14 research outputs found

    Clinical Features and Virologic Characteristics of Primary and Early HIV-1 Infection in Slovenian Patients

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    Analysis of time trends in newly diagnosed HIV-1 infected patients in Slovenia over a 10-year period (1996-2005) showed an increase in the number of newly diagnosed HIV-1 infected patients in 2004 and 2005 as well as increase in the number of newly diagnosed patients with primary/early HIV-1 infection. A retrospective analysis was performed in order to evaluate the clinical, epidemiological, laboratory and virological parameters of primary/early HIV-1 infection presenting with or without acute retroviral syndrome (ARS). Primary/early HIV-1 infection was diagnosed in 33 (19.5%) out of 169 newly diagnosed HIV-1 infected patients during the 10-year period. Most patients experienced ARS, the most commonly reported symptoms being fever, malaise and pharyngitis, followed by rash and lymphadenopathy. Median CD4 cell count was 415 cells/mm3, median CD8 cell count was 865 cells/mm3 and median HIV-1 viral load at the time of diagnosis was 5.1 log10 copies/mL. The increase in the number of newly diagnosed HIV-1 infected patients may be in part due to increased awareness among clinicians of the possibility of ARS, and the possibility of increased awareness of symptoms of ARS among persons at high risk of infection

    Whole genome sequencing characterization of Slovenian carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, including OXA-48 and NDM-1 producing outbreak isolates

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    Objectives The first hospital outbreak of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Slovenia occurred in 2014-2016. Whole genome sequencing was used to analyse the population of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae collected in Slovenia in 2014-2017, including OXA-48 and/or NDM-1 producing strains from the outbreak. Methods A total of 32 K. pneumoniae isolates were analysed using short-read sequencing. Multilocus sequence typing and core genome multi-locus sequence typing were used to infer genetic relatedness. Antimicrobial resistance markers, virulence factors, plasmid content and wzi types were determined. Long-read sequencing was used for six isolates for detailed analysis of plasmids and their possible transmission. Results Overall, we detected 10 different sequence types (STs), the most common being ST437 (40.6%). Isolates from the initial outbreak belonged to ST437 (12/16) and ST147 (4/16). A second outbreak of four ST15 isolates was discovered. A new ST (ST3390) and two new wzi types (wzi-556, wzi-559) were identified. blaOXA-48 was found in 17 (53.1%) isolates, blaNDM-1 in five (15.6%), and a combination of blaOXA-48/NDM-1 in seven (21.9%) isolates. Identical plasmids carrying blaOXA-48 were found in outbreak isolates sequenced with long-read sequencing technology. Conclusions Whole genome sequencing of Slovenian carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates revealed multiple clusters of STs, two of which were involved in the first hospital outbreak of carbapenem producing K. pneumoniae in Slovenia. Transmission of the plasmid carrying blaOXA-48 between two STs was likely to have occurred. A previously unidentified second outbreak was also discovered, highlighting the importance of whole genome sequencing in detection and/or characterization of hospital outbreaks and surveillance of drug-resistant bacterial clones

    Cross-border spread of blaNDM-1- and blaOXA-48-positive Klebsiella pneumoniae: a European collaborative analysis of whole genome sequencing and epidemiological data, 2014 to 2019

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    An alert regarding an outbreak of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae carrying bla NDM-1 and bla OXA-48 carbapenemase-encoding genes was sent by Germany to European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) countries in October 2019. Since only limited whole genome sequencing (WGS) data on bla NDM-1- and bla OXA-48-positive K. pneumoniae were available in the public domain, national public health reference or equivalent expert laboratories from EU/EEA countries were invited to share WGS data from their national collections with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to investigate the international dissemination of this epidemic strain. The analysis identified a Finnish case with an isolate closely related to the German outbreak strain and with an epidemiological link to St. Petersburg, Russia. In addition, several other clusters of genetically related bla NDM-1- and bla OXA-48-positive K. pneumoniae unrelated to the German outbreak strain but affecting numerous EU/EEA countries were identified. The aim of this follow-up investigation was to characterise these clusters based on the integrated analysis of the WGS dataset on bla NDM-1 - and bla OXA-48-positive K. pneumoniae submitted from 13 EU/EEA countries and additional epidemiological data

    Isolation and characterisation of Mycobacterium avium and Rhodococcus equi from granulomatous lesions of swine lymph nodes in Slovenia

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    Granulomatous lesions in bovine and especially swine lymph nodes are still frequently observed during routine veterinary meat inspections even though Mycobacterium bovis infections are no longer detected in domestic animals in Slovenia. Different lymph nodes of pigs (n = 260) were investigated using classical bacteriological and molecular methods. Mycobacterium avium alone was isolated in 47.3% of pigs and in mixed infection with Rhodococcus equi in 3.9% of pigs. R. equi alone was isolated in 27.3% and in mixed infection with mycobacteria other than M. avium in 1.5% of pigs. A total of 133 M. avium isolates were typed using the IS1245, IS901 and FR300 PCR. Almost two thirds (60.9%) of isolates belonged to M. avium hominissuis (IS901-, IS1245+ genotype), 33.8% of isolates belonged to M. avium avium (IS901+, IS1245+ genotype) and 5.3% of isolates remained non-typed. Fifty out of 85 R. equi isolates were tested for the virulence-associated antigens (VapA and VapB). Nearly two thirds (60.0%) were positive for VapB while all the other isolates were VapA- and VapB-negative

    Clonal spread of pESI-positive multidrug-resistant ST32 Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis isolates among broilers and humans in Slovenia

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    Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Infantis is the most prevalent serovar found in broilers and broiler meat and is among the top five serovars responsible for human infections in Europe. In 2008, a multidrug-resistant S. Infantis isolate emerged in Israel with a mosaic megaplasmid named pESI, associated with increased virulence, biofilm formation, and multidrug resistance. Since then, S. Infantis clones with pESI-like plasmids have been reported worldwide, replacing pESI-free clones. Here, we typed 161 S. Infantis isolates of poultry (n = 133) and human clinical (n = 28) origin using whole-genome sequencing. The isolates were collected between 2007 and 2021. In addition, we performed PacBio/Illumina sequencing for two representative pESI-like plasmids and compared them with publicly available sequences. All isolates belonged to sequence type 32 (ST32), except for one isolate that represented a novel single-locus variant of ST32. Core genome MLST (cgMLST) analysis revealed 14 clusters of genetically closely related isolates, of which four suggested broiler-to-human transmission of S. Infantis. pESI-like plasmids were present in 148/161 (91.9%) isolatesall were highly similar to the publicly available pESI-like sequences but lacked extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) genes. PacBio/Illumina hybrid assembly allowed the reconstruction of two novel complete pESI variants. The present study revealed that the multidrug-resistant, pESI-positive S. Infantis clone became the predominant S. Infantis clone in Slovenian broilers and humans during the last decade. Continued surveillance of resistant S. Infantis clones along the food chain is needed to guide public health efforts

    Genomic insights into Salmonella Choleraesuis var. Kunzendorf outbreak reveal possible interspecies transmission

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis is a host-adapted serovar that causes serious infections in domestic pigs and wild boars. Here, we investigated an outbreak of salmonellosis in domestic pigs in Slovenia, 2018–2019. To assess the outbreak, 18 isolates from domestic pigs, wild boars, wild boar meat and a human patient underwent whole-genome sequencing (WGS). All isolates were of sequence type (ST) 145 and harbored no antimicrobial resistance genes or AMR-associated mutations. A single transmission cluster (≤ 6 alleles) of spatially (< 100 km) and temporally linked isolates was observed, comprising isolates of pig (n = 9), wild boar (n = 2) and human (n = 1) origin, and suggesting possible interspecies transmission. In all outbreak-related animal cases, septicemic salmonellosis was observed, accompanied in some cases by enteric symptoms. All pig isolates were linked to a single intensive breeding farm that distributed growers to small family farms. The same transport vehicles were used to distribute growers to family farms and also to transport livestock between neighboring countries. Both isolates that originated from the imported wild boar meat were genetically distant (≥ 122 alleles) from the outbreak cluster. The present results indicate the importance of screening domestic pigs and proper disinfection of transport vehicles to control the spread of S. Choleraesuis