609 research outputs found

    Timor Este

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    Quistes radiculares. Posibilidad de tratamiento endodóncico

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    Las principales complicaciones apicales y periapicales de la gan­grena pulpar, son la periodontitis apical crónica y el quiste radicular. Representan el 90 por ciento del total de lesiones apicales (BHASKAR). El 10 por ciento restante, corresponde a lesiones mucho menos habi­tuales: cementoma, absceso alveolar, quiste residual, tumor de células gigantes, etc. El tratamiento del granuloma y del quiste radicular ha evolucio­nado en el tiempo en un sentido más conservador. La existencia de una lesión apical crónica era motivo hace años, para realizar una interven­ción quirurgica (apicectomía, legrado apical), una vez finalizada la endodoncia. En la actualidad, el mejor conocimiento de la histopatología apical, así como unas técnicas de preparación biomecánica y obturación de conductos más depuradas, nos permiten ser más optimistas respecto a la reparación del ápice y del tejido circundante con tratamiento endodóntico exclusivo, reservando la cirugía para un número menor de casos

    Diseño de un dispositivo de aislamiento de tabiques sometidos a acciones sísmicas

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    El trabajo consiste en realizar un modelo en elementos finitos de un tabique para identificar los parámetros más importantes que influyen en la rotura de un tabique frente a una acción horizontal. De acuerdo con la norma sísmica, los tabiques deben estar aislados para que no influyan en la rigidez de la estructura y así asegurar que la respuesta sísmica de la estructura se ajusta a la calculada en proyecto.Piera Moreno, CA. (2017). Diseño de un dispositivo de aislamiento de tabiques sometidos a acciones sísmicas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/78341TFG

    New rhenium complexes with ciprofloxacin as useful models for understanding the properties of [99mTc]-ciprofloxacin radiopharmaceutical

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    Rhenium complexes with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin have been prepared to be studied as models of technetium radiopharmaceuticals. With this aim, the new rhenium complexes 1 {[ReO(Cpf)2]Cl}, 2 {[ReO(CpfH)2]Cl3} and 3 {fac-[Re(CO)3(H2O)(Cpf)]} with ciprofloxacin (CpfH=ciprofloxacin; Cpf=conjugated base of ciprofloxacin) have been synthesised and characterised by elemental analyses, IR, NMR ((1)H, (19)F and (13)C CP-MAS) spectroscopy, as well as MS measurements. All spectroscopic data are consistent with the coordination of ciprofloxacin in all these complexes through the carbonyl and the carboxylate oxygen atoms with the formation of a six member chelate ring. The study of a Tc-ciprofloxacin solution by ESI-MS reveals the presence of [TcO(Cpf)2](+) cations, which agrees with the hypothesis that complexes 1 and 2 can be seen as model rhenium complexes of this radiopharmaceutical. Antimicrobial and DNA gyrase inhibition studies performed with complexes 2 and 3 have shown a very similar behaviour between complex 2 and the free antibiotic, whereas complex 3 exhibit a lower antimicrobial activity. Based on a joint analysis of the data reported in the literature and the chemical and biological results obtained in this study, a tentative proposal to explain some aspects of the behaviour of Tc-ciprofloxacin radiopharmaceutical has been made

    MOODA: the module for ocean observatory data analysis and harmonization

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    The development of straightforward tools in data analysis plays a signifcant role in the available accumulative data from marine observatories. A large number of diferent variables recorded with diferent formats in marine observatories require methodologies that allow analysis and integration of these data automatically. In this paper, we present the MOODA open-source Python package, which provides an extensive range of procedures for harmonization and analysis of data from marine observatories, including feature extraction, quality control, fltering features, and visualization tools. We present the key aspects of the design and implementation of the package (mooda v1.x). MOODA is an integral component of the European Multidisciplinary Seafoor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) data management platform to harmonize and manage data from the diferent marine observatories. MOODA’s dynamic development model based on user feedback achieves a continuous enhancement and integration of the library.Peer Reviewe

    Water quality monitoring program through the KduSTICK, a low-cost and Do-It-Yourself instrument connected by the Internet of Things

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    Monitoring water transparency provides an indicator of the environmental status of the water body. One parameter to estimate the water transparency is the light difuse attenuation coefcient (Kd). In the framework of the H2020 project MONOCLE (Multiscale Observation Networks for Optical monitoring of Coastal waters, Lakes and Estuaries), we have developed an improved version of the KdUINO (Bardaji et al., 2016) consisting of a moored instrument used to assess water transparency. This new version, the KduSTICK, estimates Kd near the surface in real-time following these specifcations: cost-efective, portable, real-time monitoring and easy to use with minimal training. This instrument transmits data by using the Internet of Things (IoT) networks. In particular, our research group participates in the initiative “The Things Network” (TTN), an IoT network based on LoRaWAN. This device is easy to deploy and maintain, and it is suitable for citizen-science based water quality monitoring programs.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::6 - Aigua Neta i Sanejament::6.3 - Per a 2030, millorar la qualitat de l’aigua mitjançant la reducció de la contaminació, l’eliminació dels abocaments i la reducció al mínim de la descàrrega de materials i productes químics perillosos, la reducció a la meitat del percentatge d’aigües residuals sense tractar, i un augment substancial a escala mundial del reciclat i de la reutilització en condicions de segureta

    Operational monitoring of water quality with a Do-It-Yourself modular instrument

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    We analyze the efficacy of using a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) modular instrument to estimate the diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), which can be used for operational oceanography in turbid shallow waters. This parameter evaluates the water transparency, as it summarizes several water components providing an indicator for water quality. Historically, water transparency has been measured with a simple and inexpensive tool: the Secchi disk. Although it contributes a valuable index of visual water clarity, the quality of its measurements is user-dependent, and it does not enable the automatic monitoring of the water quality. For this reason, we need electronic devices to get accurate measures and facilitate long-term evaluations for water quality monitoring. This paper has two main objectives: First, to present the KduPRO, a low-cost and DIY moored instrument. The KduPRO is an evolution of the KdUINO buoy, that provides an estimation of the water transparency in coastal areas and continental waters, with an automatic quality control parameter that makes this sensor suitable for operational observing systems; and second, to provide a replicability analysis associated to the uncertainty of its Kd estimations. This instrument is based on a modular system of light sensors, independent of each other, measuring the irradiance at different depths. This study analyses the performance of the KduPRO with other reference commercial instruments, the performance between different modules of the same system and finally, a case study of measuring the water quality in Loch Leven (a lake in Scotland). The affordable cost, ease of use and measurement repeatability make this instrument a potentially valuable tool for anyone interested in monitoring water quality

    External allomorphy and lexical representations

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    Many cases of allomorphic alternation are restricted to specific lexical items but at the same time show a regular phonological distribution. Standard approaches cannot deal with these cases because they must either resort to diacritic features or list regular phonological contexts as idiosyncratic. These problems can be overcome if we assume that allomorphs are lexically organized as a partially ordered set. If no ordering is established, allomorphic choice is determined by the phonology- in particular, by the emergence of the unmarked (TETU). In other cases, TETU effects are insufficient, and lexical ordering determines the preference for dominant allomorphs

    D2.1 Report on analysis of the requirements for MONOCLE sensors including projection of cost-savings and stakeholder feedback. Deliverable report of project H2020 MONOCLE (grant 776480)

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    Requirements for MONOCLE sensors were analysed at the start of sensor development, particularly with regard to projected cost-savings in monitoring and specific stakeholder feedback. The main inputs from stakeholders were obtained from the MONOCLE water quality monitoring survey (D9.1) and are used here to define sensor-specific development priorities, particularly with respect to purpose, performance, cost and interoperability. This document guides both the initial development of new sensors and evolution of existing prototypes to higher technological readiness levels

    Projecte COM@WEB: plataforma web d'aprenentatge intel•ligent de processament del Senyal i Comunicacions.

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    La plataforma d’e-learning: comweb.upc.edu és una eina multimèdia de suport a l’estudi, l’experimentació i l’adquisició de tècniques d’auto-aprenentatge. COM@WEB s’ofereix com a punt de trobada entre estudiants, professors i altres professionals relacionats amb el mon de les telecomunicacions i/o de la docència universitària. A la plataforma s’ha integrat el Laboratori Virtual per a Comunicacions Analògiques i Digitals (LaViCAD) com una eina interactiva de treball. Els usuaris principals als que va dirigit aquest projecte són els estudiants de telecomunicacions, molt especialment als que estan cursant assignatures de temàtiques de comunicacions i processament del senyal. Els continguts de la plataforma formen part d’una base de dades de recursos docents, entre els que hi ha: Documents de tipus text corresponents a part de la teoria, Exercicis d’aplicació resolts, Qüestionaris d’autoavaluació i simuladors de Java (aquestos últims corresponents a LaViCAD). Els diferents recursos s’ofereixen a través de la plataforma estructurats en diferents cursos i es relacionen entre sí gràcies a les seves metadades. Tots els recursos creats son de lliure accés i en resum la plataforma compleix les característiques de tenir una arquitectura oberta i extensible, facilitat d’ús per als usuaris: professors i estudiants i facilitat d’ampliació i de millora de la informació disponible de forma dinàmica