14 research outputs found

    Art Therapy Interventions that Facilitate Non-Verbal Expressions and how Art Therapy Can Improve Communication for Children with Autism

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    Autism prevalence in America has increased rapidly over the years and numerous research studies have been conducted to measure the benefits of art therapy practice within this community. Advances in the mental health field have been also made to help offer improved treatment. Art therapy uses the process of engaging in artmaking with various mediums to make products that can be used in both assessment and treatment. The art can serve as a reflection of a person’s development, abilities and personalities. In this paper, the literature review will cover: Autism, communication, available treatments, and art therapy. The research methodology employed is qualitative research in the form of a single case study. The case study illustrates art therapy interventions used with a child, to help increase social skills and attention span in classroom activities. This paper discusses how art therapy interventions help facilitate non-verbal expression in children with autism and how art therapy improves communication among this population

    Vessel target location estimation during the TIPS procedure

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    Creation of a Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) requires passage of a needle toward a moving target that is only seen transiently by x-ray prior to needle passage. Intraoperative, 3D target localization would facilitate target access and improve the safety of the procedure. The clinical assumption is that patients undergoing the TIPS procedure possess rigid, cirrhotic livers that undergo only intraoperative translation without significant deformation or rotation. Based upon this assumption, we hypothesize that the position of any unseen, 3D target point within the liver can be determined intraoperatively by precalculation of the relative positions of the target point to a different 3D point that can be tracked intraoperatively. This paper examines this hypothesis using intraoperatively acquired, biplane, x-ray images of 7 patients. In 6, we tracked the effects of cardiac and respiratory motion, and in 3 the effects of needle pressure. Methods involved reconstruction of 3D vessel bifurcation and other trackable intrahepatic points from biplane angiograms, measurement of liver deformation by examining changing distances between these 3D points over time, and comparison of expected to actual displacements of these points with respect to a fixed reference point in the liver. We conclude that, for the rigid livers associated with patients undergoing TIPS, that there is less intraoperative deformation than previously reported by other groups addressing healthy liver deformation, and that the location of an unseen target can be predicted within 3 mm accuracy

    Une approche contrÎlée du traitement d'exceptions en programmation fonctionnelle

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    A partir de l'analyse du processus par lequel des exceptions en ML peuvent Ă©chapper Ă  leur champ de dĂ©claration, Philippe de Groote a proposĂ© lors de TLCA'95 un lambda-calcul simplement typĂ© de traitement d'exceptions statique assurant qu'un terme correctement typĂ© ne pouvait donner lieu Ă  une exception non capturĂ©e. Le principe permettant d'aboutir Ă  un tel rĂ©sultat consiste Ă  garantir que chaque gestionnaire d'exception reste accessible pendant toute la durĂ©e d'exĂ©cution du programme. Nous nous proposons d'Ă©tudier ce concept dans un cadre de programmation rĂ©aliste autorisant la rĂ©cursion gĂ©nĂ©rale par l'ajout au calcul d'un opĂ©rateur de point fixe.Le calcul ainsi obtenu est prĂ©sentĂ© sous trois formes sĂ©mantiques:respectivement un systĂšme de rĂšgles de rĂ©duction, une sĂ©mantique opĂ©rationnelle et un modĂšle dĂ©notationnel basĂ© sur la notion de transformation par continuations. En Ă©tablissant que ces trois interprĂ©tations sont Ă©quivalentes sur une classe particuliĂšre de termes (les programmes), nous montrons en quoi l'approche statique du traitement d'exceptions peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e dans certains cas comme une alternative raisonnable au traitement classique.By analysing the way ML exceptions can escape their scope of declaration, Philippe de Groote proposed in TLCA'95 a simply typed lambda-calculus of "static" exception handling ensuring that a well typed term cannot lead to a uncaught exception. The underlying idea was to keep the handlers active during the entire execution of the program. We propose a study of this concept in a realistic programming context authorizing general recursion by means of a fixed-point operator. The resulting calculus is described using three semantical forms: reduction rules, operational semantics and CPS semantics. We establish that these three interpretations are equivalent for a particular class of terms (the programs), thus showing that static exception handling can sometimes be considered as an acceptable alternative to classical, "dynamic" exception handling.NANCY1-SCD Sciences & Techniques (545782101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Unraveling the relationships between freshwater invertebrate assemblages and interacting environmental factors

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    Resilience in Ecotoxicology: Toward a Multiple Equilibrium Concept

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    The term resilience describes stress-response patterns across scientific disciplines. In ecology, advances have been made to clearly define resilience based on underlying mechanistic assumptions. Engineering resilience (rebound) is used to describe the ability of organisms to recover from adverse conditions (disturbances), which is termed the rate of recovery. By contrast, the ecological resilience definition considers a systemic change, that is, when ecosystems reorganize into a new regime following disturbance. Under this new regime, structural and functional aspects change considerably relative to the previous regime, without recovery. In this context, resilience is an emergent property of complex systems. In the present study, we argue that both definitions and uses are appropriate in ecotoxicology, and although the differences are subtle, the implications and uses are profoundly different. We discuss resilience concepts in ecotoxicology, where the prevailing view of resilience is engineering resilience from chemical stress. Ecological resilience may also be useful for describing systemic ecological changes because of chemical stress. We present quantitative methods that allow ecotoxicologists and risk managers to assess whether an ecosystem faces an impending regime shift or whether it has already undergone such a shift. We contend that engineering and ecological resilience help to distinguish ecotoxicological responses to chemical stressors mechanistically and thus have implications for theory, policy, and application