320 research outputs found

    Establishing Construct Validity of the Biology I Subject Area Testing Program in Mississippi

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    Science education has undergone many revisions since it was permanently embedded in the country\u27s educational curriculum at the end of the 19th century. Some of these revisions occurred as a direct result of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). This legislation placed more accountability on schools than ever before by requiring that all students pass a series of standardized tests (USDE, 2010). High schools in Mississippi require four areas of standardized testing: English II, Algebra I, U.S. History, and Biology I (Wroten, 2008). The focus of this study is the Biology I Subject Area Test. In an effort to determine the validity of that test, this study explores the importance of the Mississippi Biology I content standards according to the importance ratings and frequency of use ratings by science professionals in Mississippi. The science professionals surveyed for this study were high school science teachers, college science professors and scientists in their professional settings. The science professionals\u27 importance ratings were compared to the importance ratings placed on the content strands by the Mississippi Biology I Subject Area Test. To further determine the test\u27s validity, it is also compared to the National Science Education Standards

    Die ermordete Operette

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    Bondy : Warum so kurz, mein FrĂ€ulein  ?Rosemarie : Weil – Sie dĂŒrfen mich aber nicht auslachen ; ich habe nĂ€mlich einen kleinen Geburtsfehler. Vielleicht haben Sie es schon bemerkt. Ich lisple.Bondy : Gott, wie sĂŒss  ! Wie mich das freut ! Ich habe nĂ€mlich auch einen kleinen Geburtsfehler. (Vielleicht haben Sie es auch schon bemerkt.) Ich bin nĂ€mlich ein little
Rosemarie : Little  ?Bondy : Ein Irsraelittle – (Beide lachen).In New York, wo man so leicht allein sein kann, setzte ich mir, wenn m..

    « I.N.R.I. – La bonne nouvelle apportĂ©e par un pauvre pĂ©cheur » Le Nouveau Testament revisitĂ© par Peter Rosegger (1843-1918)

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    À une Ă©poque oĂč la recherche sur ce que pouvait ĂȘtre la « vĂ©ritable histoire du Christ » avait dĂ©jĂ  presque tout dit avec David Friedrich Strauß et Ernest Renan, Peter Rosegger (1843-1918) poĂšte styrien, autodidacte, et nĂ©anmoins prophĂšte en son pays, veut, en 1905 avec son roman « I.N.R.I. – la Bonne Nouvelle apportĂ©e par un pauvre pĂ©cheur », se redonner l’innocence des ÉvangĂ©listes. Il prend la plume sous le dĂ©guisement d’un condamnĂ© Ă  mort qui, pour tromper son angoisse en attendant l’exĂ©cution capitale, n’a que sa mĂ©moire pour rĂ©Ă©crire la vie du Christ, et produit alors ce qu’un critique de l’époque appela « Le 5e Évangile », interprĂ©tation iconoclaste et haute en couleur des Ă©vĂ©nements bibliques, Ă©tonnante de la part d’un homme qui se dit croyant et catholique.Zu einer Zeit, wo ĂŒber das wahre Leben Christi mit David Friedrich Strauß und Ernest Renan schon fast alles gesagt schien, macht sich der Waldbauernbub und Prophet aus der Steiermark daran, mit seinem Roman «INRI – die Frohe Botschaft eines armen SĂŒnders» das Evangelium neu zu schreiben. In der Gestalt eines aus politischen GrĂŒnden zum Tode Verurteilten, der sich das bange Warten vor der Hinrichtung erleichtern will, greift er zur Feder, um sich, angeblich nur auf sein GedĂ€chtnis gestĂŒtzt, das Neue Testament nachzuerzĂ€hlen. Was dabei herauskommt, ist ein erstaunliches Gemisch von «Dichtung und Wahrheit», angesichts dessen Rosegger als «fĂŒnften Evangelisten» jede RechtglĂ€ubigkeit abgesprochen werden mĂŒĂŸte


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    The research objective of this article is to examine the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA) on innovative efficiency, which measures how effectively firms convert research spending and existing human capital into new patents and products. Research method- wise, this study measures innovative efficiency by dividing the number of new patents to average R&D expenses and analyses how innovative efficiency changed after the ERTA using regression. The main conclusion is that the ERTA tax credit decreased innovative efficiency and competitions for research resources could explain this reduction. These findings provide new insights on the effectiveness of R&D tax policies from the efficiency perspective. Policy makers should consider these findings when designing R&D tax policies in the future

    « Wir gei­gen wie­der ! » Adelheid Popp (1869-1939)

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    Adelheid Popp, nĂ©e Dvorak, a lĂ©guĂ© avec son livre-souvenir Jeunesse d’une OuvriĂšre (Jugend einer Arbeiterin) un des rares tĂ©moignages du mouvement ouvrier naissant en Autriche. Personne ne pouvait se douter que cette jeune fille, nĂ©e quinziĂšme et dernier enfant d’un ivrogne originaire de Moravie, deviendrait une des personnalitĂ©s marquantes du mouvement social-dĂ©mocrate d’Autriche. Courage et conviction, une solide constitution ainsi que la rencontre de Victor Adler et de Julius Popp, qui sera son mari, lui permirent de diriger dĂšs 1893 et jusqu’en 1934 le Journal des OuvriĂšres (Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung) et de jouer Ă©galement un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant dans les mouvements fĂ©ministes de l’époque. À l’avĂšnement de la RĂ©publique, elle fut Ă©lue, ainsi que six autres camarades, Ă  l’assemblĂ©e nationale oĂč elle siĂ©gea jusqu’en 1934. De 1918 Ă  1923 elle faisait Ă©galement partie du conseil municipal de Vienne.Adelheid Popp, geborene Dvorak, hat mit ihrem Erinnerungsbuch Jugend einer Arbeiterin eines der seltenen Selbstzeugnisse aus Arbeiterkreisen der ersten Kampfzeit der SDAP Österreichs geliefert. Als fĂŒnfzehntes und letztes Kind eines aus MĂ€hren eingewanderten Trunkenboldes war es nicht selbstverstĂ€ndlich, dass sie sich vom Arbeiterkind zur fĂŒhrenden Persönlichkeit der österreichischen Sozialdemokratie entwickeln wĂŒrde. Mut, Ausdauer und Überzeugung, sowie das Zusammentreffen mit Viktor Adler und Julius Popp, ihrem Mann, machten aus ihr 1893 bis 1934 die verantwortliche Redakteurin der damals neu gegrĂŒndeten Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung und auch eine FĂŒhrerin der Frauenbewegung. 1919 zog sie mit sechs Mitstreiterinnen in den Nationalrat, wo sie bis 1934 ihr Mandat ausĂŒbte. 1918 bis 1923 war sie im Wiener Gemeinderat tĂ€tig

    Frequency Dependent Rheology of Vesicular Rhyolite

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    Frequency dependent rheology of magmas may result from the presence of inclusions (bubbles, crystals) in the melt and/or from viscoelastic behavior of the melt itself. With the addition of deformable inclusions to a melt possessing viscoelastic properties one might expect changes in the relaxation spectrum of the shear stresses of the material (e.g., broadening of the relaxation spectrum) resulting from the viscously deformable geometry of the second phase. We have begun to investigate the effect of bubbles on the frequency dependent rheology of rhyolite melt. The present study deals with the rheology of bubble-free and vesicular rhyolite melts containing spherical voids of 10 and 30 vol %. We used a sinusoidal torsion deformation device. Vesicular rhyolite melts were generated by the melting (at 1 bar) of an Armenian obsidian (Dry Fountain, Erevan, Armenia) and Little Glass Mountain obsidian (California). The real and imaginary parts of shear viscosity and shear modulus have been determined in a frequency range of 0.005–10 Hz and temperature range of 600°–900°C. The relaxed shear viscosities of samples obtained at low frequencies and high temperatures compare well with data previously obtained by parallel plate viscometry. The relaxed shear viscosity of vesicular rhyolites decreases progressively with increasing bubble content. The relaxation spectrum for rhyolite melt without bubbles has an asymmetric form and fits an extended exponent relaxation. The presence of deformable bubbles results in an imaginary component of the shear modulus that becomes more symmetrical and extends into the low-frequency/high-temperature range. The internal friction Q −1 is unaffected in the high-frequency/low-temperature range by the presence of bubbles and depends on the bubble content in the high-temperature/low-frequency range. The present work, in combination with the previous study of Stein and Spera (1992), illustrates that magma viscosity can either increase or decrease with bubble content, depending upon the rate of style of strain during magmatic flow

    Viscoelasticity of crystal- and bubble-bearing rhyolite melts

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    The effect of non-deformable inclusions on the frequency-dependent rheology of a rhyolite melt plus crystals has been investigated using a sinusoidal torsion deformation device for measurements of shear viscosity and modulus in the frequency range of 5 mHz to 20 Hz at temperatures of 750–1050°C. The relaxed shear viscosity and unrelaxed shear modulus of rhyolite magma (rhyolite melt plus crystals plus bubbles) decreases with increasing bubble content and increases with the addition of crystals. At a crystal concentration of about 45% a relaxed value of the shear viscosity is not attainable. The presence of rigid inclusions results in an imaginary component of the shear modulus that becomes more symmetrical and shifted to the low-frequency—high-temperature range with respect to that for a crystal-free melt. The slope of log(Q−1) (internal friction) as a function of the dimensionless variable log(ωτ), is unaffected in the low-temperature—high-frequency range of crystals, with Q−1 ≈ 1/(ωτ)0.5 (the same as for bubble- and crystal-free rhyolite). For the present type of suspension, the internal friction is practically constant and independent of log(ωτ) in the high-temperature—low-frequency limit (ωτ 1). The shape of the Cole-Cole diagram becomes symmetrical and can be described as a Caputo body with parameter Îł ≈ 0.45, whereas for bubble-bearing and inclusion-free rhyolite melts the shape of diagram relates to the ÎČ-relaxation exponent with ÎČ â‰ˆ 0.5. The present work demonstrates that magma may or may not follow a power-law rheology depending on the relative volume proportion between crystals and bubbles

    Applications of shear-induced polarized light imaging (SIPLI) technique for mechano-optical rheology of polymers and soft matter materials

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    A new experimental method for studying the mechano-optical rheology of polymeric liquids and soft matter materials is presented. The method is based on a combination of rotational rheology and a recently developed optical technique—shear-induced polarized light imaging (SIPLI). The method provides a unique opportunity to monitor a complete sample view during rheological measurements in plate–plate and cone-and-plate geometry. Applications of the method are presented including simultaneous SIPLI and the rheology of the oriented lamellar phase of block copolymers and liquid crystals as well as a study of the thermally induced reversible transformation of worm-like micelles to spherical micelles. In addition, a direct relation between the shish formation and the polymer melt viscosity upturn during flow-induced crystallization of semi-crystalline polymers is demonstrated. An application of SIPLI for quantitative birefringence measurements is also shown

    Spatial variation and antecedent sea surface temperature conditions influence Hawaiian intertidal community structure

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    Global sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are increasing, and in Hawaiʻi, rates of ocean warming are projected to double by the end of the 21st century. However, current nearshore warming trends and their possible impacts on intertidal communities are not well understood. This study represents the first investigation into the possible effects of rising SST on intertidal algal and invertebrate communities across the Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI). By utilizing citizen-science data coupled with high-resolution, daily SST satellite measurements from 12 intertidal sites across the MHI from 2004–2019, the response of intertidal algal and invertebrate abundance and community diversity to changes in SST was investigated across multiple spatial scales. Results show high rates of SST warming (0.40°C Decade-1) over this study’s timeframe, similar to predicted rates of warming for Hawaiʻi by the end of the 21st century. Changes in abundance and diversity in response to SST were variable among intertidal sites, but differences in antecedent SST among intertidal sites were significantly associated with community dissimilarity. In addition, a statistically significant positive relationship was found between SST and Simpson’s diversity index, and a significant relationship was also found between SST and the abundance of six dominant taxa. For five of these six dominant taxa, antecedent SSTs over the 6–12 months preceding sampling were the most influential for describing changes to abundance. The increase in community diversity in response to higher SSTs was best explained by temperatures in the 10 months preceding sampling, and the resultant decreased abundance of dominant turf algae. These results highlight rapidly warming nearshore SSTs in Hawaiʻi and the longer-term effects of antecedent SSTs as significant drivers of change within Hawaiian intertidal communities. Therefore, we suggest that future research and management should consider the possibility of lagging effects of antecedent SST on intertidal communities in Hawaiʻi and elsewhere
