185 research outputs found

    Disfuncionalidades en la regulación de los recursos hídricos en Mendoza (Argentina)

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    Mendoza es una provincia con un intenso aprovechamiento de las aguas mediante un modelo productivo estructurado mediante sistemas de oasis irrigados. El agua subterránea ha jugado un rol vital para expandir la frontera agrícola y mitigar los efectos nocivos en períodos de escasez. El aprovechamiento de las aguas en diversos usos está caracterizado por conflictos de intereses y disfuncionalidades que producen consecuencias contrarias al funcionamiento de un determinado sistema social. A partir de un análisis centrado en el acceso al recurso hídrico frente a los recientes balances hídricos aprobados por la Autoridad Hídrica Provincial, el trabajo problematiza sobre cómo los instrumentos de orden regulatorios en ocasiones se disocian entre sí, generando tensiones en la eficacia y eficiencia normativa. Las conclusiones brindan elementos de juicios para compatibilizar y adecuar los instrumentos de regulación vigentes, y así evitar graves distorsiones de difícil solución en la gestión hídrica.Mendoza is a province with an intense use of water through a productive model structured by irrigated oasis systems. Groundwater has played a vital role in expanding the agricultural frontier and alleviating harmful effects in times of scarcity. The use of water in various uses is characterized by conflicts of interest and dysfunctionalities that produce consequences contrary to the functioning of a given social system. Based on an analysis focused on access to water resources in the face of recent water balances approved by the Provincial Water Authority, the paper analyzes how the regulatory instruments sometimes dissociate from each other, creating tensions in efficiency and normative efficiency . The conclusions provide elements of judgments to reconcile and adapt the existing regulatory instruments, and thus avoid serious distortions that are difficult to solve in water management.Fil: Pinto, Mauricio E.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias.Fil: Buccheri, Mauricio J.. Instituto Nacional del Agua. Centro de Economía, Legislación y Administración del Agua


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    Taking into account the role of Startups in promoting innovation, the search for efficient solutions with a positive socio-environmental impact, Startups da Floresta emerge that make use of environmental assets and contribute to the identification of an endogenous developmental model. Therefore, we aim to analyze the scenario of Startups da Floresta and their contribution to sustainability in the Amazon. Qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research was used with secondary sources and content analysis. Despite being very recent, the promising movement to install Startups da Floresta in the Amazon contributes to the strengthening of environmental sustainability and strengthens the search for a new model. The Impact Business Acceleration Program and the Bioeconomy Priority Program (PPBio) make use of forest assets, preserve biodiversity, generate employment and income, strengthen the local economy and promote a positive impact for the regional population.Teniendo en cuenta el papel de las Startups en la promoción de la innovación, la búsqueda de soluciones eficientes con un impacto socioambiental positivo, surgen las Startups da Floresta que hacen uso de los activos ambientales y contribuyen a la identificación de un modelo de desarrollo endógeno. Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo es analizar el escenario de Startups da Floresta y su contribución a la sostenibilidad en la Amazonía. Se utilizó investigación cualitativa, descriptiva y exploratoria con fuentes secundarias y análisis de contenido. A pesar de ser muy reciente, el prometedor movimiento para instalar Startups da Floresta en la Amazonía contribuye al fortalecimiento de la sostenibilidad ambiental y fortalece la búsqueda de un nuevo modelo. El Programa Impacto de Aceleración Empresarial y el Programa Prioritario de Bioeconomía (PPBio) aprovechan los activos forestales, preservan la biodiversidad, generan empleo e ingresos, fortalecen la economía local y promueven un impacto positivo para la población regional.Levando-se em consideração o papel das Startups de promover a inovação, a busca por soluções eficientes com impacto socioambiental positivo, surgem as Startups da Floresta que fazem uso dos ativos ambientais e contribuem para a identificação de um modelo desenvolvimentista endógeno. Para tanto, temos como objetivo analisar o cenário das Startups da Floresta e sua contribuição para sustentabilidade na Amazônia. Fez-se uso de pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória com fontes secundárias e análise de conteúdo. Apesar de muito recente, o promissor movimento de instalação das Startups da Floresta na Amazônia contribui para o fortalecimento da sustentabilidade ambiental e fortalece a busca por um novo modelo. O Programa de Aceleração de Negócios de Impacto e o Programa Prioritário de Bioeconomia (PPBio) que fazem uso dos ativos da floresta, preservam a biodiversidade, geram emprego e renda, fortalecem a economia local e promovem impacto positivo para a população regional

    Factores clínicos e inmunológicos asociados a la nefritis lúpica en pacientes del noroeste de Colombia.

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    Este estudio transversal y multicéntrico investigó las características clínicas e inmunológicas asociadas con la nefritis lúpica en pacientes colombianos de Medellín. Se incluyeron treinta y nueve pacientes con nefritis lúpica y se compararon sus características con las de 100 pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) sin compromiso renal. Se realizó un análisis multivariado para evaluar los factores asociados con la nefritis lúpica. Los pacientes que desarrollaron nefritis presentaron, al inicio, más úlceras orales (41% vs. 21%, OR=3,1, IC95%: 1,3-7,5, p=0,01)y eritema malar (77% vs. 45%, OR=4,4, IC95%: 1,8-10,8, p=0,001) que aquellos pacientes sin nefropatía. La nefritis lúpica se observó en 77% de los casos durante el primer año de evolución del LES. La frecuencia de anticuerpos anti-ADN fue mayor en los pacientes con nefritis; sine mbargo, las diferencias no fueron significativas (83% vs. 64%, OR=2,57, IC95%:1,03-6,41,p=0,06). La presencia de otros anticuerpos (anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-RNP, anti-Sm y anticardiolipina)en el momento del diagnóstico fue similar en ambos grupos. El perfil de los autoanticuerpos permaneció sin modificación significativa durante el curso del LES. Los pacientes con nefritis lúpica presentaron una mayor prevalencia de hipertensión arterial (60% vs 10%, OR=13,7,IC95%: 5-37, p=0,00001) y dislipidemia (30% vs 7%, OR=8,1, IC95%: 2,5-27, p=0,0006) al inicio de la enfermedad que aquellos pacientes sin nefropatía. Los pacientes con nefritis lúpica requirieron más hospitalizaciones (>1) durante el curso de la enfermedad (89% vs 60%, OR=7,8,IC95%: 2,1-29, p=0,002). En conclusión, la nefritis lúpica se presenta tempranamente en el LES. El eritema malar, las úlceras orales, la hipertensión arterial y la dislipidemia son factores asociados. A su vez, la nefritis lúpica es un factor de riesgo de hospitalizaciones repetidas. Este estudio puede ser útil en la toma de decisiones de políticas de salud para beneficio de los pacientes y reducción de costos.A cross-sectional and multicenter study was undertaken to analyze the clinical andimmunological characteristics at diagnosis associated with nephritis in northwesternColombian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Thirty nine patients with lupusnephritis were included and were compared to 100 SLE patients without nephritis. A multivariateanalysis was performed. The patients who developed nephritis had a higher frequency of oralulcers (41% vs. 21%, OR=3.1, 95%CI: 1.3-7.5 p= 0.01) and malar erythema (77% vs. 45%,OR=4.4, 95%CI: 1.8-10.8 p=0.001). Lupus nephritis was observed in 77% of cases during thefirst year of the disease. The frequency of anti-DNA antibodies was higher in patients withnephritis, however, differences were not statistically significant (83% vs 64%, OR=2.6, 95%CI:1.03-6.41, p=0.06). The presence of other autoantibodies (anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-RNP, anti-Smand anticardiolipin) at diagnosis was similar in both groups. This autoantibody profile remainedunchanged throughout the evolution of the disease. Patients with lupus nephritis had a higherprevalence of arterial hypertension (60% vs 10%, OR=13.7, 95%IC: 5-37, p=0.00001) andhyperlipidemia (30% vs 7%, OR=8.1, 95%IC: 2.5-27, p=0.0006) at onset. Finally, patients withlupus nephritis required more hospitalizations (>1) over the course of disease (89% vs 60%,OR=7.8, 95%CI: 2.1–29, p=0.002). In conclusion, lupus nephritis appears early during thecourse of SLE. Malar erythema, oral ulcers, hypertension and hyperlipidemia at onset of diseaseare associated factors. Lupus nephritis is a major risk factor leading to repeatedhospitalizations. This study may help to assist in public health policies in our population inorder to improve patient outcomes while simultaneously reducing disease costs

    Dermoscopic and reflectance confocal microscopy findings in extra-genital hpv16-associated pigmented squamous cell carcinoma in situ

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    Cutaneous Oncology Department AC Camargo Cancer Center, Rua Professor Antonio Prudente, 211, São Paulo, BrazilPathology Department, AC Camargo Cancer Center, Rua Professor Antonio Prudente, 211, São Paulo, BrazilDepartment of Dermatology, Sheba Medical Center and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelDermatology Department, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilDermatology Department, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Interacting Kasner-type cosmologies

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    It is well known that Kasner-type cosmologies provide a useful framework for analyzing the three-dimensional anisotropic expansion because of the simplification of the anisotropic dynamics. In this paper relativistic multi-fluid Kasner-type scenarios are studied. We first consider the general case of a superposition of two ideal cosmic fluids, as well as the particular cases of non-interacting and interacting ones, by introducing a phenomenological coupling function q(t)q(t). For two-fluid cosmological scenarios there exist only cosmological scaling solutions, while for three-fluid configurations there exist not only cosmological scaling ones, but also more general solutions. In the case of triply interacting cosmic fluids we can have energy transfer from two fluids to a third one, or energy transfer from one cosmic fluid to the other two. It is shown that by requiring the positivity of energy densities there always is a matter component which violates the dominant energy condition in this kind of anisotropic cosmological scenarios.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics &Space Science, 8 page

    Reclamation of Soils Degraded by Surface Coal Mining

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    The largest Brazilian coal mine, called Candiota mine, is located in South Brazil, with an estimated reserve about 1.2 billion tons. Since late 2003, an experiment located at a reclaimed site in a coal mining area was conducted, in which a research group from the Federal University of Pelotas has been conducting a long-term experiment on soil quality with different plants species, such as Hemarthria altissima, Paspalum notatum cv. Pensacola, Cynodon dactylon cv. Tifton, and Urochloa brizantha. After 8.6 years of revegetation, soil samples at 0.20 depth were collected in minesoil and natural soil to determine physical attributes, and the organic carbon content. After 10.9 years of revegetation, soil samples at 0.10 m depth were collected to determine the biological attributes. According to the research results, it can be seen that the recovery of minesoil was more effective after 8.6 years of revegetation only in the physical condition up to 0.10 m depth. However, all soil physical attributes and organic matter content are still below the levels observed in the natural soil. The biological attributes after 10.9 years of revegetation have not yet been sufficient to restore a mites and springtails population close to the natural soil

    Factores clínicos y epidemiológicos asociados con nefritis lúpica en pacientes del noroccidente colombiano

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    A cross-sectional and multicenter study was undertaken to analyze the clinical and immunological characteristics at diagnosis associated with nephritis in northwestern Colombian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Thirty-nine patients with lupus nephritis were included and were compared to 100 SLE patients without nephritis. A multivariate analysis was performed. The patients who developed nephritis had a higher frequency of oral ulcers (41% vs. 21%, OR = 3.1, 95% CI: 1.3-7.5 p = 0.01) and malar erythema (77% vs. 45%, OR = 4.4, 95% CI: 1.8-10.8 p = 0.001). Lupus nephritis was observed in 77% of cases during the first year of the disease. The frequency of anti-DNA antibodies was higher in patients with nephritis, however, differences were not statistically significant (83% vs 64%, OR = 2.6, 95% CI: 1.03-6.41, p = 0.06). The presence of other autoantibodies (anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-RNP, anti-Sm and anticardiolipin) at diagnosis was similar in both groups. This autoantibody profile remained unchanged throughout the evolution of the disease. Patients with lupus nephritis had a higher prevalence of arterial hypertension (60% vs 10%, OR = 13.7, 95% IC: 5-37, p = 0.00001) and hyperlipidemia (30% vs 7%, OR = 8.1, 95% IC: 2.5-27, p = 0.0006) at onset. Finally, patients with lupus nephritis required more hospitalizations (> 1) over the course of disease (89% vs 60%, OR = 7.8, 95% CI: 2.1-29, p = 0.002). In conclusion, lupus nephritis appears early during the course of SLE. Malar erythema, oral ulcers, hypertension and hyperlipidemia at onset of disease are associated factors. Lupus nephritis is a major risk factor leading to repeated hospitalizations. This study may help to assist in public health policies in our population in order to improve patient outcomes while simultaneously reducing disease costs.Este estudio transversal y multicéntrico investigó las características clínicas e inmunológicas asociadas con la nefritis lúpica en pacientes colombianos de Medellín. Se incluyeron treinta y nueve pacientes con nefritis lúpica y se compararon sus características con las de 100 pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) sin compromiso renal. Se realizó un análisis multivariado para evaluar los factores asociados con la nefritis lúpica. Los pacientes que desarrollaron nefritis presentaron, al inicio, más úlceras orales (41% vs. 21%, OR=3,1, IC95%: 1,3-7,5, p=0,01) y eritema malar (77% vs. 45%, OR=4,4, IC95%: 1,8-10,8, p=0,001) que aquellos pacientes sin nefropatía. La nefritis lúpica se observó en 77% de los casos durante el primer año de evolución del LES. La frecuencia de anticuerpos anti-ADN fue mayor en los pacientes con nefritis; sin embargo, las diferencias no fueron significativas (83% vs. 64%, OR=2,57, IC95%:1,03-6,41, p=0,06). La presencia de otros anticuerpos (anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-RNP, anti-Sm y anticardiolipina) en el momento del diagnóstico fue similar en ambos grupos. El perfil de los autoanticuerpos permaneció sin modificación significativa durante el curso del LES. Los pacientes con nefritis lúpica presentaron una mayor prevalencia de hipertensión arterial (60% vs 10%, OR=13,7, IC95%: 5-37, p=0,00001) y dislipidemia (30% vs 7%, OR=8,1, IC95%: 2,5-27, p=0,0006) al inicio de la enfermedad que aquellos pacientes sin nefropatía. Los pacientes con nefritis lúpica requirieron más hospitalizaciones (>1) durante el curso de la enfermedad (89% vs 60%, OR=7,8, IC95%: 2,1-29, p=0,002). En conclusión, la nefritis lúpica se presenta tempranamente en el LES. El eritema malar, las úlceras orales, la hipertensión arterial y la dislipidemia son factores asociados. A su vez, la nefritis lúpica es un factor de riesgo de hospitalizaciones repetidas. Este estudio puede ser útil en la toma de decisiones de políticas de salud para beneficio de los pacientes y reducción de costos

    What is the frequency of floor of the mouth lesions? A descritive study of 4,016 cases

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of oral lesions in the floor of the mouth from representative oral pathology centres in Latin America. This study was conducted on biopsies obtained from January of 1978 to December of 2018 at nine Latin America oral and maxillofacial pathology centres. Gender, age and histopathological diagnosis were evaluated. Data were analysed using descriptive methods. Chi-square test was used for pairwise comparisons. From 114,893 samples, 4,016 lesions (3.49%) occurred in the floor of the mouth. Brazil showed 3,777 cases (94%), Mexico 182 cases (4.5%) and Argentina 57 cases (1.4%). Benign lesions represented 65.1% (2,617 cases), followed by 34.9% (1,404 cases) of malignant disorders. Lesions of epithelial origin were more frequent (1,964 cases; 48.9%), followed by salivary glands (1,245 cases; 31%) and soft tissue lesions (475 cases; 11.7%). The most common histological subtypes were oral squamous cell carcinoma (1,347 cases; 33.5%), ranula (724 cases; 18%), oral leukoplakia (476 cases; 11.8%) and inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia (239 cases; 5.9%). The lesion affected males in 2,129 cases and females in 1,897 cases. In the current study, lesions in the floor of the mouth represented 3.49% of biopsies submitted to oral pathology services and oral squamous cell carcinoma, ranula and leukoplakia were the most common lesions

    Establishing a core outcome set for peritoneal dialysis : report of the SONG-PD (standardized outcomes in nephrology-peritoneal dialysis) consensus workshop

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    Outcomes reported in randomized controlled trials in peritoneal dialysis (PD) are diverse, are measured inconsistently, and may not be important to patients, families, and clinicians. The Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology-Peritoneal Dialysis (SONG-PD) initiative aims to establish a core outcome set for trials in PD based on the shared priorities of all stakeholders. We convened an international SONG-PD stakeholder consensus workshop in May 2018 in Vancouver, Canada. Nineteen patients/caregivers and 51 health professionals attended. Participants discussed core outcome domains and implementation in trials in PD. Four themes relating to the formation of core outcome domains were identified: life participation as a main goal of PD, impact of fatigue, empowerment for preparation and planning, and separation of contributing factors from core factors. Considerations for implementation were identified: standardizing patient-reported outcomes, requiring a validated and feasible measure, simplicity of binary outcomes, responsiveness to interventions, and using positive terminology. All stakeholders supported inclusion of PD-related infection, cardiovascular disease, mortality, technique survival, and life participation as the core outcome domains for PD


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    revista vol 13 nº 3.indd Há consenso entre os cientistas de que a há atualmente uma “crise da biodiversidade”, resultado da constante e intensa perda de habitat natural causada pela expansão da ocupação. Como a biologia da conservação tem sido muitas vezes reconhecida como uma ciência da crise, ela deve fornecer informações capazes de mediar, de forma mais científica possível, as tomadas de decisão que são necessárias. Dentre estas, uma das mais importantes é indicar regiões prioritárias para a conservação, já que por motivos óbvios não é possível preservar todos os ecossistemas por inteiro. Nesse contexto, recentemente sugeriu-se que a aplicação de princípios, teorias e análises provenientes da biogeografia e da macroecologia seriam importantes na Biologia da Conservação, formalizando uma abordagem que tem sido denominada “Biogeografia da Conservação”. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é discutir e revisar esses componentes da biogeografia da conservação, utilizando uma abordagem macroecológica para desenvolver e aplicar métodos de planejamento sistemático em conservação, utilizando o bioma Cerrado como um modelo de estudo. Foram discutidos inicialmente os padrões de riqueza e diversidade beta e, em um segundo momento, como esses padrões podem ser correlacionados à ocupação humana do Bioma. Essa relação é fundamental para subsidiar a aplicação de modelos de planejamento sistemático de conservação em escala regional (análises de insubstituibilidade, complementaridade e de lacunas). É preciso considerar também que há sérias falhas de conhecimento sobre os padrões de biodiversidade na região e que a escolha de grupos indicadores pode ser importante para minimizar problemas gerados pela falta de conhecimento. Assim, essa abordagem é interessante em um cenário de grandes incertezas (ausência de dados detalhados) e de rápida transformação da paisagem, possibilitando a otimização de estudos em grandes escalas e depois transferir os resultados para escalas espaciais mais locais e realmente relevantes para a conservação. Nessas regiões, podem ser realizados, em um segundo momento, estudos mais detalhados a fim de avaliar padrões de viabilidade populacional, fragmentação de habitat e regiões potenciais de manutenção da diversidade genética