235 research outputs found

    Líneas de investigación formativa en la licenciatura en ciencias religiosas virtual

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    Esta investigación de tipo documental argumentativa, describe los parámetros que configuran las líneas de investigación formativa en la Licenciatura en Ciencias Religiosas, a través de la sistematización de los trabajos de grado y publicaciones del equipo de investigadores en Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje entre los años 2010-2013. Se ha puesto puntual atención al proceso de indagar, ordenar, profundizar y analizar estos textos, que evidencian la riqueza de conocimientos, experiencias en investigación del programa en estos primeros años de existencia. Cada uno de los textos fue capital para el análisis e interpretación que nos aproximaron a identificación, definición y fundamentación de las líneas, a través de lo que quisieron plasmar los autores, y la particularidad de la investigación formativa en cada uno de los trabajos de grado.This argumentative documentary research, describes the parameters that shape the research training in the Bachelor of Religious Studies, through the systematization of graduation works and publications of the research team in Virtual Learning Environments between 2010 2013. It has been timely attention to the process of inquiry, order, deepen and analyze these texts, which demonstrate the wealth of knowledge, experience in research program in these early years. Each of the texts was crucial for the analysis and interpretation identification approached us, definition and justification of the lines, through what the authors wanted to capture, and the particularity of formative research in each graduation work .Licenciado (a) en Ciencias ReligiosasPregrad

    Análisis de los componentes de la estrategia de operaciones con enfoque de servicio

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    El objetivo de este artículo fue aportar luces sobre la cuestión de cuáles son los componentes de la estrategia de operaciones que pueden favorecer el control del servicio y la orientación al cliente, para lograr paulatinamente altos estándares en la entrega del servicio, acordes con los cambios en el mercado y con la cadena de valor de la compañía. Para esto, se realizó una investigación exploratoria que usó el método inductivo a través de análisis factorial exploratorio con el modelo Promax de rotación oblicua. Las indagaciones de tipo exploratorio se realizaron a 43 empresas a través de un muestreo a conveniencia en departamento del Valle del Cauca (Colombia). Se buscaron, principalmente, empresas del sector servicios, de alguna consolidación en el mercado y que facilitaran la aplicación de una encuesta presencial y de calidad al personal de dirección. Como resultado, se dejan las bases para un modelo conceptual que aporte al control de la estrategia de operaciones, de modo que sea posible concebir el valor para el cliente desde una estrategia de operaciones que parte de los atributos de calidad del servicio y se fundamenta en los factores subyacentes hallados en el modelo explorado, tales como: el control del servicio, la gestión de las instalaciones orientadas al cliente, sistemas de información y tecnologías asociadas. Como perspectiva, se plantea la necesidad de análisis factorial confirmatorio, con mayor tamaño de muestra para organizaciones de servicio con trayectoria en el mercado

    Factores a considerar en la elección del modo de entrada para la internacionalización de la industria hostelera andaluza

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    El turismo es uno de los principales sectores que sustenta la economía española, y en particular la andaluza. Dentro de éste, la industria hotelera tiene el mayor peso dentro del sector. Debido a una serie de motivos, se hace necesario que las cadenas hoteleras andaluzas deban emprender su proceso de internacionalización. En este trabajo, hacemos una radiografía de la situación actual de las cadenas hoteleras andaluzas. A partir de ahí, y tras un estudio analítico de la internacionalización de la industria hotelera describimos los distintos modos de entrada en el exterior utilizados en la internacionalización de esta industria en particular, y los distintos factores que hay que considerar para la correcta elección de la modalidad de penetración en otros mercados. Nuestro principal objetivo, por tanto, es definir, a partir de las explicaciones tradicionalmente utilizadas en la elección del modo de entrada, un conjunto de factores que han de tenerse en consideración para decidir entre las diferentes opciones de penetración en mercados exteriores. La evidencia empírica la realizamos a partir de una muestra de 122 establecimientos que las distintas cadenas hoteleras españolas tienen operando fuera de nuestro país. Con la aplicación de la Regresión Logística Ordinal (LOGIT model), y a partir del modelo de Contractor y Kundu (1998), pretendemos establecer qué factores inciden en la elección entre las distintas modalidades. Ésta vendrá determinada por variables relacionadas con el país de destino, variables específicas de la empresa, así como de una serie de factores relacionados con objetivos estratégicos

    Impact of Social Media on TV Content Consumption: New Market Strategies, Scenarios and Trends

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    The mass adoption of Social Media together with the proliferation and widely usage of multi-connected companion devices have tremendously transformed the TV/video consumption paradigm, opening the door to a new range of possibilities. This Special Issue has aimed at analyzing, from different point of views, the impact of Social Media and social interaction tools on the TV/video consumption area. The targeted topics of this Special Issue and a general overview of the accepted articles are provided in this Guest Editorial

    Agency theory: Forecasting agent remuneration at insurance companies

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    The principal–agent problem occurs when one entity (the ‘‘agent’’), is able to make decisions and/or take actions on behalf of another person or entity (the ‘‘principal’’). The agent earnings are regulated under a contract designed by the principal. Under the principal’s point of view, the main goal while designing said contract (and the payment rules incorporated on it) is to align the actions made by the agent to the principal’s own goals. So, in this paper we will define a method that will allow the principal to forecast the remuneration obtained by the agent under an established contract in the insurance sector

    Reacondicionamiento de un vehículo con fines didácticos para el taller automotriz de la Facultad de Tecnología de la Industria

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    El presente trabajo consiste en la reactivación de un automóvil que se encuentra en estado de abandono en el la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, específicamente en el taller automotriz de la facultad de la Tecnología de la Industria con el propósito de restaurar todos sus sistemas para que sea utilizado como complemento didáctico de formación en las asignaturas de Motores de Combustión Interna y Maquinas Automotrices de la carrera de ingeniería mecánica


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    The tourism is one of the principal sectors that sustains the Spanish economy, and especially the Andalusian one. Inside this one, the hotel industry has the major weight inside the sector. Due to a series of motives, it becomes necessary that the hotel Andalusian chains should tackle his process of internationalization. In this work, we do a X-ray photography of the current situation of the hotel Andalusian chains. From there, and after an analytical study of the internationalization of the hotel industry we describe the different manners of entry in the exterior used in the internationalization of this industry especially, and the different factors that it is necessary to consider for the correct choice of the modality of penetration other markets. Our principal aim, therefore, is to define, from the explanations traditionally used in the election of the way of entry, a set of factors that have to be had in consideration to decide between the different options of penetration foreign markets. We realize the empirical evidence from a sample of 122 establishments that the different hotel Spanish chains haveo operating out of our country. With the application of the Logistic Ordinal Regression (LOGIT model), and from the model of Contractor and Kundu (1998), we try to establish what factors affect in the choice between the different modalities. This one will come determined by variables related to the country of destination, specific variables of the company, as well as of a series of factors related to strategic aims

    Functional and structural brain connectivity of young binge drinkers: a follow-up study

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    Adolescence is a period of ongoing brain maturation characterized by hierarchical changes in the functional and structural networks. For this reason, the young brain is particularly vulnerable to the toxic effects of alcohol. Nowadays, binge drinking is a pattern of alcohol consumption increasingly prevalent among adolescents. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the evolution of the functional and anatomical connectivity of the Default Mode Network (DMN) in young binge drinkers along two years. Magnetoencephalography signal during eyes closed resting state as well as Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) were acquired twice within a 2-year interval from 39 undergraduate students (22 controls, 17 binge drinkers) with neither personal nor family history of alcoholism. The group comparison showed that, after maintaining a binge drinking pattern along at least two years, binge drinkers displayed an increased brain connectivity of the DMN in comparison with the control group. On the other hand, the structural connectivity did not show significant differences neither between groups nor over the time. These findings point out that a continued pattern of binge drinking leads to functional alterations in the normal brain maturation process, even before anatomical changes can be detected.This study was supported by the projects SPI/2010 and SPI/2010/051 from Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Politics (National Plan on Drugs). Funding was also provided from the SFRH/BPD/109750/2015 Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology as well as the Research Center on Psychology (UID/PSI/01662/2013)S

    Analysis of sonification for EEG classification

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    Objetive of the analysis: Analyze whether the implementation of EEG sonification can discriminate or highlight patterns to improve classification of words during unspoken speech.Trabajos libres ISTEC Salud y ACE.Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC

    WEBSEIDF: A web-based system for the estimation of IDF curves in Central Chile

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    The lack of reliable continuous rainfall records can exacerbate the negative impact of extreme storm events. The inability to describe the continuous characteristics of rainfall from storm events increases the likelihood that the design of hydraulic structures will be inadequate. To mitigate extreme storm impacts and improve water governance at the catchment scale, it is vital to improve the availability of data and the array of tools used to model and forecast hydrological processes. In this paper, we describe and discuss the implementation of a web-based system for the estimation of intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves (WEBSEIDF) in Chile. The web platform was constructed using records from 47 pluviographic gauges available in central Chile (30–40° S), with at least 15 years of reliable records. IDF curves can be generated for durations ranging from 15 min to 24 h. In addition, the extrapolation of rainfall intensity from pluviograph to pluviometric gauges (i.e., 24-h rainfall accumulation) can be carried out using the storm index (SI) method. IDF curves can also be generated for any spatial location within central Chile using the ordinary Kriging method. These procedures allow the generation of numerical and graphical displays of IDF curves, for any selected spatial location, and for any combination of probability distribution function (PDF), parameter estimation method, and type of IDF model. One of the major advantages of WEBSEIDF is the flexibility of its database, which can be easily modified and saved to generate IDF curves under user-defined scenarios, that is, changing climate conditions. The implementation and validation of WEBSEIDF serves as a decision support system, providing an important tool for improving the ability of the Chilean government to mitigate the impact of extreme hydrologic events in central Chile. The system is freely available for students, researchers, and other relevant professionals, to improve technical decisions of public and private institutions