66 research outputs found
A palmeira real australiana (Archontophoenix cunninghamii H. Wendl. & Drude) é uma das palmeiras exóticas de maior utilização no paisagismo e atualmente tem despertado grande interesse no seu cultivo para a produção de palmito, aumentando com isso a procura por mudas. Com o objetivo de estudar a conservação das sementes de A. cunninghamii durante o armazenamento, as sementes foram acondicionadas em sacos de polietileno transparentes em câmara fria (temperatura de 10 °C e umidade relativa de 62 a 65%) durante 11 meses. O delineamento estatístico experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições de 25 diásporos. Para o teste de germinação, as sementes foram colocadas em caixas de plástico, contendo vermiculita média como substrato e mantidas em câmaras de germinação tipo B.O.D. sob a temperatura alternada de 25-35 °C e fotoperíodo de 16 h de luz. A contagem da germinação foi realizada diariamente, até sua estabilização, utilizando como critério o aparecimento do botão germinativo. O comportamento germinativo das sementes foi avaliado pela porcentagem e pelo índice de velocidade de germinação, e os dados foram submetidos a análise de regressão polinomial para essas características em função do tempo de armazenamento. Concluiu-se que o acondicionamento das sementes em embalagem de polietileno e armazenadas em câmara fria manteve o grau de umidade das sementes durante os 11 meses, sendo eficiente para a conservação de sua qualidade fisiológica e o tempo de armazenamento afetou a porcentagem e velocidade de germinação.Archontophoenix cunninghamii H.Wendl. & Drude, popularly known as Australian Royal Palm, is an exotic palm frequently used in landscaping. Recently it has great interest on palm heart producing, increasing seedlings demand. With the aim of evaluating the seeds viability of A. cunninghamii during the storage, they were packed in polyethylene transparent bags and placed in cold room (temperature of 10 °C and relative moisture between 62% to 65%) for 11 months. The statics design adopted was completely randomized with four repetitions of 25 diaspores. For germination test, seeds were packed into plastic boxes containing the substrate vermiculite and placed in BOD-type germination chambers at controlled and alternating temperature of 25-35 °C and photoperiod of 16 hours. The germination data was taken daily until the stabilization of the germination, using the appearance of the seed protrusion as criterion for the stabilization. The germination percentage and germination speed index were determined and the analysis of polynomial regression was performed. It was concluded that the storage, packed in polyethylene and cold kept the moisture content of seeds, and efficient for the preservation of its quality and storage time affected the germination percentage and speed
Efeito do armazenamento temporário na germinação de sementes de Ptychosperma macarthurii
Palm trees are plants in the Arecaceae family operated and grown for several purposes, including the ornamental. The spread of palm trees is done almost exclusively by seed, however, there is wide variation in the germination process, influenced by several factors, ambient temperature and time between harvesting and storage. The species Ptychosperma macarthurii popularly known as palm-of-macarthur, is a species of ornamental value and has been the subject of studies on the process of the propagation. Therefore, this work was to study the effect of temporary storage on the germination of seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized. For the study of storage were used 7 treatments (planting soon after collection, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks), with 4 replicates of 25 diaspores (seeds with endocarp attached). The seeds were placed in plastic box (type boxes) containing vermiculite that were in a germination chamber at 25 ° C, because the stored seeds remained in the laboratory. We calculated the germination percentage and index of germination speed performed the analysis of polynomial regression. It was concluded that the germination of freshly harvested seeds was similar to those stored, however, germination was faster each week of storage, and a decrease in the sixth week.As palmeiras são exploradas e cultivadas para os mais diversos fins, entre eles o ornamental. A propagação das palmeiras é feita, quase que exclusivamente, por sementes, porém, há grande variação no processo de germinação, influenciada por diversos fatores, temperatura do ambiente e período entre a colheita e o armazenamento. A espécie Ptychosperma macarthurii é uma espécie de valor ornamental e tem sido objeto de estudos sobre o processo de formação de mudas. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito do armazenamento temporário na germinação de sementes. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado. Para o estudo de armazenamento foram utilizados 7 tratamentos (semeadura logo após a colheita, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 semanas após); com 4 repetições de 25 diásporos. Os diásporos foram colocados em caixa de tipo gerbox, contendo vermiculita que ficaram em câmara de germinação a 25°C, já as sementes armazenadas, permaneceram em condições de laboratório. Foram calculados a porcentagem de germinação e o Índice de Velocidade de Germinação e realizada a análise de regressão polinomial. Concluiu-se que a porcentagem de germinação aumentou com o armazenamento atingindo seu maior ponto após 3 semanas de armazenamento, a velocidade de germinação aumentou durante o armazenamento até a quinta semana
X-RAY AND IMAGE ANALYSES OF SEEDS OF Passiflora cincinnata AND Passiflora morifolia
Wild species of passion fruit present characteristics such as resistance to diseases and pests, longevity, and adaptability to adverse climatic conditions. Morphological analyses of seeds of wild species are frequently performed to investigate reproductive aspects of plants used in genetic improvement programs. The present study evaluated the quality of seeds of Passiflora cincinnata and Passiflora morifolia at different stages of fruit development, through X-ray and GroundEye® software image analyses. Four repetitions of 50 seeds and four stages of fruit maturation were used. X-ray-exposed seeds were classified as "full" or "empty". The computerized image analysis evaluated 10 descriptors related to color dominance and 7 descriptors related to geometry. A germination test was subsequently performed. In X-rayed samples, a higher percentage of empty seeds was detected in the green phase of maturation (6% for P. cincinnata and 11% for P. morifolia). GroundEye software® findings indicated that differences in coloration may indicate differences in the physiological quality of seeds. The collective results indicate that fruits of P. cincinnata and P. morifolia can be collected at the "on time", mature, and senescent maturation stages without compromising the physiological quality
Plant spacing and phosphate fertilization on costus
The Cheilocostus speciosus is a species with ornamental potential, but the lack of scientific and technical information for fertilization and management of cut flowers production, turns essential to research in this area on floriculture. The aim of this work was to evaluate the production of C. speciosus fertilized with different levels of phosphate and plant spacing. Four treatments were used in a factorial scheme, with two plant spacing (1.20 x 0.80 m and 1.20 x 1.60 m) and two levels of phosphate fertilization (35 and 70 g per plant). The variables analyzed were number of vegetative stems, clump height, number of inflorescences, inflorescence diameter, inflorescence height and stem with inflorescence height. The interaction plant spacing and P doses for height of stem with inflorescence showed that the 1.20 x 0.8 m spacing presented the best results independently of the P dose applied and for clump height treatment the spacing 1.20 x 0.80 m and 35 g P showed the best results. Phosphorus fertilization had no effect on C. speciosus flower production for all other variables analyzed, and the spacing 1.2 x 0.8 m is recommended for C. speciosus flower production
O mercado de pimentas para fins ornamentais é um setor recém explorado, mas com grande potencial de crescimento no ramo de floricultura e paisagismo. As pimenteiras que possuem folhagem variegada, porte baixo, frutos com coloração variada em seus diferentes estádios de maturação, contrastando com as folhagens, já são utilizadas como plantas ornamentais, cultivadas e comercializadas em vasos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade genética visando o potencial ornamental de acessos de Capsicum spp. através de modelos biométricos. Foram utilizados 55 acessos de Capsicum spp, e a caracterização morfoagronômica dos acessos foi realizada avaliando diferentes partes da planta. O terceiro par de correlações canônicas, com correlação de 0,51, associa plantas com área do dossel compacto-densa, com menor comprimento e largura de dossel e de pequeno porte, associado com folhagens estreitas e de pecíolo grande. Esta associação é vantajosa para ornamentação. Ficou evidenciada a presença de variabilidade genética na população, o que é bastante favorável ao melhoramento na medida em que a heterogeneidade genética possibilita a obtenção de ganhos por meio de seleção.Palavras-chave: pimenta; modelos biométricos; correlações canônicas; análise de trilha. GENETIC VARIABILITY FOCUSED ON ORNAMENTAL POTENTIAL OF A Capsicum spp. ACCESSION ABSTRACT: Pepper market for ornamental purposes is recently exploited; however, it has a great growth potential in floriculture and landscaping. Pepper with variegated foliage, small size, and varied fruit coloration at different ripening stages contrasting with leaves have already been used as ornamental plants cultivated and purchased as potted plants. This study aimed to evaluate genetic variability of Capsicum spp. focusing on its ornamental potential by means of biometric templates. Fifty-five Capsicum spp. accessions were used and a morpho-agronomic characterization of the accessions were performed by evaluating different plant parts. The third canonical correlations are 0.51 and it associates compact-dense, small, shorter length and width canopy plants with narrow foliage and large petiole, which is advantageous for ornamentation. Genetic variation was evidenced in the population being very favorable for plant breeding programs once genetic heterogeneity enables obtaining gains through selections.Keywords: pepper; biometric templates; canonic correlations; trail analysis
Morfologia do diásporo e da plântula de Dypsis decaryi (Jum.) Beentje & J. Dransf. (Arecaceae)
A palmeira Dypis decaryi (Jum.) Beentje & J. Dransf., embora muito utilizada, no paisagismo brasileiro, ainda é pouco estudada. Na literatura são poucos os trabalhos sobre morfologia de sementes e plântulas de espécies da família Arecaceae. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a morfologia do diásporo (semente com o endocarpo aderido) e da plântula de D. decaryi. O embrião é central e relativamente indiferenciado, a germinação é criptocotiledonar hipógea, sendo que o desenvolvimento se na depressão micropilar, ha uma diferenciação dos primórdios caulinares e radiculares, sendo o primeiro envolto por uma bainha fechada. Concomitantemente, ocorre o desenvolvimento de raízes adventícias no eixo embrionário, o sistema radicular é fasciculado com poucos pelos absorventes. O primórdio caulinar é constituído por três bainhas que envolvem a primeira folha jovem, as quais se abrem, sucessivamente, permitindo a emergência da folha primária bífida, com nervuras paralelas típicas.Palavras-chave: Paisagismo. Produção de mudas. Desenvolvimento. Sementes.
Aspectos anatômicos de impedimentos ao enraizamento em estacas caulinares de mangabeira
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a influência da procedência, tipo de estaca e da concentração de ácido indol-3-butírico (AIB) no enraizamento de estacas de mangabeira. As procedências testadas foram: Cáceres e Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, das quais foram obtidas estacas herbáceas e lenhosas de árvores adultas. As estacas foram imersas em soluções de AIB nas concentrações de 0, 2.000, 4.000, 6.000, 8.000 e 10.000 mg.L-1 por 10 segundos e plantadas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido contendo areia lavada como substrato. O cultivo ocorreu em casa de vegetação por 60 dias. Análises anatômicas foram realizadas para investigação de possíveis impedimentos à iniciação radicial. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 6 x 2 (seis concentrações de AIB e duas procedências), com 4 repetições de 10 estacas por unidade experimental. Não houve enraizamento das estacas de mangabeira, sendo constatada mortalidade total das mesmas. A dificuldade enraizamento da espécie não pode ser justificada pela estrutura anatômica do caule, o qual não possui qualquer impedimento à emissão de raízes
Vase life of floral and vegetative stems of Costaceae
This study aimed to evaluate the vase life of floral and vegetative stems of Costaceae and describe their morphological characteristics. To evaluate the vase life of floral and vegetative stems, four and six species were used, respectively. Three cutting stages were established for floral stems. Stems were cut a few days before flower opening at stage 1, upon opening of the first flower(s) (anthesis) at stage 2, and when floral stems showed more than 15 opened flowers at stage 3. However, only two different stages were applied for each species. Floral stems were standardized with 50 cm in length, while vegetative stems were standardized with 70 cm in length. The morphological characteristics determined for floral stems included diameter of the floral stem, length of inflorescence, diameter of inflorescence and fresh mass of floral stem. For vegetative stems, we considered diameter and fresh mass. After the first evaluation, stems were maintained at 22 ºC and 53% of humidity. The total number of post-harvest days (global longevity) in which the quality of floral and vegetative stems was acceptable were evaluated. The highest vase life for floral stems at stage 1 was observed for Costus woodsoni, Costus arabicus x Costus spiralis (Costus Tropicales), and Costus scaber. Hellenia speciosa showed higher vase life at stage 3. H. speciosa showed the highest vase life and C. woodsonii the lowest values for morphological characteristics. The vase life of vegetative stems for the six species was satisfactory. Costus scaber (orange) showed the shortest longevity and Costus arabicus (yellow) longest longevity. Dimerocostus strobilaceus showed the highest values of morphological characteristics, and Costus arabicus (pink) showed lowest values. Based on the results, both floral and vegetative stems of Costaceae can be used for cutting
Mathematical models and X-ray image analysis in the drying of cumbaru seeds
The cumbaru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) is a native species of the Cerrado. The species is of great economicexpression for family farming. This study aimed to determine the drying curves and fit mathematical models tothe experimental data obtained in the drying of cumbaru seeds. Furthermore, it aimed to define the best-fittedmodel and correlate the damage caused by the drying process through X-ray images. The Dipteryx alata Vog.seeds were obtained from fruits collected from 20 matrices in the municipality of Cáceres, in the state of MatoGrosso (MT), approximately 255 days after anthesis. The seeds were extracted and stored for 15 days until theyreached hygroscopic equilibrium and a 14.5% water content. Drying was conducted in a continuous airflowdryer with an approximate temperature of 40° and a constant airflow velocity of 2.5 m/s. The experimental datawere fitted to twelve mathematical models. The values of the coefficients of determination (R2), the relativemean error (P), and the estimated mean error (SE) were used to check the models’ fit degree. After drying,40 seeds from each treatment were subjected to X-ray testing using the Faxitron MX-20 DC 12 equipment. TheMidilli mathematical model was the best fit for the experimental data. The X-ray images showed no cracks orany other damage caused by the drying process.The cumbaru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) is a native species of the Cerrado. The species is of great economic expression for family farming. This study aimed to determine the drying curves and fit mathematical models to the experimental data obtained in the drying of cumbaru seeds. Furthermore, it aimed to define the best-fitted model and correlate the damage caused by the drying process through X-ray images. The Dipteryx alata Vog. seeds were obtained from fruits collected from 20 matrices in the municipality of Cáceres, in the state of Mato Grosso (MT), approximately 255 days after anthesis. The seeds were extracted and stored for 15 days until they reached hygroscopic equilibrium and a 14.5% water content. Drying was conducted in a continuous airflow dryer with an approximate temperature of 40° and a constant airflow velocity of 2.5 m/s. The experimental data were fitted to twelve mathematical models. The values of the coefficients of determination (R2), the relative mean error (P), and the estimated mean error (SE) were used to check the models’ fit degree. After drying, 40 seeds from each treatment were subjected to X-ray testing using the Faxitron MX-20 DC 12 equipment. The Midilli mathematical model was the best fit for the experimental data. The X-ray images showed no cracks or any other damage caused by the drying process
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