaluated in the soil and its fractions (clay<2μm, silt 2–20μm, sand 20–1000μm). The obtained results show that lower SOM humification was observed in soil under NT, mainly at the surface (0–5cm). In CT, SOM humification values maintained constant for all investigated depths (0–5, 5–10, 10–15 and 15–20cm). Also, clay was the soil fraction that exhibited the lesser humification of SOM. Based on the obtained results it can be said that NT favors the accumulation of SOM on its surface, increasing aggregate stability and presenting samples with lower humification indexes. These results indicate a larger availability of nutrients for the plants in this management

    Pore system changes of damaged Brazilian oxisols and nitosols induced by wet-dry cycles as seen in 2-D micromorphologic image analysis

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    Soil pore structure characterization using 2-D image analysis constitutes a simple method to obtain essential information related to soil porosity and pore size distribution (PSD). Such information is important to infer on soil quality, which is related to soil structure and transport processes inside the soil. Most of the time soils are submitted to wetting and drying cycles (W-D), which can cause important changes in soils with damaged structures. This report uses 2-D image analysis to evaluate possible modifications induced by W-D cycles on the structure of damaged soil samples. Samples of three tropical soils (Geric Ferralsol, GF; Eutric Nitosol, EN; and Rhodic Ferralsol, RF) were submitted to three treatments: 0WD, the control treatment in which samples were not submitted to any W-D cycle; 3WD and 9WD with samples submitted to 3 and 9 consecutive W-D cycles, respectively. It was observed that W-D cycles produced significant changes in large irregular pores of the GF and RF soils, and in rounded pores of the EN soil. Nevertheless, important changes in smaller pores (35, 75, and 150 µm) were also observed for all soils. As an overall consideration, it can be said that the use of image analysis helped to explain important changes in soil pore systems (shape, number, and size distribution) as consequence of W-D cycles.A caracterização da estrutura do solo usando a análise de imagens bidimensionais (2-D) constitui um método simples na obtenção de informações essenciais relacionadas com a porosidade do solo e a distribuição do tamanho de poros. Tal informação é importante para obter dados sobre a qualidade do solo, a qual está diretamente ligada à sua estrutura e aos processos de transporte que ocorrem no seu interior. Na maior parte do tempo os solos são submetidos a vários ciclos de umedecimento (wetting) e secamento (drying) (W-D) que podem causar importantes mudanças em solos que possuem estruturas danificadas. Neste estudo foi usada a análise de imagens em 2-D na avaliação de possíveis modificações devido a vários ciclos de W-D na estrutura de amostras de solo danificadas.Três solos diferentes em textura (Latossolo vermelho-amarelo distrófico - LVAd; Nitossolo vermelho eutrófico - NVe, Latossolo vermelho distrófico - LVd) foram submetidos a três diferentes tratamentos: 0WD, amostras controle não submetidas a nenhum ciclo de W-D; 3WD e 9WD, amostras submetidas a 3 e 9 ciclos consecutivos de W-D, respectivamente. Foi observado que os ciclos de W-D produziram mudanças significativas nos poros grandes irregulares dos solos LVAd e LVd e nos poros arredondados do NVe. Importantes mudanças nos poros de 35 até 150 µm foram observadas para todos os solos estudados. A partir dos resultados obtidos pode ser dito que o uso da análise de imagens auxiliou com sucesso na explicação de variações no sistema poroso (formato, número e distribuição de tamanho dos poros) devido aos ciclos de W-D para todos os solos analisados.Fundação AraucáriaEstado do Governo do Paraná - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Estudo da associação entre receio de queda e análise postural na população sénior

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    Os factores biológicos, doenças e causas externas podem influenciar a fase de envelhecimento. A queda é considerada como uma causa externa já que é um evento não esperado, no qual o indivíduo muda de posição em relação à sua posição inicial, o que poderá acarretar sérios problemas para o idoso. A queda ocorre devido à perda total do equilíbrio postural, podendo estar relacionada à insuficiência súbita dos mecanismos neurais e osteoarticulares envolvidos na manutenção da postura. O objectivo deste estudo foi de analisar os resultados obtidos em diferentes tipos de testes de avaliação do equilíbrio em associação entre o receio de queda e a postura corporal de forma a observar ou não se existe uma correlação entre o risco de quedas e o equilíbrio em dois grupos distintos de idosas. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por 41 sujeitos do sexo feminino, 21 mulheres incluíram o grupo de força (GF, 67,33 ± 4,61 anos de idade, 1,55 ± 0,08 [m] de estatura e 74,08 ± 11,79 [kg] de massa corporal) e outras vinte no grupo aeróbio (GA, 65,35 ±3,01 anos de idade, 1,56 ± 0,09 [m] de estatura e 69,43 ± 10,03 [kg] de massa corporal). A avaliação postural estática foi feita pelo teste SAPo; os fatores de risco através da Escala de Berg; a avaliação dos problemas de mobilidade pelo Teste Tinetti; o risco de queda e a capacidade de transferência, relacionado com o equilíbrio dinâmico pelo Time Up & Go; o medo de cair o Falls Efficacy Scale. A normalidade da distribuição foi avaliada com o teste de Shapiro-Wilk, como analise exploratoria. Foram calculadas as estatísticas descritivas (média ± 1 DP) de todas as variáveis dependentes seleccionadas. Como estatística inferencial fez-se recurso ao teste T de Student para níveis de significância P ≤ 0,05. Os alinhamentos segmentares e ângulos articulares analisados sugerem que o GA tende apresentar uma postura ortostática que procura promover uma quantidade inferior de esforço e/ou de sobrecarga mecânica sobre o aparelho locomotor do que o GF. Relativamente aos testes de equilíbrio realizados às utentes do programa mais idade mais saúde, conclui-se que não existem diferenças significativas, quer a nível de equilíbrio estático ou dinâmico. Na avaliação da associação do risco de queda e da avaliação da postura corporal, pode-se observar nas tabelas acima, que não existem diferenças significativas intra-grupos, isto é, tanto o grupo de força como o grupo aeróbio não sofrem risco de queda segundo a avaliação da sua postura. Por outro lado, quando a avaliação foi realizada com a junção de ambos os grupos, podem-se observar diferenças significativas na associação do risco de queda com a postugrafia (*0,05). Conclusão: Tudo indica que as senhoras que frequentam o programa não estão sujeitas a riscos acrescidos de queda

    SpectraNet–53: A deep residual learning architecture for predicting soluble solids content with VIS–NIR spectroscopy

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    This work presents a new deep learning architecture, SpectraNet-53, for quantitative analysis of fruit spectra, optimized for predicting Soluble Solids Content (SSC, in Brix). The novelty of this approach resides in being an architecture trainable on a very small dataset, while keeping a performance level on-par or above Partial Least Squares (PLS), a time-proven machine learning method in the field of spectroscopy. SpectraNet-53 performance is assessed by determining the SSC of 616 Citrus sinensi L. Osbeck 'Newhall' oranges, from two Algarve (Portugal) orchards, spanning two consecutive years, and under different edaphoclimatic conditions. This dataset consists of short-wave near-infrared spectroscopic (SW-NIRS) data, and was acquired with a portable spectrometer, in the visible to near infrared region, on-tree and without temperature equalization. SpectraNet-53 results are compared to a similar state-of-the-art architecture, DeepSpectra, as well as PLS, and thoroughly assessed on 15 internal validation sets (where the training and test data were sampled from the same orchard or year) and on 28 external validation sets (training/test data sampled from different orchards/years). SpectraNet-53 was able to achieve better performance than DeepSpectra and PLS in several metrics, and is especially robust to training overfit. For external validation results, on average, SpectraNet-53 was 3.1% better than PLS on RMSEP (1.16 vs. 1.20 Brix), 11.6% better in SDR (1.22 vs. 1.10), and 28.0% better in R2 (0.40 vs. 0.31).project NIBAP ALG-01-0247-FEDER-037303, project OtiCalFrut ALG-010247-FEDER-033652info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seesaw tau lepton mass and calculable neutrino masses in a 3-3-1 model

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    In a version of the 3-3-1 model proposed by Duong and Ma the introduction of the scalar sextet for giving mass to the charged leptons is avoided by adding a singlet charged lepton. We show that in this case the τ\tau lepton gains mass through a seesaw--like mechanism. Besides we show how to generate neutrino masses at the tree and at the 1-loop level with the respective Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata leptonic mixing matrices.Comment: revtex, 5 pages and one eps figure. Published versio