23 research outputs found

    Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten des adhĂ€siven Trepanationsverschlusses und PrĂŒfung herkömmlicher Verschlussarten

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    Background and objective A tight coronal seal after endodontic treatment plays an important role for the long-term prognosis of a root-filled tooth. Adhesive sealing with Syntac classic and Tetric flow after etching with 37 % H3PO4 has shown good results in reducing leakage, but leaving still some space for improvement. The aim of this study was to find ways to improve the adhesive seal over root canal fillings and to compare with conventional materials. Methodology Root canals of a total of 80 human molars were instrumented to taper .02 size 60, obturated with AH plus and gutta percha, and divided into 8 groups (each n=10). After removing residual sealer with an alcohol moistured foam pellet the particular obturation was performed in each group with an aggregate lamination strength of 2 mm. In groups 1 and 4-7 an etch-and-rinse procedure with 37 % H3PO4 was done followed by application of Syntac classic. In group 1 (reference group) two layers of Tetric flow were applied, in group 4 two layers of Grandio flow, in group 5, prior to applying two layers of Tetric flow, the canal orifices were sealed separately with small amounts of Tetric flow, in group 6 two layers of a combination of Tetric flow and Tetric ceram were applied in hybrid technique. In group 7 teeth were treated like in group 1, but additionally cleaning of the access cavity with ClinPro Prophy Powder was carried out prior to etch-and-rinse. Group 8 received an obturation with Coroseal. Groups 2 and 3 were sealed with the conventional cements Harvard Cement and Ionofil Molar, each in bulk technique. Then microleakage was assessed by linear dye penetration (centrifugation 3 min at 30G) within methylene blue 5 %. Statistical tests were performed using SPSSR Win 14.0 (Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test, ANOVA with SNK post-hoc test; alpha=0.05). Results The results demonstrated that adhesive materials generally permitted significantly less leakage than conventional materials. Only group 4 did not differ significantly from groups 2 and 3 (ANOVA/SNK; p>0.05) and furthermore showed significantly more leakage than most of the other adhesive obturation types (ANOVA/SNK; p0,05). Diese dichtete zudem signifikant schlechter ab als die meisten weiteren AdhĂ€sivverschlĂŒsse (ANOVA/SNK; p<0,05). Trotz VerĂ€nderung der verschiedenen Parameter war keine der Versuchsgruppen in der Lage, die VersiegelungsfĂ€higkeit der Vergleichsgruppe signifikant zu verbessern. Coroseal erzielte die beste Abdichtung. Bei den herkömmlichen Verschlussmaterialien versiegelte der verwendete Glasionomerzement signifikant besser als Zinkphosphatzement (ANOVA/SNK; p<0,05). Praktische Schlussfolgerung Nach einer WurzelkanalfĂŒllung sollte koronal sofort ein adhĂ€siver Verschluss durchgefĂŒhrt werden, um eine Reinfektion zu verhindern. Die Variante mittels PhosphorsĂ€ureĂ€tzung, Syntac classic und Tetric flow zeigt sich hierzu ebenso gut in der Lage wie diejenige mittels Coroseal. Nur aufgrund der klinisch leichteren Applikation sowie praktischer Vorteile wĂ€re Coroseal vorzuziehen. Außerdem erzielte die zusĂ€tzliche Sealerentfernung mit Clinpro Prophy Powder eine tendenzielle Verbesserung der Dichtigkeit des Verschlusses mit Tetric flow

    FDive: Learning Relevance Models using Pattern-based Similarity Measures

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    The detection of interesting patterns in large high-dimensional datasets is difficult because of their dimensionality and pattern complexity. Therefore, analysts require automated support for the extraction of relevant patterns. In this paper, we present FDive, a visual active learning system that helps to create visually explorable relevance models, assisted by learning a pattern-based similarity. We use a small set of user-provided labels to rank similarity measures, consisting of feature descriptor and distance function combinations, by their ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant data. Based on the best-ranked similarity measure, the system calculates an interactive Self-Organizing Map-based relevance model, which classifies data according to the cluster affiliation. It also automatically prompts further relevance feedback to improve its accuracy. Uncertain areas, especially near the decision boundaries, are highlighted and can be refined by the user. We evaluate our approach by comparison to state-of-the-art feature selection techniques and demonstrate the usefulness of our approach by a case study classifying electron microscopy images of brain cells. The results show that FDive enhances both the quality and understanding of relevance models and can thus lead to new insights for brain research.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, LaTeX; corrected typo; added DO

    Trace gas/aerosol boundary concentrations and their impacts on continental-scale AQMEII modeling domains

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    Copyright 2011 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Over twenty modeling groups are participating in the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) in which a variety of mesoscale photochemical and aerosol air quality modeling systems are being applied to continental-scale domains in North America and Europe for 2006 full-year simulations for model inter-comparisons and evaluations. To better understand the reasons for differences in model results among these participating groups, each group was asked to use the same source of emissions and boundary concentration data for their simulations. This paper describes the development and application of the boundary concentration data for this AQMEII modeling exercise. The European project known as GEMS (Global and regional Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite and in-situ data) has produced global-scale re-analyses of air quality for several years, including 2006 (http://gems.ecmwf.int). The GEMS trace gas and aerosol data were made available at 3-hourly intervals on a regular latitude/longitude grid of approximately 1.9° resolution within 2 "cut-outs" from the global model domain. One cut-out was centered over North America and the other over Europe, covering sufficient spatial domain for each modeling group to extract the necessary time- and space-varying (horizontal and vertical) concentrations for their mesoscale model boundaries. Examples of the impact of these boundary concentrations on the AQMEII continental simulations are presented to quantify the sensitivity of the simulations to boundary concentrations. In addition, some participating groups were not able to use the GEMS data and instead relied upon other sources for their boundary concentration specifications. These are noted, and the contrasting impacts of other data sources for boundary data are presented. How one specifies four-dimensional boundary concentrations for mesoscale air quality simulations can have a profound impact on the model results, and hence, this aspect of data preparation must be performed with considerable care.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Extratubular Polymerized Uromodulin Induces Leukocyte Recruitment and Inflammation In Vivo

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    Uromodulin (UMOD) is produced and secreted by tubular epithelial cells. Secreted UMOD polymerizes (pUMOD) in the tubular lumen, where it regulates salt transport and protects the kidney from bacteria and stone formation. Under various pathological conditions, pUMOD accumulates within the tubular lumen and reaches extratubular sites where it may interact with renal interstitial cells. Here, we investigated the potential of extratubular pUMOD to act as a damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP) molecule thereby creating local inflammation. We found that intrascrotal and intraperitoneal injection of pUMOD induced leukocyte recruitment in vivo and led to TNF-alpha secretion by F4/80 positive macrophages. Additionally, pUMOD directly affected vascular permeability and increased neutrophil extravasation independent of macrophage-released TNF-alpha. Interestingly, pUMOD displayed no chemotactic properties on neutrophils, did not directly activate beta 2 integrins and did not upregulate adhesion molecules on endothelial cells. In obstructed neonatal murine kidneys, we observed extratubular UMOD accumulation in the renal interstitium with tubular atrophy and leukocyte infiltrates. Finally, we found extratubular UMOD deposits associated with peritubular leukocyte infiltration in kidneys from patients with inflammatory kidney diseases. Taken together, we identified extratubular pUMOD as a strong inducer of leukocyte recruitment, underlining its critical role in mounting an inflammatory response in various kidneys pathologies

    26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017

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    This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud 2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Potential for improvement of the adhesive seal over root canal fillings and assessment of conventional materials

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    Hintergrund und Ziele Der koronale Verschluss nach Wurzelkanalbehandlung ist mindestens so hoch wie die Wertigkeit der WurzelkanalfĂŒllung selbst fĂŒr den Langzeiterfolg einzuschĂ€tzen. Der adhĂ€sive Trepanationsverschluss mit Syntac classic und Tetric flow nach PhosphorsĂ€ureĂ€tzung hat sich als eine gute Variante erwiesen, Undichtigkeiten zu verringern. Zielstellung dieser Arbeit war es, Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten der adhĂ€siven Versiegelung von Wurzelkanaleingangsbereichen zu untersuchen. Die Ansatzpunkte waren die Anwendung anderer fließfĂ€higer Komposite, eines anderen AdhĂ€sivsystems, verschiedener Applikationstechniken sowie einer speziellen Methode der Sealerentfernung. Außerdem sollte die EffektivitĂ€t herkömmlicher mit der von adhĂ€siven Verschlussmaterialien verglichen werden. Methode 80 extrahierte menschliche Molaren wurden trepaniert und die WurzelkanĂ€le aufbereitet. Die ZĂ€hne wurden randomisiert auf acht Gruppen aufgeteilt. Nach WurzelkanalfĂŒllung mit AH Plus und Guttapercha wurden verschiedene Verschlussarten mit einer MaterialstĂ€rke von je 2 mm durchgefĂŒhrt. Der Verschluss von Gruppe 1 (Vergleichsgruppe) bestand aus PhosphorsĂ€ureĂ€tzung, Syntac classic und Tetric flow. Die nĂ€chsten beiden Gruppen wurden mit den herkömmlichen Materialien Zinkphosphatzement und Glasionomerzement verschlossen. In den Gruppen 4-7 wurde jeweils eine PhosphorsĂ€ureĂ€tzung und Syntac classic angewendet. Die nachfolgende Versiegelung erfolgte mit Grandio flow (Gruppe 4), Tetric flow in spezieller Applikationstechnik (Gruppe 5) und Tetric flow und Tetric ceram in Hybridtechnik (Gruppe 6). Die Gruppe 7 wurde wie Gruppe 1 versorgt, vor Ätzung und Dentinbonding erfolgte aber eine KavitĂ€tenreinigung mittels PulverstrahlgerĂ€t und Clinpro Prophy Powder. In Gruppe 8 kam das fĂŒr den adhĂ€siven Verschluss entwickelte Zweikomponenten-AdhĂ€sivsystem Coroseal zur Anwendung. Nach siebentĂ€giger Lagerung zum AushĂ€rten des Sealers wurde zur ÜberprĂŒfung der Dichtigkeit ein Farbstoffpenetrationstest durchgefĂŒhrt. Zur Qualifizierung und Quantifizierung der Penetration wurden axiale SĂ€geschnitte zu je 1 mm Schichtabstand angefertigt. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgte mit SPSSR Win 14.0 (Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test, ANOVA mit SNK Post-Hoc-Test; alpha=0,05). Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen Die Ergebnisse des Farbstoffpenetrationstests zeigten, dass der adhĂ€sive Verschluss in der Regel signifikant weniger Leakages zulĂ€sst als herkömmliche Materialien. Lediglich Gruppe 4 wies keine signifikant besseren Werte als die Gruppen 2 und 3 auf (ANOVA/SNK; p>0,05). Diese dichtete zudem signifikant schlechter ab als die meisten weiteren AdhĂ€sivverschlĂŒsse (ANOVA/SNK; p0.05) and furthermore showed significantly more leakage than most of the other adhesive obturation types (ANOVA/SNK; p<0.05). Despite changing different parameters, none of the groups was able to improve the sealing ability of the reference group significantly. Coroseal showed the best results. On closer examination of the conventional cements, Ionofil Molar sealed significantly better than Harvard Cement (ANOVA/SNK; p<0.05). Conclusions The results indicate that the cavity floor should be sealed with adhesive materials immediately after endodontic treatment for prevention of a reinfection. Tetric flow, especially groups 1 and 7, as well as Coroseal are effective barrier materials. The use of conventional cements cannot be recommended

    Les IntĂ©rĂȘts prĂ©sens des puissances de l'Europe par Jean Rousset de Missy (1733): Territoires, souverainetĂ© et argumentation juridique pratique

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    International audienceKnown as a journalist or 'compiler', Jean Rousset de Missy (1682-1762) contributed on the to the world's first treaty collections, the Corps Universel Diplomatique du Droit des Gens (1726-1731, edited by Jean Dumont). This contribution focuses on Les IntĂ©rĂȘts prĂ©sens des puissances de l'Europe (1733), a two-volume work published to serve as a practical alternative to the 8 volumes in-f° of the Corps Universel. Rousset discusses treaty obligations undertaken by sovereign entities, and links them up with an analysis of their long-term geopolitical interests. I sketch the impact of the Peace Treaties of Utrecht (1713) on Rousset's work, and argue that his treatment of the matter gives a unique insight into argumentative strategies. Parties in a quarrel use arguments drawn from the law of nature, Roman law, canon law, customary law, feudal law or domestic law, and only seldom refer to law of nations doctrine. Rousset's synthesis at the end of every section is representative of diplomatic practice in his time. Treaties contained political compromises. In order to be effective, they needed precedence over domestic norms. In a final section, I examine Rousset's treatment of Savoy and Spain after 1713

    Accuracy of Ga-68-PSMA-PET/CT for patient selection for lymphadenectomy in addition to salvage radical prostatectomy in locally recurrent prostate cancer after primary radiotherapy

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    229 Background: Salvage radical prostatectomy, sRPE, is an option for patients in locally recurrent prostate cancer with curative intent. Patients with low PSA at time of salvage treatment and initially low-risk disease have a favourable outcome whereas locally advanced and lymph node positive patients do not. Imaging studies could be beneficial for patient selection of lymph node dissection in addition to sRPE. Here we show first results of the diagnostic accuracy of PSMA-PET/CT in this setting. Methods: We reviewed 87 patients with sRPE and PSMA-PET/CT prior to surgery. In all patients an extended sRPE with an extended lymphnode dissection including the internal, external iliac artery, fossa obturatoria as well as the A iliaca communis to the ureteral crossing, was performed. For diagnostic accuracy Sensitivity, Specifity, pos. and neg. predictive value was calculated per person and per lymph node. Results: 11 patients had a PSMA PET/CT prior to surgery. All scans showed positive results in the prostate but only one showed a positive lymph node. A total of 141 lymph nodes were dissected (median 13,5; 8-29 per patient). Pathological analysis showed 6 lymph nodes with a metastasis in 4 patients. No positive lymph node was identified correctly by PSMA PET/CT. Specificity and negative predictive value per patient / per lymph node were high with 85% / 99% and 60% / 95.7%, respectively. As no patient or lesion was identified correctly sensitivity and pos. predictive value could not be calculated. Accuracy was 55% / 95.7%. Conclusions: In this small patient group PSMA PET/CT has an insufficient per-patient accuracy for patient selection of lymph node dissection in addition to sRPE. For patient selection clinical data including primary risk profile and PSA kinetics prior to surgery are still more useful for this purpose. </jats:p

    PSA levels, PSA doubling time, Gleason score and prior therapy cannot predict measured uptake of [Ga-68]PSMA-HBED-CC lesion uptake in recurrent/metastatic prostate cancer

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    Aim: To assess whether clinical prostate cancer (PCA) related factors and therapy status can predict the degree of tracer uptake on [Ga-68] PSMA-HBED-CC PET/CT. Materials & methods: We retrospectively studied 124 patients with recurrent an/or metastatic PCA who underwent [Ga-68] PSMA-HBED-CC PET/CT. The maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) was determined in the prostate bed as well as in three size categories ( 5-15 mm, > 15 mm) in pelvic lymph node, extrapelvic lymph node, bone and visceral metastases. Results: Significant positive correlations between lesion size and SUVmax were found in pelvic lymph node metastases > 5 - 5 - <= 15 mm (rho = 0.614, p < 0.001). SUVmax tended to be higher in the largest diameter category in each anatomic station than in the middle and lower categories. We were unable to find evidence for a relationship between SUVmax and PSA, PSAdt, Gleason score, androgen deprivation therapy, radiation therapy or chemotherapy status. Conclusion: Measured tracer uptake in [Ga-68] PSMA-HBED-CC PET/CT in patients with recurrent/metastasized prostate cancer is significantly influenced by lesion size as a result of partial volume effects in the very small lesions. Clinical indicators of aggressive prostate cancer behaviour such as PSA levels, PSA doubling time or the Gleason score of the primary tumour, as well as the androgen deprivation therapy, radiation therapy or chemotherapy status are not related to measured tracer uptake