158 research outputs found

    Mothers living homeless in Madrid (Spain): Characteristics, vulnerabilities and relationships with their children

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    People in a homeless situation are one of the most obvious embodiments of the phenomenon of social exclusion, and women living homeless are a particularly vulnerable group. The article examines some of the differences between women who were mothers and those who had no children in a sample of women living homeless in Madrid, Spain (n = 138). The information was collected using a structured interview. The results show that the women in a homeless situation who were mothers presented extremely difficult life experiences and were a particularly vulnerable subgroup. None of the women in a homeless situation who were mothers lived with their children. The women who were mothers suffered from more chronic homelessness, slept the night in the street more frequently and were in poorer health. Furthermore, throughout their life, the women living homeless who were mothers had experienced more traumatic situations from early ages, with higher levels of psychoactive substance abuse and more problems with the legal system, which could have had a highly negative effect on their relationship and lives with their children. The different circumstances and needs of mothers in a homeless situation require the implementation of prevention and/or treatment approaches aimed at this specific subgroup.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitivida

    Análisis estructural de depósitos de agua realizados en escuelas de Brasil

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    Se analiza la solución estructural empleada para la ejecución de depósitos de agua de uso escolar en zonas rurales de Brasil. El estudio incluye desde el análisis teórico hasta el proceso de ejecución empleado, con el objetivo de evaluar estructuralmente la solución empleada y proponer mejoras si fuera necesario

    Ajuste psicosocial en cibervíctimas y ciberagresores en educación secundaria

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    The rise of cyberbullying among high school students and the importance of certain variables of psychological adjustment for the comprehension of this type of violent behavior both in bullies and in victims. This work aims to analyze the psychological profile of individuals involved in situations of cyberbullying, both victims and bullies. The adjustment variables analyzed were self-concept, perceived stress, loneliness, depressive symptomatology, social anxiety, life satisfaction, and emotional intelligence. Using a sample of 1318 adolescents (47% boys), aged between 11 and 18 years (M = 13.8, SD = 1.32), three contrast groups were established for cybervictims (severe cybervictims, moderate cybervictims, and non-cybervictims) and three groups for cyberbullies (severe cyberbullies, moderate cyberbullies, and non-cyberbullies). The results obtained through analysis of variance showed that both cybervictims and cyberbullies show deterioration in most of the studied dimensions, albeit with a different profile. Severe cybervictims showed higher scores in perceived stress, loneliness, depression, and social anxiety, and lower scores in self-concept, life satisfaction, and emotional intelligence, in comparison with non-cybervictims. Severe cyberbullies obtained higher scores in perceived stress, loneliness, and depression, and lower scores in self-concept and life satisfaction, compared to non-cyberbullies. These results allow deepening our comprehension of cyberbullying among students to improve preventive and intervention programs in schools.El auge de las agresiones cibernéticas entre estudiantes de secundaria y la importancia de ciertas variables de ajuste psicosocial para la comprensión de este tipo de conducta violenta, tanto en agresores como en víctimas, plantean como objetivo en el presente trabajo analizar el perfil psicosocial de ambos implicados en situaciones de ciberagresión. Las variables de ajuste analizadas fueron autoconcepto, estrés percibido, soledad, sintomatología depresiva, ansiedad social, satisfacción con la vida e inteligencia emocional. A partir de una muestra de 1318 adolescentes (47% chicos), de entre 11 y 18 años, se establecieron tres grupos de contraste para cibervíctimas (víctimas severas, moderadas y no cibervíctimas) y tres grupos para ciberagresores (ciberagresores severos, moderados y no ciberagresores). El análisis de varianza mostró que los implicados presentan perfiles psicosociales diferentes y deteriorados. Las cibervíctimas severas mostraron mayor estrés percibido, soledad, depresión y ansiedad social, y menor autoconcepto, satisfacción con la vida e IE, en comparación con las no cibervíctimas. Los ciberagresores severos mostraron mayor estrés percibido, soledad y depresión, y menor autoconcepto y satisfacción con la vida, comparativamente con los no ciberagresores. Estos resultados permiten profundizar en la comprensión del ciberacoso entre estudiantes y mejorar los programas preventivos y de intervención en escuelas

    Assessing Emotional Distress in Adolescents: Psychometrics of the Spanish Version of the Social Emotional Distress Scale-Secondary

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    Background The Social Emotional Distress Scale-Secondary (SEDS-S) is a short measure designed for comprehensive school-based mental health screening, particularly for using very brief self-reported measures of well-being and distress. Whereas prior studies have shown validity and reliability evidence for the English version, there is a lack of literature about its psychometric properties for Spanish-speaking youths. Objective To examine the psychometric properties of the SEDS-S in a large sample of Spanish adolescents, providing evidence of its reliability, structure, convergent and discriminant validity, longitudinal and gender measurement invariance, and normative data. Methods Participants were 5550 adolescents aged 12–18 years old. Test–retest reliability was examined using Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega coefficients, and evidence for convergent and discriminant validity was measured using Pearson’s correlation. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine structure validity, while multigroup and longitudinal measurement invariance analysis was conducted for longitudinal and gender latent structure stability. Results The CFA supported a unidimensional latent structure, which was also observed to be invariant between gender groups and over time. The scale showed evidence of reliability, with coefficients above .85. In addition, the SEDS-S score was positively related to measures assessing distress and negatively related to measures assessing well-being, thereby providing convergent/discriminant validity of the total scores. Conclusion This study provides the first evidence of the reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the SEDS-S for assessing emotional distress among adolescents, cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Furthermore, findings indicated that SEDS-S could be a suitable assessment tool for screening and program evaluation purposes at different contexts beyond the school setting

    Anthropometric Indicators as a Tool for Diagnosis of Obesity and Other Health Risk Factors: A Literature Review

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    [EN] Obesity is characterized by the accumulation of an excessive amount of fat mass (FM) in the adipose tissue, subcutaneous, or inside certain organs. The risk does not lie so much in the amount of fat accumulated as in its distribution. Abdominal obesity (central or visceral) is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer, having an important role in the so-called metabolic syndrome. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent, detect, and appropriately treat obesity. The diagnosis is based on anthropometric indices that have been associated with adiposity and its distribution. Indices themselves, or a combination of some of them, conform to a big picture with different values to establish risk. Anthropometric indices can be used for risk identification, intervention, or impact evaluation on nutritional status or health; therefore, they will be called anthropometric health indicators (AHIs). We have found 17 AHIs that can be obtained or estimated from 3D human shapes, being a noninvasive alternative compared to X-ray-based systems, and more accessible than high-cost equipment. A literature review has been conducted to analyze the following information for each indicator: definition; main calculation or obtaining methods used; health aspects associated with the indicator (among others, obesity, metabolic syndrome, or diabetes); criteria to classify the population by means of percentiles or cutoff points, and based on variables such as sex, age, ethnicity, or geographic area, and limitations.BODYPASS Project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 779780. CIBER de Diabetes and Enfermedades Metabolicas Asociadas (CIBERDEM) is an Instituto de Salud Carlos III initiative. SM-H was an investigator in the Juan Rodes program (JR18/00051) financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Project (IMDEEA/2020/87) supported by Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE), call for proposals 2020 for Technology Centers of the Comunitat Valenciana, cofunded by ERDF Funds, EU Operational Program of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020.Piqueras Fiszman, P.; Ballester Fernandez, A.; Durá-Gil, JV.; Martinez-Hervas, S.; Redón, J.; Real, JT. (2021). Anthropometric Indicators as a Tool for Diagnosis of Obesity and Other Health Risk Factors: A Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:1-19. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.6311791191

    You: scene of romantic love, harassment and death. The You series of the Netflix platform from a gender analysis

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    [ES] La serie You (2018) de Netflix (como ejemplo de éxito de audiencia en una gran plataforma streaming) narra la historia del “amor romántico” de un acosador obsesionado por una joven que desea ser escritora. A partir de este argumento, el objetivo principal de esta investigación se centra en analizar cómo están representados sus personajes principales y cuál es el discurso narrativo que sostiene la historia desde una perspectiva fílmica feminista. Para ello, establecemos dos grandes bloques de análisis: análisis de contenido discursivo y análisis visual. Esta investigación señala la continuidad de los estereotipos de género machistas. El tratamiento de las imágenes tampoco es inmune al discurso hegemónico masculino.[EN] The Netflix series You (2018) (as an example of audience success on a large streaming platform) tells the story of the "romantic love" of a stalker obsessed with a young woman who wants to be a writer. Based on this plot, the main objective of this research focuses on analysing how its main characters are represented and what is the narrative discourse that sustains the story from a feminist filmic perspective. To do this, we establish two major blocks of analysis: discursive content analysis and visual analysis. This research points out the continuity of sexist gender stereotypes. The treatment of images is also not immune to male hegemonic discourse

    Approach to theoretical perspectives of “sexual harassment”: review and bibliometric analysis from social sciences

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    The main goal of this paper is to give an overlook of the current state of sexual harassment. In order to do so, we started making a synthesis of the main theoretical approaches to explain sexual harassment, trying to group the studies into different currents that have historically analyzed this type of violence, to see whether the bibliometric analysis shows a similar presence of the different approaches. To carry out the bibliographic analysis we extracted the documents from the Scopus databases (using the keyword “sexual harassment” up to the year 2021 in the field of social sciences), where after these texts were examined with the tool VOSviewer. A description was made of the evolution of the number of articles on sexual harassment and within the areas of research and, also, the coincidences of keywords and co-authorships, highlighting the nationality and the main authors in number of citations. The results show a growth in interest in researching sexual harassment, specifically after the allegations against producer Harvey Weinstein and the #metoo movement. In the keyword analysis, there is a trend towards studies focused on the work environment and with a gender perspective. Finally, in the cluster analysis of the authorship of the texts, the results suggest the different theoretical approaches most used in the analysis of sexual harassment: socio-cultural, organizational, and multi-dimensional

    Online integrated fractionation-hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass using sub- and supercritical water

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    Producción CientíficaA novel process coupling the fractionation and hydrolysis reactors is presented. Holm oak was used as real lignocellulosic biomass to be treated. In the fractionation reactor, hemicellulose and cellulose were solubilized and partially hydrolyzed in different stages with the aim of feeding the hydrolysis reactor with high C5 or C6 concentrations respectively. The fractionation was performed in two stages: at 180 °C optimizing the hemicellulose extraction and at 260 °C extracting cellulose and hard hemicellulose remaining in the biomass structure. Three water flows were tested: 11, 17 and 26 cm3/min. Sugar yields from 71 to 75% were reached, mainly composed of xylose and glucose oligomers and lower amounts of other chemicals, like retro-aldol products, acetic acid or 5-HMF. The outlet stream from the fractionation reactor was directly mixed with sub or supercritical water at the inlet mixer of a supercritical hydrolysis reactor where the reaction time was precisely controlled. The temperature, pressure and reaction time were modified to get an insight of their effect on the yield of retro-aldol condensation products. Yields of 24% for glycolaldehyde, and pyruvaldehyde were found at 8.3 s, 350 °C and 162 bar (hydrolysis reactor conditions). On other hand, 25% of lactic acid was found at 0.23 s, 396 °C and 245 bar. A discussion based on a known reaction pathway is proposed. Moreover, a kinetic model for the hydrolysis reactor was put forward, being able to reproduce the experimental data with deviations below 10% for sugars and other products extracted. This combined process performs a selective valorization of real lignocellulosic biomass, avoiding the costly process of extreme grinding needed for the fluidization in a continuous hydrothermal process.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA330U13

    Ingreso psiquiátrico muy breve. Características en el Hospital Psiquiátrico de Bétera .

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    Se estudia retrospectivamente las características de 62 ingresos que fueron dados de alta al primer o segundo día tras la admisión. Características frecuentes son: desacuerdo con la indicación de ingreso, conductas hetero y autoagresivas, predominio de niveles de adaptación psicosocial bajos, hospitalismo, contacto dilatado o inexistente con servicios asistenciales comunitarios, relativamente escasa intervención profesional en la fase previa al ingreso, ingreso voluntario y diagnóstico de neurosis y trastorno de personalidad. Ingresos breves de indicación clara se caracterizan por mayor presencia de conductas agresivas, ingreso involuntario por urgencia y remisión de los síntomas al final de la hospitalización. Casos de ingreso breve considerados sin indicación clínica de ingreso presentan como características frecuentes: ser enviado por el juez, ingresar de forma voluntaria, diagnósticos de trastorno de personalidad y neurosis, y escasa remisión de los síntomas. Se comentan las implicaciones de estos hallazgos respecto al sistema asistencial funcionante

    Effect of sucrose pre-culture on cryopreservation by vitrification of Sideritis leucantha Cav. subsp. leucantha seedlings produced in vitro

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    Sideritis leucantha Cav. subsp. leucantha es un endemismo valenciano con uso medicinal que tiene diversos problemas de conservación. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo fue probar el efecto de un tratamiento de precultivo para la posterior criopreservación de brotes apicales de esta especie. Los resultados mostraron que el precultivo con sacarosa 0.3 M durante 24 horas resultó en una mayor supervivencia de los explantes y regeneración in vitro después de tres tratamientos de vitrificación ensayados. Estos resultados sugieren que el acondicionamiento de los explantes puede mejorar la supervivencia de los explantes de S. leucantha subps. leucanthacultivados in vitro tras la criopreservación.Sideritis leucantha Cav. subsp. leucantha is a Valencian endemic medicinal plant that faces some conservation constraints. Therefore, this work aimed to test a preconditioning treatment for the further cryopreservation of shoot tip explants of this species. The results showed that pre-culture in sucrose 0.3 M for 24 hours resulted in the highest explant survival and regeneration after three vitrification approaches. These findings point out that preconditioning of explants may enhance cryopreservation performance in tissue cultured plantlets of S. leucantha subps. leucantha.Ciencias Experimentale