5,134 research outputs found

    Multifractal metal in a disordered Josephson Junction Array

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    We report the results of the numerical study of the non-dissipative quantum Josephson junction chain with the focus on the statistics of many-body wave functions and local energy spectra. The disorder in this chain is due to the random offset charges. This chain is one of the simplest physical systems to study many-body localization. We show that the system may exhibit three distinct regimes: insulating, characterized by the full localization of many-body wavefunctions, fully delocalized (metallic) one characterized by the wavefunctions that take all the available phase volume and the intermediate regime in which the volume taken by the wavefunction scales as a non-trivial power of the full Hilbert space volume. In the intermediate, non-ergodic regime the Thouless conductance (generalized to many-body problem) does not change as a function of the chain length indicating a failure of the conventional single-parameter scaling theory of localization transition. The local spectra in this regime display the fractal structure in the energy space which is related with the fractal structure of wave functions in the Hilbert space. A simple theory of fractality of local spectra is proposed and a new scaling relationship between fractal dimensions in the Hilbert and energy space is suggested and numerically tested.Comment: 11 page

    The age-metallicity relationship in the Fornax spheroidal dwarf galaxy

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    We produce a comprehensive field star age-metallicity relationship (AMR) from the earliest epoch until ~ 1 Gyr ago for three fields in the Fornax dSph galaxy by using VI photometric data obtained with FORS1 at the VLT. We find that the innermost one does not contains dominant very old stars (age > 12 Gyr), whereas the relatively outer field does not account for representative star field populations younger than ~ 3 Gyr. When focusing on the most prominent stellar populations, we find that the derived AMRs are engraved by the evidence of a outside-in star formation process. The studied fields show bimodal metallicity distributions peaked at [Fe/H] = (-0.95 +- 0.15) dex and (-1.15 or -1.25 +- 0.05) dex, respectively, but only during the first half of the entire galaxy lifetime. Furthermore, the more metal-rich population appears to be more numerous in the outer fields, while in the innermost Fornax field the contribution of both metallicity populations seems to be similar. We also find that the metallicity spread ~ 6 Gyr ago is remarkable large, while the intrinsic metallicity dispersion at ~ 1-2 Gyr results smaller than that for the relatively older generations of stars. We interpret these outcomes as a result of a possible merger of two galaxies that would have triggered a star formation bursting process that peaked between ~ 6 and 9 Gyr ago, depending on the position of the field in the galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Adventures of a tidally induced bar

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    Using N-body simulations, we study the properties of a bar induced in a discy dwarf galaxy as a result of tidal interaction with the Milky Way. The bar forms at the first pericentre passage and survives until the end of the evolution at 10 Gyr. Fourier decomposition of the bar reveals that only even modes are significant and preserve a hierarchy so that the bar mode is always the strongest. They show a characteristic profile with a maximum, similar to simulated bars forming in isolated galaxies and observed bars in real galaxies. We adopt the maximum of the bar mode as a measure of the bar strength and we estimate the bar length by comparing the density profiles along the bar and perpendicular to it. The bar strength and the bar length decrease with time, mainly at pericentres, as a result of tidal torques acting at those times and not to secular evolution. The pattern speed of the bar varies significantly on a time-scale of 1 Gyr and is controlled by the orientation of the tidal torque from the Milky Way. The bar is never tidally locked, but we discover a hint of a 5/2 orbital resonance between the third and fourth pericentre passage. The speed of the bar decreases in the long run so that the bar changes from initially rather fast to slow in the later stages. The boxy/peanut shape is present for some time and its occurrence is preceded by a short period of buckling instability

    Characterization of aroma-active compounds in black sapote (Diospyros digyna Jacq.)

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    The volatile compounds of black sapote fruit were isolated by simultaneous distillation-solvent extraction and analysed by gas chromatography-flame ionization detector and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A total of 32 volatile constituents were detected, which represented 4.57 mg kg−1 of the fruit. The composition of volatile constituents of the fruit included 9 terpene compounds (49.1% of the total volatile composition), 11 ketones (9%), 5 aldehydes (29.2%), 4 alcohols (3.6%), 2 esters (8.2%) and a paraffin (0.8%). Major compounds were (Z)-b-ocimene (26.6% of the total volatile composition), (E)-cinnamaldehyde (25.5%) and limonene (17.0%). By application of odour activity values, seven constituents were considered as aroma-active volatiles, from which the most important were (E)-cinnamaldehyde, 3-methylbutanal, limonene, (Z)-β-ocimene, linalool, methyl (E)-cinnamate, and β-caryophyllene

    Mid-infrared signatures of hydroxyl containing water clusters: Infrared laser Stark spectroscopy of OH–H2O and OH(D2O)n (n = 1-3)

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    Small water clusters containing a single hydroxyl radical are synthesized in liquid helium droplets. The OH–H2O and OH(D2O)n clusters (n = 1-3) are probed with infrared laser spectroscopy in the vicinity of the hydroxyl radical OH stretch vibration. Experimental band origins are qualitatively consistent with ab initio calculations of the global minimum structures; however, frequency shifts from isolated OH are significantly over-predicted by both B3LYP and MP2 methods. An effective Hamiltonian that accounts for partial quenching of electronic angular momentum is used to analyze Stark spectra of the OH–H2O and OH–D2O binary complexes, revealing a 3.70(5) D permanent electric dipole moment. Computations of the dipole moment are in good agreement with experiment when large-amplitude vibrational averaging is taken into account. Polarization spectroscopy is employed to characterize two vibrational bands assigned to OH(D2O)2, revealing two nearly isoenergetic cyclic isomers that differ in the orientation of the non-hydrogen-bonded deuterium atoms relative to the plane of the three oxygen atoms. The dipole moments for these clusters are determined to be approximately 2.5 and 1.8 D for “up-up” and “up-down” structures, respectively. Hydroxyl stretching bands of larger clusters containing three or more D2O molecules are observed shifted approximately 300 cm−1 to the red of the isolated OH radical. Pressure dependence studies and ab initio calculations imply the presence of multiple cyclic isomers of OH(D2O)3.Fil: Hernández, Federico Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; Argentina. University of Georgia; Estados UnidosFil: Brice, Joseph T.. University of Georgia; Estados UnidosFil: Leavitt, Christopher M.. University of Georgia; Estados UnidosFil: Liang, Tao. University of Georgia; Estados UnidosFil: Raston, Paul L.. James Madison University. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Estados UnidosFil: Pino, Gustavo Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Douberly, Gary E.. University of Georgia; Estados Unido

    Galaxy cluster mergers as triggers for the formation of jellyfish galaxies: case study of the A901/2 system

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    The A901/2 system is a rare case of galaxy cluster interaction, in which two galaxy clusters and two smaller groups are seen in route of collision with each other simultaneously. Within each of the four substructures, several galaxies with features indicative of jellyfish morphologies have been observed. In this paper, we propose a hydrodynamic model for the merger as a whole, compatible with its diffuse X-ray emission, and correlate the gas properties in this model with the locations of the jellyfish galaxy candidates in the real system. We find that jellyfish galaxies seem to be preferentially located near a boundary inside each subcluster where diffuse gas moving along with the subcluster and diffuse gas from the remainder of the system meet. The velocity change in those boundaries is such that a factor of up to \sim1000 increase in the ram pressure takes place within a few hundred kpc, which could trigger the high rate of gas loss necessary for a jellyfish morphology to emerge. A theoretical treatment of ram pressure stripping in the environment of galaxy cluster mergers has not been presented in the literature so far; we propose that this could be a common scenario for the formation of jellyfish morphologies in such systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 10 pages, 9 figure

    Modelo arquitectónico desde la vista de información para apoyar la interoperabilidad de herramientas software que soportan la mejora de procesos de software

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    (Eng) Diverse software tools that support the software process improvement (SPI) not interoperate between them, that is to say, the exchange of information between the different tools is deficient, making it difficult to sequence and automatic re-use of information of SPI initiatives. In this article we present an architectural model from the information view to support the interoperability of software tools that support the stages of diagnosing the process and formulating improvements. The model establishes architecture that describes the type of information that can be exchanged these tools, as well as the structure of the data, their possible values, its semantics, and the restrictions imposed on the use and interpretation of such information. The architectural model is composed of a set of schemas, raised in conceptual form, which can be used by organizations that wish to develop software tools to interoperate, which provide support in a comprehensive way to diagnosing the process and formulating improvements of the SPI cycle. These schemas were evaluated using the qualitative method Focus Group.(Spa) La gran mayoría de herramientas software que soportan la mejora de procesos de software (SPI) no interoperan entre ellas, es decir, el intercambio de información entre las diferentes herramientas es deficiente, lo que dificulta la secuencia y reutilización automática de la información de las iniciativas de SPI. En este artículo presentamos un modelo arquitectónico desde la vista de información para apoyar la interoperabilidad de las herramientas software que soportan las etapas de Diagnóstico de procesos y Formulación de mejoras. El modelo establece la arquitectura que describe el tipo de información que pueden intercambiar estas herramientas, así como la estructura de los datos, sus posibles valores, su semántica, y las restricciones impuestas sobre la utilización e interpretación de dicha información. El modelo arquitectónico está constituido por un conjunto de esquemas planteados de forma conceptual, el cual puede ser utilizado por organizaciones que deseen desarrollar herramientas software que interoperen entre sí, las cuales brinden soporte de manera integral al Diagnóstico y Formulación del ciclo de SPI. Estos esquemas fueron evaluados utilizando el método cualitativo Focus Group