628 research outputs found

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenÍ skynjunarsálfræði sjónar er algengt að lýsa fyrirbærum sjónarinnar með myndrænum hætti. Kannski er engin mynd af þessum toga þekktari en sú sem birtist í doktorsritgerð Edgars Rubin, Synsoplevede Figurer, sem hann varði við Kaupmannahafnarháskóla árið 1915. Þessi mynd gengur oft undir heitinu „Vasi Rubins“. Myndin er sérstök að því leyti að út úr henni má ýmist sjá vasa eða tvö andlit andspænis hvort öðru. Í þessu erindi verða sögð deili á höfundi myndarinnar, Edgar Rubin (1886– 1951), sem var prófessor í sálfræði við Hafnarháskóla 1922–1951, og er kannski þekktasti sálfræðingur Norðurlanda. Skoðaðar verða fyrirmyndir Rubins að umræddri mynd, lítillega vikið að umfjöllun hans í doktorsritgerðinni um myndina – en þar var í fyrsta sinni fjallað rækilega um þann mun sem er á skynjun myndar og bakgrunns (figure/ ground). Sýnd verður hin upphaflega gerð myndar Rubins og skoðuð dæmi um það hvernig hún hefur skilað sér í inngangskennslubókum í sálfræði á síðustu árum

    Sisemise treeningkoormuse kvantifitseerimine ja selle praktiline rakendamine treeningul

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneIntensiivsus, kestus ja sagedus on „kuldne kolmik,“ millega manipuleerides saab sportlase sooritusvõimes esile kutsuda kohanemisprotsesse kõrgete sportlike tulemuste saavutamiseks. Kui ma jooksen kõige kauem, kas minust saab Eesti kõige vastupidavam jooksumees? Kui ma käin jõusaalis naabrist enam, kas ma saan siis temast tugevamaks? Paraku nii lihtne see kõik pole. Liigne treening viib reeglina ülekoormuseni, samas vähene treening ei taga organismile piisavat mõju ning ei ole seetõttu arendav. Kuidas aga kõige optimaalsemalt treenida, et jõuda seatud eesmärkideni? Selleks on oluline jälgida, mõõta ja mõista kuldse kolmiku tulemit - treeningkoormust. Treeningkoormust on kirjeldatud kui ärritajat, mida õiges koguses rakendades kutsutakse organismis esile soovitud kohanemine. Jooksmisele kulunud aeg ehk treeningu kestus, või jõusaalis tõstetud raskused on seotud treeningute jälgimisega välise treeningkoormuse abil. Küll aga tegelik sooritusvõime sõltub sportlase kohanemisest välisele treeningkoormusele. Seda kutsutakse organismi reaktsiooniks ehk sisemiseks treeningkoormuseks. Sisemine treeningkoormus kajastub näiteks muutustega verepildis, suurenenud südame löögisageduses ja hapniku tarbimises. Samas ei pruugi need parameetrid olla praktikas lihtsasti mõõdetavad. Üheks praktiliseks meetodiks on sportlase enesehinnang treeningu raskusele – kuldse kolmiku mõjule ehk koormusele. „Kui raske see treening oli?“ peegeldab sellele vastust. Subjektiivset hinnangut korrutades treeningu kestusega saame numbrilise väärtuse sisemisest treeningkoormusest. Seejärel on numbriliselt võimalik koormus kategoriseerida Kergeks, Keskmiseks või Raskeks. Väitekirjas uurisime treeningkoormuse kategoriseerimist ning analüüsisime selle seoseid sooritusvõime ja väsimusega. Leidsime, et noorsportlastel sarnase välise koormuse kasutamine kutsub esile erineva hinnangu koormusele, mis võib mõjutada ka nende kohanemist treeningutele. Samuti leidsime, et Rasked treeningud on seotud sooritusvõime paranemisega, ent kombinatsioonis Keskmiste treeningutega kutsuvad nad esile ka väsimuse suurenemise. Lisaks iseloomustasid koormushinnangud paremini sportlase väsimus-seisundit, võrreldes südame löögisageduse hindamisega.Athletes frequently use manipulations with intensity, duration, and frequency, the “golden trio”, to stimulate an adaptive response that should lead to improvements in performance. If I run the most, will I become the greatest long-distance runner? If I go to the gym more than my neighbour, will I get stronger than him? Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Excessive training usually leads to overtraining. In contrast, too small training does not provide enough stimulus to induce positive adaptation. But how to train in the most optimal way to reach the desired goal? One very important component in the training process is to measure, monitor and understand the outcome of the “golden trio” - the training load. Training load has been described as the input variable that is manipulated to elicit the desired training response. Time spent on running, the duration; or weight lifted are both associated with external training load. However, it is the relative physiological stress imposed, internal training load, that determines the stimulus for the training adaptation. Internal training load is reflected by the changes in the blood biochemistry, by the increases in heart rate or oxygen consumption. Measuring these parameters, however, require specific apparatus and are, therefore, not always feasible in practical settings. One practical method is to measure an individual’s subjective response to the golden trio, - training load. “How hard was your workout?” has been shown to provide valid answers. Internal training load is calculated by multiplying this athlete’s response to the duration of the session. Accordingly, we can then further quantify training load as Easy, Moderate, or Hard sessions. The main aim of the dissertation was to investigate training load categorization and analyse its relationships with performance and fatigue. Training with a similar external training load in young athletes resulted in a significant variation in internal load, which might affect the adaptation to training. Hard training sessions were related to improvements in performance, but in combination with Moderate sessions also increased fatigue. Additionally, subjectively rated effort quantification characterized the state of Fatigue better, compared to the heart rate- based method.https://www.ester.ee/record=b549193

    Monitoring training load: necessity, methods and applications

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    Regular physical activity and participation in organized sports is important contributor to performance and for overall health and fitness in humans of various age range. In performance related areas, every detail in the training sessions is important for the athlete to be in the best shape the chosen competition day. Sport scientists have been making hard effort to find out how the training has the influence on performance. Thus, training monitoring is important tool to evaluate an athlete’s response to training. Banister developed the ‘training impulse’ (TRIMP) as a method to quantify training load. The TRIMP consists of the exercise intensity calculated by the heart rate (HR) reserve method and the duration of exercise. Foster et al. [23] developed a modification of the rating of the perceived exertion method, which uses Rated Perceived Exertion (RPE) as a marker of training intensity within the TRIMP concept. For quantifying and calculating training load, the athlete’s RPE (1–10pt scale) is multiplied by the duration of the session. Ideally, the perceptions of training load should match between athlete and coach to have optimal adaptation. Thus, this brief review article is evaluating training monitoring opportunities without the need of expensive equipment

    Växternas samspel i rabatten

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    Det finns en rådande problematik kring att ogräsplantor etablerar sig i trädgårdens rabatter. En oönskad planta som innebär konkurrens för kulturväxten, den odlade växten. Ogräsplantan konkurrerar om ljus, utrymme, växtnäring och vatten samtidigt som den drar ner planteringens prydnadsvärde. Denna uppsats fokuserar på hur de marktäckande växterna kan begränsa ogräsets etableringsförmåga i rabatten genom att täcka eller beskugga marken. Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera olika växtkombinationer, passande för olika typer av rabatter, som förhindrar etableringsmöjligheten för ogräs. En viktig punkt har även varit att rabatterna ska vara dynamiska, vilket innebär att varierande volymer, bladverk och blomning, årstidsdynamik samt färgskala har behandlats. För att identifiera marktäckande växtkombinationer genomfördes en litteraturstudie för att fastställa viktiga principer att tänka på vid rabattdesign med dessa målpunkter. Enligt den framtagna checklistan ska gestaltaren förhålla sig till följande principer: växtens ståndortsfaktorer, växtens expansionssätt och växtform, växtens livslängd och konkurrensförmåga samt optimalt avstånd mellan plantor. Ett typexempel redovisas i denna uppsats där olika typer av marktäckande växter, högre perenner samt mindre buskar har behandlats. Typexemplet visar på hur dessa växtmaterial kan kombineras för att reducera ogräsets etableringsförmåga samt uppnå en dynamisk rabatt. Exemplet behandlar en villaträdgårds befintliga rabatter, vilka innehåller ett flertal ståndorter. Litteraturstudiens resultat, checklistan, samt typexemplet tyder på att marktäckande växter kan reducera ogräsets etableringsförmåga i rabatten om tid läggs på en medveten gestaltning.There is a current problem with weed seedlings establishing in the garden. It is an unwanted plant that competes with the cultivated plant for light, space, nutrition and water as well as diminishing the plantation’s ornamental value. This essay focuses on how the ground covering plants can limit the weeds capability to establish in the garden through covering or shading of the surface. The purpose of this essay is to identify different combinations of plants that are appropriate for different types of gardens and that prohibits weeds to establish. Moreover, another significant point that has been treated in this essay is the dynamic of the garden when it comes to volume, foliage, flowering, the seasonal dynamic and colour scale. To identify ground covering plant combinations a literature study was made to determine the important principals of garden design with some specific target points, The designer should act according to the principles in the following list: the plants habitat factors, expansion and growth form, life-span, competitiveness and the optimal distance between plants. An example of this is exemplified in this essay where ground covering plants, higher perennials and smaller bushes have been treated. The type example displays how these plant materials can be combined to reduce the ability of the weeds establishment as well as achieving a dynamic garden. The example treats a villa garden with its different sections, which entails several different localities. The result of the literature study, the checklist, as well as the type example indicates that ground-covering plants can reduce the weed seedlings capability of establishing itself in the garden if enough time is put into a conscious design of the garden

    History Education in the Anthropocene

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    As much as history education is supposed to be about the past, it is oriented towards the future. History teachers are guided by a variety of purposes, such as cultural inheritance, critical and disciplinary thinking, identity formation and personal development, or activism and social change. Each of these purposes is imbued with particular notions of memory, citizenship and other values relevant to preparing young people for the future. While it may not always be explicit, a prevailing assumption in history education, as with Canadian curriculum, generally speaking, is that the future is a place and time to which we should look forward, as it will improve upon the past. But as we are coming to know, that may not be a responsible or accurate frame to pass on to the next generation. What theoretical and practical supports can help history educators renew their teaching in light of the Anthropocene, and particularly the climate crisis? In seeking to attune history education to a relational, ecological and ethical future orientation, we turned to the fields of Indigenous studies, environmental history and climate change education. We suggest some new, and even radical, directions we might look as a community of history educators. In doing so, we hope to nurture solidarity in navigating uncertainty together. With a set of common questions, assumptions and goals to guide us, we may find ways of teaching and learning that respond more meaningfully to the precarity of our times

    Parem jooksu ökonoomsus jooksurajal võrreldes jooksulindil jooksmisega

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    Gestaltningsprinciper för utemiljöer vid demensboenden

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    Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka hur utemiljöer till demensboenden kan gestaltas utifrån de boendes behov och förmågor. När en person drabbas av en demensdiagnos följer ofta flera symptom, bland annat så kan människans kognitiva förmågor försämras, vilket kan påverka hennes minne, språk, orienteringsförmåga och tidsuppfattning. Landskapsarkitekten behöver vara medveten om hur personer som lider av en demenssjukdom uppfattar och tolkar sin omgivning och värdet i att gestalta efter deras behov och förmågor. Genom bakgrundstudier har flera gestaltningsprinciper tagits fram, vilka ger riktlinjer på hur en utemiljö till ett demensboende kan gestaltas med hänsyn till målgruppen. Gestaltningsprinciperna behandlar såväl utemiljöns strukturella uppbyggnad, hur sinnen kan stimuleras för att väcka minnen samt andra viktiga aspekter att ta hänsyn till vid utformning av utemiljöer till demensboenden. För att visa på hur gestaltningsprinciperna kan användas i praktiken presenteras i arbetet ett gestaltningsförslag på utemiljön tillhörande Ängsklockans äldreboende i Västerås. Detta examensarbete belyser hur viktig den närmsta utemiljön är för personer som lider av en demensdiagnos, likväl som det belyser landskapsarkitektens roll och ansvar när det kommer till att gestalta efter målgruppens behov och förmågor. Alla människor, oavsett sjukdom, ålder eller bakgrund ska ha rätt till en anpassad utemiljö. När personen själv inte kan föra sin talan måste medmänniskan hjälpa till. Det behöver inte vara mer kostsamt eller ta mer tid att gestalta en utemiljö anpassad efter målgruppen, så länge som kunskap finns kring vad målgruppen behöver och efterfrågar.The purpose of this thesis is to examine how outdoor environments of nursing homes for people with dementia can be designed according to the user’s needs and abilities. When a person gets a dementia disease some symptoms often occur which sometimes affect the person’s cognitive capacity. A distinct cognitive capacity can affect the person’s ability to remember, to speak, to orientate and to understand time. With this in mind, the landscape architect who will design the outdoor environment of a nursing home for people with dementia will have to design with respect to the user’s needs and abilities. Through background studies, which included literature-study and interviews, design principles have been developed which give guidelines to the designer on how to design the outdoor environments for people with dementia. The design principles treats with both the outdoor environment structural composition, how the designer can think about the activities and elements in the outdoor environment and also how to evoke memories by stimulating the senses. The design principles are exemplified in the thesis with a design proposal for the nursing home Ängsklockan in the city of Västerås in Sweden. This thesis highlights the importance the close outdoor environment has for people with a dementia diagnosis. It also highlights the role and responsibility the landscape architects have when it comes to creating an outdoor environment that has to be adapted to the users’ needs and abilities. All people, regardless of illness, age or background should have the right to an adapted outdoor environment. When the persons themselves can’t tell what they want and need, the architect has to be aware of it. It doesn´t have to be expansive or take a lot of time to shape an outdoor environment tailored to the user’s capacities. We just have to get knowledge about what the user need and wants

    Tilgængelighedsplan for Frederiksberg Kommune

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    Frederiksberg Kommune, Teknisk Direktorat, Vej og Parkafdelingen har i samarbejde med konsulentfirmaet Via Trafik udarbejdet en tilgængelighedsplan for de udendørs, offentlige færdselsarealer. Tilgængelighedsplanen har til formål at skabe et sammenhængende net i Frederiksberg Kommune, hvor ældre og personer med færdselshandicaps kan færdes uden at møde uoverkommelige, fysiske forhindringer. Som en del af arbejdet med planen er det kortlagt, hvilke nuværende problemer disse grupper har, når de færdes på gader og stier mellem en række rejsemål på Frederiksberg. Problemerne er registret på 14 forskellige ruter. Kortlægningen er foregået vha. tablet-pc direkte i specieltudviklet GIS-program. For at kunne sammenligne de enkelte ruter på en ensartet måde og vurdere, hvilke ruter der bør prioriteres, blev der anvendt følgende parametre: point for vigtighed af rejsemål og rutens placering på Frederiksberg, rutens længde, antal problemer og antal alvorlige problemer. Arbejdet udmundede i en handlingsplan der beskriver hvilke tiltag der anvendes for at forbedre forholdene på ruterne. Problemerne kan overordnet set afhjælpes som et særligt tilgængelighedsprojekt, i forbindelse med planlagte drifts- og anlægsarbejder, i forbindelse med ledningsrenovering og lign. eller i forbindelse med andre tiltag. Tilgængelighedsplanen er vedtaget i foråret 2005 og der er afsat 300.000 kr. i år til tilgængelighedsprojekter