148 research outputs found

    Sens, supports et dispositifs Le design des TIC en termes de dessins et de desseins

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    International audienceSens, supports et dispositifs : le design des TIC en termes de dessins et de desseins Croisant l'histoire du design des TIC et la sémiotique des supports, cet article modélise, à partir des concepts de préfiguration, configuration et figuration (Goffman, 1973 et Boutaud, 2005), le processus via lequel les technologies d'information communication prennent place et sens dans les pratiques culturelles. Cette modélisation précise l'articulation complexe des strates énonciatives en jeu dans le design des technologies à l'usage. Les objets numériques, dépendant en usage d'un dispositifcommunicationnel, technique, économique, configurent de façon particulière les scènes pratiques en jouant sur les spécificités des technologies qui préfigurent des expériences d'information et de communication. Les supports matériels et éditoriaux, les dispositifs configurent celles-ci tandis que les usagers les figurent ou les contre-figurent tout en influant sur le design des autres strates. Introduction Cet article interroge les TIC dans leurs différents moments du faire sens. À la suite de Goffman (1973) et Boutaud (2005), nous proposons de reprendre les processusde préfiguration, configuration et figuration.Cela permet de préciser comme les technologies numériques préfigurent des expériences d'information et de communication à un niveau général (1), comment les supports matériels et logiciels reposant sur ces technologies configurent les expériences d'information et de communication (2), comment les usages de ces supports, intégrés à des dispositifs institutionnels et sociaux mais liés à des contenus précisfigurent du sens (3).En pratique, les utilisateurs peuvent soit performer, c'est-à-dire conforter les valeurs et le sens qui sous-tendent leurs expériences d'information et de communication par l'utilisation prévue par les concepteurs, soit contre-performer, à savoir résister à ces valeurs et à ce sens enles détournant voireen les renouvelant. Pour ce faire, nous mettrons en relation deux ancrages théoriques : l'histoire du design des TIC et la sémiotique des supports. Nous proposerons une modélisation du processus via lequel les technologies d'information communication prennent place et sens dans les pratiques culturelles. La première partie précisera la portée heuristique d'une approche croisée entre l'histoire du design et la sémiotique des supports. La deuxième partie proposera la modélisation du processus d'imprégnation des TIC dans les pratiques culturelles et la commentera en spécifiant les interrelations entre les quatre strates d'énonciation. Approche croisée entre l'histoire du design et la sémiotique des supports. Quelle portée heuristique

    Mechanisms of Na+-Ca2+ Exchange Inhibition by Amphiphiles in CardiacMyocytes: Importance of Transbilayer Movement

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    The membrane lipid environment and lipid signaling pathways are potentially involved in the modulation of the activity of the cardiac Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX). In the present study biophysical mechanisms of interactions of amphiphiles with the NCX and the functional consequences were examined. For this purpose, intracellular Ca2+ concentration jumps were generated by laser-flash photolysis of caged Ca2+ in guinea-pig ventricular myocytes and Na+-Ca2+ exchange currents (INa/Ca) were recorded in the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The inhibitory effect of amphiphiles increased with the length of the aliphatic chain between C7 and C10 and was more potent with cationic or anionic head groups than with uncharged head groups. Long-chain cationic amines (C12) exhibited a cut-off in their efficacy in INa/Ca inhibition. Analysis of the time-course, comparison with the Ni2+-induced INa/Ca block and confocal laser scanning microscopy experiments with fluorescent lipid analogs (C6- and C12-NBD-labeled analogs) suggested that amphiphiles need to be incorporated into the membrane. Furthermore, NCX block appears to require transbilayer movement of the amphiphile to the inner leaflet ("flip”). We conclude that both, hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between the lipids and the NCX may be important factors for the modulation by lipids and could be relevant in cardiac diseases where the lipid metabolism is altere

    Pour une Approche sémio-pragmatique de la Communication

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    Si décrire la communication comme un échange participatif entre un énonciateur, un texte et un co-énonciateur relève d’un lieu commun, en définir les enjeux pour la construction du sens et proposer un cheminement théorique apte à son appréhension sont deux objectifs plus complexes et pourtant primordiaux dans le domaine des sciences de l’information et de la communication. Dans une approche sémio-pragmatique, cet article propose un modèle pour analyser la construction du sens dans la communication pluri-médiatique des genres publicitaires, plus précisément celui des publicités pour parfum. Quels sont les différents niveaux de pertinence du sens à l’œuvre quand un même énoncé passe d’un genre de pratique médiatique à un autre, d’un média à un autre ? Outre le jeu possible des ambiguïtés internes à l’énoncé, le sens réside aussi dans l’usage des supports médiatiques formels et matériels.If describing communication as an exchange between author, text, recipient is a commonplace, defining the stakes of this assertion for the construction of meaning and suggesting a theory to understand how meaning is produced are two complex but essential objectives in the field of sciences of information and communication. So, this paper suggests, with a semiotic approach, a model to study the emergence of the signification in the multi-media communication of the advertising genres, more exactly, of the advertising for perfumes. How to describe the different levels of pertinence of meaning which influence the interpretation when a text is transposed from a kind of practise to another, from a media to another ? Besides the possible play with the semiotic ambiguities of the text, meaning takes place in the use of the practical and formal media formats

    On the semiotic appropriation of ICT tools for people in loss of autonomy

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    International audienceIt is now widely accepted that ICT objects for people with loss of autonomy do not meet the expected services. Their non-appropriation by the people is the main reason. This finding is important for policy makers and institutional medical organizations and caregivers as well as device manufacturers. Consequently, the concept of adequate appropriation is a process that must be developed in order to reduce dependency and introduce the notion of "natural health behavior." The object / equipment / device must be integrated into the gesture and everyday history of the person. It is the goal of a semiotic approach should also allow through better use and greater ownership, a better assessment of the impact of the object on the welfare and better living of the person

    Semiotics and semantic: tools for an effective appropriation of information, communication and health technologies

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    International audienceAbstract: As Cultural Objects, ICTs belong to the human sphere. This surround is driven by polysemiotics performances (involving many signs systems) which praxeological semantics permits to interpret. The term of Praxeology (or theory of human action) is used so far as it concerns to link principally technical objects to social practices in which they appears. The meaning of these objects is then studied in relation with the actions to which they are associated. In the case of the ICTs, their proposed "coupling" approaches (in particular for the HMIs) lead to a better use and simplify the appropriation process. The study of users' discourses is very interesting from this point of view, and should lead to formulate recommendations for a more efficient appropriation of the ICTs. In parallel, according to a new idea of design related to electronic objects semiotics often takes place in a plan that relates different disciplines. It offers a common language to all partners and gives tools for a clear depiction of the objects and subjects involved in the interaction and tell how they interact. Example of vocal interfaces is described