496 research outputs found

    The use of tissue culture methods for producing resistant material of Aesculus hippocastanum

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    The horse chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum is a European species of broadleaf trees classified as vulnerable. The species is subjected to many pathogens and pests threatening its survival. Resistance to some pathogens of horse chestnut has been investigated and tissue culture methods such as somatic embryogenesis have been successful. Several tissue culture methods exist to produce plantlets in vitro by different micropropagation techniques such as somatic embryogenesis and meristem culture. Somatic embryogenesis has been used for propagation of A. hippocastanum in the past. There have also been studies made for producing resistance in A. hippocastanum. Several tissue-culture methods have been used for the preservation and promotion of different plant species and they could possibly be eventual approaches for preserving the horse chestnut and produce resistant material. It is concluded in this paper that tissue culture techniques might be of possible use to produce resistant individuals of A. hippocastanum, but that it is hard to know for certain, since previous studies for promotion of resistance by tissue culture have been made on different species.Hästkastanjen Aesculus hippocastanum är en europeisk art av lövträd som är klassificerad som sårbar. Arten är utsatt för många patogener och skadedjur som hotar dess överlevnad. Resistens mot några av dessa patogener hos hästkastanj har undersökts och vävnadsodlingsmetoder som somatisk embryogenes har använts med framgång. Flera vävnadsodlingsmetoder finns för produktion av plantor in vitro med olika mikroförökningstekniker som till exempel somatisk embryogenes och meristemkultur. Somatisk embryogenes har använts för förökning av A. hippocastanum förr. Det har även gjorts studier för framtagande av resistens hos A. hippocastanum. Flera olika vävnadsodlingsmetoder har använts för bevarande av och framtagande av andra växtarter, vilket skulle kunna vara potentiella metoder för bevaring av hästkastanjen och produktion av resistent material hos arten. Slutsatsen i denna uppsats är att vävnadsodlingstekniker skulle kunna vara användbara för att producera resistenta individer av A. hippocastanum, men det är svårt att veta säkert då tidigare studier för resistensframtagande via vävnadskultur har gjorts med andra arter

    Educación Superior: cifras y hechos (Año 7 no. 43-44 ene-abr 2009)

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    Artículos -Para una vindicación del luddismo José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado - Rabia Contra la Máquina Luis Hernández Navarro - Grandrisse: trabajo y general intellect Franco Berardi Bifo Reflexiones -Sobre la reconstitución del pensamiento crítico Franz J. Hinkelammert -Una nueva edad en la historia de la filosofía: el diálogo mundial entre tradiciones filosóficas Enrique Dussel - Para leer sobre...geopolítica del conocimiento, diversidad epitémica y decolonialidad Subrayados David Watson Ana Esther Ceceña Exlibris José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado Carlos Arturo Flores Villela Panorama Universitari

    Paleoekologisk undersökning av Triberga mosse, sydöstra Öland

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    För 10 000kalenderår sedan vandrade de första människorna över isen och ut på Öland. Ända sedan dess har öns vegetation utsatts för antropogena påverkan. Under järnåldern ökade Ölands befolkning kraftigt tack vare starka kopplingar till Rom. Tiden kallas ofta ”Ölands guldålder”. Med en ökad befolkning intensifierades även markanvändningen vilket ledde till ett öppnande av landskapet. I denna studie undersöks Triberga mosse, ett kärr på sydöstra Öland beläget endast 500m från en av de ringborgar uppförda under Ölands Guldålder. Fokus lig-ger på att identifiera förändringar i vegetationstäcket i och runt Triberga mosse med hjälp av pollenanalys då det sedan tidigare endast utförts stratigrafiska undersökningar. Med hjälp av pollenanalysen tolkades sedan den lokala vegetationshistorian och resultaten indikerar en ökning i markanvändning runt 400-talet.10 000kalenderyears ago the first people wandered over the ice and onto Öland. Since then the vegeta-tion of Öland have been exposed to anthropogenic change and impact. During the Iron Age the population of Öland increases greatly due to strong connections to Rome. This time is commonly referred to as ”Ölands guldålder”. An increased population brought about an increase in land use which in turn brought about an opening of the land-scape. This study examines Triberga mosse, a bog situated on south-eastern Öland only 500m from one of the forti-fications erected during Ölands Guldålder. The focus of the study lies on identifying changes in vegetation cover and land use in and around Triberga mosse with the help of pollenanalysis. Earlier studies done in Triberga mosse have only dealt with stratigraphy. With the help of pollenanalasys the local vegetational history were interpreted and results indicate an increased land use during the 5th century

    «Venteliste for å få tildelt en plass i bofellesskap – de pårørende sitt perspektiv»

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    Mangelen på botilbud og mer spesifikt plass i bofellesskap for personer med funksjonsnedsettelse eller utviklingshemming medfører at mange unge voksne med diagnoser bor lenge hjemme. Naturlig nok blir foreldrenes omsorgsoppgaver derfor forlenget på ubestemt tid fordi kommunen ikke har nok plasser å tilby. Disse foreldrene hverdag preges ofte av et tett samarbeid med kommunen i forbindelse med at de mottar helse- og omsorgstjenester. Hensikten med studien var derfor å undersøke hvordan de pårørende erfarer samhandlingsprosessen med kommunen i forbindelse med at deres voksne barn med utviklingshemming står på venteliste for plass i bofellesskap. Bakgrunn for valg av tema er og løfte frem problemstillingen å gjøre den mer synlig, og forhåpentligvis kan forskningsstudiet bidra til å åpne opp for en dialog på kommunalt og politisk nivå hvor utfordringene rundt temaet kan bli evaluert og diskutert mer enn det gjøres i dag. Studien har et beskrivende, utforskende, tolkende og kvalitativ forskningsdesign hvor det ble utført åtte individuelle semistrukturerte intervjuer. Det ble brukt en temaanalytisk tilnærming hvor koding og kategorisering ble gjennomført inspirert av Granheim og Lundmans modell for innholdsanalyse. Funnene ble belyst med evidens om blant annet menneskerettigheter, anerkjennelse, selvbestemmelse lovverk og diverse reformer. Funnene i studien viser at de pårørende opplever at venteprosessen i forbindelse med plass i bofellesskap for deres barn er langsom og uforutsigbar på grunn av utydelig eller manglende informasjonsflyt fra kommunen. Funnene viste også at de pårørende opplevde at både kommunikasjonen internt i kommunen og til dem selv ikke var tilfredsstillende nok og at prosessen muligens er udemokratisk og helsebelastende

    Nonlinear Feedforward and Reference Systems for Adaptive Flight Control

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    Use of feedforward can alleviate feedback and adaptive actions. Feedforward signals can be generated from reference models and the same models can also be used as reference models in adaptive control. A method for designing the reference models is presented in the paper. By exploiting the structure of the equations describing air vehicles it is possible to find reference models that scale to the present flight condition and vehicle configuration. Such reference systems are derived for flying vehicles in a generic manner, suitable for both winged aircraft and missiles. The same type of reference systems are also used to create trajectories for feedforward signals that compensate known plant non-linearities

    UPPAAL in 1995

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    UPPAAL is a tool suite for automatic verification of safety andbounded liveness properties of real-time systems modeled as networks of timed automata[12, 9, 4], developed during the past two years. In this paper, we summarizethe main features of UPPAAL in particular its various extensions developed in 1995as well as applications to various case-studies, review and provide pointers to thetheoretical foundation

    Forecasting harmful algae blooms: Application to Dinophysis acuminata in northern Norway

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    Dinophysis acuminata produces Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins (DST) that contaminate natural and farmed shellfish, leading to public health risks and economically impacting mussel farms. For this reason, there is a high interest in understanding and predicting D. acuminata blooms. This study assesses the environmental conditions and develops a sub-seasonal (7 - 28 days) forecast model to predict D. acuminata cells abundance in the Lyngen fjord located in northern Norway. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) model is trained to predict future D. acuminata cells abundance by using the past cell concentration, sea surface temperature (SST), Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR), and wind speed. Cells concentration of Dinophysis spp. are measured in-situ from 2006 to 2019, and SST, PAR, and surface wind speed are obtained by satellite remote sensing. D. acuminata only explains 40% of DST variability from 2006 to 2011, but it changes to 65% after 2011 when D. acuta prevalence reduced. The D. acuminata blooms can reach concentration up to 3954 cells l−1 and are restricted to the summer during warmer waters, varying from 7.8 to 12.7 °C. The forecast model predicts with fair accuracy the seasonal development of the blooms and the blooms amplitude, showing a coefficient of determination varying from 0.46 to 0.55. SST has been found to be a useful predictor for the seasonal development of the blooms, while the past cells abundance is needed for updating the current status and adjusting the blooms timing and amplitude. The calibrated model should be tested operationally in the future to provide an early warning of D. acuminata blooms in the Lyngen fjord. The approach can be generalized to other regions by recalibrating the model with local observations of D. acuminata blooms and remote sensing data.publishedVersio

    Management practices related to the control of gastrointestinal parasites on Swedish pig farms

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    Background Internal parasites are common in pigs worldwide and may induce clinical disease or subclinical infections with negative effects such as poor weight gain and reduced welfare, which in turn affect productivity. Effective parasite control to reduce the negative impact of parasitic infections demands a combination of antiparasitic drugs as well as various hygiene and biosecurity practices. The aim of this study was to obtain information on current management practices and parasite control routines used on Swedish pig farms using an online questionnaire. Results Antiparasitic drugs were used on 69% of the farms routinely and were mainly administered to sows just prior to farrowing. Less than 5% of the herds conducted faecal analysis for parasites. Batchwise, age segregated rearing was common and overall, it was practiced for piglets, growers, and fatteners on 88, 80 and 75% of the farms, respectively. Large and medium sized farms appeared to apply stricter hygiene and biosecurity measures to the growing pigs compared to small farms. Dry sows were mainly housed in groups on deep litter straw beds and cleaning, as well as disinfection, between each group was less common compared to what was practiced for growing pigs. Outdoor access was rare and only occurred on organic and small farms. Most of the farms, 54, 74 and 82% of small, medium, and large sized herds respectively, reported to have less than 5% white spot lesions, caused by migrating A. suum larvae, registered at slaughter. Conclusion Several risk factors for parasite infections, such as bedding material, group housing and solid floors, are mandatory requirements by national law. However, it was evident from this study that although strategic hygiene and biosecurity practices appeared common, they were not practiced in all herds and less so for dry sows. Antiparasitic drugs were used frequently and mainly through routine prophylactic treatments without prior testing for parasites. A holistic approach is necessary when designing efficient parasite control programs, and it is essential that management factors and routine monitoring of parasites are given attention. This to achieve efficient parasite control and reduce the risk of unnecessary use of antiparasitic drugs

    An array of highly flexible electrodes with a tailored configuration locked by gelatin during implantation-initial evaluation in cortex cerebri of awake rats.

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    A major challenge in the field of neural interfaces is to overcome the problem of poor stability of neuronal recordings, which impedes long-term studies of individual neurons in the brain. Conceivably, unstable recordings reflect relative movements between electrode and tissue. To address this challenge, we have developed a new ultra-flexible electrode array and evaluated its performance in awake non-restrained animals