252 research outputs found

    Nanoesferas de blendas de poli(3-hidroxibutirato)/ poli-?-caprolactona contendo sinvastatina: desenvolvimento e caracteriza??o f?sico-qu?mica

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    Disponibiliza??o do conte?do parcial, conforme Termo de Autoriza??o do trabalho datado de 14/06/2016.Sistemas de libera??o controlada s?o capazes de modificar a taxa de libera??o de f?rmacos e direcion?-los aos locais de a??o espec?ficos, tornando-os mais eficazes al?m de reduzir a ocorr?ncia de efeitos adversos, o que aumenta a aceitabilidade do tratamento pelo paciente. Pol?meros biocompat?veis, seus copol?meros e blendas t?m apresentado vantagens na forma??o destes sistemas mostrando resposta positiva quanto ao aprimoramento da terap?utica. O presente estudo visou desenvolver nanoesferas a partir de blendas de poli- (3- hidroxibutirato) (PHB) e poli-(?-caprolactona) (PCL) e avaliar o seu potencial como carreadoras de sinvastatina. Para tanto, par?metros f?sico-quimicos como tamanho, ?ndice de polidispers?o, potencial zeta, quantidade de f?rmaco encapsulada, libera??o in vitro e morfologia foram avaliados. As nanoesferas contendo sinvastatina foram preparadas pela t?cnica emuls?o/evapora??o do solvente, variando-se a quantidade de sinvastatina adicionada na formula??o. O doseamento foi realizado por cromatografia liquida de alta efici?ncia, ap?s valida??o pr?via do m?todo anal?tico. A formula??o que obteve maior quantidade de f?rmaco associado apresentou di?metro m?dio 265 ? 10 nm com polidispers?o m?dia de 0,091 ? 0,026. Esses valores revelam um sistema nanom?trico, com uma distribui??o estreita de tamanho e uma homogeneidade das nanoesferas. O potencial zeta m?dio foi de - 31,8 ? 3,59 mV, sugestivo de predom?nio de for?as repulsivas, as quais previnem agrega??es em fun??o da colis?o entre as part?culas. Os resultados de DSC e libera??o in vitro sugerem transporte por difus?o e a maior parte do f?rmaco estar associada ? superf?cie da esfera. Os testes de estabilidade preliminar n?o indicam degrada??o dos componentes e aglomera??o das part?culas. A an?lise morfol?gica das nanoesferas, realizada por microscopia de for?a at?mica demonstrou a presen?a de part?culas esf?ricas e de superf?cie rugosa. Dessa forma, os dados sugerem que a prepara??o de nanoesferas utilizando a blenda PHB-PCL ? um sistema promissor para carrear a sinvastatina.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ci?ncias Farmac?uticas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2015.Controlled release systems are able to modify the release rate of pharmaceuticals and direct them to specific sites of action, making them more effective and reducing the occurrence of adverse effects, which increases the acceptability of treatment by the patient. Biocompatible polymers, their copolymers and blends have shown advantages in the formation of these systems, presenting positive response regarding the improvement of therapy. This study aimed to develop nanospheres from blends of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and poly (?- caprolactone) (PCL) and evaluate their potential as simvastatin carriers. Therefore, physical and chemical parameters such as size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, the amount of encapsulated pharmaceutical, in vitro release and morphology were evaluated. The nanospheres containing simvastatin were prepared by the emulsion/evaporation technique of the solvent, by varying the amount of simvastatin added to the formulation. The dosing was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography, after prior validation of the analytical method. The formulation that obtained a higher amount of associated pharmaceutical presented an average diameter of 265 ? 10 nm with an average of 0.091 ? 0.026 polydispersity. These values show a nanometric system with a narrow distribution size and an uniformity of nanospheres. The average zeta potential was -31.8 ? 3.59 mV, suggesting the predominance of repulsive forces, which prevent aggregation due to the collision between the particles. The DSC results and in vitro release suggest transport by diffusion and the fact that most of the pharmaceutical is linked to the sphere surface. Preliminary stability tests do not show degradation of the components and agglomeration of the particles. Morphological analysis of nanospheres, performed by atomic force microscopy demonstrated the presence of spherical particles and rough surface. Therefore, the data suggest that the preparation of nanospheres using the PHB-PCL blend is a promising system for carrying simvastatin

    Potentially inappropriate medication use among institutionalized elderly individuals in southeastern Brazil

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    In recent decades, the elderly population in Brazil has grown rapidly, as has concern for the health of this population. Institutionalization in nursing homes has appeared as an alternative form of health care for frail elderly that live alone. The present study evaluated the pharmacotherapy and inappropriate drug prescriptions for institutionalized elderly patients living in long-term institutions in southeastern Brazil. This research was conducted at five institutions with a total sample of 151 individuals aged at least 60 years. Databases were used to identify drug interactions, defined daily dose and inappropriate prescriptions. The prevalence of drug intake among the elderly was 95.36%, and there were an average of 3.31 ± 1.80 drug prescriptions per individual. Based on Beers criteria, the prevalence of inappropriate prescriptions was 25.83%. In addition, 70.2% of prescriptions were prescribed at a higher dosage than the defined daily dose (ATC/WHO). Potential drug interactions were identified for 54.11% of prescriptions; 81.42% of these were of moderate severity. The main inappropriate drugs were prescribed for cardiovascular and nervous system problems. Institutionalized elderly individuals presented a high consumption and misuse of medications, requiring professional intervention to monitor prescriptions and improve the quality of service for this population.Nas últimas décadas, o número de idosos no Brasil cresceu rapidamente, bem como, a preocupação com a saúde desta parcela da população. Neste cenário, a institucionalização em casas de repouso aparece como uma alternativa para os cuidados com a saúde dos idosos debilitados ou que vivem sozinhos. O presente estudo avaliou a farmacoterapia e a prescrição inadequada para idosos que residem em instituições de longa permanência no sudeste do Brasil. Esta pesquisa foi realizada em cinco instituições, totalizando uma amostra de 151 indivíduos com idade a partir de 60 anos. O banco de dados foi analisado para identificação de interações medicamentosas, dose diária definida e critérios de Beers. Dentre os indivíduos avaliados, 95,36% consomem algum tipo de medicamento, sendo 3,31 ± 1,80 medicamentos prescritos por indivíduo. Com base nos critérios de Beers, a prevalência de prescrições inapropriadas foi de 25,83%, sendo também encontradas 70,2% das prescrições com doses superiores à dose diária definida (ATC/WHO). Interações medicamentosas potenciais estavam presentes em 54,11% das prescrições, sendo 81,42% com grau moderado de gravidade. Os principais medicamentos inapropriados foram prescritos para problemas cardiovasculares e do sistema nervoso. Os idosos institucionalizados apresentam alto consumo e uso inadequado de medicamentos, sendo necessária a intervenção profissional para monitorar as prescrições médicas e melhorar a qualidade do serviço de distribuição de medicamentos a esta parte da população

    Temporary ponds and hygrophilous grasslands plant communities in Monfurado site of community importance

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    Temporary ponds are seasonal wetlands subjected to extreme and unstable ecological conditions due to the annual alternation between the flooded and dry phases. The ephemeral character of the flora and the changeable annual weather explain why these habitats have been poorly studied and documented. The objective of this study, in the Monfurado Site of Community Importance, was to characterize seasonal wetland plant communities using a phytosociological approach and numerical analysis (classification and ordination). The results lead to the site’s inclusion in two Natura 2000 Network priority habitats: Mediterranean temporary ponds (3170) in depression landform with impermeable layer in the underground with Isoeto-Nanojuncetea vegetation complexes; pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals of the Thero-Brachypodietea, sub-type ‘Malhadais’ (6220pt2) in shallow areas with Isoeto-Nanojuncetea speciesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The present study attempts to illustrate the large phytocoenotical diversity of forests, pre-forest, high-scrub and most of the corresponding sub-seral communities of the Lusitania territories and enables the identification of their clumped pattern of occurrence as landscape mosaics. These communities are syntaxonomically included in the Quercetea ilicis, Querco-Fagetea sylvaticae, Salici purpureae-Populetea nigrae, Alnetea glutinosae, Nerio-Tamaricetea, Calluno vulgaris-Ulicetea minoris, Cisto-Lavanduletea stoechadis and Rosmarinetea officinalis vegetation classes and span a large spectrum of environmental variables, being present in a wide range of bioclimatic stages and edaphic conditions. The grasslands, that represent seral stages of the Quercion broteroi and Quercion pyrenaicae and are included in the Stipo giganteae-Agrostietea castellanae class, are also described. In Lusitania, on soils rich in bases, without hydromorphy and salinity, dry grasslands are widespread in the potential areas of Quercus suber, Q. rotundifolia and/or Q. faginea, and are included in the Festuco-Brometea vegetation class; associations of the Arrábida mountain and Algarve are especially rich in endemic species. The ephemeral pioneer communities are dominated by non-nitrophilous, small therophytes included in the Helianthemetea guttati class. Grasslands linked to heavy grazing are also described. In this group we include pastures, with adequate sheep pasture, grazed and manured, dominated by dwarf perennial grasses and other nutritious prostrate chamaephytes and hemicryptophytes, which encompass the associations of the Poetea bulbosae class. Other herbaceous communities, dependent on anthropic influence, are those dense meadows and reed-beds included in the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class.The tall herbs of nitrified wood fringes and other semi-shaded anthropic biotope communities belong to the Galio-Urticetea class. The herbaceous ruderal vegetation is also described. Lastly, the coastal vegetation of sea cliffs and lithosols, dunes, and estuaries and saltmarshes is referred to, as well as the interior sandy soil or semi-fixed dune grasslands

    Trabalho, carreira, desenvolvimento docente e mudança na prática educativa

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    O artigo propõe-se a discutir algumas questões encontradas na literatura recente sobre a profissão docente, nas condições de trabalho do professor, no desenvolvimento profissional, na carreira e na mudança na prática educativa. Esses pontos são tomados como basilares para a análise da melhoria e da mudança na escola, tanto no que diz respeito à melhoria da qualidade da aprendizagem pelos estudantes da educação básica quanto em relação aos aspectos relevantes para o decorrente avanço social que tais estudantes possam apresentar em face daquilo que aprenderam na educação básica. O texto defende uma maior articulação entre políticas públicas educacionais e trabalho docente, de modo que o professor não seja responsabilizado pelo fracasso ou sucesso da aprendizagem dos estudantes. Tal defesa decorre do entendimento de que as mudanças por que vêm passando as sociedades fazem com que haja a necessidade de uma escola cada vez mais atenta para as demandas de seu tempo, com desenvolvimento profissional do professor e com qualidade das condições de exercício da docência.This article aims to discuss some issues found in recent literature on the teaching profession, the teachers’ working conditions, professional development, career, and change in educational practice. These points are taken as fundamental to the analysis of the improvement and change in school, with regards both to improvement in student learning in primary education, and to the relevant aspects of the possible social advancement of such students in the face of what they learned in primary education. The text advocates a greater coordination between public educational policy and teaching practice, so that teachers are not held responsible for the failure or success of student learning. This argument stems from the understanding that current changes in societies lead to the need for a school that is increasingly attentive to the demands of its time, with the teacher professional development and quality conditions for teaching

    Tradução do conto de Peter Handke “Das Umfallen der Kegel von einer bäuerlichen Kegelbahn”

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    O conto aqui traduzido é um exemplo acabado de desconstrucionismo, sobretudo conseguido através da menorização do papel do narrador, constantemente desautorizado pelas personagens, que o interrompem e o contradizem. Assim, alguns segmentos aparentemente incongruentes não o são de facto. Na tarefa de tradução deste conto, mantivemos as características de descontrução do texto de partida, pelo que quaisquer aparentes incoerências são inerentes ao texto original e não erros de tradução

    Nova associacao de charcos temporários mediterrânicos do SW da Península Ibérica: eryngio corniculati-Isoetetum setacei.

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    New association of Mediterranean Temporary Ponds from the SW of the Iberian Peninsula: Eryngio corniculati-Isoetetum setaceiPalavras-chave. Isoeto-Nanojuncetea, Vegetação anfíbia, Rede Natura 2000, Alentejo.Key words. Isoeto-Nanojuncetea, Amphibious vegetation, Natura 2000 Network, Alentejo