74 research outputs found

    Test generation for high coverage with abstraction refinement and coarsening (ARC)

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    Testing is the main approach used in the software industry to expose failures. Producing thorough test suites is an expensive and error prone task that can greatly benefit from automation. Two challenging problems in test automation are generating test input and evaluating the adequacy of test suites: the first amounts to producing a set of test cases that accurately represent the software behavior, the second requires defining appropriate metrics to evaluate the thoroughness of the testing activities. Structural testing addresses these problems by measuring the amount of code elements that are executed by a test suite. The code elements that are not covered by any execution are natural candidates for generating further test cases, and the measured coverage rate can be used to estimate the thoroughness of the test suite. Several empirical studies show that test suites achieving high coverage rates exhibit a high failure detection ability. However, producing highly covering test suites automatically is hard as certain code elements are executed only under complex conditions while other might be not reachable at all. In this thesis we propose Abstraction Refinement and Coarsening (ARC), a goal oriented technique that combines static and dynamic software analysis to automatically generate test suites with high code coverage. At the core of our approach there is an abstract program model that enables the synergistic application of the different analysis components. In ARC we integrate Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) and abstraction refinement to precisely direct test generation towards the coverage goals and detect infeasible elements. ARC includes a novel coarsening algorithm for improved scalability. We implemented ARC-B, a prototype tool that analyses C programs and produces test suites that achieve high branch coverage. Our experiments show that the approach effectively exploits the synergy between symbolic testing and reachability analysis outperforming state of the art test generation approaches. We evaluated ARC-B on industry relevant software, and exposed previously unknown failures in a safety-critical software component

    Automatically generating complex test cases from simple ones

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    While source code expresses and implements design considerations for software system, test cases capture and represent the domain knowledge of software developer, her assumptions on the implicit and explicit interaction protocols in the system, and the expected behavior of different modules of the system in normal and exceptional conditions. Moreover, test cases capture information about the environment and the data the system operates on. As such, together with the system source code, test cases integrate important system and domain knowledge. Besides being an important project artifact, test cases embody up to the half the overall software development cost and effort. Software projects produce many test cases of different kind and granularity to thoroughly check the system functionality, aiming to prevent, detect, and remove different types of faults. Simple test cases exercise small parts of the system aiming to detect faults in single modules. More complex integration and system test cases exercise larger parts of the system aiming to detect problems in module interactions and verify the functionality of the system as a whole. Not surprisingly, the test case complexity comes at a cost -- developing complex test cases is a laborious and expensive task that is hard to automate. Our intuition is that important information that is naturally present in test cases can be reused to reduce the effort in generation of new test cases. This thesis develops this intuition and investigates the phenomenon of information reuse among test cases. We first empirically investigated many test cases from real software projects and demonstrated that test cases of different granularity indeed share code fragments and build upon each other. Then we proposed an approach for automatically generating complex test cases by extracting and exploiting information in existing simple ones. In particular, our approach automatically generates integration test cases from unit ones. We implemented our approach in a prototype to evaluate its ability to generate new and useful test cases for real software systems. Our studies show that test cases generated with our approach reveal new interaction faults even in well tested applications. We evaluated the effectiveness of our approach by comparing it with the state of the art test generation techniques. The evaluation results show that our approach is effective, it finds relevant faults differently from other approaches that tend to find different and usually less relevant faults

    A self-healing framework for general software systems

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    Modern systems must guarantee high reliability, availability, and efficiency. Their complexity, exacerbated by the dynamic integration with other systems, the use of third- party services and the various different environments where they run, challenges development practices, tools and testing techniques. Testing cannot identify and remove all possible faults, thus faulty conditions may escape verification and validation activities and manifest themselves only after the system deployment. To cope with those failures, researchers have proposed the concept of self-healing systems. Such systems have the ability to examine their failures and to automatically take corrective actions. The idea is to create software systems that can integrate the knowledge that is needed to compensate for the effects of their imperfections. This knowledge is usually codified into the systems in the form of redundancy. Redundancy can be deliberately added into the systems as part of the design and the development process, as it occurs for many fault tolerance techniques. Although this kind of redundancy is widely applied, especially for safety- critical systems, it is however generally expensive to be used for common use software systems. We have some evidence that modern software systems are characterized by a different type of redundancy, which is not deliberately introduced but is naturally present due to the modern modular software design. We call it intrinsic redundancy. This thesis proposes a way to use the intrinsic redundancy of software systems to increase their reliability at a low cost. We first study the nature of the intrinsic redundancy to demonstrate that it actually exists. We then propose a way to express and encode such redundancy and an approach, Java Automatic Workaround, to exploit it automatically and at runtime to avoid system failures. Fundamentally, the Java Automatic Workaround approach replaces some failing operations with other alternative operations that are semantically equivalent in terms of the expected results and in the developer’s intent, but that they might have some syntactic difference that can ultimately overcome the failure. We qualitatively discuss the reasons of the presence of the intrinsic redundancy and we quantitatively study four large libraries to show that such redundancy is indeed a characteristic of modern software systems. We then develop the approach into a prototype and we evaluate it with four open source applications. Our studies show that the approach effectively exploits the intrinsic redundancy in avoiding failures automatically and at runtime

    Automating test oracles generation

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    Software systems play a more and more important role in our everyday life. Many relevant human activities nowadays involve the execution of a piece of software. Software has to be reliable to deliver the expected behavior, and assessing the quality of software is of primary importance to reduce the risk of runtime errors. Software testing is the most common quality assessing technique for software. Testing consists in running the system under test on a finite set of inputs, and checking the correctness of the results. Thoroughly testing a software system is expensive and requires a lot of manual work to define test inputs (stimuli used to trigger different software behaviors) and test oracles (the decision procedures checking the correctness of the results). Researchers have addressed the cost of testing by proposing techniques to automatically generate test inputs. While the generation of test inputs is well supported, there is no way to generate cost-effective test oracles: Existing techniques to produce test oracles are either too expensive to be applied in practice, or produce oracles with limited effectiveness that can only identify blatant failures like system crashes. Our intuition is that cost-effective test oracles can be generated using information produced as a byproduct of the normal development activities. The goal of this thesis is to create test oracles that can detect faults leading to semantic and non-trivial errors, and that are characterized by a reasonable generation cost. We propose two ways to generate test oracles, one derives oracles from the software redundancy and the other from the natural language comments that document the source code of software systems. We present a technique that exploits redundant sequences of method calls encoding the software redundancy to automatically generate test oracles named CCOracles. We describe how CCOracles are automatically generated, deployed, and executed. We prove the effectiveness of CCOracles by measuring their fault-finding effectiveness when combined with both automatically generated and hand-written test inputs. We also present Toradocu, a technique that derives executable specifications from Javadoc comments of Java constructors and methods. From such specifications, Toradocu generates test oracles that are then deployed into existing test suites to assess the outputs of given test inputs. We empirically evaluate Toradocu, showing that Toradocu accurately translates Javadoc comments into procedure specifications. We also show that Toradocu oracles effectively identify semantic faults in the SUT. CCOracles and Toradocu oracles stem from independent information sources and are complementary in the sense that they check different aspects of the system undertest

    Dynamic data flow testing

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    Data flow testing is a particular form of testing that identifies data flow relations as test objectives. Data flow testing has recently attracted new interest in the context of testing object oriented systems, since data flow information is well suited to capture relations among the object states, and can thus provide useful information for testing method interactions. Unfortunately, classic data flow testing, which is based on static analysis of the source code, fails to identify many important data flow relations due to the dynamic nature of object oriented systems. This thesis presents Dynamic Data Flow Testing, a technique which rethinks data flow testing to suit the testing of modern object oriented software. Dynamic Data Flow Testing stems from empirical evidence that we collect on the limits of classic data flow testing techniques. We investigate such limits by means of Dynamic Data Flow Analysis, a dynamic implementation of data flow analysis that computes sound data flow information on program traces. We compare data flow information collected with static analysis of the code with information observed dynamically on execution traces, and empirically observe that the data flow information computed with classic analysis of the source code misses a significant part of information that corresponds to relevant behaviors that shall be tested. In view of these results, we propose Dynamic Data Flow Testing. The technique promotes the synergies between dynamic analysis, static reasoning and test case generation for automatically extending a test suite with test cases that execute the complex state based interactions between objects. Dynamic Data Flow Testing computes precise data flow information of the program with Dynamic Data Flow Analysis, processes the dynamic information to infer new test objectives, which Dynamic Data Flow Testing uses to generate new test cases. The test cases generated by Dynamic Data Flow Testing exercise relevant behaviors that are otherwise missed by both the original test suite and test suites that satisfy classic data flow criteria

    Petri Nets as Semantic Domain for Diagram Notations

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    AbstractThis paper summarizes the work carried out by the authors during the last years. It proposes an approach for defining extensible and flexible formal interpreters for diagram notations based on high-level timed Petri nets.The approach defines interpreters by means of two sets of rules. The first set specifies the correspondences between the elements of the diagram notation and those of the semantic domain (Petri nets); the second set transforms events and states of the semantic domain into visual annotations on the elements of the diagram notation. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated through MetaEnv, a prototype tool that allows users to implement special-purpose interpreters

    Software redundancy: what, where, how

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    Software systems have become pervasive in everyday life and are the core component of many crucial activities. An inadequate level of reliability may determine the commercial failure of a software product. Still, despite the commitment and the rigorous verification processes employed by developers, software is deployed with faults. To increase the reliability of software systems, researchers have investigated the use of various form of redundancy. Informally, a software system is redundant when it performs the same functionality through the execution of different elements. Redundancy has been extensively exploited in many software engineering techniques, for example for fault-tolerance and reliability engineering, and in self-adaptive and self- healing programs. Despite the many uses, though, there is no formalization or study of software redundancy to support a proper and effective design of software. Our intuition is that a systematic and formal investigation of software redundancy will lead to more, and more effective uses of redundancy. This thesis develops this intuition and proposes a set of ways to characterize qualitatively as well as quantitatively redundancy. We first formalize the intuitive notion of redundancy whereby two code fragments are considered redundant when they perform the same functionality through different executions. On the basis of this abstract and general notion, we then develop a practical method to obtain a measure of software redundancy. We prove the effectiveness of our measure by showing that it distinguishes between shallow differences, where apparently different code fragments reduce to the same underlying code, and deep code differences, where the algorithmic nature of the computations differs. We also demonstrate that our measure is useful for developers, since it is a good predictor of the effectiveness of techniques that exploit redundancy. Besides formalizing the notion of redundancy, we investigate the pervasiveness of redundancy intrinsically found in modern software systems. Intrinsic redundancy is a form of redundancy that occurs as a by-product of modern design and development practices. We have observed that intrinsic redundancy is indeed present in software systems, and that it can be successfully exploited for good purposes. This thesis proposes a technique to automatically identify equivalent method sequences in software systems to help developers assess the presence of intrinsic redundancy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique by showing that it identifies the majority of equivalent method sequences in a system with good precision and performance

    Healing Web applications through automatic workarounds

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    We develop the notion of automatic workaround in the context of Web applications. A workaround is a sequence of operations, applied to a failing component, that is equivalent to the failing sequence in terms of its intended effect, but that does not result in a failure. We argue that workarounds exist in modular systems because components often offer redundant interfaces and implementations, which in turn admit several equivalent sequences of operations. In this paper, we focus on Web applications because these are good and relevant examples of component-based (or service-oriented) applications. Web applications also have attractive technical properties that make them particularly amenable to the deployment of automatic workarounds. We propose an architecture where a self-healing proxy applies automatic workarounds to a Web application server. We also propose a method to generate equivalent sequences and to represent and select them at run-time as automatic workarounds. We validate the proposed architecture in four case studies in which we deploy automatic workarounds to handle four known failures in to the popular Flickr and Google Maps Web application

    Self-Test Components for Highly Reconfigurable Systems

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    Abstract Verification of component-based systems presents new challenges not yet completely addressed by existing testing techniques. This paper proposes a new approach for automatically testing highly reconfigurable component-based systems, i.e., systems that can be obtained by changing some components. The paper presents an industrial case that motivates our research and proposes a testing infrastructure that tracks run-time information for components. The collected information is used for automatic testing new versions of existing components and new configurations of existing systems

    Preface Volume 82, Issue 6

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    AbstractComponent-based systems are increasingly used in software development. The lack of information about internals at different development stages and the need for optimizing verification and validation require new approaches to test and analysis.TACoS 2003 provided a forum for discussing techniques, tools, and experiences on testing, analysis and design for testability of components, component based systems, and configurable products. This year, the focus of TACoS was on heterogeneous, modular and configurable embedded systems that share hardware and software resources and are available in several versions.We received contributions from Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, witnessing a strong international interest in the topic. Thanks to the high quality of the submissions, the Program Committee was able to select 19 papers representing the state-of-art in the area.The workshop was organized as discussion sessions around four major topics: Testing Component Based Systems, Configurability, Analysis and Test of Component Based Real-Time Systems, Specification and Design for Testability. Each topic has been introduced by a brief presentation of related papers followed by a discussion among participants.The workshop was promoted and organized by the Quack (A Platform for the Quality of New Generation Integrated Embedded Systems) project, an Italian project sponsored by the Ministry of University, Research and Education.The success of the workshop stimulated the organization of new events. TACoS 2004 will be held in Barcelona as a satellite event of ETAPS 2004. We hope that the core community that met in Warsaw will grow in Barcelona. The official TACoS web site (www.lta.disco.unimib.it/tacos/)will keep updated information about the upcoming events.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank all authors who submitted their work for presentation at TACoS and participated to the fruitful discussion. We express our gratitude to the Organizing and the Steering Committees of ETAPS, who gave us an excellent support. A special thank to the members of the Program Committee and the many reviewers that supported a smooth and exciting reviewing process. Among all people that contributed to TACoS, we would like to mention Giovanni Denaro and Leonardo Mariani who took care of a variety of aspects of the organization and gave a determinant contribution to the success of the event.Milan, April 2003 - Mauro PezzèProgram CommitteeMarco Di Natale - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa (Italy)Alessandro Fantechi - Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)Gerhard Fohler - Malardalen University (Sweden)Frank van der Linden - University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)Angelo Morzenti - Politecnico di Milano (Italy)Elie Najm - Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications (France)Mauro Pezzè - Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca (Italy)Paolo Prinetto - Politecnico di Torino (Italy)Michal Young - University of Oregon (USA)Alex Orailoglu - University of California in San Diego (USA)Chantal Robach - Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs en Systemes Industriels Avances (France
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