193 research outputs found

    Identificación y descripción de los patrones de carrera de una muestra de jóvenes durante la fase de incorporación a su primer empleo

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    This article aims to identify the career of young people who have recently entered full-time employment. The socio-demographic characteristics included in each pattern are analysed as well as the possible psychological consequences of the patterns identified. 215 young people were interviewed. At the time of the interview, all were working in their first full time job as machine operator (in the metal industry) or as administrative staff (in a range of industries). They had been employed between 3 and 9 months. The results identify three transition patterns: delayed transition from school to full-time work; early transition from unemplyment to full-time work, and transition to full-time job but in combination with further education. The data obtained also present significant differemces between groups as regards psychological well being and behavioral strategies deployed to cope with job demands.El objetivo del presente trabajo es la identificación de los patrones de carrera que sigue una muestra de jóvenes durante la etapa de transición a su primer empleo. Asimismo, se analizan las posibles diferencias en el modo en que acceden esos jóvenes a ese empleo en función de determinadas características socio-demográficas y laborales, y las posibles consecuencias psicológicas de los diferentes patrones de carrera identificados. La muestra está formada por 215 jóvenes quienes en el momento de la entrevista tienen su primer empleo estable bien como operadores de maquinaria de producción y manufactura o como usuarios y operadores de sistemas de información. Los resultados identifican tres formas básicas mediante las cuales los jóvenes de la muestra acceden a su primer empleo: "transición tardía de los estudios a un trabajo estable", "transición temprana del desempleo a un trabajo estable" y "patrón de estudios más trabajo". Además, se observa que las diferentes formas de acceder al mercado laboral están asociadas a diferentes maneras de experimentar esa transición y a diferentes estilos de afrontarla

    Un nou enfocament en el lideratge del segle XXI

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    La noció segons la qual algunes persones poden ser primus inter pares (primer/a entre iguals) és potser el pilar fonamental de la nostra societat actual. La pregunta sobre qui hauria de ser el primer ha estat font de curiositat i inspiració per a religions, filòsofs i artistes. Malgrat això, la veritable pregunta no és tan sols qui ha de ser el primer, sinó també quines qualitats, valors o creences permeten que algú es destaque sobre els altres per guiar-los. En aquest treball desenvolupem teòricament certes característiques dels líders i de les organitzacions i l'impacte que tenen en la salut psicològica dels individus, i tot seguit presentem alternatives teòriques en funció dels avanços en la literatura acadèmica, específicament el model del lideratge autènticThe notion that some people may be primus inter pares (first among peers) is perhaps the cornerstone of our society. The question of who should be the first has been source of curiosity and inspiration for religions, philosophers and artists. However, the real question is not only who should be first, but which qualities, values or beliefs allow someone leading people. This paper theoretically develop certain characteristics of leaders and organizations and their impact on the psychological health of individuals, and then present theoretical alternatives based on developments in the academic literature, specifically the model of authentic leadership

    Perceptions of Human Resources Managers Regarding Coaching in Brazil

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    Nowadays organizations are concerned with nding a model for restructuring the management of people so they may be able to adapt to the changes and to nd appropriate responses to organizational demands. Coaching appears as a high cost service focused on changing behavior in order to develop people and achieve better results. However Coaching has been considered a growing industry where the results are uncertain and with lack of consistency and clear information to help organizations make informed choices when hiring a coach (Dutra, 2007; Ferreira, 2008; Liljenstrand, 2003; Dagley, 2006; Grant, 2001). This paper presents the initial ndings of our study that intends to describe and characterize the perceptions of Human Resources Managers regarding Coaching in Brazil. A quantitative method was used, via an on-line questionnaire based survey with 60 items developed by Paez (2010)and answered by 136 HR managers in Brazil. Participants were approached via telephone and by e-mail during 2009/2010. An exploratory factor analysis has provided a three-factor solution with 40.04% of variance explained. Factor 1, Results expected (company level), includes items about what HR managers expect as results of the Coaching in organizations and explains 27.94% of variance (a=0.70). Factor 2, Results expected (individual level), includes items related to expectations about skills development and performance improvement of executives and explains 11.38% of variance (a=0.82). Factor 3, Coaching in HRM, includes items regarding the importance of Coaching in HRM and the possibility of using a Coaching service in the future and explains 7.12% of variance (a=0.62). Findings highlighted that HR managers perceived Executive Coaching as a main stream of skills and abilities development in organizations and showed a concern about how to measure Coaching results in individual and organizational level. Results suggested that the questionnaire Perceptions of HR managers about Executive Coaching constitutes a valid instrument for research purposes, an useful tool for giving feedback to the consultants about their coaching practices and also to measure the level of knowledge regarding Coaching of potential clients

    Competència traductora i ensenyament de llengües estrangeres

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    L'ensenyament de llengües estrangeres per a traductors es defineix a partir de dos paràmetres: el procés traductor i la competència traductora. Pretén desenvolupar les subcompetències que configuren la competència de transferència, que són imprescindibles per a traduir. Es tracta de les competències lingüística, textual, cultural, empàtica i instrumental. La finalitat d'aquest ensenyament serà desenvolupar aquestes competències.Teaching foreign languages for translators is defined from two parametres: translation competence and the translation process. It aims at developing the many subcompetences -linguistic, textual, cultural, empatic and instrumental- within the transfer competence, which are indispensible for translating

    Managing in the new normal: Positive management practices elicit higher goal attainment, goal commitment, and perceived task efficacy than traditional management practices in remote work settings. An experimental study

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    The COVID-19 global pandemic will likely change how organizations conduct business. For example, a white paper from McKinsey claims that flexible and remote work arrangements (e.g., “working-from-home”) will become increasingly frequent in the “new normal” that will follow the COVID-19 pandemic. Our work is motivated by the premise that in a post-pandemic workplace, traditional management practices like unilaterally assigning goals and displaying contingent rewarding behaviors will likely be replaced by positive management practices. In this context, positive management practices include allowing employees to self-set their goals and displaying authentic leadership behaviors while managing them. However, whether these positive management practices are more efficient in sustaining performance is unknown. Our study benchmarked positive management practices against traditional management practices in a remote work environment, using three individual performance metrics: goal attainment, goal commitment, and perceived task efficacy. In a panel laboratory experiment consisting of a baseline measurement and two work sessions, we randomly assigned participants to an authentic vs. transactional leadership condition (amateur actor recording) and one of three possible goal-setting types (assigned, self-set, “do-your-best”). Our results show that participants in the authentic leadership × self-set goals condition outperformed all other experimental conditions. Further, a post hoc analysis revealed a serial mediation effect of (a) goal attainment and (b) goal commitment at time 1 on perceived task efficacy reports at time 2

    Coaching leaders toward favorable trajectories of burnout and engagement

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    Existing literature on executive coaching has shown beneficial outcomes for leaders. Indeed, executive coaching can positively affect an individual’s psychological well-being and quality of work life. However, while burnout among leaders is on the rise, to our knowledge no prior study has investigated the influence of executive coaching on the dimensions of burnout and engagement concurrently. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to examine if an executive coaching intervention has positive effects on managerial burnout and engagement. We implemented a ten-week coaching intervention for leaders, where questionnaire data were collected at two time points. Participants (N = 92; Mage = 42; 64% male) were randomly assigned to an intervention or a wait-list control group. Self-reported levels of engagement and burnout were collected at the start of the study protocol (T1) and at the end (T2). Coaching sessions for the intervention group were one hour once per week. The control group did not receive coaching. Repeated measures ANOVAs examined the extent to which the intervention influences the leader’s engagement and burnout. Analyses revealed that all three dimensions of burnout significantly decreased for the intervention group over time while vigor increased. Findings did not reveal an increase in dedication and absorption. Consistent with prior literature, this study supports that executive coaching can improve a leader’s well-being. Specifically, this study shows that an executive coaching intervention can decrease burnout symptoms and increase vigor in leaders. Adding a follow-up survey to the design would allow for further exploration of the intervention on engagement

    Lidando com o stresse na fronteira final: uma intervenção para reduzir o stresse induzido por voos espaciais

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    Research in human spaceflight has extensively documented how microgravity environments, such as spaceflight across Low Earth Orbit (LEO), affects astronauts’ and Spaceflight Participants’ emotions. However, a more refined understanding of this topic will become especially relevant as national and international space agencies increase the duration of manned space missions, and as the private sector fully enters the aerospace arena. In this paper, we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the four main types of interventions for dealing with the stressors associated with human spaceflight (i.e., ergonomic, physiological, psychological, and psychosocial), and then elaborate on a psychosocial intervention grounded on evidence-based interventions across several fields of psychological research. Among the components of such interventions, we recommend adopting advanced stress coping strategies, developing emotional and intercultural competencies and crafting a shared social identity among crew members. Our proposed intervention aims to enhance the efficacy of social support as a key coping mechanism and applies to crewmembers and spaceflight participants of diverse cultural backgrounds who, most likely, will work using computer-mediated communication (CMC).Investigações em voos espaciais tripulados documentaram extensivamente como os ambientes de microgravidade, como voos espaciais pela órbita baixa da Terra (OBT), afetam as emoções dos astronautas e dos participantes do Voo Espacial. No entanto, um entendimento mais refinado deste tópico tornar-se-á especialmente relevante, à medida que as agências espaciais nacionais e internacionais aumentem a duração das missões espaciais tripuladas e que o setor privado entre totalmente na arena aeroespacial. Neste artigo, analisamos os pontos fortes e fracos dos quatro principais tipos de intervenções para lidar com os stressores associados ao voo espacial humano (ergonómico, fisiológico, psicológico e psicossocial) e depois desenhamos uma intervenção psicossocial sustentada em intervenções baseadas em evidências realizadas em vários campos da investigação psicológica. Entre os componentes de tais intervenções, recomendamos a adoção de estratégias avançadas para lidar com o stresse, o desenvolvimento de competências emocionais e interculturais e a criação de uma identidade social partilhada entre os membros da tripulação. A nossa proposta de intervenção visa aumentar a eficácia do apoio social como um mecanismo chave para lidar com o stresse e aplica-se a tripulantes e participantes de voos espaciais de diversas origens culturais que, muito provavelmente, irão trabalhar usando comunicação mediada por computador (CMC)