2,401 research outputs found

    Bootstrapping spectral statistics in high dimensions

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    Statistics derived from the eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices are called spectral statistics, and they play a central role in multivariate testing. Although bootstrap methods are an established approach to approximating the laws of spectral statistics in low-dimensional problems, these methods are relatively unexplored in the high-dimensional setting. The aim of this paper is to focus on linear spectral statistics as a class of prototypes for developing a new bootstrap in high-dimensions --- and we refer to this method as the Spectral Bootstrap. In essence, the method originates from the parametric bootstrap, and is motivated by the notion that, in high dimensions, it is difficult to obtain a non-parametric approximation to the full data-generating distribution. From a practical standpoint, the method is easy to use, and allows the user to circumvent the difficulties of complex asymptotic formulas for linear spectral statistics. In addition to proving the consistency of the proposed method, we provide encouraging empirical results in a variety of settings. Lastly, and perhaps most interestingly, we show through simulations that the method can be applied successfully to statistics outside the class of linear spectral statistics, such as the largest sample eigenvalue and others.Comment: 42 page

    Magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) accelerator assisted synthesis of diamond

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    The use of a magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) accelerator for diamond synthesis is investigated. The acceleration process in an MPD device is reviewed and results presented for a test in which a low power (15 kW) MPD accelerator was used as the gas activation source for diamond deposition. A hydrogen–argon mixture was used in the discharge with externally injected methane as the carbon precursor. Results, including SEM images, Raman and x-ray diffraction spectra are presented for a 3.3 µm thick film deposited over a 100 min period. The Raman spectra include a broad background and shift in the diamond peak, indicative of contamination and stresses in the deposited film. Potential scaling benefits of the MPD accelerator as well as some of the drawbacks associated with methane injection and sample contamination underscored by the experiments are identified and discussed

    La discriminación como manifestación de violencia Institucional de las/os niñas/os con autismo en los centros educativos de la educación básica (I y II ciclo) del cantón Central de la provincia de Alajuela del primer semestre del 2003

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    Trabajo final de graduación de 209 páginas en formato pdfLa presente investigación se ubica en el paradigma naturalista y su enfoque es cuantitativo. Es una investigación aplicada, exploratoria, cuantitativa, descriptiva. Se utilizó como Fuente de información primaria, la proporcionada por los padres y madres de los niños/objetos de estudio, así como las/os directoras/es encargados de dichos Centros Educativos. Como información secundaria, se utilizó los expedientes de los niños/as, así como cualquier otro documento que tanto los padres y madres de familia, así como los docentes de los centros educativos, deseen facilitar a la investigación. De igual forma que toda la bibliografía consultada. Los objetivos del trabajo final de graduación son: 1). Analizar si los Centros Educativos de educación básica del primero y segundo ciclo del Distrito Primero, del Cantón Central de la Provincia de Alajuela, cumple con la garantía de Educación Inclusiva e integrativa de los niños y niñas diagnosticados/as con Autismo; 2). Determinar desde los centros educativos estudiados, la cantidad de niños/as con autismo y el diagnóstico que estos niños presentan para de esta forma poder medir las características de la población de estos/as niños/as en el sistema educativo; 3). Determinar la edad en la cual los/as niños/as fueron diagnosticados con autismo para poder observar las repercusiones que dicho diagnóstico tuvo en la incorporación o no al sistema educativo de dichos niños y niñas. Analizar los criterios de inclusión, exclusión o integración que utilizan en los Centros Educativos del I y II Ciclo del Cantón Central, Distrito Primero de Alajuela con los niños y niñas con diagnóstico de autismo para de esta forma determinar la existencia o no de discriminación; 4). Identificar si la familia de los niños y niñas con diagnóstico de autismo conocen de la existencia de la Ley de Igualdad de oportunidades para personas con discapacidad y si han tenido que hacer uso de ese conocimiento (juicios, abogados, entre otros) para poder ingresar en los centros educativos.Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Ric

    Noiseless Linear Amplification and Quantum Channels

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    The employ of a noiseless linear amplifier (NLA) has been proven as a useful tool for mitigating imperfections in quantum channels. Its analysis is usually conducted within specific frameworks, for which the set of input states for a given protocol is fixed. Here we obtain a more general description by showing that a noisy and lossy Gaussian channel followed by a NLA has a general description in terms of effective channels. This has the advantage of offering a simpler mathematical description, best suitable for mixed states, both Gaussian and non-Gaussian. We investigate the main properties of this effective system, and illustrate its potential by applying it to loss compensation and reduction of phase uncertainty.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    How to Measure Stress in Smart and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems: A Systematic Review

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    The Fourth Industrial Revolution has introduced innovative technologies to manufacturing, resulting in digital production systems with consequences on workers’ roles and well-being. From the literature emerges the necessity to delve into the work-related stress phenomenon since it affects workers’ health status and performance and companies’ productivity. This review summarises the stress indicators and other influential factors in order to contribute to a stress assessment of human workers in smart and intelligent manufacturing systems. The PRISMA methodology is adopted to select studies consistent with the aim of the study. The analysis reviews objective measurements, such as physical, physiological, and subjective measurements, usually driven by a psychological perspective. In addition, experimental protocols and environmental and demographic variables that influence stress are illustrated. However, the investigation of stress indicators combined with other factors leads to more reliable and effective results. Finally, it is discovered that standards regarding stress indicators and research variables investigated by experimental studies are lacking. In addition, it is revealed that environmental and demographic variables, which may reveal significant suggestions for stress investigation, are rather neglected. This review provides a theorical summary of stress indicators for advanced manufacturing systems and highlights gaps to inspire future studies. Moreover, it provides practical guidelines to analyse other factors that may influence stress evaluation

    Addressing Common Misperceptions About Palliative Care

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    The Central Coast Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice provides home medical care and end-of-life services to people across Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara counties. This project was designed to address the problem of underuse of hospice and palliative care services. Contributing factors include misconceptions about hospice and palliative care, negative stereotypes associated with end-of-life methodology, and fear and discomfort in facing the death of loved ones. These factors frequently result in negative consequences, including late admission to programs, greater financial costs to patients and families, and greater discomfort for end-of-life patients. The project consists of an educational video intended for individuals and families transitioning into palliative care. The video addresses common misperceptions and frequently-asked questions. Responses gathered from feedback at the agency indicated favorability towards the video, and interest in potential implementation in the agency’s website. Recommendations include ensuring widespread accessibility of content through use of closed captions or translations in multiple languages, inclusion of visual aids, and pairing video with other website content aimed at increasing understanding and accessibility