53 research outputs found

    Influence of temperature, ammonia load and hydraulic loading on the performance of nitrifying trickling filters for recirculating aquaculture systems

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    [EN] In recirculating aquaculture systems, performance of nitrifying biofilters for total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) removal from the culture water and thus minimizing eutrophication depends on numerous elements of design. In this article the combined effect of three of these process parameters (temperature, hydraulic loading and TAN load) is evaluated. Ammonia removal rates (N-TAN divided by biofiltration area and day) were measured for every combination of five different temperatures, three different hydraulic loadings and three different ammonia loads. Every one of the process parameters were influential on nitrification rates and the lowest process parameters values corresponded with significantly lower N-TAN removal rates. A significantly higher mean N-TAN removal rate (0.241 gN-TAN removed m¿2 day-1) was found for the combination of the highest water temperature (27¿°C), the highest hydraulic loading (11 m3¿m¿2¿h-1) and the highest TAN load (9 gTAN m-3 day-1), suggesting a positive synergy of the three process parameters on the achievement of greater biofilter performances.This research work was made possible by the funding of the national project "Design of a recirculating aquaculture system for aquaculture plants (2011-2014)" by Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain.Godoy-Olmos, S.; Martínez-Llorens, S.; Tomas-Vidal, A.; Monge-Ortiz, R.; Estruch-Cucarella, G.; Jover Cerda, M. (2019). Influence of temperature, ammonia load and hydraulic loading on the performance of nitrifying trickling filters for recirculating aquaculture systems. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 7(4):1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2019.103257S187

    Educational intervention to promote knowledge about attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) with parents of an educational institution

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    Se realizó un proyecto de intervención educativa con el objetivo de promover el conocimiento del trastorno de déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) con padres de familia en una Institución Educativa de la ciudad de Cali, en el periodo enero-diciembre de 2009. La muestra estuvo conformada por 37 padres. Se diseñó la intervención en cuatro etapas: una inicial para identificar el nivel de conocimientos de los padres sobre el TDAH; la segunda etapa, en la cual se elaboró el programa educativo “Estrategias para identificación y manejo del escolar con TDAH”; en la tercera etapa se implementó el programa, y en la cuarta etapa se evaluó el impacto de las actividades educativas. Los hallazgos antes de la intervención evidenciaron el desconocimiento de los padres respecto al TDAH. A partir de los resultados obtenidos después de la intervención educativa, se evidenció un aumento de bases teóricas y herramientas prácticas de los padres, con respecto a los conocimientos previos sobre el trastorno. La alta prevalencia del trastorno y el desconocimiento de los padres conllevan a la falta de remisión de los escolares para tratamiento o intervención. Se llegó a la conclusión de que la intervención educativa muestra una significativa efectividad al elevar el nivel de conocimientos de los padres respecto al TDAH, su manejo y remisión. La ganancia de conocimientos aporta mayor información y posibilita un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno, lo cual conlleva a la disminución del deterioro tanto escolar como psicosocial en los menores.ABSTRACT An educational intervention project was performed with the aim of promoting knowledge about attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) , with parents in an Educational Institution of Cali city in the period January to December 2009. The sample consisted of 37 parents. The intervention was designed in four stages: an initial one to identify the level of the parents’ knowledge about ADHD. During the the second stage, the program “Strategies to identification and management of schoolboys and schoolgirls with ADHD” was developed; in the third stage the program was implemented, and in the fourth stage the impact of educational activities was evaluated .The findings before intervention showed the parents’ unawareness about ADHD. From the post-educational intervention results obtained, an increase in the theoretical base and practical tools of parents was shown with regard to preliminary knowledge about disorder. The high prevalence of disorder and the parents’ unawareness leads to the absence of schoolchildren’s remission for treatment or intervention. The conclusion was that educational intervention shows a significant effectiveness because it increases the level of knowledge of the parents about ADHD, its management and remission. The knowledge gain brings more information, facilitates a diagnostic and opportune treatment. Finally it leads to a decrease in school and psychological deterioration in childhood

    Application of home care nursing for people with mental illness

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    La aplicación del proceso de atención de enfermería es un garante de calidad en los procesos asistenciales; no obstante, su uso en el cuidado de personas con enfermedad mental es muy limitado. Objetivo: Mejorar la calidad en el cuidado de personas con enfermedad mental, mediante la aplicación de conocimientos teóricos y el desarrollo de destrezas, desde la implementación del Proceso de Atención de Enfermería en un Programa de Atención Domiciliaria de una institución de salud mental de tercer nivel del Suroccidente Colombiano. Método: Investigación descriptiva transversal; participaron 38 personas con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia. Se utilizó la valoración según los patrones funcionales de salud de Marjory Gordon, en el período de enero – junio de 2010. Resultados: Se identificaron 4 patrones alterados con prevalencia por encima del 20%: Actividad y ejercicio, nutricional metabólico, rol relaciones y cognoscitivo sensorial. La intervención de enfermería estuvo orientada desde enfoques promocionales y preventivos, con cuidados específicos según requerimiento del paciente. Discusión: Se requiere incentivar la aplicación del Proceso de Atención de Enfermería en la población de personas con enfermedad mental para garantizar un cuidado integral y de calidad, que busque involucrar la familia como elemento dinamizador del proceso de recuperación del sujeto intervenido.ABSTRACT The application of nursing is a guarantee of quality healthcare processes; however its use in the care of people with mental illness is very limited. Objective: To improve the quality of the care for people with mental illness through the application of theoretical knowledge and the development of skills gained from the implementation of nursing process in a home care program of a third level mental health Institution in the Colombian Southwest. Method: descriptive transversal research; 38 people diagnosed with schizophrenia participated. The evaluation according to the functional patterns of health by Marjory Gordon was used, from the period of January to June 2010. Results: 4 altered patterns maintained above 20% were identified: activity and exercise, metabolic nutrition, relation and cognitive sensory roles. The intervention of nursing was oriented from promotional and preventive approaches with specific care according to requirements of the patient. Discussion: It is required to encourage the application of nursing process in the population of people with mental illness to ensure a whole and quality care, which seeks to involve the family as a dinamic element of recovery process of the subject involved