55 research outputs found

    Results of investigations on a 0.010-scale model of the configuration 3 space shuttle orbiter and external tank in the NASA/Ames Research Center 3.5-foot hypersonic wind tunnel (IA15)

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    Experimental aerodynamic investigations were conducted in a 3.5-foot hypersonic wind tunnel. The model used for this test was a 0.010-scale of the Configuration 2 Space Shuttle Orbiter and the External Tank. Six-component aerodynamic force and moment data were recorded over an angle of attack range from -8 deg to +30 deg at 0 deg and 5 deg angles of sideslip. Data was also recorded during beta sweeps of -8 deg to +10 deg at angles of attack of -10 deg, 0 deg, and 30 deg. All testing was done at Mach 7.3. Various elevon, rudder and orbiter to external tank attaching structures and fairings were tested to determine longitudinal and lateral-directional stability characteristics. Non-metric exhaust plumes were installed during a portion of the testing to determine the effects of the main propulsion system rocket plumes

    Results of investigations of an 0.010-scale 140A/B configuration (model 72-OTS) of the Rockwell International space shuttle orbiter in the NASA/Langley Research Center unitary plan wind tunnel

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    Experimental aerodynamic investigations were conducted in the NASA/Langley unitary plan wind tunnel on a sting mounted 0.010-scale outer mold line model of the 140A/B configuration of the Rockwell International Space Shuttle Vehicle. The primary test objectives were to obtain: (1) six component force and moment data for the mated vehicle at subsonic and transonic conditions, (2) effects of configuration build-up, (3) effects of protuberances, ET/orbiter fairings and attach structures, and (4) elevon deflection effects on wing bending moment. Six component aerodynamic force and moment data and base and balance cavity pressures were recorded over Mach numbers of 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 2.86, 3.9, and 4.63 at a nominal Reynolds number of 20 to the 6th power per foot. Selected configurations were tested at angles of attack and sideslip from -10 deg to +10 deg. For all configurations involving the orbiter, wing bending, and torsion coefficients were measured on the right wing

    Results of transonic wind tunnel tests on an 0.010-scale space shuttle mated vehicle model 72-OTS in the LaRC 8-foot TPT (IA43)

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    Experimental aerodynamic investigations were conducted in NASA/Langley 8-Foot transonic pressure tunnel on a sting mounted 0.010-scale outer mold line model of 104A/B configuration of the Rockwell International space shuttle vehicle. Component aerodynamic force and moment data and base and balance cavity pressures were recorded over an angle of attack range of -10 deg to +10 deg at Mach numbers of 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 0.98, 1.13, and 1.2. Selected configurations were tested at sideslip angles from -10 deg to +10 deg. For all configurations involving the orbit, wing bending and torsion were measured on the right wing. Inboard elevon setting of 0 deg, +4 deg and +8 deg and outboard settings of 0 deg, +4 deg and +8 deg were tested

    Results of investigations on a 0.015-scale model (49-0) of the space shuttle orbiter in the NASA/Ames 3.5-foot hypersonic wind tunnel (OA87)

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    Experimental aerodynamic investigations were conducted on a scale model of the space shuttle orbiter, Configuration 140A/B. The objectives of this test were to: 1) verify supersonic stability and control characteristics, 2) analyze aerodynamic problem areas, 3) verify control surface effectiveness, and 4) investigate Reynolds number effects. Six-component aerodynamic force and moment data were recorded over an angle of attack range from 22 deg to 46 deg at a constant sideslip angle of 0 deg. The test Mach number was varied from 5.3 to 7.3 to 10.3. The Reynolds number per unit length was varied from 805,000 to 10 million per foot

    Results of the 0.015 scale space shuttle vehicle orbiter test (OA17) in the NASA low turbulence pressure tunnel

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    Experimental aerodynamic investigations were conducted on a 0.015 scale model of the Space Shuttle Orbiter in a low turbulence pressure tunnel. Six component static aerodynamic force and moment data were recorded while the model was pitched from -2 deg to +26 deg angle of attack. The yaw angles during these pitch sweeps were 0 deg, -5 deg, and 7 1/2 deg. Base, sting cavity, vertical tail, wing trailing edge, and elevon pressures, as well as elevon and rudder hinge moment data were also obtained. The tests were conducted at a nominal Mach number of 0.25. The Reynolds number was varied throughout the test program from 2.5 million to 4.7 million to 10.0 million to 12.5 million

    Wind tunnel test of the 0.010-scale space shuttle integrated vehicle in the NASA-Ames 3.5 foot hypersonic wind tunnel (IA10)

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    Experimental aerodynamic investigations were conducted in the NASA Ames Research Center 3.5-Foot Hypersonic Wind Tunnel on a 0.010-scale model of the space shuttle vehicle orbiter and external tank (model no. 32 0T). The purpose of the test was to evaluate the basic hypersonic stability characteristics of the external tank and orbiter and to define orbiter plume effects on aero characteristics using solid plumes. The test was conducted at angles of attack from minus 10 deg to 30 deg and angles of sideslip of minus 10 deg thru 10 deg. Six component force data and static base pressures were recorded during the test

    Age-stratified interview campaigns suggest ongoing decline of a threatened tortoise species in the West African Sahel

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    Face-to-face interviews with local populations are often used to determine the distribution and population trends of elusive threatened species. Although interviewee responses may suffer from some bias, historical trends in the status of a species can be investigated from age-structured questionnaires. In this paper, we tested this idea by analysing separately answers given by older (> 60 years age) and younger respondents (25-44 years old) on the status of the African spurred tortoise, (Centrochelys sulcata), a charismatic large reptile listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List. We interviewed 619 persons (hunters/farmers/cattle farmers) of different ages in three of the species’ habitat countries (Burkina Faso, Niger and Nigeria). Interviewees were asked whether in their experience the tortoise was common, rare or absent. By using Generalized Linear Models we showed that the probability to answer “common” increased with age in Nigeria and Burkina Faso, whereas the probability of responding “absent” declined with age in Nigeria and Niger. There were no significant effects of age for the answer 'rare' in any country and no differences were found between villages in any of the studied countries. From our data we conclude that spurred tortoises have been extirpated in 16.7% of study sites. We argue that if statistical differences emerge between answers given by respondents of various age classes on the population status of a target species, it is possible to conclude that the species’ situation may have significantly changed during the last 30-40 years

    German evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of Psoriasis vulgaris (short version)

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    Psoriasis vulgaris is a common and chronic inflammatory skin disease which has the potential to significantly reduce the quality of life in severely affected patients. The incidence of psoriasis in Western industrialized countries ranges from 1.5 to 2%. Despite the large variety of treatment options available, patient surveys have revealed insufficient satisfaction with the efficacy of available treatments and a high rate of medication non-compliance. To optimize the treatment of psoriasis in Germany, the Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft and the Berufsverband Deutscher Dermatologen (BVDD) have initiated a project to develop evidence-based guidelines for the management of psoriasis. The guidelines focus on induction therapy in cases of mild, moderate, and severe plaque-type psoriasis in adults. The short version of the guidelines reported here consist of a series of therapeutic recommendations that are based on a systematic literature search and subsequent discussion with experts in the field; they have been approved by a team of dermatology experts. In addition to the therapeutic recommendations provided in this short version, the full version of the guidelines includes information on contraindications, adverse events, drug interactions, practicality, and costs as well as detailed information on how best to apply the treatments described (for full version, please see Nast et al., JDDG, Suppl 2:S1–S126, 2006; or http://www.psoriasis-leitlinie.de)

    Evidence for Sub-Haplogroup H5 of Mitochondrial DNA as a Risk Factor for Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease and the leading cause of dementia among senile subjects. It has been proposed that AD can be caused by defects in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Given the fundamental contribution of the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) for the respiratory chain, there have been a number of studies investigating the association between mtDNA inherited variants and multifactorial diseases, however no general consensus has been reached yet on the correlation between mtDNA haplogroups and AD. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We applied for the first time a high resolution analysis (sequencing of displacement loop and restriction analysis of specific markers in the coding region of mtDNA) to investigate the possible association between mtDNA-inherited sequence variation and AD in 936 AD patients and 776 cognitively assessed normal controls from central and northern Italy. Among over 40 mtDNA sub-haplogroups analysed, we found that sub-haplogroup H5 is a risk factor for AD (OR=1.85, 95% CI:1.04-3.23) in particular for females (OR=2.19, 95% CI:1.06-4.51) and independently from the APOE genotype. Multivariate logistic regression revealed an interaction between H5 and age. When the whole sample is considered, the H5a subgroup of molecules, harboring the 4336 transition in the tRNAGln gene, already associated to AD in early studies, was about threefold more represented in AD patients than in controls (2.0% vs 0.8%; p=0.031), and it might account for the increased frequency of H5 in AD patients (4.2% vs 2.3%). The complete re-sequencing of the 56 mtDNAs belonging to H5 revealed that AD patients showed a trend towards a higher number (p=0.052) of sporadic mutations in tRNA and rRNA genes when compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that high resolution analysis of inherited mtDNA sequence variation can help in identifying both ancient polymorphisms defining sub-haplogroups and the accumulation of sporadic mutations associated with complex traits such as AD

    Monitoring the quality of laboraties and the prevalence of resistance to antituberculosis drugs: Italy, 1998-2000

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    In 1998 a network of 20 regional tuberculosis (TB) laboratories (the Italian Multicentre Study on Resistance to Antituberculosis drugs (SMIRA) network) was established in Italy to implement proficiency testing and to monitor the prevalence of drug resistance nationwide. The network managed 30% of all TB cases reported in Italy each year. The aim of the present report is to describe: 1) the accuracy of drug-susceptibility testing in the network; 2) the prevalence of drug resistance for the period 1998-2000. Data were collected from the network laboratories. Sensitivity to streptomycin and ethambutol increased from the first survey (1998-1999) to the second survey (2000) from 87.7 to 91.9%. Specificity, predictive values for resistance and susceptibility, efficiency and reproducibility were consistent in both surveys. In previously untreated cases, the prevalence of multidrug-resistance was the same in both surveys (1.2%), while a slight decrease from the first to the second survey was observed for monoresistance to rifampicin (from 0.8 to 0.4%) and isoniazid (from 2.9 to 2%,). The significant association found between isoniazid resistance and immigration is a useful indicator for both clinicians managing individual tuberculosis cases and public health services planning control strategies