145 research outputs found

    Instrumentos para la evaluación formativa de la alfabetización : principios conceptuales y metodológicos

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    A avaliação da aprendizagem na alfabetização é discutida com base na análise de instrumentos utilizados em experiências escolares com turmas de primeiro ano do ensino fundamental. Inicialmente, os pressupostos da avaliação formativa são utilizados para contextualizar o processo avaliativo. Em seguida, fundamentados nas perspectivas psicogenética e fonológica – paradigmas que explicam a aprendizagem do sistema alfabético-ortográfico pela criança – são apresentados princípios conceituais e metodológicos para avaliar os níveis de conceitualização da escrita, o conhecimento das letras, consciência silábica, consciência grafofonêmica e o conhecimento das relações fonema-grafema ou consciência fonografêmica. Conclui-se que o olhar interpretativo docente, com base nas diferentes teorias que explicam o processo de aprendizagem inicial da leitura e da escrita, é o que vai direcionar a avaliação das aprendizagens dos alunos. Essa constatação evidencia a importância do conhecimento específico da alfabetizadora para o acompanhamento das aprendizagens das crianças e para a organização de situações de ensino que favoreçam o avanço de seus alunos considerando as diferentes possibilidades de intervenção.This article discusses the assessment of initial reading and writing learning by analyzing instruments used in school experiences in first-year classes of elementary school. There is a contextualization of the evaluation process through the assumptions of formative evaluation. Subsequently, based on the phonological and psychogenetic perspectives – which are paradigms that explain the children’s learning of the alphabetical-orthographic system –, conceptual and methodological principles are presented and discussed to evaluate the conceptualization of writing, knowledge of letters, syllabic awareness, graphophonemic awareness and knowledge of phoneme-grapheme relations or, as it may also be called, phonographic awareness. Finally, it is concluded that the teacher’s interpretation is what will guide the assessment of students’ learning, based on the different theories that explain the initial learning process of reading and writing. This finding shows the importance of the specific knowledge of the teacher of initial reading and writing instruction for monitoring children’s learning and organizing teaching situations that favor the betterment of students considering the different possibilities of intervention.La evaluación del aprendizaje en la alfabetización se discute a partir del análisis de instrumentos utilizados en experiencias escolares con las clases de primer año de la escuela primaria. Inicialmente, los supuestos de la evaluación formativa se utilizan para contextualizar el proceso de evaluación. Luego, fundamentados en las perspectivas psicogenética y fonológica –paradigmas que explican el aprendizaje del sistema alfabético-ortográfico por parte del niño– se presentan principios conceptuales y metodológicos para evaluar los niveles de conceptualización de la escritura, el conocimiento de las letras, conciencia silábica, conciencia grafofonémica y el conocimiento de las relaciones fonema-grafema o conciencia fonografémica. Se concluye que la mirada interpretativa docente, basada en las diferentes teorías que explican el proceso de aprendizaje inicial de lectura y escritura, es lo que guiará la evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Este hallazgo muestra la importancia del conocimiento específico del alfabetizador para monitorear el aprendizaje de los niños y organizar situaciones de enseñanza que favorezcan el progreso de sus alumnos considerando las diferentes posibilidades de intervención

    Malvidin and cyanidin derivatives from açai fruit (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) counteract UV-A-induced oxidative stress in immortalized fibroblasts

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    UV-A radiations are known to induce cellular oxidative stress, leading to premature skin aging. Consumption of açai fruit (Euterpe oleracea Martius) is known to have many health benefits due to its high level of antioxidants. Herein, we analyzed the ability of phenolic compounds extracted from this fruit to attenuate UV-A-induced oxidative stress in immortalized fibroblast. A methanol/water açai extract was fractionated by HPLC and each fraction tested for anti-oxidant stress activity. Immortalized fibroblasts were pre-incubated with açai fractions and then exposed to UV-A radiations. Açai extract was found to be able to strongly protect cells from oxidative stress. In particular, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, GSH depletion, lipid peroxidation and no increase in the phosphorylation levels of proteins involved in the oxidative stress pathway was observed in cells pre-incubated with the extract and then irradiated by UV-A. Mass spectrometry analyses of HPLC fractionated extract led us to the identification of malvidin and cyanidin derivatives as the most active molecules able to counteract the negative effects induced by UV-A irradiation. Our results indicate, for the first time, that açai fruit is a valuable natural source for malvidin and cyanidin to be used as anti-stress molecules and represent good candidates for dietary intervention in the prevention of age related skin damage

    Antioxidant and Hypolipidemic Activity of Açai Fruit Makes It a Valuable Functional Food

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    Several plant extracts are acquiring increasing value because of their antioxidant activity and hypolipidemic properties. Among them, great interest has been recently paid to acai fruit as a functional food. The aim of this study was to test the ability of acai extract in reducing oxidative stress and modulating lipid metabolism in vitro using different cell models and different types of stress. In fact, lipid peroxidation as evaluated in a HepG2 model was reduced five-fold when using 0.25 mu g/mL of extract, and it was further reduced (20-fold) with the concentration increase up to 2.5 mu g/mL. With the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)in vitro model, all concentrations tested showed at least a two-fold reduced fat deposit. In addition, primary adipocytes challenged with TNF-alpha under hypoxic conditions to mimic the persistent subcutaneous fat, treated with acai extract showed an approximately 40% reduction of fat deposit. Overall, our results show that acai is able to counteract oxidative states in all the cell models analysed and to prevent the accumulation of lipid droplets. No toxic effects and high stability overtime were highlighted at the concentrations tested. Therefore, acai can be considered a suitable support in the prevention of different alterations of lipid and oxidative metabolism responsible for fat deposition and metabolic pathological conditions

    Protective effect of Opuntia ficus-indica L. cladodes against UVA-induced oxidative stress in normal human keratinocytes

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    Opuntia ficus-indica L. is known for its beneficial effects on human health, but still little is known on cladodes as a potent source of antioxidants. Here, a direct, economic and safe method was set up to obtain water extracts from Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes rich in antioxidant compounds. When human keratinocytes were pre-treated with the extract before being exposed to UVA radiations, a clear protective effect against UVA-induced stress was evidenced, as indicated by the inhibition of stress-induced processes, such as free radicals production, lipid peroxidation and GSH depletion. Moreover, a clear protective effect against apoptosis in pre-treated irradiated cells was evidenced. We found that eucomic and piscidic acids were responsible for the anti-oxidative stress action of cladode extract. In conclusion, a bioactive, safe, low-cost and high value-added extract from Opuntia cladodes was obtained to be used for skin health/protection

    Entre tapabocas, ansiedad y expectativas : desafíos enfrentados por profesorasenel retorno a laenseñanza presencial

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    Este texto discute como está ocorrendo o retorno às aulas presenciais e o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem no período pós-pandemia, abordando os desafios enfrentados pelas professoras. Adota-se uma metodologia inspirada na dinâmica de grupo focal. As análises organizam-se em três eixos: no primeiro, os aspectos socioafetivos relacionados às ansiedades das professoras com o retorno e o convívio diário na sala de aula; o segundo, a necessidade de brincar das crianças, presente nos relatos; o terceiro, o investimento das professoras no estabelecimento das rotinas e na compreensão das crianças acerca das interações escolares. Palavras-chave: docência; pandemia; anos iniciais.This paper discusses how the return to classroom teaching and the teaching and learning process in the post-pandemic period are occurring, addressing the challenges faced by teachers. To do so, it adopts a methodology inspired by the focus group dynamics. The analyses are organized in three axes: the first one addresses socioaffective aspects related to teachers' anxiety with the return and daily coexistence in the classroom; the second focuses on children's need to play, which was present in the reports ; the third axis deals with teachers' investment in establishing routines and in children's understanding of school interactions.Este texto analiza de que manera está ocurriendo el retorno a las clases presenciales y al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el período pospandemia, abordando los desafíos enfrentados por las profesoras. Para ello, se adopta una metodología inspirada en la dinámica de grupos focales. Los análisis se organizan en três ejes: el primero aborda aspectos socioafectivos relacionados a la ansiedad de las professoras con el retorno y la convivência en el cotidiano del aula; el segundo, la necesidad de jugar de los niños, que en los relatos se mostro muy presente; el tercer eje tematiza la inversión de las professoras en el establecimiento de rutinas y en la comprensión de los niños sobre las interacciones escolares

    Insights into the interaction of the N-terminal amyloidogenic polypeptide of ApoA-I with model cellular membranes

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    BACKGROUND: About twenty variants of apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) are associated to hereditary systemic amyloidoses. Although the molecular bases of this disease are still largely unknown, it has been hypothesized that ApoA-I proteolysis is a key event in pathogenesis, since it triggers the release of an N-terminal fragment (80-100 residue long) that misfolds to form amyloid deposits in peripheral organs and tissues. It is also known that cell membrane lipids play a key role in the fibrillogenic pathway. In the case of ApoA-I related amyloidosis caused by L174S mutation, the 93-residue N-terminal fragment of ApoA-I ([1-93]ApoA-I) was found to be the major constituent of ex vivo fibrils. METHODS: With the main goal to investigate the interaction of either [1-93]ApoA-I and ApoA-I with biomimetic membranes, we set-up an experimental system based on the Raman Tweezers methodology. We tested GUVs composed by two types of zwitterionic lipids with a different fluidity degree, i.e. dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). RESULTS: We found that [1-93]ApoA-I induces conformational disorder in an ordered lipid bilayer. When interacting with fluid phases, instead, the fragment was found to be able to penetrate the membrane bilayer inducing an alignment of lipid chains. CONCLUSIONS: The interaction features of [1-93]ApoA-I with biomimetic membranes strongly depend on the lipid phase. Full-length ApoA-I was found to have similar effects, even if significantly less pronounced. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: Our observations shed light on still largely unknown molecular bases of ApoA-I fibrillogenic domain interaction with membranes

    Extensão universitária e educação em saúde: ferramentas para construção de saberes em grupos de gestantes

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    A extensão universitária associada a atividades educativas promove um ambiente propício para a construção de conhecimentos e estabelece relações positivas entre a comunidade e a Universidade. Neste contexto, a promoção da saúde através de grupos de gestantes propõe um novo olhar para a assistência da mulher, valorizando sua história e corroborando para a importância do acompanhamento pré-natal. O objetivo é descrever as ações de extensão e educação em saúde para a construção de saberes em grupos de gestantes. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, em forma um relato de experiência sobre ações de extensão universitária para promoção do conhecimento e geração de impactos positivos à comunidade. As atividades de extensão abordaram assuntos que envolveram gestação, parto e puerpério. Nestes encontros, realizou-se a troca de conhecimentos, sobretudo, no que se refere ao empoderamento das mulheres frente aos seus direitos, liberdade de escolha e a formação de vínculos. O público-alvo foi o de gestantes, acompanhantes, agentes comunitárias de saúde e enfermeiras das Unidades Básicas de Saúde do município de Dourados/MS. Com base nas ações realizadas concluímos que as atividades educativas foram de extrema importância para promoção da saúde, segurança e autocuidado. Já, na perspectiva acadêmica, podemos evidenciar a correlação da teoria com a prática e aproximação com a comunidade