140 research outputs found

    De l’agent économique à l’homme capable. Une critique de l’économisme à partir de l’herméneutique critique de Paul Ricœur

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    Paul Ricœur’s dialogue has been constant with the human and social sciences, but with little attention given to economics. This Ricœurian silence on the economy is relative. Without developing an epistemology of economics, he showed a constant preoccupation with the working-class condition (cf. Simone Weil) and the practical effects of economic alienation. He has constantly focused on work rather than economics, on exchanges rather than modeling the mathematical economy that forgets economics as a social science. His anthropology is an anthropology of the capable man rather than that of the accounting man. Indeed, its ethical concern reinstates in terms of evaluations an economic activity, not only standardizing but unidimensionalizing, which resorbs the plan of value in that of price. His anthropology of the capable man reevaluates the figure of the economic agent. Thus in Ricœur, the ethical concern is epistemologically informed by the social sciences. He thinks ethics and economy together through the symbolic mediations of the institutions and structures that make exchanges possible. From whence a fine approach to the theses of Marx on economic alienation, and later an encounter with the works of the economist Amartya Sen, not without links to the works of Martha Nussbaum on capabilities

    L’invention morale et la sagesse pratique. Une lecture de la petite éthique de Paul Ricoeur

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    The “small” Ricœurian ethic disrupts the classical presentations of different ethics because of the place it gives to the moral imagination and the tragic. Difficult to classify in the panorama of contemporary ethics, the Ricœurian project values the pluralism of moral traditions as practical preunderstandings while giving practical creativity a prominent place. This tension of traditions and ethical imagination gives his practical wisdom a dynamic and heuristic character. This article shows the fruitfulness of this wisdom in an age of pluralistic and complex societies, and deploys its practical significance. It analyzes, first, cells of good advice, where practical inventiveness is mobilized. Second, through discussion of the work of Ricœur and Nussbaum, it then studies, within the framework of the economy where the role and place given to play is central, the place of imagination in an anthropology of the capable human being.La petite éthique ricœurienne bouleverse les présentations classiques des différentes éthiques en raison de la place qu’elle donne à l’imagination morale. Difficilement classable dans le panorama des éthiques contemporaine, le projet ricœurien valorise le pluralisme des traditions morales comme des précompréhensions pratiques tout en donnant à la créativité pratique une place de choix. Cette tension des traditions et de l’imagination éthique donne à sa sagesse pratique un caractère dynamique et heuristique. Montrant la fécondité de cette sagesse à l’heure des sociétés marquées par le pluralisme et la complexité, cet article en déploie la portée pratique. Il retient tout d’abord l’analyse des cellules de bons conseils où l’inventivité pratique est mobilisée. Mettant en discussion les travaux de Ricœur et de Nussbaum, il étudie ensuite, dans le cadre de l’économie où le rôle et la place faite au jeu est centrale, la place de l’imagination dans une anthropologie de l’homme capable

    De la gnose à la responsabilité

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    L’homme est l’être qui tourmente la déesse auguste entre toutes, la Terre,La Terre éternelle et infatigable, avec ses charrues qui vontsans répit la sillonnant chaque année, celui qui la fait labourerpar les produits de ses cavales. […]Mais, ainsi maître d’un savoir,dont les ingénieuses ressources dépassent toute espérance,il peut prendre ensuite la route du mal tout comme du bien.Sophocle, Antigone,trad. P. Mazon, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1950, pp. 87-88. Il est différentes expériences hum..

    De la sagesse poétique à la sagesse pratique. Quelle place pour les poètes et le poétique dans l’anthropologie de l’homme capable ricœurienne ?

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    Ricœur never ceased exploring the links between literature and philosophy, between poetics understood in the broad sense and practical philosophy. This exploration impacted his analyses in a major way, with the concept of narrative identity, and the adjective also understood in its literary dimension, as one of its centres. But this valorisation of the linearity of the narrative has sometimes given the impression of having valorised the importance of the novel, at the expense of the role of poetry and theatre. This article proposes to explore the mutual links between poetic and practical wisdom by returning them their full place. It does so by following the way in which Ricœur gave place to poetry, particularly that of Rilke; and by bringing to light the different argumentative strategies (exergue, correspondence, commentary) by which poetry, particularly the psalm, enlightens and enriches the understanding of those who engage in action.Ricœur n’a cessé d’explorer les liens de la littérature et de la philosophie, du poétique entendu au sens large et de la philosophie pratique. Ces réflexions ont fécondé ses analyses de façon majeure, le concept d’identité narrative – l’adjectif s’entendant aussi dans sa dimension littéraire – en étant un des centres. Mais cette valorisation de la linéarité du récit a parfois donné l’impression d’avoir davantage mis en avant l’importance du roman, délaissant le rôle de la poésie et du théâtre. Cet article se propose d’explorer les liens mutuels entre la sagesse poétique et la sagesse pratique en leur redonnant toute leur place. Il le fait en suivant la manière dont le philosophe a donné une place à la poésie, singulièrement celle de Rilke, et en mettant au jour les différentes stratégies argumentatives (l’exergue, la correspondance, le commentaire) par lesquelles la poésie, et surtout le psaume, éclaire et enrichit la compréhension de ce/celui qui s’engage dans l’action

    Poétique de l’arbre et de la forêt. Une lecture bachelardienne de l’œuvre de Jean Giono

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    By offering a reading and a perspective of Jean Giono's novel «L’homme qui plantait des arbres» (The Man Who Planted Trees), published in 1953, the following article would show what contributions Gaston Bachelard's philosophy might make to environmental imagination. As Jean Giono writes  “je crois qu’il est grand temps qu’on fasse une ‘politique de l’arbre’ bien que le mot politique semble bien mal adapté ”, we could say that it is time that this politic finds her poetic. The tree, as a primary image that emphasizes an upward dynamic in L’Air et les songes, and the forest, which rise a poetic of space in Bachelard (friend and reader of Gaston Roupnel, the historian of the French countryside), are precious figures in order to develop a poetic of nature. For this, however, there would be two defies. On the one hand, if the choice made by Gaston Bachelard to retain the tetralogy of the ancient cosmology produces a shift in thinking about the rêverie du végétal, an inadequacy in the valuation of the mineral on the organic, it doesn’t preclude it in principle. The phénoménologie du vegetal (phenomenology of plants) led to wonder what is about its relative neglected in the thinking of G. Bachelard, and about what may have close didactic reference to the four elements. On the other hand, it will be necessary to show how this apparently absent phenomenology, but legitimate in the work of philosopher, exceeds the critical ironic praise of the tree and of the forest that sees, in the best case, the mark of a naive romantic Arcadia (cf. Le Walden de Thoreau), and in the worst, a form of new obscurantism exiting, in a “nouvel order écologique” (new ecological order), the potential mark of an éco-fascism. Under these conditions, a poetic that dialectizes the tree and the forest can prepare an ecology of foundation

    Reading the crisis: legal, philosophical and literary perspectives

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    Almost a decade has passed since the outbreak of the economic crisis; from its original nucleus, its effects have quickly affected the social and geopolitical fields. Such wide impact and its complex implications make the crisis an object susceptible of multiple readings. The particular aim of the studies collected in this volume is to explore the impact of the crisis on law, culture and society, in order to test the depth of the problem, by comparing the analytical perspectives obtainable from legal and human sciences. The book focuses on three main issues: the crisis as a social object, in order to consider the crisis in terms of its attributing force; the problem of democracy, which is becoming an increasingly central question now, as the changes imposed by the crisis have begun to settle down; the interdisciplinary challenge that, in time of crisis, questions paradigms of knowledge, competences and methods, in order to enable an heuristic dialogue between human, social and legal sciences.Introduction / Massimo Meccarelli (pp. 9-12). -- The Crisis as a Social Object : -- Narrating the Crisis: Fictions of Finance in Contemporary British Novels / Silvana Colella (pp. 15-37). -- Social Rights in Crisis: Any Role for the Court of Justice of the EU? / Francesco Costamagna (pp. 39-64). -- Ripensare la nazione ottocentesca. Vecchi e nuovi paradigmi tra storia, diritto e globalità / Eliana Augusti (pp. 65-97). -- Ma cos'è questa crisi? / Carla Canullo (pp. 99-113). -- The Problem of Democracy : -- Defending Collective Sociality: The Oresteia at Shakespeare's Globe / Louise Owen (pp. 117-131). -- Representation of the Crisis vs Representative Democracy in Italy / Roberta Calvano (pp. 133-148). -- The Unbearable Lightness of the Freedom of Movement: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Brexit and Inmigration / Lucia Barbone, Erik Longo (pp.149-174). -- Représentation, perception de la crise et modification de la «sécurité sociale». Entre prédiction et anticipation, que signifie agir das un monde incertain? / Jean-Philipe Pierron (pp. 175-188). -- The Interdisciplinary Challenge : -- Intercultural Categories of Thought in Times of Crisis: The Challenge of Inter/Multi-discipinary Research / Flavia Stara (pp. 191-198). -- An Interdisciplinary Approach to International Law? Some Cursory Remarks / Paolo Palchetti (pp. 199-208). -- Rights in Times of Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Issue for Legal Studies / Massimo Meccarelli (pp. 209-219). -- Contributors (pp. 221-224)

    A biobank of pediatric patient-derived-xenograft models in cancer precision medicine trial MAPPYACTS for relapsed and refractory tumors

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    Pediatric patients with recurrent and refractory cancers are in most need for new treatments. This study developed patient-derived-xenograft (PDX) models within the European MAPPYACTS cancer precision medicine trial (NCT02613962). To date, 131 PDX models were established following heterotopical and/or orthotopical implantation in immunocompromised mice: 76 sarcomas, 25 other solid tumors, 12 central nervous system tumors, 15 acute leukemias, and 3 lymphomas. PDX establishment rate was 43%. Histology, whole exome and RNA sequencing revealed a high concordance with the primary patient's tumor profile, human leukocyte-antigen characteristics and specific metabolic pathway signatures. A detailed patient molecular characterization, including specific mutations prioritized in the clinical molecular tumor boards are provided. Ninety models were shared with the IMI2 ITCC Pediatric Preclinical Proof-of-concept Platform (IMI2 ITCC-P4) for further exploitation. This PDX biobank of unique recurrent childhood cancers provides an essential support for basic and translational research and treatments development in advanced pediatric malignancies

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